So I thought of Diomataceous Earth and started to put 1tsp/2x day, sprinkled onto her food. Within 24 hrs she was no longer warm, belly was way less swollen and her poopies-daloopies were semi-solid. 4 days later and all was well. In fact, I read that it is beneficial for us adults to have 1 tbsp/day, and for my puppy to have 1 tsp/day - and both of us will continue this forever. I think parasites are the caused of alot of our ill health issues and we just haven't proven or learned it yet.
I just wanted to let people know that there is a natural, and dirt cheap, way of quickly deworming your pet. I will keep my sweetie on 2 tsp/day for 60 days, so as to take carr of any eggs, then 1 tsp furever. I will also be using my beloved D.E. for if she ever gets any fleas or ticks. Just two of its wonderful effects. And I never would have heard of it without this site!
Stay well, everybody
It has cut down on fleas - I don't know about the worm though.
There is a website called IMOMS.org they are wonderful they help you raise money to get your pets the proper care. Please go check it out. When Felony got ran over they helped me raise the money for her surgery and heart worm treatment right after. I was blessed enough to find a vet who done her surgery for free, so my money was donated back to help another pet in need. Im sorry I went into great details about this, just to let you know that garlic did'nt hurt mine. Plus to let you know there is help and people who care. I would never tell no one to give their pet away:)
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth
Reader Feedback
Your mention of turning grey or blue would require a cat to drink a gallon of this a day and that probably still wouldn't do it. You apparently much prefer topical chemicals like flea meds that literally burn the hair off and scar the skin it is applied to.
Please get a clue and stop repeating asinine Pharma Lore. You obviously don't know a thing about what you are talking about.
Black Walnut
We found a rescued dog, skinny, we could touch his ribs when we took him home and bathed him, as he ate and drank anything in the streets there were no doubt that he had worms, so by what I read here in earth clinic long time ago, I had made a walnut tincture out of walnut hulls and absolute alcohol ( 99.9 % ) which had been resting for about 1.5 year. Decided to give it a shot, why not, a natural remedy with no side effects, so if it doesn't help it won't harm if I try it on him for a few days so ; we added 1 teaspoon to his food for 3/4 days ( we're still giving it, we're at day 6 now ),
Consequently :
-before walnut tincture he peed with a normal consistency but after, he started having diarrhea for about 3/4 days in a row
-his stool became so loose and many tape worms started emerging out of his bowels, by day 1 all alive and moving, by day 4 I found some dead /some moving .
-before walnut tincture, he just took pee once a day but after, he had bowel movements for about 3/4 time a day .
- we found blood in his stool
After 4 days, unbelievably, he peed with a normal consistency, no blood, no tape worms! People are shocked when we tell them the story, we're in shock as well .
thanks earth clinic and everyone posting here.
Book Recommendation
On ANY day, it could be successfully argued that ROXANNE is a difficult/high maintenance MUTT (Rottweiler/Russian Shepherd/Basset mix) but, THIS TIME, she kept telling me -- and I had no problem recognizing her message -- that she was actually "in stress".
Initially, I attributed her discomfort to: (a) bugs (fleas and ticks -- trust me, not the problem), (b) the heat, and perhaps a rash she had developed and needed to "scratch" to the point of creating "sores" on herself; or (c) a food allergy (even though I've been feeding her "people food" -- along with her Science Diet menu -- as a TREAT ever since she was a puppy).
To these ends, I had been both showering and shampooing her (warm) and "hosing her down" (gently; cool) on a bi-daily basis (alternating between "commercial shampoo" and a baking soda/olive oil paste for relief).
In addition, I had been applying AloeVera, Olive Oil, NeoSporan and even some commercial "moisturizers" to her back and "hiney" areas (areas that seemed to be bothering her the most) on a regular basis.
After all of this and just six (6) days ago, she FINALLY squatted and rubbed her hiney on a patch of grass. My reaction:
Oh, my God! (and OK) She's got WORMS! (poor baby, but "fixable" and controllable!)
My Grandmother (God rest her soul) actually bred/raised cocker and springer spaniels in her NYC apartment during the 1930's and 1940's. In addition, she would "rescue" any/all strays that may come her way until the day she died (1985).
