Vaccination Side Effects
Natural Remedies

Side Effects of Pet Vaccines: A Closer Look

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Combination Vaccines

375 User Reviews
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Posted by Pam (Smithfield, RI) on 08/30/2008

I just brought my yorshire terrier sho is ten years old in for her shots. Now a lump has formed at the injection sight on the back of her neck.I was told to watch it for it to go down, if it does not it will result in a return visit for a biopsy! If she has cancer becasue of a shot--was it worth it?? NO!! Not to me!! She is an indoor dog-why do I have to put my beloved pets life at risk for something so almost impossible for her to get.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Christina (Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio) on 08/28/2008

Hello, I am writing this comment in hopes that it may help or inform other dog owners of the serious and potentially deadly risks of some vaccines. In Aug.2006 I took my then 2 year old mini schnauzer to my vet to get her vaccines. The vet gave her the rabies vaccine, along with bordetella and distemper vaccines. My dog had her first rabies vaccine when she was 1, which was good for one year. Now I was taking her in for her second rabies vaccine, which would be good for 3 years. I would also like to note I had another dog (Irish Setter) who was given the same vaccines at this visit and was perfectly fine afterward. After my mini schnauzer was given the vaccines, within minutes, she experienced a serious reaction, and went into shock. She collapsed on the floor on the way out of the door at the vet, her eyes were stairing off into space. She pooped as she was laying there and her face was very swollen. I grabbed her and ran back into the vet, they took her to the back where it took almost 3 hours to regain her vital signs. I had no idea something so serious could happen just from vaccinations. It cost me an additional $200 on top of the original visit to save my dogs life, but of course money didn't matter at that moment. They inserted a catheter, gave her fluids, and several injections. For a while they weren't even sure she was going to make it and wouldn't let me see her. She did recover, but now I'm afraid of vaccinating her again. The vet said we can give her antihistamine before we vaccinate but it is not guaranteed an even worse reaction may occur. I have since then done some research on canine vaccinations, and my best info for dog owners is to just be there when your dog is getting these vaccines, and know the warning signs and symptoms. Because really there was no way of me or my vet knowing such a reaction would take place.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Linda (Oklahoma City, OK) on 08/18/2008

Took our Golden Retriever for rabies 8/3/08 and she was fine. Took her for lyme, Bordetella, and DPC vaccinations 8/15/08 and by the time she got home she wasn't using one of her back legs and has just been lying around and hasn't eaten much. Talked to vet today 8/18/08 and they said to give her buffered aspirin and if she isn't feeling better tomorrow to bring her in. I have never had one of my dogs have a reaction from their shots and until I started researching yesterday I never knew they could have side effects like this.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Crostu (Beverly Hills, California) on 08/16/2008

I can't offer a whole lot of knowledge or specifics here, but I can tell you what I observed. I took my 9 week old kitten in for a fcrvp (fvcrp)?? anyway the one that they give all kittens. No leukemia shot or any other shots or treatments were done that day. The kitten got real still and quiet, more so than I thought normal. Then the kitten just layed on his side. So I went to pick him up to comfort him. He meowed in much pain. I put him back down. I touched very lightly all over his body. He hurt from head to toe, as I could tell by his high pitched screams and painful look on his eye. There were no other symptoms. it lasted for about 36 hours. Of course I called the vet. They said that this is a somewhat rare side effect, but he should be fine. He was fine after that. I had taken about 15 cats to the vet for shots at that time, and had never had that reaction. Just thought I would tell you my experience.

EC: FCVRP = rabies and distemper combination shots.

Replied by Dvikib
(Baltimore, MD)

Please note that the FVRCP shot is for feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and panleukopenia. The Rabies shot is normally a separate shot.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Joyce (Staten Island, NY) on 08/14/2008

My cat, bootsie, had his rabies and booster shot a week ago, on monday, and he is very sick, the vet is giving him fluids, antibiotics, and vitimins, and force feeding him, I have him back almost every day...I asked them to take a blood test on him, and they are charging me $145.00. They are getting anoyed at me because I keep bringing him back...He is eating with my encouragement,,,,am so stressed out.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Kati Morlando (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 08/07/2008

My cat Jesse got a distemper shot and a rabies shot on Saturday the 2nd of august.H e is eating and drinking fine, he used to go outside practically all day, but now all he is does is lay around the house and sleep and he has been in the house for five days now.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Jen (El Paso, Texas, USA) on 08/07/2008

