Then I made some golden paste for the other dog, who had lipomas. Because turmeric is healthy, I added it to both their food. I also slathered turmeric on the one dog's wound.
This dog, he has two all time favorite foods: Coconut oil and spaghetti. But regardless of the fact that the golden paste was made with coconut oil, he apparently didn't much care for the taste. So I think it helped him stop licking it. (I took it too. It's not that horrible of a taste.)
So, whether it was on or all of these:
1. Eating the golden paste in his dog food
2. The healing powers of the golden paste on his leg
3. The unwelcome taste of the golden paste that made him stop licking
His leg healed like it had not done for about 6 months.
This is the recipe I use. I just used cheap dollar store turmeric spice. I'm sure other turmeric is better, but it seemed to work even with the cheap stuff:
1 cup water
1/2 cup turmeric powder
1/3 cup coconut oil
3 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper