Activated Charcoal
This horse's wound displayed all signs of having been due to the BITE of a BROWN RECLUSE SPIDER:
This horse was HIT by a TRUCK, & the local vet refused to come for an animal that they assumed would die anyway ... but ... with long-term treatment with A.C. poultices, he healed up without stitches & went back to carrying children in the orphanage where they live:
Both horses required many A.C. poultice applications over a period of time ... and, both healed fine!
Activated Charcoal
My horse hurt himself on his coronet, i.e the portion between his hoof and leg. After the usual applications of betedine etc., we applied powdered charcoal and his lameness disappeared within hours. I read this in John Dinsley's book, which I recommend to everyone as it contains a wealth of info on the various remedies of charcoal.
Castor Oil
What if the horse tried to lick the wound with Castor Oil? Would it harm the horse?
Heal Horse Wounds
(Okeechobee, Fl)
Jennifer from Springtown, TX might want to try honey on the horses open wound. Helps keep infections at bay.
Jennifer: Try some aspirin to dissolve scar tissue. Some comfrey to help the last small healing. If infection, just use Apple Cider vinegar to kill it off.
Leg Wound on Horse Remedies
My major issue is she won't allow anyone near the leg let alone trying to hose it, My friend helped me in getting at least would spray on it, I am getting mixed messages, 1 is telling me to have her PTS we did try and strap it with what we had but it came down, she is lame, another person is telling me to keep with yellow lotion, I just found betadine then another 1 is telling me to use manuka honey, Then I read about castor oil for open wounds. Please no negative comments. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
kokomo 44,
Colloidal silver will speed the healing process while keeping the wound disinfected. The dressing needs to stay wet for the best and fastest results. If it was my horse, I would take a wad of gauze large enough to cover the wound and soak it with colloidal silver, then I would wrap it with one of those beige elastic wraps that are used to wrap wrists ankles or joints that has velcro at the end to fasten it. I would change the dressing once or twice a day depending on how it holds up. It is important for the gauze to remain wet with CS as it is most effective that way.
Art, where can I buy the colloidal silver from. Do saddlerys stock or vet, or do I have to buy it online?
Yes, it will have to be online. Here is a concentrated colloidal silver product that you will have to dilute with distilled water as it is 1,000 parts per million.
Mineral Oil, Kerosene
A mixture of mineral oil and kerosene aids in the healing on virtually any wound on a horse. Just mix 50% mineral oil and 50% kerosene (you can buy it in the paint department at a hardware store). You spray it generously on the wound 2 times per day until the skin closes and heals. It's CHEAP and it kills infection and bacteria.
We had a mare who was caught in the barbed wire and ripped her entire chest open so far it was hanging to her knees. The vet stitched it up and said there will be a huge scar. All we did to take care of it was spray kerosene/mineral oil on it and to this day...3 years later...there is no scar. You wouldn't believe that it had ever happend to her.
This spring, her foal got in the barbed wire (talk about bad luck) and sliced up the side of her neck very deep. The only thing we did was spray it twice per day and it healed up perfectly.
We also just bought a mare that had a hard growth on her back leg from a barbed wire accident from years ago (it looks kind of like a branch growing out of her leg). The previous owner clips it off with the nippers and it just grows back. The vet didn't know what else to do to get rid of it. When we got her, we nipped it off and then sprayed the mixture on it and it hasn't grown back since.
This stuff is AWESOME.
My husband's family has been using this mixture for generations, and this is ALL we use for anything that happens to the horses. The kerosene kills bacteria and prevents proud flesh, while the mineral oil keeps the skin soft and supple to avoid cracking and drying. The kerosene keeps the flies off of the wound. The only drawback to this mixture is that wherever the spray hits, it kills the hair along with the bacteria. The hair will grow back just fine, but until it's healed up, the hair will be gone. This actually helps by keeping the hair off of the wound for easy inspection and keeps the hair from matting to the wound.
We just pour the mixture in a spray bottle and keep it on hand so it's always ready to go.
(Rifle, Co)
When using it on proud flesh, should I keep it covered or just spray it twice a day and leave it uncovered? Thanks.
(Sydney Australia)
I don't know about the kerosene, but on my horses I would keep it covered but change it every day. That way you are keeping an eye on things.
NuStock Ointment
Preparation H
I had a pony that got caught in high tensile fence and ended up taking almost all the hide off 3 legs from the knee down. One leg was all the way down to the bone. There was nothing for the vet to suture, so I was left with just keeping them clean and wrapped. I washed his legs every day with an antimicrobial scrub and packed them with furozone & rewrapped until there was tissue covering the bone again. Proud flesh started to grow and I had the vet out to have it debrided. After that, I switched to packing with Prep H. The people at Walmart must have thought I had a real problem because I would go in and buy 3 or 4 GIANT tubes at a time! (I used the store brand) I used it just as you would use any salve, but kept a close eye on it for infection. It never got infected and as it healed I eventually washed it and changed the dressing every 2 days, then every 3. When it was all said and done, there was no proud flesh what-so-ever, and all the hair came back in a normal color. There was just one small scar on his fetlock that never regrew the hair, but it was so small it was hardly noticeable. This remedy was a Godsend, and saved me hundred if not thousands in vet bills since I didn't have to have it debrided every week or so. It also left the pony almost completely scar free, which was the best part!
Needless to say, I no longer have high tensile fence! But there is definetly a tube of Preparation H in my horse first aid kit!
Yellow Paste
EC: This sounds like a paste made of flowers of sulphur... or simply sulphur. you can find products on Amazon like this.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Colette, Off the top of my head, you might be talking about Fura-Zone [ Nitrofurazone] which is yellow in color and treats many things including infections like rain rot. It is commonly available at most farm and fleet type stores.