Then a friend who had cancer healed with bicarbonate and bentonite clay. So I have been giving her bicarbonate and turmeric honey in syringe internally and on the now 3 open wounds! Cottage cheese like lumps coming out and discharge. Lots of. Lump at back going down two open lumps crater like ongoing battle compresses and. Daily bicarbonate/ lavener/ROSMary baths as the wound is sore, and DIEING. infused herbs not essentials. Getting greens blended with good dog food. Also nettle porridge with chicken, now using chamomile tea bags soaked aloe and caster oil. She is now on antibiotics when I can get them in her. She's foxy clever!!! As I was concerned about the discharge / infection.
The bicarbonate seems to of had the most affect at dissolving the lumps she's had 3 weeks of it, turning them to snotty cottage cheese like bits!! They grow in bubble like formation the lumps cluster together and as I can see them they die slowly and the stopping them growing is a headbanger!? Any other suggestions?!!
Also giving her vit c. So much more could write weeks of nursing till early hours. I am tired!! But she is an angel dog and she is fighting not ready to go, the one vet would of put her to sleep last October!! Lazy vet!! Not into holistic luckily I have found a herbalist vet X she is great. But expensive, big love to all of you nursing your poorly babies I know what an emotional roller coaster it is. We are special and so are our beloved friends.