Posted by Maggie (Brick, New Jersey) on 08/13/2008
I have suffered with GERD with a year. I could not eat tomato sauce, choclate, soda or fried foods (basically 90% of my diet :). I also could not lie flat in bed. The pain was constant, no matter what I ate, how I ate, when etc. I was put on the typial meds which either did nothing or made the pain worse. I was eating antacids like tic tacs. I asked the MD why I developed GERD as I have no risk factors for it and was unsatisifed with the answer of "it just happens". As a nurse, I need to know the reason why. The pain had to stop. I was not going to go through this the rest of my life. I came across your web-site and thank you and Thank God!! I used the regular ACV and it worked a little. My sister in law talked me into trying the organic ACV with the enzymes and I have used it for two weeks AND HAVE HAD NO PAIN!! I am back to eating whatever I want. I realized I felt better when I had raviloi for lunch followed by pizza for dinner and NOTHING HAPPENED! Previously, I would have been in pain for hours and eating meds and not able to lie down. I still get pain in my stomach if I'm stressed out, combined with bad food, and I rely on an OTC med that works, now one pill is all I need. But I have gone to eating meds to taking nothing!! I checked with my MD first who could neither recommend or dissuade me from using it, but he had no problems with me using it and basically said "knock yourself out". Thank you for being there for us who suffer and I wish someone would do a study on this so that others could be pain free as well.I can also sleep flat again, and on my back, with no pain. I take a tblsp in the morning in 12-16 oz water (be sure to shake the bottle) and again at night before bed. I feel great otherwise as well. It's like my stomach is happy!! Thank you thank you thank you.
Posted by Denise (Tahlequah, OK)
I am a 31 year old college student who also works full time. Lots of stress and the desire to eat spicy foods has led to a problem with GERD. The doctors gave me Zantac and other medicines, but not being a fan of medicine I searched for other options. My chiropractor told me to try organic apple cider vinegar. I picked up a bottle of' vinegar at my health food store and started drinking it with honey and water a couple of times a day. The combination cured my reflux problem and also gives me energy. I also have found that I have not been sick and I have been taking this for over four months. I read that apple cider vinegar is also has a natural antibiotic effect. It cleanses the body. You can try the vinegar you get in the store but for all the benefits organic vinegar with the 'Mother' is your best bet. I drink the vinegar and even eat it with my food on a daily basis. It really does work.
EC: Read hundreds more testimonials and cures here.