Pet Medication Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Pet Medication Side Effects & Drug Detox

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


2 User Reviews

Posted by Sharon (Phx.,az) on 04/20/2014

All these horrific reports about medication side effects have me really spooked. My Heinz 57/GSD/staffordshire terrior female dog had to go on a two-week course of Mitronidozole for a bad gastritis attack. Before that, she was in great health, the original happy, lovable 'chow-hound' who could eat anything (even the neighbor's damn cat's poop because said neighbor will not keep it inside) Anyways, I digress....

So the Metronidozole cured the gastritis - and it it also cleared up some ghastly Dog Breath- Unfortunately, now my poor dog is itching and scratching herself to pieces. She is so miserable....We immediately put her on a homemade diet of: Ground turkey, rice, green beans & pumpkin. She's been two weeks on that. No change. We've done the Oatmeal shampoo bath; that helped about 24 hours. I tried a half of 50mg. generic Benedryl tablet; didn't make a dent in the itching.....

I really don't want to take her to the $$ Vet $$ for more $$ medication$ $$ with more side effects, but I am at my wits end. When you all send in your stories, please be sure and add any treatment that may have helped too or if anyone has dealt with itching after Metronidozole (flagyl) treatment please write in.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Sharon!

It would appear the 2 week regimen of metronidazole knocked out all the good bacteria in your dog's GI tract. If this were my dog I would do three things:

1 - keep up the daily oatmeal baths

2 - Alkalize the water first by offering 1 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 liter of water for 5-7 days [this is a crisis dose], and then after this time frame reduce to one half teaspoon per one liter of water as a maintenance dose.

3 - repopulate the good bacteria in the GI tract by offering probiotics. You can buy human brands of acidophilus such as DDS w/ FOS, or PB8 or Shiff's Digestive Advantage; you can also buy special doggy 'Forti Flora' - however I recommend getting 1 bottle/brand and then feeding it until gone and then switching to something completely different so many, many strains of bacteria are reintroduced to your pet's system.


2 User Reviews

Posted by Teresa (Hertford, North Carolina) on 05/07/2017

I gave my dog NexGard 3 days ago and today he can barely walk he's shaking and qquit twitching. Is there a homemade remedy for me to detox him?

Replied by Marie


Sorry you are going through this. I can only offer this; if it is an oral systemic, daily activated charcoal for the duration of the effectiveness of the medicine may help bind it out of the system; neutralize some of the toxic effects. I would also fill out an adverse event FDA medication form and file it. I do know that homeopathic Thuya 30c is given to help reverse adverse effects of vaccinations. A call to a naturpathic vet could also be good.

Posted by Tony (Redford, Mi) on 03/19/2017

I gave my 8 year dachshund a nexgard 1/2 pill, now shaking and scratching, please help. How do I detox the Nexgard side effects?

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Toni,

If this were my dog I would give activated charcoal - found in tablet form at the drugstore or health food store, with each meal and perhaps a couple of extra times a day in a treat. You might also consider a homeopathic remedy for poisoning - please google and read what may apply to your situation.


1 User Review

Posted by Dottie (Harrisburg, PA) on 08/21/2008

NSAID [non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs] for dogs: These are VERY dangerous drugs. Many dogs have died from just one dose. I had 3 dogs that I gave 1 Deramaxx pill many them sick & lethargic I stopped them immediately. Will not give any of these meds to my dogs ever again.


1 User Review

Posted by Debbiehd (Dayton, Ohio) on 07/06/2014

I applied PetArmor to my Lab about a week ago. He started scratching violently and I thought it would wear off. He did not even have any fleas--I was using this as a preventative. What should I give him? He is miserable and also has developed a lump under his leg, one of the places he is itching severely. I just started researching PetArmor and there are some lawsuits because their pets died. What can I do to help him? This is such stupidity that you can't even trust what you buy at the store for $40 or $50 dollars. Can anyone help me with this? Should I give him Benadryl? How much? He weighs 115 lb. Thank you.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Debbiehd!

Sorry to hear about the side effects your lab is experiencing.

If this were my dog I would bathe him immediately to remove as much of the substances as possible from his skin and coat. Use cheap human shampoo and follow it up with an apple cider vinegar rinse to neutralize any soap residue.

