Apple Cider Vinegar
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Michelle (Denver, Co) on 05/01/2011

I had an annoying wart on my finger for YEARS and it just would not go away-- I tried cutting and freezing products but they were useless. THEN I started to put a little piece of cotton soaked apple cider vinegar directly on the wart covered with duct tape or a band-aid. Sometimes I would cut off a coulple of layers of skin before doing this so the vinegar could really get in there--it BURNED like hell, but in a short amount of time my wart was permanently GONE!

Also, just TODAY I was feeling soooo sick. I had just been to the doctor for another UTI and got some antibiotics but my whole stomach was hurting and I had horrible pains and bloating and discomfort. I drank 2 tablespoons of ACV diluted in a few cups of water with stevia and a little cinnamon (makes it taste less horrible) and I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER ALREADY! I don't know what it will take for me to get it through my thick skull that I need to be drinking a little of this stuff every day. I use organic ACV, with the mother. :)

Acid Reflux
Posted by Don (Columbia, Tn) on 12/30/2016

Sophie, you do not understand gerd. The strength of the les is established by the strength of your stomach acid. See Doctor Johnathan Wright's articles and his research at his Tahoma Clinic. Before the 1950s, low stomach acid was taught as the main cause of gerd. Big Pharma changed all that in our medical schools to make the billions of dollars in H2 inhibitors and other reflux drugs. Less than 10% of gerd is for other reasons, most of which is h. pylori bacteria, which also lowers your stomach acid.

Acid Reflux
Posted by Patricia (Brownsburg, In) on 10/04/2017

Sophie-the LES may be weak but what really happens is that the eating of modern wheat products (not ancient grain products) allows fermentation in the duodenum to push open the sphincter muscle at the lower end of the stomach which them allows the gas from the fermentation into the stomach which then pushes open the LES causing what stomach acid there is in the stomach up into the esophagus. This fermentation happens for several different reasons in different people but mostly because the grain we are eating is really messed up. So much so that even birds won't eat it. It contains way more chromosomes than the ancient wheats (spelt, kamut, emmer, etc) and has caused a plethora of digestive conditions. Also, too many people don't have enough acid in their stomachs anymore. I don't know why that is yet. Still researching. So food is not being broken down well enough before it passes to the small intestine where it wreaks havoc.

ACV and Pregnancy
Posted by Elyn (Okc, Oklahoma, Usa) on 01/16/2011

On page 22 of Dr. D. C. Jarvis' book Folk Medicine, it states: "And, returning to foods contributing to the pre-birth growth of the infant, two teaspoonfuls of honey, if taken at each meal either as a food sweetener or direct from the spoon, enable the developing infant to build a good nervous system.... If there is a tendency to neglect the fruits, berries and plant leaves that are a prime source of acids, the deficiency can be made up by a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water, taken immediately on rising in the morning. Usually this mixture will incidentally prevent or clear up any morning sickness. During the day a glass of either cranberry, apple or grape juice should be taken."

Just grabbed this book from the library the other day. Wish I'd had this information 30 years ago when I was busy having babies!

Best Time to Take Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/12/2010

Tom I have been taking ACV since 1994.. I sold it at my store in San Diego. Which I got of good feedback. I do not think you can overdose on ACV.. Today my birthday only 83.. Fit as a fiddle with ACV amd guidance from Earth clinic Keep it up.. Listen to your Body.. Alfred

Acid Reflux
Posted by Marti (Sedalia, Mo) on 10/10/2012

This is in response to comments made by mike of casper, wyoming. Your mixture of Apple Cider Vinegar and baking soda worked instantly for me! I have suffered from gerd for a long time due to a side effect from a med. I was put on ranitidine and then graduated to prilosec for this new horror. I have been trying desperately to find a natural way to control gerd. I don't want to take a medication to counteract another's side effects. So.. I found this site and read your comment yesterday and I simply do not know how to thank you! This horrible gerd has vanished!

Liquid Vs. Pills
Posted by Derbychick77 (Mayfield, Ky, Usa) on 06/08/2010

I have been trying to take the ACV daily but I am still having trouble with the taste. I just about gags me every time I use it. I am wondering about switching to the ACV pills. What dosage should I start with? What brand to use? Any feedbacks, either good or bad, would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Hair Conditioner
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 05/30/2010

My husband and I have tried.... it didn't help us! His dandruff is not going well and I didn't notice a difference with the hair problems I have.

