Essiac Tea
I decided I had nothing to lose and started him on Essiac tea powder. I would decoct the tea and give Sam 2 oz/ once each day. I added some sardine juice and he would slurp it down each time. I also changed his diet from commercial dog food to cooked chicken, cooked eggs, beef, sardines and canned wild caught salmon and sometimes a cooked sweet potato or other veggies that dogs can have. Immediately his tumors begin to swell. I knew this would happen but it was still difficult to watch. I cut back the dosage a tiny amount if I thought they were getting too big and threatening the integrity of his skin. Eventually there was a point where the tumors begin to shrink. I did notice the beginning of an ulcer on one of the tumors but when I backed off the dosage for a day or two it got better. He did have diarrhea but we just tried to give him access to the yard as much as he needed it. Essiac (the company in Canada) does sell something else to combat that, but with essiac at $50/box (includes 15 in shipping from Canada) I couldn't afford another remedy.
It's been three months since we started Essiac. The lip tumor is gone. The throat tumor is almost non-existent. I am beginning to wean him off the essiac. I don't know if that is necessary but it seems logical to me. As a side note, his coat is unbelievable since he's eating good food. His bad breath and inflamed mouth is gone. I think commercial dog food is a horrible idea after trying meats and eggs and seeing the difference it made in Sam. He has so much energy and he is not plagued by any arthritis or pain. Sam is 12 years old going on 5 or 6 now!
Puritan Pride sells Essiac tea from Canada.....I buy it from them. I checked and it's the same as Canada sells.
Essiac Tea
In June, our 7 year old cat, Cece, was diagnosed with a feline fibrosarcoma tumor at the injection site for the feline leukemia vaccination shot. We feel we got it early enough, fortunately. Since the proposed veterinary treatment was far too unpleasant for my wife and I to consider for Ce, we discovered Essiac West tea and have been using it since the diagnosis as per the directions. We give her 3 ml in the morning and evening, which she at the very least doesn't seem to mind (huzzah! ). We are at the stage where the mass seems to be growing and getting harder, as per what has been written in the 'what to expect' sections of both the Essiac West pamphlet that came with the tea, as well as what many of the testimonials here have shared. Our veterinarian has also said that this will happen, so we're not sure what to expect or what to do if/when the mass erupts.
For those who have experienced a similar issue with their beloved felines, can anyone provide any sage words of wisdom as to what to expect, what to do if/when it erupts (application of a concentrated Essiac tea poultice), etc.? There has been much uniformity in what I have read about what happens (mass hardens and may grow, may erupt, it sloughs off, and eventually kills off the cancer), so we are quite hopeful.
Essiac Tea
She is a 8 year old bostie. I am retired on a limited income and can't afford surgical bills..I'm af4aid I have to put her down.
(Mpls., Mn)
Hey Claudia!
Sorry to hear about your Boston girl :-(
When you say it looks like the mass is spreading - it could mean that the mass itself is growing or it could mean the mass is being expelled by the body and being pushed to the skin's surface. When tumors or masses come to the surface they make a sore or a lesion and the tumor drains out; it is messy and may smell and there likely will be bleeding. People then treat the open lesion with turmeric or castor oil or a pack of both. Sea buckthorn oil is also a remedy that may apply.
It can be hard to know if the mass is bad/cancer or just unsightly: a simple needle aspiration test at the vet might help determine what you are dealing with - and knowledge is power. You can then better choose your path with your girl. If it is not a bad mass you might continue with the Essiac and deal with the mess of an expelled tumor. If it is a bad mass you can then prepare for your girl's journey to the other side - be it by saying goodbye at the vet's right away, or by supporting her with good food and the satisfaction of your company until the bad days outnumber the good days and then you can choose to cross her over with dignity. Either way, knowing what type of mass you are actually dealing with will help with your peace of mind.
If you are unable to pay for vetting you might consider contacting a rescue group or your local humane society to see if they offer medical assistance for seniors. If you have been a long time client with your vet you might approach them about a payment plan.
(Port Orchard)
I hope you didn't put her down. From what I read in the pamphlet the tumor will grow and get hard before the tumor will go away, you know that saying it will get worse before it gets better I guess that is what's happening here. I know it's been over a year now, but the point to me writing this is please everyone read the directions and the pamphlet carefully so you know what you're doing and what to expect while using this tea on your pet.
