Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(Seattle, Wa - Usa)
Hi Ali -
I bet it is the VCO (virgin coconut oil) keeping you awake. It really makes me energetic, which is why I take it in the morning, and only then - so that it has worn off by the time I go to bed. If you are taking it later in the day you may want to reconsider... Or cut back on how much you are taking for a few days to see if this is what is doing it. Also - I have been taking 3mg of melatonin at night, about 30 mins before bed... And I sleep like a baby! You might want to try it, or read about it. Good luck! Carly :)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(Brisbane, Australia)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(Encino, Ca)
A friend takes ACV and said it will make my body PH alkaline. I tried it many times and put it on my salad as well. However, I do not see how a strong acidic product can make you more alkaline. I tend to have an acidic urine (5) and need to move it more towards alkaline (7). I suffer from burning stomach, acid reflux, etc. I am not so sure ACV is good for me as too much acidity can cause uric acid and/or gout and form uric acid stones. When I take ACV too much, my system starts to burn and hurt so I really think everyone's system is different.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(Alameda, Ca)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(New Castle, Pa)
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(Centennial, Co)
It's best to take the ACV with 1/8 tsp of baking soda added to it. Let it bubble up for 20 seconds and then I add apple juice to it (All natural, unsweetened. ) It's too acidic by itself and needs to be buffered with the baking soda. If it (baking soda) makes you retain too much water, try adding lemon or lime juice to it (1 tsp) instead. It also neutralizes the ACV.
(West Islip, Ny, Usa)
Finally linked my way to this website while seeking a connection between constipation and baking soda/baking powder... my problem; and more common than you might think. so, to all those that experience this side effect, I suggest eliminating the baking soda - instead use lemon juice - and push yourself through what may be die-off symptoms.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
I started taking 1 tbspoon of ACV in water every day after visiting this site for the first time and also reading a book on the subject. After a few days, like you, I had a yeast infection. As soon as I stopped it went away. Now I only use it in salads and if I think that I need to take it like a few days ago because I was starting to have a bladder infection I only take 1 tspoon also because I tend to loose weight fast. It didn't help with my bladder infection though so I am taking the usual penicillin for three days. Too bad...
(Wayne, Mi, Usa)
Did you get your yeast infection after taking the antibiotics for your bladder infection? I have one now, after taking antibiotics for a bladder infection. Mine is under my breasts and where my thighs attach to my body. I just started rubbing iodine on the tender itchy spots. Our weather had been in the 90's for the last 2 weeks.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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(London, Uk)
Well, I would start taking ACV in very small doses to begin with after reading the side effects, maybe half or 1 teaspoon a day for few days to check myself, diluted in bottled water or some mineral water or any other form of plain clean drinking water instead of tap water which can contain chemicals. After that may be 2 or 3 times a week as it will all depend. All this teaches us to be very careful in consuming anything. When natural things can harm, what about alchohol, cigarettes, bottled and packed foods with chemicals and preservatives, they can do much harm to our natural body. Try to be as much natural as possible without stressing yourself that we have to be only natural. Do it in moderation but if one can then try to be away from crap foods and drinks and things that we use for our body. Exercising, walking, relaxing, being happy and spending quality time will benefit ourself more then anyone else. Get ourselves checked medically once a while to see if everythings ok just to be safe. Eyes, hair, skin, body, etc. Prayers help me and calm me a lot. Many do not believe in GOD, I do believe and love him though I havnt seen him. Just like kids do their bit but still depend on parents or guardians and be a bit careless or chilled about things, we can try to be chilled and leave things on our GOD, but still do our bits as everything is provided to us all, its just how we do with it and where to find it. Sorry for this long comment. I hope it helps us all. All the best in GODS name.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
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I recently had to stop taking my favorite remedy on Earth Clinic due to multiple and at times severe side effects: heart palpitations, dizziness, vertigo, light headedness, anxiety, and panic attacks in the car (due to feeling dizzy). Hard to believe these side effects were caused by a benign home remedy such as vinegar, but it's true. I know other people on the site have reported similar symptoms over the years and I am wondering if they were also drinking apple cider vinegar!
It took me many months to figure out that apple cider vinegar (acv) was the cause of these symptoms because I only took it intermittantly. As soon as I'd start having symptoms, I'd stop drinking acv, caffeine and any food or drink that I thought might be causing the issues. What threw me for a loop however, was that a few of my symptoms (light headedness, dizziness) would continue for another 7-10 days. That's how long it took to leave my system! I knew it had to be something I was eating, drinking or taking (supplements, home remedies, etc), but the exact trigger eluded me.
My doctor finally had me wear a heart monitor for 2 days to figure out what was going on. I was told to try and trigger the palpitations. That was very easy... all I did was drink 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in water and the palpitations (pre-atrial contractions to be exact) began 20 minutes later. Once the palpitations started after drinking the acv, I exacerbated my symptoms with cardio exercise, caffeine, and an acupuncture session where needles were placed in the heart meridian. All confirmed with my heart monitor test. Alone, neither caffeine nor acupuncture nor exercise caused any symptoms. However, in conjunction with acv, big problem.
