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Fresh Pineapple
If you are looking for a cure for a poop eating pup, I've got it, cheap and easy. Just give your dog fresh Pineapple and when they poop it changes the smell and they won't eat it. It worked on my own dog and others. And the Pineapple is good for them...How about that. A tasty treat for them and no more poop eating for you :)
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Whitney,
Fresh pineapple contains Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme [an enzyme that digests protiens]. It is thought some dogs eat stool because they are attempting to replenish enzymes. Adding enzymes to the diet in the form of pineapple or Accent meat tenderizer addresses this deficiency. It may or may not stop your dog from eating stools, but this is the thinking behind it.
Meat Tenderizer
Meat Tenderizer
(St. Pete, Fl)
This is in response to Michelle. Please check the ingredients in the meat tenderizer you are using. Most of them are pure MSG as well as very high sodium, neither of which are healthy for your pet. You could add some pureed papaya or crushed pineapple to the pet's food, both would result in a nasty tasting stool. You can also buy both in pill form at a health food store... bromelain or papaya pills.
Pancrezyme or Pancreatin
Make sure you check with your vet for Enzymatic Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) disease. It can be detected with a blood test. There is usually an associated infection that requires antibiotics. My dog almost died from this disease before we figured out what it was. They slowly starve because the enzyme that digests the food isn't being made, so food passes through undigested. Since it's undigested, and they are starving to death, they eat it. We got Pancrezyme (pricy) to mix in with food, and she slowly gained weight back to normal. She will have to stay on the enzyme for the rest of her life. There is a subsitutute called Pancreatin which is much cheaper at enzymediane
(Scranton, Kansas, USA)
My 1 1/2 yr old puggle has eaten poop since he was little. We have tried pills from the petstore, powder from the vet, pineapple and I have run around outside & put hot sauce, or chili powder on feces and he still eats it. In fact he loves the hot flavors! I also have a GSD & they both eat cat feces from the ferral cats. I have changed food, but it does not seem to matter. I am going to try the Prozyme mentioned above & see if that will work.
(Lancaster, Pa)
To Momofdogs: You should NEVER let a feral cat's poop be eaten - their feces are very likely laden with worms that the dog is ingesting.
For the anal glad issue, get some good quality Virgin Coconut Oil. Start with 1 teaspoon in the dog's food in 1 meal per day for a couple of days. If the dog has no really loose stools, then you can increase it to 2 meals per day. You don't need to melt it. Keep doing this for a good few months.
Yucca Oil
(Houston, Tx, Usa)
Hi Shirl,
You actually posted your comment over 5 years ago, but I hope you can answer a question. Where do you purchase Yucca Oil?, What is the name brand that you use?, How do you administer it to your dog?, and how much do you give to your dog?. Thanks for your help.