Posted by Jim (Madison, Wisconsin) on 03/16/2009
I have spinal stenosis and scoliosis and my back got so bad that I started limping. I had severe pain especially if I bent over. My back literally was killing me with pain. I was taking prescription naprosen (1000 mg/per day). That had little effect on the pain. I had arthritis in both index fingers, both shoulders and my back was full of it. I remembered that I had heard or read somewhere about ACV. I found this web site and read everything I could on ACV. I was so encouraged! I went out that day and bought a qt of organic ACV. The first time I took it I wondered how could I continue taking it. However the taste was not as bad as the pain I was going through. I quit taking the pain medication and just used ACV. I take about 3 ozs. to 4ozs a day in some water. After about 3 or 4 days, I noticed the pain throughout my body starting to subsiding. By the end of 2 weeks the pain was literally gone. I can bend over with no pain, hop around with no pain and play with my cat. No more NSAIDS, only ACV. I have been telling everyone I see about this MIRACLE CURE FOR PAIN. I hope I have encouraged someone sitting on the fence to try this. By the way, there are other benefits to taking ACV.