Essiac Tea
Essiac Tea
Immediately got her on Essiac Tea (Esiack Caps 450mg by Now Foods) 1-450mg cap in morning 1 hour before her breakfast and 1-450 cap 1 hour before her dinner. It is important to take on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals or 2-3 hours after eating. I mix 1 cap in 1 ml of water in a small glass that I allow to sit for hours (while at work and again over night). To administer, I suck the Esiak Tea back in the plastic syringe. I kneel and sit on my feet, trapping her between my knees with my ankles crossed so she can't back out. I pull her chin up slightly and squeeze it into the side of her mouth between teeth and cheek. I also have her on 1/5 cap (at both feedings) of maitake mushroom (NewChapter Organics veg cap- 1000mg?) to build immunity. She takes Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula (4Life) which is only natural transfer factor from cow colostrum and egg yolk (think mother's first milk) also a powerful immune booster. This is not lactose free but 4Life makes one that is for cats with inflammatory bowel. A 300mg cap Tri-Factor administered 1 cap per day first week, 2 caps per day 2nd week and 3 caps per day week 3. Stop at 3 caps daily. This will pass the blood/brain barrier important for brain cancers. All above are human grade elements that will do no harm. All (except Esiak) are mixed in with her food. Vet prescribed a pet vitamin in liquid form-Pet-Tabs Iron-plus due to her severe anemia, 1 ml daily for 21 days after surgery which I also mixed in her food and stll give her half dose of till the bottle will be done. Very important* took her off all grains and cheap grocery store brand foods. I feed Pet Guard brand (health food store). She can't tolerate chicken so she eats only the Premium Choice beef at the moment. I credit Essiac Tea, Transfer Factor and my begging prayers to God daily as to why she is still with me.
Essiac Tea
(Columbus, Ohio)
Friday, 9/7/2007. I Have a "Question" and an "EMERGENCY NEED" to contact "Gayle"... (ESSIAC TEA 12/31/2006: Gayle from Tulsa, OK)! Can you "PLEASE" contact her for me and give her my email add.? I have a 14 year old CAT (Patches) in critical condition. Her Vet can not operate, and expects me back "SOON"... to "put her to sleep". They don't call it, what it really is! (Taking Her Life!) I "Must Know" QUICKLY: Which version of ESSIAC TEA, she used for her CAT. "4 Herb" or "8 Herb" and specifically, "WHICH HERBS" are in it! One Version has "RED CLOVER" in it, which can be "FATAL" to "CATS"! Patches is just to precious... to just give up on, and not even try to save her. And I fully believe: She can be saved by the ESSIAC TEA and other natural means - if I can just get it in her "A.S.A.P."!!! PLEASE HELP ME - SAVE MY PATCHES! I, NEED HER!!!
(Cumberland, New Jersey)
Gayle i have a question about the essiac tea you used on your pet for abdominal tumors. i also wanted find out more about the condition your pet was in before you started the treatment and for how long she was in this state before you started treatment. my dog has been having the exact problem your pet seemed to have and its been for 9 months. i am hoping it wont be too late to help him. i have only been giving him blackstrap molasses to try to help. please contact me as soon as you can! i appreciate it! gecik/at/
EC: Sorry, we wish we had Gayle's email address to contact her -- she never sent it!
(Brackettville, Texas)
I have both a cat and a dog with tumors. I was reading the posts to try and find help for them. I came across the posts on Essiac and the request for info on where to find Essiac without red clover. Here's what I found I will be ordering some and let you know the results.
EC: Catherine, just out of curiosity, what brand of dog and cat food are you feeding your pets?
(Tulsa, OK)
In answer to Ginger and Jay, I use the 4-Herb capsules and 4-Herb Liquid Concentrate from Herbal Healer -
I'm so sorry that I did not see your posts until this late date and did not provide an e-mail address for you to contact me. I hope that you found help elsewhere before this.
(Las Vegas, Nv)
Hi Gayle from Tulsa. I am going to try this route. My 10 1/2 year old Annie has a huge mass in her stomach. Blood tests normal, xrays show large mass. Her behavior is fine, she has lost weight, and throws up her food and goes to the bathroom number 2 on my bathroom floor. Peas in her litter box. I want to help her but will not give the vets any more money especially 500 for an ultrasound. They tell me that I have a long road ahead even if i find out what it is exactly. I want to save my beautiful Annie. What food are you feeding the cat? I currently feed her kd and a natural frozen food from whole foods. How often should I give her the tea and for how long? Should I order a lot? Please get back to me ASAP, so i can help my little one. She is in no pain either. Thanks so much. [email protected]
(Manila, Philippines)
Hi Gayle, I'm from the Philippines.. I was wondering how to get the essiac tea and powdered herbs? My cat has a tumor and she's now 12 yrs old. I went to and I dont know what powdered herbs to buy.. I'm looking for the 4-herb capsules and 4-herb liquid concentrate but I can't find it. I hope you could help me.. Thanks! You can email me at heidz_qb(at)yahoo(dot)com... thanks! I'm hoping for your immediate response soon.