Next, I would have him ingest an internal cleanser such as bentonite clay or activated charcoal; these should be available at your local health food store or whole foods co-op. Mix a teaspoon or so into canned wet food and do this am and pm for 3 days.

Benadryl would not hurt, I would go for it were it my dog, and also I would consider using OTC anti-itch creams with cortisone. This is not for long term use, but just to nip the reaction he is having in the bud.

It wasn't clear if you used the regular Pet Armor or the Plus - the plus has fipronil and S-methoprene. The S-methoprene leaves the body in about 5 days, while the fipronil stays longer. Support your boy by making sure he is taking in plenty of liquids - this may mean giving him wet food for the next week or so to ensure he is taking additional liquid in besides water.


Posted by Jazz (London) on 10/28/2022

Can I give my dog apple cider vinegar when she is taking 10mg of Prednidale per day, please?

Prescription Eye Drops

1 User Review

Posted by Ricky (Hammond, La) on 03/23/2012

My 5 year old Pekingese developed corneal ulcers on each of his eyes due to early drying of his tear ducts, I brought him in to be seen. He was prescribed an antibiotic eyedrop and a pain relieving eyedrop. I administered his medication as instructed by the veterinarian. He then became lethargic and refused to eat or drink anything, he began vomiting clear liquid which resembles saliva and had diarrhea which looked like brown vomit. Jasper passed away 2 days after beginning the medication he was prescribed, this may be coincidental but I would like to know for certain.

Pain relieving eye drops: Flurbiprofen Sodium Opthalmic Solution USP 0.03%

1 drop in each eye once a day

Antibiotic eyedrops: AK-TOB Tobramycin Opthalmic Solution USP0.3%

1 Drop in each eye 3 times per day


4 User Reviews

Posted by Beth (St. Louis, Mo) on 11/15/2009

Alternative for Rimadyl Needed

My two dogs got into a fight today and one ended up with stitches. He just got home a while ago and is doing okay. They gave me Rimadyl for pain- but considering the chance of horrible side-effects- I'd like to opt for a more natural remedy. I don't want him to be in pain though either- does anyone know anything I can give him for the pain? He's a Border Collie-mix, right around 50 lbs. Thanks for your help!

Replied by Donna
(Las Vegas, Nv)

Am answering this cause my dog is almost lame in one hip from displaysia, and wew have him on Tramadol. I gave our other Dog the prednizone and rimadyl and she died from her injuries, but was so uncomfortable until she did. The dog, is much better, and there's not the side effects with the Tramodal as with the other nsaid and such. It's worth a try. I found out recently my sister had her collie on tramodal for three years before she died, and she did great. It worth the try anyway, if your having trouble with the other.

Posted by Joanne (Skowhegan, ME/USA) on 04/21/2009

My Pit-Plothound is now 10.5 yrs old. He has arthritis in his neck and front leg. He hollers sometimes when just standing still. I have been giving him 1 Rimadyl (weight 55-100 lbs) for the past 3 yrs only when he is limping or he hollers. He has had no adverse reactions. Because it works for him, he takes it without coercing. Ya! He lets me know (believe it or not). His energy level is good because he reminds me when it is time for our walk. It could be others have issues because of the food they feed their babies. I make mine home-made turkey stew with vegies. I read the labels on the bags and cans and don't purchase dyes, by-products, etc. You can blame a lot of things on the easiest you can get away with, but if you do not care enough to read labels, like you are particular about your own food, their will be consequences that are not good.

Replied by Jodi
(Las Vegas, Nevada)

Rimadyl is deadly! Please take you pet off this drug immedietly! Please do not allow you Vet to prescribe this to dog almost died because of it. I took him off and he is almost back to his old self. Incredible that there is So much info about this yet you people do not get it.

Posted by Niena (Traverse City, Michigan) on 02/10/2009

My dog got injured and Rimadyl was prescribed. But by day three of Rimadyl, I was mortified and stopped giving it to him. By day two he had the worst case of the runs so malodorous, so black & sickly smelling - unlike anything I've smelled as a parent, as a hospice worker and after 5 years working in waste treatment plants. He was weak, despondent, confused, constantly thirsty and unwilling to eat anything. By day three I was convinced.

Two days of no Rimadyl and his stool is firming up a bit. He's still thirsty but alert and hobbling around, shaking his tail - and happily eating again.