In July of 2000 my 11 year old Belgian Tervuren, was diagnosed with spindle cell carcinoma. She had developed 2 egg-sized lumps in the area of her shoulders. I consulted with a Specialty Veterinary Clinic in Tucson Arizona, and I was told it was Vaccine Induced Cancer. She died December 1, 2000. She underwent 3 surgeries to remove the tumors, but each time it came back more aggressively.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Susan (Indianapolis, Indiana) on 08/06/2008

After my 1 yr. old Sheltie received a 5 in 1 vac (before I knew better) he had a couple of weeks of what I now know was episodes of "reverse sneezing." He would put his head down and then have a minute or so of intense snorting - don't know how to describe it any other way. It was scary watching him have these attacks and each time I wondered if he would come out of it.I was told that the trachea actually collapses sometimes. He has not had any more vacs in the last few years nor anymore bouts with this vaccine reaction, thank goodness. We won't be doing any more vaccines! Sue

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Dan (Salisbury nb Canada, Canada) on 08/05/2008

Dog died: Took dog in for yearly shots Continuum DAP and Imrab 3 He ate and drank very little and he had to be put down .He was a toy poodle Full of life when i took him in he never recovered

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Melissa (OKC, OK) on 07/29/2008

We boarded our 11 year old female Husky at our neighborhood vet we have used for 20 something years. They said she was too large for a cage and she would have to be put in the dog run. That we could bring her bed also since she had a car accident as a young pup and broke her hip. They would not keep her until her shots were brought up to date as she had not had any from a Vet since she was 3. I used to give her booster, but they don't recognize them! We left town for two nights so I don't know what her reaction was initally, although I called the 2nd night and they told me she wet her bed (which she has never done) and did not like their food. She has been urinating on herself ever since (one month now). She won't eat unless I hand feed her meat, tiny amounts and hold her water bowl under her nose.She just lies there like she is 100 years old. I called two other vets and they all say it is not the Vaccines! That she is 11 yrs old, spayed, that her bladder could have dropped and may be incontinent. She has always been an indoor dog she goes outside, does her business and comes right back in. So there was no reason to vaccinate her yearly. Thinking back now to when she was spayed and they gave her vaccines then; she was very ill afterward. I took her back several times, they gave her antibiodics, etc. I really feel she is going to expire this time and it was all so unnecessary.

EC: Melissa, please research the Tellington Touch techniques. They are massage techniques that can produce remarkable results.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Emmitt (Lakelnd, Florida) on 07/26/2008

I got my 16 week old cat that weighs 4.4 lbs his immunizations yesterday. Now he is having the same symptoms. Lethargic, Meows and bites when picked up and doesn't eat or drink. He got the rabies ahot and fel leukemia and Ercp (whatever that is) hope he will be his old self soon!!

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Suzanne (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 07/24/2008

Within 3 hours my 19 month old shih tzu was very lathargic. My high energy puppy suddenly started acting like he was 19 years old. Now I'm finding out that dogs don't need yearly vaccines. The vaccines are good for at least 5 years. Personally, my dog will not be getting his shots till he is at least 7 years old.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Nancy (Marianna, USA) on 07/19/2008

My newfoundland had her annual vaccinations two weeks ago. She started chewing on her feet and legs, Then I noticed blood in her mouth and on her toys. Took her to the vet and she had low plateletts, went to a specialist and he said it most likely is reaction from recent vacc. I left her there that night thinking I would see her in the AM. I got a call in early am saying she was DIC (bleeding out) She died! That was this week. I had no clue this could happen. She was 5 1/2yrs old, part of me died that day. Many friends are not aware of this as a side effect. Why are we not aware??

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Dana (Kauai, Hawaii) on 07/12/2008

I have about a 14 week old kitten who weighs 5.5lbs. Yesterday I took him to the vet to have his booster shots and ever since he has been very lethargic, won't hardly eat or drink and he meows and bites me when I pet over the injection site. I hope he is ok, and after reading all these posts I am very hesitant to get the rest of his booster shots.

Combination Vaccines
Posted by Danny (Lancaster, Oh) on 07/12/2008

About 3 weeks ago I took my 1 yr old male cat Tazzy to the vet to get his distemper and rabies b/c we were boarding him and having him neutered while he was there. A week later he seemed to be ok and his same ol' self. The vet never mentioned if he had any problems. Well yesterday I took Tazzy back to get his 2nd booster and since then he has thrown up several times, has runny stool, won't eat and is very mopey (not himself). Not sure If I should call the vet and let them know b/c I'm thinking they may just want more money out of me.
what should I do? Any suggestions?