Activated Charcoal
Some time ago, one of my Guinea Hens was seriously injured and developed Gangrene in the wound on her leg. I like to try to save my animals rather than put them down, so I found the recipe on Earth Clinic for the Activated Charcoal Poultice and used it. She recovered from the Gangrene and although she had a limp, she lived a good life. I've since used it for other wounds on my animals to successfully prevent Gangrene. Activated Charcoal is a staple I would never be without. Hope this helps someone else to save the life of their pet or farm animal.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
I know this is an old posting but for the sake of others, I hope you researched how you have to dilute ACV for animals. While I heard 50/50 for a feline/ my new vet, a wholistic vet, said even that is strong for cats. I don't know for a dog, but ppl need to check out each remedy! Mercola Healthy Pets is another great place to go and dr.karen.becker. Just today on fb they've started a new website called Whiskers and (something, my memory bad). But please dilute with plenty of water to start. My kitty is a ginger cat & he's very sensitive.
Cayenne Pepper
Coconut Oil
Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Silver
(Olathe, KS)
Please tell me how you make Colloidal Silver?
(Conklin, Ny)
Amanda, the CS would probably do best orally to beat any infection your kitty might incur from the wound. As for making CS there are a number of videos on YouTube detailing different methods. Some aren't so good and some completely and purposely misleading, like the guy making CS with tap water. Hydrogen Peroxide would work well on the wound itself.
Colloidal Silver
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous Earth
The fastest acting use I have experienced for FG DE is for teeth. I have a lot of teeth problems from a narrow jaw and bad dentist interventions. When I get a tooth pain, I place a wad of DE (made into a dough like blob with a drop of water) on the offending tooth, clamp down my teeth and go to sleep. Right as rain in the morning. And this is the report with everyone I've prescribed it to. Unfailingly. But use it the first sign of pain you get.
What more, two teeth that the dentists said have to be pulled off six years ago are serving me fine after my having given them the DE wad treatment for a week continuously.
The DE just pulls out any kind of necrosis.
And that's the second great thing I've seen it work its magic on. It also saved the paw of my cat, which was just rotting and the digits were falling off. Dipped her paw into DE, and the whole thing became a hard lump. But finally, the paw stopped rotting and whatever was left of the paw was saved.
Same thing with another cat I recommended it for. Another cat had an anal sac, with a hole as deep as the first digit of my index finger, and a foul smell. I stuffed it with DE multiple times in a day. After two days reduced application to once a day. By the seventh day, even the scar was barely visible.
(New Mexico)
Doris, your response is rude and demanding. This site is for people to share their experiences with what worked for them. They are not required to explain the scientific basis of what worked and why. If you want to find out why a remedy has worked, you are welcome to research it.
Regarding Diatomaceous Earth, it is full of silica. A 0.5 second google search led to this article:
Feel free to look up more yourself and stop harassing people who are generous enough to take the time to share their experiences.
(San Diego)
DE carries a negative electrical charge. Most of the bad bacteria and toxins carry a positive charge so they are attracted to the DE and get pulled right out. DE will also make your teeth very white for the same reason. The negative electrical charge pulls out the things that stain teeth. I brush my teeth with it and it makes them so white. Also makes for very healthy gums.
(Bowling Green KY)
The above use is new to me but worth trying. Both Lowe's and Home Depot carry food Grade DE. I use it for insect problems in the house - spiders, fleas, fleas, roaches, etc. It won't harm pets. The above use is new to me but worth trying.
(United Kingdom)
The DE works because it is 80 to 90% silica. Silica helps generate new enamel and growth of teeth. Even if the diet is rich in Calcium, if the levels of Silica are not sufficient, the calcium cannot be utilized to maintain or repair teeth and bones. Silica also protects the enamel against corrosion. Herbally - Black Walnut both leaves and husk, Comfrey, Bamboo and Prickly Ash are also good sources of silica. So take your pick!
Very well said, this site is for helping people heal AND uplift their spirits. It's not for cynical people who want to complain and point fingers.
(Auburn, CA)
My heath / natural food store has it in bulk with the herbs and such - for a small amount / but also you can buy a bag on Amazon.
(Ontario canada)
Other than the DE wad, how to use it? Almost sounds like it's ingested to heal cavities and repair enamel. Details please? TIA, Bonnie
That is very interesting. I have used D.E. for so many things. I will use it for teeth now. Great info. Thanks!
(Nowheresville, Idaho)
DE worked wonders on my cat's penny sized open wound. First I packed DE into the wound, but it fell right back off. So I tried mixing it into a paste with honey and a bit of cayenne and that made it stay. That hardened right up until the next day. It must've lasted as its own type of bandage for a day and a half, and when it came off, the wound was less than half it's original size. So I packed some more and honey into it the following evening and today you can't see a wound at all. Only the fur covering it over. I'm grateful for this very helpful and timely remedy.
