Nose Issues
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Nose Issues

| Modified on Dec 24, 2015
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Dogs and cats can sometimes have nose or nasal cavity issues, including cold-like symptoms and bloody noses. Tougher yet, your pet's nose is sensitive, so it can be a challenge to get your dog or cat (or other pet) to cooperate with you while you try to treat its hurt nose, but a few natural home remedies can help make the process of healing easier.

An unusually wet or dry nose can be a symptom of a larger health disorder in your pet, so it is a good indicator of general health to keep an eye on. Changes in color or texture of your pet's nose are even more likely to be items of concern for pet owners.

Natural Pet Cures: Adding apple cider vinegar to your pets food or water may help allergy or sinus issues with regard to your pet's nose.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Geranium Essential Oil

Posted by Angele (Highlands, Tx, Usa) on 01/19/2011

I have a 16-1/2 year old Pit Chow mix named Red. He has been extremely ill for the last 3 months, sneezing yellow discharge all day long. He has been on oral & inject-able antibiotics which did not alleviate the symptoms. My vet said the next step is a specialist to see if he has a fungus infection in his nose which would cost thousands of dollars. He also said my dog was too old to go under an anesthetic to have the test run. I was ready to give up hope when I investigated essential oils on the net. What did I have to lose? I put Geranium Essential Oil in a vaporizer & on his nose. Its only been 2 days & the symptoms are almost gone. I do feel bad because I know the essential oil is so strong for his nose but he can breathe easily for the 1st time in 3 months. I felt I needed to share this remedy which has been a miracle for my wonderful old Red dog.

Replied by Melissa

I'm wondering if the geranium essential oil cleared up the nasal discharge? My cattle dog has snots coming from her nose and have tried everything. The specialist said it could also be bacterial infection and would cost huge money for surgery. They aren't sure.

Replied by Theresa
(Mpls., Mn)

Hey Melissa!

You have replied to a post from 2011 - in case the original contributor does not see your comment I will offer some advice.

There are many uses for Geranium essential oil, and use for respiratory problems is just one of them.

You can use 5 drops of Geranium essential oil in a vaporizer; results usually take 2-3 days.

In addition, you may wish to consider homeopathic remedies Nat. Mur and Kali. bich which are a biochemic tissue salts that serve to help maintain the body's water balance and address mucous levels and congestion. Herbal ingredients such as Pulsatilla and Glycyrrhiza glabra (Licorice) can help to reduce inflammation by stimulating the anti-inflammatory hormone, cortisol, while at the same time supporting the immune system.

It's important to support your dog's healing by keeping him warm - warming his food will help in this endeavor and may have the added benefit of loosening mucous. If a vaporizer is not available consider a steam bath in your bathroom by filling a tub with steaming hot water and adding your essential oil to that.

More ideas here:

There can be many reasons for dogs to have nasal discharge - ranging from simple sinus infections to major issues such as nasal cancer. If you do not see results within a week of using home treatment, please consider returning to your vet for additional work ups to rule in or out funal infection or bacterial infection or other.

Good luck!

Replied by N Sibley

Have you checked for a foreign body inside your animal's nose? This was the case with my mom's dog. She was treated several times for a sinus infection, she would sneeze uncontrollably at times. Mom noticed on day, something sticking out of the dog's nose - it was a small blade of grass. The vet never checked for a foreign body. If there is discharge from just 1 nostril, a foreign body is something to consider.