ACV and Probiotics
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 05/15/2010

Hi Pat,

Actually, acv is a prebiotic which is what probiotics feed off of. These two work well together. Still, personally I would give a space of time between the two. I find that my body handles things better if I keep it simple. In the early morning I usually take a glass of water with either fresh lemon, acv or baking soda added to it. Awhile later, I have my young coconut kefir which is loaded with enzymes and probiotics. Then after that I have a green smoothie which takes me to lunch.

Anyway, they definitely do not cancel each other out but rather work synergistically. Peace, Lisa

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Nuri (Tacoma, Wa, Usa) on 11/11/2010

Hi, sorry you feel a connection between ACV and yellow teeth. I haven't heard that problem before so perhaps there are other more complex reasons for this sighting. I have several homemade tonics which I take each day. I give you one which I use that covers the
ACV question:

I make this big health mixture every two days:
Start with a big pitcher or jar that will hold 40 oz or more. Pour in 32 oz of clean water
Put in 1/4 cup of Ted's magnesium/carbonated water concoction, plus 1/4 cup of organic ACV,
Plus 1/4 cup of organic unsulphered Black Strap Molasses

Cover the jar tightly and shake well. It mixes up real good. Pour yourself an 18 oz glass every morning and take 4 good swallows of it before brushing your teeth, then brush your teeth right after swallowing the tonic using nothing but baking soda to brush with. Spit and rinse, spit gain. Follow with a nice "food grade Hydrogen Peroxide 1/10 ratio mix". Slush it around for a few minutes and spit it somewhere. Then sip the mixture again every couple of hours like a little snack instead of soda pop or coffee. Then sip right before your 3 major meals and before bedtime, and brush with baking soda, rinse with peroxide mixture after each meal and before bed. The magnesium ought to take care of the constipation, if not eat a wider variety and larger quantity of garden vegetables

Apple Cider Vinegar as Panacea
Posted by Zachary (Norwich, Ct) on 05/06/2010


I am a big fan of the site and consult it regularly for a variety of issues and have had success! For that, Thank you.

I am concerned about the recommendation of Apple Cider Vinegar for almost ever ailment in question. I did have success in treating myself with ACV but the frequency with which is appears as a remedy makes me wonder if the site is sponsored by _____ or something! haha. Just curious because I am considering using ACV in my hair and a daily routine but I am uncertain as to the objectivity of the site.

EC: Hi Zachary,

During Earth Clinic's first few years, we allowed brand names to be published on the site, not realizing the extent of fake product posts on the internet. Most of the feedback back then was about apple cider vinegar. Then we received an email much like yours in 2004 (or thereabouts), asking us if we were a front for the Bragg's company! It was a most excellent wake-up call and I am forever grateful for it. Shortly thereafter, all but a few product names were banned from the site. Bragg was the first brand name to be deleted from the site. Tis true, there are now thousands upon thousands of Apple Cider Vinegar posts on the site. However, most ACV posts arrive from different ip addresses from around the world, which is why we think most (hopefully all) are legitimate posts.


Storing Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ben (Baltimore, Md, Usa) on 04/19/2010

Regarding dioxins in plastics and freezing or heating them, do a google for "dioxins in plastic hoax" for hundreds of web sites on the topic. Apparently, it is not something to be concerned about.

Posted by Al (Orlando, Fl) on 03/27/2010

Acv cured my upset stomach and diarrhea within 10-15 minutes. I had a couple bouts of borderline explosive diarrhea and felt queasy/weird afterwards. I took about 2 tablespoons of ACV in a cup of cool water and ice. I put a bit of honey in it too to help sweeten (though the water is so cold, it didnt really soak in...). I had a bit of a drinking night last night (whiskey and vodka primarily) and had coffee this morning from freshly roasted beans. Needless to say, that kind of ended badly. Thank god ACV was there to save me.. ! This stuff is great. Be sure to use a straw and make sure you get the straw deep into your mouth so you dont hit your teeth with the vinegar. It's not great for your chompers. The kind of ACV I used was not organic with mother (if you dont know what that means, look it up because it's good to know) and was just taken from the grocery store. I havent tried organic mother ACV yet, but its supposed to have a lot more raw nutrients in it than regular brands. Good luck!

