Please note the following : The FDA have again updated the warnings on this class of so called ' antibiotic'. because of our advocacy, this time confirming that are indeed associated with disabling & potentially permanent side effects of the tendons, muscles, joints, nerves, & CNS all which can occur together in the same patient, I know so, I exist in this horrific world every day along with many others. The FQs should only ever be used as a last resort drug, when all other suitable antibiotic options have been tried & all have failed due to the serious risks they pose.
Again, & I cannot stress this strongly enough, Please, do NOT take this so called ' antibiotic' unless you will die without it. Please google fluoroquinolone toxicity / FQAD ( fluoroquinolone associated disability ) for more information on this worldwide atrocity. You can find stories of pets who have suffered injuries from these so called antibiotics here. Http://www.floxiepets.com Https://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DrugSafety/ucm500143.htm
So I gave it to him and within the first 2 days, he started vomiting up this white bubbly phlegm all the time and had diarhrea very bad. I had called the vet, and they said it was "normal" and to not worry about it and it would go away within a few days.
The next few days were spent with him hiding constantly (which he only does when he's hurt or sick - which is very rare) and his appetite went way down and he stopped going to the bathroom all together.
Within the end of that week of him being on it, he had a stroke when I was in the middle of brushing his hair. I immediately stopped giving him the antibiotics and hoped he would recover from having the stroke because by the next day he was walking around and eating again.
But he hasn't. He's gotten worse and he's still vomiting up that white stuff. And now he refuses to eat, drink and still hasn't gone to the bathroom. And to make matters worse, I've called every vet in the city and no one takes payment plans so I can't even treat him. All they keep telling me is that he'll need a whole bunch of tests and that it's going to cost a lot of money which is due at the end of the visit, and they won't even see him unless I can pay the entire bill. Talk about being in it for the animals!
He was fine before he got put on this stuff, and now I have to watch him slowly die because of it. He was the most loveable cat and would cuddle, bring me socks, play and chase our other 2 cats around the house. Now all he does is sit in the tub or hide under the bed and we've been forced to feed him using a syringe. He was the best cat ever with the most unique personality and now I'm forced with the decision to euthenize him or not, which is the hardest decision I've ever had to make. He was my little boy and I love him to death and it's their fault that this is happening to him!