For inflammation he's munching on fish oil capsules and loving yogurt w/spirulina & ACV. We're recovering. No pet-loving Vet should prescribe Rimadyl - not Ever!

Replied by K

Our dog also was having problems when walking. Vet prescribed rimadyl...worst thing ever! He had diarrhea for the next few days. It was uncontrollable. Felt so bad for the dog. We stopped it because he was suffering too much. He was back to normal after stopping it.

Posted by Joe (Mentor, Ohio) on 12/30/2008

I strongly suggest to anyone with a senior pooch to refrain from the use of this drug in any dose, for any arthritis. I gave it to a senior female cocker spaniel and she developed severe heart trouble which led to her demise.

Also, I agree on the rabies yearly vaccinations being unneccessary. I have never had a problem knock on wood, however, I am in doubt as to the need yearly.

Replied by Rebecca
(Jacksonville Beack, Fl)

I am so against all these poisons for our animals. My Golden/Shepherd mix is almost 12 years... And took her off Demerax (?) and Rimadyl, ... And just give her plain aspirin. She has had only two Rabies shots in her lifetime... I refuse to keep going back.

We had an American PitBull... Beautiful healthy dog until a friend of ours who worked at a Vet's office administered "Advantage Multi" on his back for flea, tick, and worms?? Multi POISONS at one time!! I was against it.... Three hours later he had four grand mall seizures for the first time in his five years... He went right down after that for the next six months, one seizure after another.... This POISON had compromised his nervous system AND his respiratory system!! He got so bad my son had to put him down.... His quality of life was horrible! Well, I wrote the Advantage company and highly complained and accused them of killing our dog and I told everyone I saw, all the Vets around here... And it wasn't long after that.... It was in the news that cats and dogs were dying from this product, and it was taken off the market! I can't find it anywhere. Too many poisons to our children and animals are being given to US... And all at once! I gave some flea medicine back to a Vet when it caused my dog to throw up his entire dinner an hour later. The Vet got perturbed with me because I would not give it to my dog.... I told him IT is POISON to my DOG.... You are killing my dog trying to kill the fleas!! It wasn't Heartguard.... It was a new poison that has to be given with food. So I have had enough... And only give Aspirin, and spray them with alcohol.... They don't have fleas anyway!

Posted by Jean (Johns Island, SC) on 11/16/2008

My chocolate lab, George - a rescue - was prescribed Rimadyl for early signs of arthritis. No information was given me about adverse side effects, and this was in 1997, several years before the "Client Information Sheet" became available by Pfizer, was given to the vets, who in turn are supposed to give the CIS to their clients. Since this is not mandatory, most vets don't take the time to distribute the CIS.

My George's story may be seen at:

To read about the Class Action Lawsuit against Pfizer - see:

Replied by Kristine
(Bayville, Nj)

Hello. I do not want to sway anyone, but I wanted to share my experience. I have 2 long haired Chihuahua's who are going to be 17 next month. The one had arthritis so bad at age 8, I thought he was dying. He could barely get up without help. He has been on rimadyl for 9 years now. He takes a 1/4 of a 25 mg tablet per day. He now runs around like a puppy! He is in better shape at almost 17 then at 8. My other chihuahua has been taking it for the past few years, the same dosage. I don't know if it is because my dosage is low (5 pound dogs) but I think the medicine has given my dog a great quality of life. I think you have to research & do what you think is best, but some of the comments like reputable vets would never prescribe are uncalled for. For me, it saved my dogs quality of life & I don't think he would still be alive without it. Like I said, I don't want to sway anyone, but I think you need to research & make your own decisions. Good Luck to you all.

Replied by Susan
(Brockway, Pa Usa)

I am very cautious to what I give my 13 year old terrier mix. He was in such bad shape, as a 8 month old orphan when he showed up on our doorstep. He needed surgery on his leg and I thought I one point we were going to have to put him down. The vet started him out on 75 mg of rimadyl. I read how it can cause liver damage, so I cut him down to 1/2 tablet and observed him over a period of time. He did fine. So I cut him down to 1/4 tablet with 1/2 tablet Glucosamine Chondroitin. He has flourished and has done really well. I don't understand why vets don't start out an animal on the lowest dose, and move up to higher doses as needed. Especially when it can cause liver or renal damage.