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Dott (Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Usa) on 12/13/2009

Dilute your ACV with water, a couple ice cubes, and a couple crushed mint leaves..... and drink it through a straw. (Pretend it's a mint julip.) Then, brush your teeth after. Problem solved! ACV is an mild acid, but, I have heard that it is modified in the body by calcium, phosphate, magnesium and other alkalines; eventually winding up rather alkaline itself.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Carolyn (Hobbs, Nm Usa) on 09/29/2009

Premixing ACV and Honey

If you are having trouble getting the honey to mix with the ACV try this. I talked to the B__gg people and they said it is fine to do this. I mix 1 c. ACV and 1/2 c. Honey together and put into an empty ACV bottle. Then when I am ready to drink it I take out 1 Tablespoon full and mix in 8 oz. water and drink. I don't mix up any more than that because the B__gg folks said to not keep it over a week like that. Works great for me and saves a lot of time.


EC: Thanks for finding that out and sharing it with us!

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Harold (Lantana, Florida) on 09/29/2009

After reading this website I went to the grocery store to buy ACV. All the brands had what was called 5% reduced> Are these effective as Organic? If not where do you purchase organic? And what do they mean by 5% reduced?


EC: Many grocery stores are now selling organic apple cider vinegar. We've seen it stocked at Publix and Kroger in their "healthy eating" section.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tips
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 10/11/2017

What IS special about expensive "organic" ACV is its lack of pesticides. Apples are one of the most heavily pesticides crops. If "regular" store vinegar were "organic" it would be declared boldly on the label because "organic" is a selling point that allows them to demand a higher price for it. "Regular" vinegar is neither "organic" nor equal to organic ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar Soak
Posted by Deirdre (Earth Clinic) on 10/07/2009

Not all apple cider vinegars are made alike.

Okay, yeah, I win this week's "ultimate dork" award. I have been faithfully following Tricia's remedy for cracked heels for days now. Yesterday, a dark and gloomy day in Atlanta, I proceeded with Tricia's remedy as usual and used a fine nail file on the cracked area of my feet and heels. Then it came to soaking them, and this is where I changed my protocol and decided to use cheap apple cider vinegar from Heinz that I bought at the store ages ago. Usually I use the organic, raw, decidedly more expensive ACV to soak my feet, but not this time. Heh heh. I filled up my casserole dish with 1 inch of apple cider vinegar (room temperature & undiluted) and then started soaking my feet as I worked at the computer. I lost track of time. Some time passed, maybe a lot of time. I came out of my Earth Clinic computer fog enough to register that my feet were FREEZING and that an hour and a half had passed. A trace longer than the half hour that I usually soaked. My feet did look pickled and prune-faced, but that didn't worry me. I went and rinsed off the apple cider vinegar. Heh heh. Then I sat down to apply the moisturizer, just as Tricia recommended, and that's when I saw my new feet. By new, I mean discolored, burned, orange-tinged feet with a dark line running across the bottom half of my ankle, showing where the apple cider vinegar stopped and the air began. They looked so ridiculous, the feet of a clown: half orange, half pasty white.

Confidentally, I was certain the new color scheme would fade within the hour. But they didn't. Or they haven't I should say. Time has passed, almost 24 hours, and my clown feet have not returned to their original color. Wish me luck.

Website Articles
Posted by Rachel (Reinholds, Pa) on 11/04/2009

I agree that while Mercola has a lot of good things to say and is helpful in getting Americans to THINK about their health, he has a lot of interest in getting us to buy his things. ie imported herb etc. I am especially interested in helping folks relearn how to use the simple things at hand like apple cider vinegar, cayenne pepper and activated charcoal. When we take back the responsibility for our own health we will be in better shape as a nation. Thank you Earth Clinic for your part in this re-education.

I have used ACV for the flu and warts before but I never did much research on it. Two days ago I bought a small book on the benefits of ACV. One paragraph got my attention. It claimed that ACV will lower the blood pressure. I am a good subject to try it on because I have extremely high blood pressure. (200/115) and none of the meds that the doctor has given have lowered it. I do eat a healthy diet and am a master herbalist and have tried ALL the right things and they did not work. I used the ACV - 4 times a day taking 2 Tbls of vinegar in a glass of water. I did not add the honey because I do not need the extra sugar. Today, after only 2 days my B/P is 175/100. That is dramatic since the b/p meds were not even bringing it down. I will try to report in week to tell you if it has continued to lower my b/p. I am hoping that it will.