(Manila, Philippines)
(Vancouver Bc, Britush Columbia Canada)
(Lansing, Mi/usa)
I just ordered the Essiac concentrate & the herbal pills from Herbal Academy for my cat who has a large growing mass alongside his neck. I have tried many other things, nothing has helped. The castor oil thing is too hard to try in this area. I tried for a few days. He is an uncontrollable psycho to do things too, even just pills, sometimes. Hope this can be of help to someone. The liquid concentrate is a huge bottle & I ordered the smallest one, maybe not so huge if treating a dog, tho.
(Wallasey, Merseyside England)
My 12 year old cat Molly has a tumor up her nose and is losing her sight. I have read about Essiac Tea. As I live in England I don't know where to purchase this. I am really desperate to try Essiac Tea, could you please help if you have any information about it and where I can purchase it from. I would be very grateful for your help. The vet says it might not be possible to operate to remove the tumor as it is uo her nose and if it get any larger I would have to put her to sleep. I really do not want it to come to this as she is so precious to me.
(Mill Park, Victoria, Australia)
Hi Christine, I have sent you an email about where to get Essiac but wanted to post on this site as well. The website that Catherine from Brackettville, Texas mentions above is the correct ORIGINAL Essiac site as there is only ONE company that makes the Essiac as per nurse Rene Caisse's formula. I purchase mine from one of their distributors - All Things Healthy in NZ. They are great to deal with and reasonable on price.
My cat Ally is a 16 yr old Blue Burmese. She has a tumour in her mouth, at first it was under her chin but now has one under her jaw in her neck. The vet said it is in her soft tissue and not operable. I started her on essiac in August and the lump under her chin has disappeared but the other one hasn't yet. She had previously had 4 teeth removed which I think started the cancer feeding. I am now rubbing castor oil on it twice a day but only began this a few days ago. My problem now is that she is having trouble eating, I don't know if the tumour is getting bigger on the inside and causing her problems as she can't keep her tongue in now, it pokes out a little all the time. She had a little blood in her food and I wiped it from her mouth last night when she tried to eat but I cannot see any cause when I look in her mouth. The blood appeared from the side the tumour is on. Could the castor oil be causing this?
Does anyone have any suggestions to get her to eat so she isn't in discomfort. She can still drink fine. Any help appreciated, she is very precious to me.
Hi Heidi,
ingredients for Essiac Tea.
- Burdock Root.
- Slippery Elm (inner bark)
- Sheep Sorrel.
- Indian Rhubarb Root.
You can buy these herbs online and mix it yourself.
Mix equal parts of each herb and brew it-put in the refrigerator overnight and start using it the next day after straining it.
Hope this helps.
Hi I thank you for the good report! How did you get the concentrated essiac tea? Boiling it down?
Like 3 tbls in a cup of water boiled to 1/4 cup?
regarding : Essiac
I started giving her a dropper of concentrated essiac tea once a day and mixing about 1/2 teaspoon of the powdered herbs in her food. The tumor went away and she put weight back on.
Essiac Tea, Hydrogen Peroxide
Essiac, Turmeric, Famotidine, Diphenhydramine
I am helping my niece with alternative remedies for her Rottweiler "Spike" who has Osteosarcoma. 9 year old + 134 lbs. He has a tumor on his leg that we are treating with 60 PPM Colloidal Silver soaked gauze secured in place with adhesive ace bandages. He is cooperative for daily bandage changes. We have begun administering Fenben (222mg) capsules, with Vitamin C, Cucuremin, CBD oil. Day 5 we are noticing that his energy to "play" even with a bum leg, is improving. We are increasing the Fenben to 4 capsules (222mgx4) for 3 days on and 4 days off but keeping him on the remaining supplements. Beautiful new skin growth on the leg. We are going to speak with his Vet about the treatment and have found several medical studies indicating that within 48 hours of beginning Fenben, Cancer cell death is happening. From what I am reading, cell die off begins immediately. Fenben is not allowing the cells to uptake sugar and weakening the cell walls of the Cancer. We are going to ask the Vet to monitor Spike's liver levels to make sure that we are not consistently exposing it to Fenben without respite - 4 days off should help. Can anyone recommend anything else that we could be doing to help Spike along and help his vet understand that we have nothing to lose in trying this remedy? We need more Professionals to get on board with alternative treatments so we can save more lives without Chemo/Radiation.