And one of the most significant (albeit basic) things she ever taught me about treating a dog with parasitic WORMS was to somehow get GARLIC into that dog's system (I know not about cats in this regard, but I can't see any reason why my Grandmother's "formula" wouldn't "work" for cats, too).
Day 1: I didn't have any clove garlic on hand, so I sprinked powdered garlic over ground beef ("hamburger meat"), cooked it, and fed it to ROXANNE (along with the same carrots, potatoes and peas I had earlier served to my own family).
After HOURS, there was no "appreciable" result.
Day 2: I purchased a GARLIC bulb at my local supermarket, took it home, broke it up, and BOILED 3 cloves in a nominal amount of water, sliced the cloves up, and poured the liquid over a couple of cans of commercial dog food.
And while ROXANNE gobbled up the meal, after HOURS of waiting, there was still no "appreciable" result.
Day 3: I was at my wits end, but totally believed that my Grandmother had told me TRUE about what to do (naturally) if/when a dog was experiencing this particular kind of "distress".
And so I boiled 2 more GARLIC cloves and, along with an approximate 1 T. of ground GARLIC, poured a "mixture" (which included this approx. 1/2 cup of water -- garlic cloves removed -- 1/4 cup Heavy Cream, 1/4 cup Half & Half and a can of Evaporated Milk into a bowl snd simply served it to her (cooled)).
Day 3 -- LATE NITE. ROXANNE awakens me, and tells me it is URGENT that she go outside and (very) reluctantly, I abide/consent/concede and respond to her "signal".
And, in retrospect, I am REALLY glad I did.
Because not only did ROXANNE "poop" like she had never done before (meaning 3 times, in various locations along our "path") but, when I "picked it up" (as is required by law) and "inspected" it (YUK! EWWW! and all of that), there were not only 2 really "super long" (but DEAD!) WORMS evident in her "elimination", but also evidence of "smaller" parasites ("white things") that had not survived our GARLIC onslaaught.
Day 4:
ROXANNE SLEPT for a really long time for her (perhaps 6 hours straight) after that particular "elimination experience".
But what was most STRIKING (to me, at least) is that, when she did eventually wake up from her nap, she was TOTALLY the smiling (yes, she DOES smile), dysfunctional (in so many ways, I just can't tell you!) MUTT (Rottweiler/Russian Shepherd/Bassett mix) I would do ANYTHING for (as she would do for me, I have NO doubt).
Day 4-6 (meaning, to present):
FINALLY, SHE was able to SLEEP. And therefore, so was I!
And FINALLY (and once again), it became a pleasurable experience (as far as I can take that) to "deal" with ROXANNE.
We (me and ROXANNE) have had 2 "good days" now.
And (optimist I usually am not), I am actually looking forward to many, many more days of ROXANNE being happily "cured".
Make no mistake: I will continue to watch for any/all other symptoms of ROXANNE's discomfort.
But as of right now, I feel pretty comfortable that her "problem" has been FIXED.
And I feel pretty stongly that's that's on account of GARLIC having been significantly imposed on her diet over the course of no fewer than 3 consecutive days.
IMO (and experience), my ROXANNE is perfectly imperfect.
It's been a difficult couple of weeks, but (especially after our most recent "trials"), I cannot thank my Grandmother (or GARLIC) enough -- specifically because, on account of ROXANNE feeling better, I, too, have been sleeping better and am feeling a whole lot better about a whole number of things now.
Diatomaceous Earth
I cannot emphasize what an ignorant and short sighted answer this is. We domesticated these animals because they benefit us well beyond being a luxury. The fact that veterinary care has gone up as much (if not more) than human health care is leading to an epidemic of abandoned or euthanized animals in this country. Not to mention, some vets are cashing in worse than doctors today ($180 to spay a cat!!! ). I've become caretaker of a feral cat colony. Even if I were to destroy or rehome each of the seven cats I look out for - the net result is that I'd have a new crop on my property within 3 months. It's a habitat whether I like it or not.
And FYI - since these ferals took up regular residence and maintenance, we have no (river) rats, mice, moles tearing up our landscaping while the groundhogs and rabbit population has diminished substantially. A much better solution to moles than burying poison pellets everywhere in my yard.
If you search around the internet and converse with your local humane society, you can often find lower cost alternatives that will keep your animals healthy and happy and not put you in the poorhouse.