Thank you all for this helpful information

Fountain of Youth
Posted by Alfred Baron (Bangkok, Thailand) on 03/28/2009

please take two tea spoon in 8 oz glass of water, 3 times each day.. you can take more, NO side effects..I take before I eat on an empty stomach.. you can take when ever you want.. This stuff works .YOU will get well and stay well.. I am only 81 yrs young.. been taking it in USA for 22 years, now just retired in Thailand.. In the future i plan on bottleing it in my name.. Not to make a profit but to make people healthier.. Health is worth more than money. My organic ACV will be sold at a lower cost to fit everyones budget.
Stay well my friends

Posted by Jim (Madison, Wisconsin) on 03/16/2009

Editor's Choice

I have spinal stenosis and scoliosis and my back got so bad that I started limping. I had severe pain especially if I bent over. My back literally was killing me with pain. I was taking prescription naprosen (1000 mg/per day). That had little effect on the pain. I had arthritis in both index fingers, both shoulders and my back was full of it. I remembered that I had heard or read somewhere about ACV. I found this web site and read everything I could on ACV. I was so encouraged! I went out that day and bought a qt of organic ACV. The first time I took it I wondered how could I continue taking it. However the taste was not as bad as the pain I was going through. I quit taking the pain medication and just used ACV. I take about 3 ozs. to 4ozs a day in some water. After about 3 or 4 days, I noticed the pain throughout my body starting to subsiding. By the end of 2 weeks the pain was literally gone. I can bend over with no pain, hop around with no pain and play with my cat. No more NSAIDS, only ACV. I have been telling everyone I see about this MIRACLE CURE FOR PAIN. I hope I have encouraged someone sitting on the fence to try this. By the way, there are other benefits to taking ACV.

Bacterial Vaginosis
Posted by Sake (New York, NY) on 03/02/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar. I am a believer:

I had recurrent B.V for almost 1 year now. Went to the doctor twice, got 2 courses of metrodinazole. THat worked for a while but B.V kept coming back until just this past Saturday, I was lurking right here on Earthclinic and decided to buy some at the healthfood store. I swear the B.V cleared up that SAME DAY. It's been 2 days now, and nary an itch!

Posted by Katy (Eu ) on 05/03/2015

Hi, so I've seen alot about Apple Cider Vinegar working to remove moles so I thought I would try it, I only put it on a q tip and held it in for about an hour yesterday and just over an hour today and it has got a lot bigger, like it has gone brown around the mole. If anyone can tell me if this is normal or what? Im really worried :( thanks

Posted by Ebony-Rose (Wellington, New Zealand) on 01/11/2009

I've suffered from acne for 6 years now, when it developed in my teen years. I've tried everything, from prescription antibiotics, to salicyclic acid/differn gel, to change in diet, the pill, and drinking litres of water...but to no avail!

Came across articles of the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) recently and decided to give it a try. After taking 2tsp of vinegar mixed in warm water 3x daily, and apply topically each night with cotton swab, I found within several days my skin was clearing. My skin did flare up again after a week, but I found having sensitive skin meant the vinegar was very drying. So I applied the ACV to my face every few days while moisturising with "Bio Oil" in between, and continued drinking ACV 3 times a day. After about 1 1/2 months my skin is so clear, with only a few spots every now and then. I have a healthy glow, smooth lightened skin, bright eyes, hair is in fantastic condition, and I have more energy than I ever had! A complete miracle!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Porky (Metro, Gab) on 01/14/2010

If you have Acid Reflux, ACV will be TOO strong and TOO harsh on your stomach first thing in the morn with NO food. It may leave you with a sick feeling for up to 10 minutes. It feels not so good, but Try ACV in honey. They say it helps with diabetes taken before a meal, and with other things.

I did it (empty stomach, first thing), but it worried me because it felt SOO like my bod was warning me with the discomfort. But it STILL near cured my acid reflux.

OTHER ACID REFLUX CURES/HUGE HELPS: do NOT lay down after you eat. Sit upright, even laying back a bit is not good enough. Sit as upright as you can for 5 hours after eating ANYTHING. You'll notice you wake up in the morning with 0 buring throat. Also NO SPICES--especially before bed. Even if you sit up right, spices BURN your throat in acid reflux, they'll make your stomach feel raw, bad, and sick--not HUGELY noticeable, but still, kick the spices! I use Morton's Kosher Salt--flavors my food BEAUTIFULLY. Also ramen noodle chicken flavored packets added to water fake chicken stock well! Be sure you ONLY by the ramen noodles with NO transfat and NO MSG's!!!! They exist at grocery stores, you have to check the packaging though!!!! I guess MSG's are Monosodium Gloutamate...I could be wrong, but I KNOW that I want MSG FREE salted stuff! :-)

Posted by Nan (Atlanta, GA) on 10/24/2008

ACV cured my dermatitis and is also healing my rosacea!