Dy's Liquid Bandage
General Feedback
(West Palm Beach, Florida)
Please look at the diet! Think seriously about a raw meat and bone diet. You can learn everything about this at Seriously! My dog has been eating this diet (frozen patties thawed and mixed with yogurt or cottage cheese, some boiled chicken and french cut green beans (just a little)) for 11 years. People compliment her beatiful coat. Your baby's skin is most likely a reaction to dry food diet. TRY this... you will see results almost immediately and within two weeks, the condition will be clear.
Try manuka honey. It can kill lots of different strains of bacteria, even the resistant ones.
General Feedback
(Pasadena, CA)
Did he get ahold of a battery or something toxic in your garden like fertilizer? If he chewed on a battery, this could happen (have a friend who's puppy almost died after chewing on one).. Sounds like something that touched that area burned him, which makes me think of a fertilizer. What brand of food are you feeding him? Possible that it's an ingredient in the food causing an allergic reaction. Preservative or something. Good idea to get a vet's opinion on that I would think.
Sounds like the plastic bowls are a problem as they breed bacteria. Use ceramic or stainless steel bowls, although my dog refused to eat or drink out of of s-steel because of the smell which she could detect. Try dabbing the sores with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide to kill the bacteria and then a little coconut oil to soothe it.
Golden Paste
Then I made some golden paste for the other dog, who had lipomas. Because turmeric is healthy, I added it to both their food. I also slathered turmeric on the one dog's wound.
This dog, he has two all time favorite foods: Coconut oil and spaghetti. But regardless of the fact that the golden paste was made with coconut oil, he apparently didn't much care for the taste. So I think it helped him stop licking it. (I took it too. It's not that horrible of a taste.)
So, whether it was on or all of these:
1. Eating the golden paste in his dog food
2. The healing powers of the golden paste on his leg
3. The unwelcome taste of the golden paste that made him stop licking
His leg healed like it had not done for about 6 months.
This is the recipe I use. I just used cheap dollar store turmeric spice. I'm sure other turmeric is better, but it seemed to work even with the cheap stuff:
1 cup water
1/2 cup turmeric powder
1/3 cup coconut oil
3 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
Grapefruit Seed Extract, Lavender Oil
6 weeks pass. Wounds are looking worse and had gone necrotic despite the fact I had followed the vets instructions to the letter. He smelled like rotting meat. Almost in tears as he is the sweetest cat - never once fought, scratched or tried to bite me while cleaning his face - I thought I would have to put him down. As I sat there with him in my lap I thought about what I knew. Side note, western meds make me sick and if there is a side effect I will 95% of the time have it so it's natural or nothing for my health for the most part. I remembered reading about a man that healed his fathers necrotic diabetic foot wound with grapefruit seed extract (GSE), a woman that had kept her cats safe from a virus that killed a lot of cats in her area by putting a drop of GSE in their water and a man that cured his horse of colic using GSE in it's water. Kills mold, staph and mrsa. OK, so GSE was a go. Needed more though. Then I thought about all the uses of lavender essential oil.
So I went in the house, put about 2 fingers of distilled water in a small glass cup, 2 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract, 2-3 shakes of Lavender essential oil out of the bottle and mixed it up. Went back to cat on porch and cleaned the wounds well. Like I said, he smelled like rotting meat, all hair on that side of his face had fallen out, skin was mottled - the wounds just would not heal with what the vet was having me do. Went to bed sure I would find him worse in the morning. Well, first thing in the morning I went out to see him as always. It was a miracle. Skin was not mottled, it looked pink and healthy! I was onto something. I started cleaning his face 3x everyday using the mix. For his food I gave him a bowl of fresh water with one drop of GSE added to it, his normal hard food and then in the evenings I would give him wet food with one drop of GSE in it.
4 weeks later it is 99% healed. Huge holes filled in, fur is growing back (as of week 3) and the swelling gone. My only sorrow comes from the fact I wish I had used my brain sooner and trusted what I know to heal instead of what the vet said. She is a very good vet but I could have saved the cat months of pain and oozing wounds.
(Hope, Bc, Canada)
To Jemira. Glad you were able to help the poor thing. I had a cat brought to me years ago with deep tooth bites on each side of the spine. Vet's pills, etc. Did nothing. Then I remembered turmeric, packed the powder deep into the wounds. The next day she came from under the bed. The wounds had begun to close in, no sign of infection and she was healed in record time. Cost nothing. Best regards. Om
(Overland Park, Ks, Us)
Turmeric is one thing I have yet to try (for anything) but you are the 4th person in a week that has told me about it. (grin) The world must be hinting at me to try it out. Think I will get some tomorrow. Thank you Om!