The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Marion (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 05/03/2013
I am a 25 year old female and I have been using ACV for almost a year now mixed half and half with distilled water for a toner after using a mild cleanser on my face 2 times a day. I have had horrible issues with acne since I was 13 years old and have spent over thousands of dollars for invasive lazer treatments, chemical peels, medication, creams... EVERYTHING... And yet... Still not the results I wished for. This product has changed everything about my skin. My pores are smaller, the dark spots have faded, I rarely get any acne anymore, and when I do, it goes away within days. For the first time in my adult life... I can say that I am happy with my skin. I don't have to hide behind make-up and sunglasses any more and that has been the most amazing thing I could have ever dreamed of. This product is absolutely amazing. I have recommended it to tons of my friends with the same issue, and they too have been able to appreciate the benefits from ACV!
Posted by Rachel (Hartford, Connecticut, Usa) on 07/26/2012
Try applying it topically for faster results. Here's my skin regimen: wash/exfoliate with a paste of baking soda and castille soap (castille soap won't dry your skin), tone with 50/50 mixture of water and ACV (I use B---- brand with the mother), then moisturize with organic virgin coconut oil. I've found all of these products at either the grocery store or a vitamin/health shop.
Since using the above procedure, my breakouts are down to near zero (I do get one or two here and there when I get stressed, but this is the exception rather than the norm). My skin just glows now -- I just wish this site had been around when I was in high school!
Posted by Pigsooie (Mountain Home, Arkansas) on 01/14/2012
My 14 year old son has had severe breakouts on his face, back and chest. Last night I mixed up equal parts of ACV/water and we dabbed it on like a toner. This morning I was AMAZED at the difference. He has done this again this morning, and shockingly the acne and pimples are almost gone! Highly recommed this! It works! :0)
Posted by Melmax (Nyc, Ny) on 09/18/2010
LOVE! ACV. Have been taking it now twice a day for about a month. Unlike others, I have no problem with the taste. Actually like it, and don't add any sweetener. I've had acne all my life. Was told it was hormonal. Since taking apple cider vinegar (ACV), my skin has been clear and healthy looking. Also have lost some weight. And feel an overall sense of general wellness. Am keeping an eye on my varicose veins to see if it has any affect on those. Will keep you posted. But, either way, you can be sure I will keep up with the ACV.
Posted by Ebony-Rose (Wellington, New Zealand) on 01/11/2009
I've suffered from acne for 6 years now, when it developed in my teen years. I've tried everything, from prescription antibiotics, to salicyclic acid/differn gel, to change in diet, the pill, and drinking litres of water...but to no avail!
Came across articles of the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) recently and decided to give it a try. After taking 2tsp of vinegar mixed in warm water 3x daily, and apply topically each night with cotton swab, I found within several days my skin was clearing. My skin did flare up again after a week, but I found having sensitive skin meant the vinegar was very drying. So I applied the ACV to my face every few days while moisturising with "Bio Oil" in between, and continued drinking ACV 3 times a day. After about 1 1/2 months my skin is so clear, with only a few spots every now and then. I have a healthy glow, smooth lightened skin, bright eyes, hair is in fantastic condition, and I have more energy than I ever had! A complete miracle!
Posted by Kathleen (Nairobi, Kenya) on 08/16/2007
I've had acne for the last 14years, am 29, got worse after age 18. Had tried all, including chinese and african herbal treatments, nothing worked. Stumbled on your site and started the apple cider vinegar (ACV) remedy and only 3months and my skin is almost perfect, by the way it was all over my face,chest, back and upper arms. Will never stop using it. Recently was having black tea and put ACV one teaspoon and it tasted nice like lemon tea, want to continue taking ACV in my tea, is it ok, does the heat or tea leaves interfere with the effectiveness of the remedy. Also which vinegar works better for the hair rinse white or ACV? Have dandruff. Thanks.
Posted by Angelina O (USA)
[she'has found that applying apple cider vinegar (ACV) topically to her face several times a day (4 or more times) has cured her of a "very bad complexion". She reports that she applies it straight and that while it burns her skin a bit, works like a miracle!]
Posted by Cheryl (USA)
My daughter developed a case of moderate acne, and after trying a number of different things for over a year which helped very little or not at all, she started drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar three times a day and applying it topically once at night. She has been acne free for two months. It took about three weeks to clear up.
Posted by Andrew (Sydney NSW)
Apple Cider Vinegar has Cleared my Acne up very well, I drink it and also apply it to my face twice a day. Works a treat!
EC: Click here to read many more remedies to cure acne!
Posted by Francoise (USA)
As soon as I feel I'm about to have a pimple, I dab the spot (priorly cleaned), with a Q-tip dipped into organic apple cider vinegar before bedtime. I smell like salad dressing for a few minutes, but the next day it's gone. I tried it on my very skeptical and slightly vain fiance; he could not believe it when in the morning he could not find any blemish on his face! Vanity is everything!
EC: Click here for hundreds more acne remedies.