I'm amazed at how amazing this $6 bottle of organic acv is. I would have never believed it if I hadn't experienced it for myself. I've had rosacea now since May which was a result of a major stress factor in my life. I've been to the dermatalogist and have spent over a hundred dollars in topical creams and pills that just did not work. I then learned that the creams I was given for the rosacea was causing dermatitis so I was again given another cream to try and combat the dermatitis to no avail.

When the dermatologist failed to help me, I went to an esthetician. She put me on supplements stating that it was more likely an internal digestive problem. This actually made it worse. Whereas before the supplements I had the rosacea & dermatitis only on my cheeks, after taking the supplements it immediately spread to my whole face which freaked me out.

I then did a google and somehow found th Earth Clinic website with remedies and saw a few testimonials concerning dermatitis. I thought to myself, I'm desperate and what harm can it do in trying (as I've done about everything else short of doing laser treatments)to try and take care of this. I was even going out without makeup as the dermatitis caused my make up to look cakey and blothcy. On my way home from work on October 17th I stopped at a nutrition store and bought my $6 bottle of ACV. I washed my face and applied the ACV directly to my face with a cotton ball. Saturday it started looking better. I've applied it in the morning and at night after washing my face and follow with my moisturizer and a week later the dermatitis is completely gone and so is most of the rosacea. I also put 2 TBS in a 16 oz bottle of water each day.

I am now a firm believer in ACV!!

EC: Click here for many more posts about apple cider vinegar and dermatitis.

Dental Enamel Issues
Posted by Veronica (South Connellsville, Pa) on 10/14/2008

I began drinking the Apple Cider Vinegar several days ago. I LOVE how I feel from taking it but my only concern was my tooth enamel since I have read so many 'warnings' on postings, articles and advice pages.

I am using a recipe that I took from this site: Green Tea with Mandarin Orange, 1 Tbsp ACV, 1 Tbsp Honey, 7 drops of concentrated Lemon Juice and 7 drops of concentrated Lime juice (steeping tea bag until desired strength is reached) ... 3 times per day.

I am getting my friend started on it and she happened to have a dentist appointment today and so she asked him about it. She told him exactly what we are drinking and he said that the amount that we are drinking won't damage our teeth any more than the sodas we drink. He said that since we are diluting it, he didn't feel that we had any problems. He suggested rinsing the mouth within 20 minutes of drinking but NEVER brushing right away because brushing after eating or drinking anything that has a lot of acid WILL DAMAGE THE TEETH. That doesn't just apply to ACV but ANYTHING that falls into this category.

Then the dentist asked "May I ask WHY you are drinking ACV?" ... so she got to share that her crazy friend is insisting that she is going to feel better after drinking it. I can't wait to prove I'm right!!! ha ha

Broad Benefits
Posted by Betty (Plant City, Florida) on 10/11/2008

Raw organic apple cider vinegar has helped me so much, I feel like a vinegar evangelist!! I tell everyone about it. I heard about it in 2003 after having been in the hospital for chronic broncitis three times that year and had develped asthma, was on a nebulizer and inhalers. I have always had allergies.

After I started the raw vinegar mixed with raw honey - I have been drinking 1/4 cup mixed with a glass of water at night.- I have lost 55 pounds, which I learned was due to the vinegar daily - have not had bronchitis or asthma and have quit taking acid reflex meds, lung meds, singular for asthma, don't need the nebulizer or inhalers. I also quit taking nexium and just learned it is also good for leg cramps. I am a much healther person. I take mine at night, but think I will try taking smaller doses three times a day. Even my lung doctor agreed ACV was good for your lungs. He said his Mother raised them on it for sore throats and colds. Too bad the drug companies don't agree. Thanks for your site

Acid Reflux
Posted by Judy (Pardes Hanna, Israel) on 09/21/2008

I started using stronger and stronger medicines for acid reflux and wanted to try something else. Looking in your site, I got some apple cider vinegar. I take less than a teaspoonful in a large glass of water, twice a day, and have stopped using any medicine. Thank you so much.