6 User Reviews

Posted by Gerrie (Plymouth Ma) on 08/02/2016

On two separate occasions we had depro med shot for our cat and both times she peed excessively while sleeping!! Although this is a miracle drug for allergies we now use steroid pills in low dose.

Posted by Cathy (Ortonville, Michigan) on 02/08/2015


I saw your site while I was doing research on diabetes in animals. If possible I would like to get more information from you. This is why.

I have a 10 year old Huskidoodle, he has always been super healthy. He got an ear infection that was annoying him and home remedies were not working so I decided to bring him to the vet. Besides this ear infection he has not had any other health issues whatsoever and I have had him since he was a puppy, so I brought him to the vet and the recommendation of treatment for his ear infection was an ear cream and a steroid shot. I allowed them to give him the shot and I applied the cream for a week and his ear cleared up and he was back to normal for about a month. Then he started drinking a lot, became extremely tired, not eating like normal and lost 4 pounds and also started having accidents in the house. Which he never has before except in his first 2 weeks of being potty trained. I did not bring him to vet until the second week of this because now I was scared and it was not getting better.

We went to the same vet and he had a urine test and full blood work done. I was told it is diabetes and he was put on insulin 2 times a day. The insulin is Novolin N and for now it is 20 ml twice a day and in 10 days he goes in for a check-up to see if his dosage needs to be adjusted.

I need other peoples opinions about all of this, he was so healthy and happy and active and now he is sick and miserable. Was it or could it have been the steroids shot? It was so quick, from healthy to I thought I was gonna lose my poor boy. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Sincerly, Cathy

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Cathy!

I am sorry to hear about the complications your huskydoodle has experienced.

There is such a thing as steroid/prednisone induced diabetes in dogs; this normally resolves when the steroid wears off [give or take 6 weeks].

However in some dogs that are pre-diabetic, the steroid shot will make the hidden condition obvious; since poodles are a breed that have a predisposed risk of this genetic condition, it makes it that much harder to really know if the shot is to blame, or if this is simply your senior dog's genetic history coming to the surface.

I think the follow up appointment to check the med dosage is a good idea, and I would certainly ask your vet if this might be reversible when the shot is fully worn off. It would also be a good idea to review diet to that if your dog's diabetes cannot be reversed that you do not add to complications by feeding the wrong diet or treats.

I know folks who have had diabetes appear in their 10 or 11 year old seniors in many breeds, and the biggest hurdle was finding the correct insulin dosage; once that was worked out their dogs health and happiness was restored and they lived with great quality of life for many years.

Good luck and please keep us posted!

Replied by Om
(Hope, Bc, Canada)

This is not the first time I hear this. I have diabetes myself and after doing research dumped insulin and am well just by watching the diet. You can find out by visiting GreenMedInfo online about diabetes medicines.

See also online about Transferfactor . It has quite a reputation for healing pets and people I believe.

Vet dog diets sold in the clinics is the worst. For diabetes they sell wood dust. I saw that and was taken aback. But I have never considered that specific diet as anything but profiteering at the cost of an innocent animal that can't talk back. A well thought out diet as well as your pet can thrive on it . Exercise is vital and keeps the blood sugar down. In my case, I would have a word with the vet, I can tell you. All the best.

Namaste, Om

Posted by Shea (Cloverdale, Ca, Usa) on 05/16/2012

I took my 12 year old toy poodle and 1 year old cat into the vet yesterday, for what I thought was mange. Turned out to be a really bad skin infection for my poodle and flea allergies for my cat. I made the gut wrenching decision to put my poodle down as his quality of life was so poor. :( They offered to give my cat a steroid shot to help with him scratching and biting. By the time we got him home, his back legs were paralyzed and all he could do was flip and roll around. He looked as though he was having a seizure. I immediately took him back to the vet. When he got there his temp was 106, heart rate close to 350, was blind and still had no use of his back legs. Here I just put down my beloved poodle a hour ago and now I may lose my cat!?

They pumped him with liquids to try and dilute the steroid shot and gave him a sedative to help him relax. It's been almost 24 hours and although he is feeling a little better (is walking and we think has his vision back! ) I WILL NEVER GIVE ANY OF MY ANIMALS A STEROID SHOT! Anybody else ever seen this? My vet said he has given over 500 of these shots in 30 years and had NEVER seen a reaction like this.

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