For the leg tumor, if you make the mix 50% DMSO and 50% of the 60 ppm CS, you may get better transdermal penetration enhancement into the tumor and DMSO itself has anticancer effects which should offer synergy with the CS.
I forgot to mention that if he can tolerate melatonin without getting too sleepy, you can dissolve melatonin powder in the DMSO before you mix the DMSO and CS together. Melatonin will dissolve in the pure DMSO and then the CS can be added once the melatonin is dissolved.
Melatonin is a potent anticancer agent through multiple pathways. If it makes him sleepy, you will know that it has gone systemic, which is good if he has cancer elsewhere. Melatonin will also help protect his liver and kidneys from cancer and the negative effects of other substances you are using as well as chemotherapy and radio therapy if needed.
Frankincense Oil
Take a clove of fresh garlic, smash it and make the dog lie down, press the garlic on the tumor and keep holding on the growth for 5 or 10 minutes do this twice daily, and the tumor will be gone in a few days, tretaed one of my dogs, garlic kills cancer on contact.
Garlic, Vitamin C
General Feedback
My challenge is during this past year, my vet is very against anything holistic, "natural remedies", organic, etc.. I had ordered C-Caps from Pet Remedies & my vet said not to give them to her, but I did anyway & within a few months what seemed to be masses were virtually gone & saved her from another surgery. I do have milk thistle/dandelion drops for her now. She is currently on meds from the vet & l/d soft food for a special liver diet.
These website note "to talk to your vet before giving them anything". What do you do when your vet has a history of saying no to anything but what they recommend?? I am at a loss. Chloe has an appt for a biopsy & bile acid test on Wednesday. I am trying to do a bit of research to be prepared. I have also not found a holistic vet in the Toledo, Ohio or surrounding area. Thank you all for reading. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. God Bless you all.... Thank you. Kerri (Oregon, Ohio)
(Columbus, Oh/usa)
I searched for holistic vets in Ohio, and found this list (not sure if any of these are in your area):
Use the advanced search option to search for vets in Ohio. Once you get the list, you could call some of them and see if they know of any in your area.
I also contacted my own holistic vet here in Columbus, Ohio. While they do not know of any vets right now in Toledo, they let me post their website for you. They also said that you could call them. Here is their site:
Good luck!
General Feedback
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Glial Cell Brain Tumor Remedies
(Oak Bluffs, Ma)
Sorry to hear about your dog.
Try Turmeric -you prepare it with coconut oil and a pinch of Cayenne Pepper. Cayenne is great for shrinking tumors.
Don't feed commercial food. Give some home cooked food with vegetables like carrots or broccoli.
Black seed oil is a cure all and you can buy it on line.
Honey (organic) is beneficial for seizures.
Put a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar in drinking water.
(Bremerton Wa)
For brain tumor, I would try a cancer supplement called onco x plus lots of boswellia. The blood brain barrier blocks many herbs but boswellia crosses and attacks brain tumors. Boswellia also is a powerful anti inflammatory. Control of brain inflammation is very important. Doctors give steroidal anti-inflammatories for that. This is a huge problem since steroids feed the mycoplasma infection that often drives brain tumors. Look up the ketogenic diet / brain cancer. I don't know if this diet has similar effects on dogs as it does on humans but for humans it works really well on brain cancer. MSM would be good as an anti inflammatory and a super hot one gallium nitrate has powerful anticancer properties to it.
Currently using turmeric with cayenne pepper mixed with food to hopefully heal a mass. Actually got the idea here. Also came across the idea of using black cumin seed oil as it has so many positive benefits. Was wondering if anyone knew about any dangers of combining the two as they are both in the cumin family & I don't want the combination to result in overdose or overuse. I do add a little organic apple cider vinegar to her water..just a few drops and other then that she takes her regular vitamins (all natural). I just worry that too many herbs or natural anything can be bad if combined wrong. Also the recommended dosages if combining the two is okay. Going on my second full week using the turmeric & have yet to see any results, or shrinkage..anyone who knows anything possibly going through the same experience please leave a comment all advice is welcome. Thank you.
(Nashville, Tn)
I would add CBD oil in your regimen to help with the seizures while you are treating the tumor... if cannabis is legal in your state medicinally, I would add the THC/CBD oil so that your baby benefits from the THC working to kill the cancer cells, and the CBD helping to keep the seizures at bay!! Praying!!