Personally, I'm giving the regular DE a try in my feral colony because I like the concept of breaking the life cycle of the parasites. Many wormers eliminate the problem from he animal but leave the eggs around to be snuffed up by the critter that comes along. I'll report back on DE after 3 or 4 months of regular use.
EC: Hi Lisnpac,
Thank you for your feedback! Can you please tell us how much dried oregano you used and how many times a day? Also, was this a supplement you bought? Thank you!
Reader Feedback
EC: We love this article by Lisa Newman, ND, PH.D. that someone sent in a couple years ago: https://www.earthclinic.com/pets/garlic_for_dogs.html#ARTICLE
Cayenne Pepper and Raw Garlic
Reader Feedback
EC: Read much more about Garlic for Dogs here.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth
After now giving Blu 1/2 tsp DE in wet food mixed in with water for 3 weeks twice a day the tapeworms are gone.
Chewing Tobacco
Yesterday, I took him to th vet with a stool sample from a bowel movement he made very early yesterday morning. I saw nothing and the vet's office said the sample was totally clear.
My husband told the vet that I used tobacco, and of course he said he never, ever heard of this, and he said that there could be eggs remaining up in the intestinal tract.
Sure enough, this morning, I saw live worms again.
I'm feeling confident about the tobacco, though. My instinct was to follow the first dose with a second dose to kill anything that might have remained to be hatched. I don't want to overdose him on tobacco, but he showed no adverse effects at all to what I gave him before. I even gave it to my cats just in case they were infected, too.
In addition, my dog has never had worms in 13 years. My husband suspected that he may have gotten them from being at a friends home just a few weeks prior. This house has four dogs and a cat. When he is with them, he is outside much longer as they stay in their yard more. We don't leave our dog out very long. With our friend, all our dogs are exposed for a much longer time to each other's fecal matter that remains in the backyard and the other outdoor variables that contribute to parasites.
It's very, very possible that the tobacco did the job the first time, and that he was reinfected when we took him over there again just this past weekend.
I will add an update in a week or so, but I believe the tobacco is effective!
So the dog took it upon itself to eat the clay. I will wait and see if the worms go away. Maybe the dog knows Best! I will try to post the results of my observation.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth
Shortly after it started gaining weight, and was back to normal within the month, during which time I had him continue it for, just to make sure any eggs that might hatch would be dead.
D.E. and Perlite are similar in the physical mechanism in which they act upon the worms as an abrasive, killing them.
Okay I am really into JENNIFER DANIELS MD . Her books are amazing. Her website has a free guide on taking turpentine for people. Its for "candida" but candida is fungus and what thrives on fungus???? Parasites. Thus why its great for those with parasites.
And if you have dogs/pets and garden, you have parasites. Jennifer Daniels says this whole parasites hysteria is overblown. That you just need to keep them under control and she has taken turpentine since 1994. She takes 1/2 tsp 2x a week.
So when I decided to try it for my dogs I wondered how to get it down quickly yet with sugar. So I wrapped up the dose of sugar and gum spirts in Black Forest ham. Which went down very quick with the dogs. I used a 1/2 tsp of sugar on a piece of Black Forest ham with 2 drops of turpentine on the sugar and gave to a 70lb Golden Retriever. Did the same for my Toto sized terrier of 40lbs. I gave her one drop. All went well, and so we up the dose every week one more drop . I plan to give the larger dog 1/4 tsp total after she has proven safely she can handle it. The other dog 3-4 drops.
Today my husband said the Golden had small worms so its working. I also give the dogs Dr. Goodpet vitamin C for dogs about 3x a week. Help their teeth and gums and their body. I also give them super silica (YouTube it) in their water.
I used the Dr. Goodpet.com Vitamin C PLUS I LOVE THEIR Flea Tincture which keeps the dogs mellow and less itchy with fleas. I give NO flea meds anymore. This tincture is incredible. I used it all last Summer. That along with lots of vacuuming -totally worked. I also give the dogs Ivermectin 1x a month 6 months out of the year. And I give them Goat Dewormer 2-3x a year.
I read the whole thing and started out with two drops of turpentine after starting Cell Cores Bowel mover. Then when I was getting used to it and found it to work, I started my dogs on it. They are getting older and need extra help.
Diatomaceous Earth
Namaste, Om