White Shaker Syndrome
Natural Remedies

Natural Cures for White Shaker Syndrome

| Modified on Jun 08, 2017
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Shaker Syndrome or White Shaker Syndrome is a poorly understood malady, largely affecting small dog breeds, that causes uncontrollable shaking. White shaker usually strikes dogs when they are young, and seems to strike dogs with white fur most often, which explains the name. An autoimmune and neurological interaction seems to be at fault, but generally dogs are able to endure the condition, which can be kept at bay through various therapies. According to one our readers (see post below), white shaker syndrome may be a side effect of certain dog vaccinations.

Remedies for White Shaker Dog Syndrome

If your dog is suffering from white shaker syndrome and you're looking for an effective pet remedy, please read Ted from Bangkok's recommendation to give your dog supplemental L-histidine in order to moderate immune function.

If you try one of Ted's remedies or have a remedy of your own that has helped a dog with White Shaker Syndrome, please share it with us!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review

Posted by Dee (Redmond, OR) on 04/14/2008

Beardsley is a two year old Miki; mix of Maltese, Papillon and Japanese Chin. My vet mentioned that about six weeks after the injection some of the small dogs loose the hair at the site of injection. Instead, five weeks after the injection Beardsley has developed an autoimmune neurological disorder, White Shaker Syndrome. He has fairly violent full body tremors. Steroids are slowing them down, but I have yet to see if the steroids will put him into a full remission and there is a possibility of relapse under stress or with annual vaccinations for the rest of his life. A holistic vet tells me it is possible to get a waver for the rabies vaccine with a neurological disorder. It seems a bit late, but perhaps he will gain a full remission and become himself again. His former animated self is under the bed the majority of the time and quivering uncontrollably, especially with noises like the phone ringing. I did this so he could go to an obedience class, that he can not now attend. Ironic, eh?! -Dee L.

Replied by Mary Lee
(Sarasota, Fl)

My minpin/chi started at 7 months old not being able to jump up on furniture like she used to, had a walk like a slight drunken manner. I had a vet appointment in 2 days but the next morning she was shaking terribly I took her in, she received anti-seizure meds to calm her down, & immediately took her to a neurological vet. After a spinal tap she was diagnosed Shaker Syndrome. It took about a full week plus of prednisone in order for he to lift her head & start to walk. First 2 days I was giving her water & dog food watered down to liquid in order to feed her with a syringe.

That was 6 years ago. she became more & more herself as the weeks went on. She is kept on a maintenance dose of pred. we have it as low as possible, just so the shakes don't return. Side effects of the meds are worth her life & we adjust to keep them at bay..A yearly check-up with the neuro-vet & since her nails grow like crazy from the pred, I have my reg. vet cut her nails & we keep up on everything. Have even become friends.

Zena does not get any more vaccinations & we must be careful with who she hangs with so shes not exposed to distemper etc. I never thought that could be a reason for this disease.

There can be good things in the future...

Replied by Leena
(Auckland, Newzealand)


My dog pillow is also on maintenance dose for the last two years for White Shakers. It started after we took her to a dog park with lots of big dogs and she had a panic attack. The shaking started that night.

She is on 1.25 mg Prednisone a day and she is 5 kilos. Since Zena has had the same condition for 6 years I was wondering how low is her dosage and what is her weight? Just for peace of mind.

Thanks, Leena