I haven't touched acv other than topically in 6 weeks and guess what, absolutely no symptoms! What a relief to finally know the cause.
I love this remedy. In fact as you many of you know, it was the very first one on Earth Clinic. I am saddened to have to stop taking what I believe is one of the best home remedies on this site. However, I wanted people to be aware of potential side effects. Thankfully, I had a 20 year run of drinking apple cider vinegar regularly without any side effects!
(Florida, Usa)
(Athens, Al, Usa)
I use aloe capsules, wouldn't that be the same thing? I use B----'s Amino's when i make stir fries and stuff. How would I take it on a regular basis? Sounds yucky straight, but I'm open to ideas and how long would it take to see some benefit? Also if the aloe capsules aren't good enough, where would I find regular aloe juice in Alabama? Thanks.
(Emerald City, Oz)
I've read, not sure where, perhaps on Earth Clinic, too much vinegar depletes iodine. So glad that you are okay!
Wishing you and Earth Clinic well every day!
EC: Thank you so much for your kind thoughts, Dorothy!
(Harrisburg, Pa)
This response is to Deirdre from Earth Clinic. I'm curious if the ACV is depleting your iodine? The symptoms you describe sound exactly like what I was experiencing until I figured out I was iodine deficient. Somewhere along the way, I've read that ACV depletes some of the body's iodine stores. Probably here on EC...
EC: Hi Annie,
Thanks for your response. Interesting! I had been taking Lugol's iodine (or potassium iodide) intermittently, so that never crossed my mind. So glad to hear you figured out what was causing your symptoms.
P.S. Haven't touched acv in months and I haven't had any more symptoms, thank goodness!
(Calgary, Alberta)
Finally I have found an explanation. Had been having Acv in salad dressings but r centky started Keto way if eating and bought supplements and Acv. Took supplements and then drank half a pint of water with half a tablespoon of Acv. Suddenly had this weird feeling and panic attack - felt like low blood sugar or low blood pressure. Thought it was maybe interaction with the supplements so cut the supplements and next day had a few drops with avocado and boom - heart racing - heart rate up - panic attack - no more Acv for me.
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I'm so glad to have seen this. I downloaded a recipe from Pinterest that called for 2TBSP of ACV per glass of water and advised to drink every day.
After one week I started feeling dizzy, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. I got so nervous I even went to the ER. When they couldn't find anything wrong I did my research and saw this post along with others regarding ACC side effects. I've stopped drinking it and understand it will take about 7-10 days to get this stuff out of my system.
So much for this amazing home remedy!
(North Carolina)
Hi Deirdre,
I had the same reaction with vinegar as you. I wanted you to know that in my case, it is the histamine in the vinegar that Made me have the nervousness, dizziness, panic attacks and heart palpitations. I couldn't figure out why I was "allergic" to shrimp and dairy And nightshades...its histamine!
I hope this helps.
hi Gabrielle,
Thank you so much for your reply to my 11-year-old post!
Yes, a number of years ago someone wrote in about high histamine reaction from vinegar and it was a eureka moment! I studied up on it and then made an ACV side effects video for Earth Clinic. Taking potassium and magnesium supplements daily definitely helps when I do drink ACV.
Thanks again!
(St Joseph, Mi)
After suffering near fatal dehydration, I suspect heart palpitations are the FIRST sign of fluid in the heart sack which becomes more and more recognizable as such, as time passes, without water.
Personally, I suspect palpitations and fluid in the heart sack is the body's way of increasing the blood pressure and speeding up the heart beat in its efforts to pump a low blood volume up to the brain to keep you conscious and give you time to find water without falling over and getting eaten by a tiger.
I also suspect most illness is due the body's sacrifice of less important systems and organs to maintain blood flow to the brain in a sick society where more than half of the population is dehydrated.
It can take years to get properly hydrated, as the body adjusts itself to the availability of water, rebooting organs and systems it had been shutting down, repairing damage and clearing toxins that have built up due to what water it had been forced to use being just plain dirty but one will begin to feel a whole lot better right away.
The old representation of a person CRAWLING through the desert to get to water isn't only due to weakness but also to the fact that lowering the head allows the heart to get blood to the brain to keep one conscious. In the same way it renders one unconscious to put them flat out on the floor so blood can get to the brain to keep them alive.
Histamine, headaches, dizziness, indigestion/GERD/hiatal hernia, kidney stones, all aspects of dryness and all illness caused by acidity are all symptoms of dehydration and most people are chronically dehydrated.
And this is why indigestion can be remedied with the super simple remedy of two glasses of water. Yes, it "dilutes the acid" but that's water's most important job - carrying things, keeping blood volume optimal and pH CONTROL - to protect the body from the acidity of its own waste - I.e. "buffering" aka alkalizing aka raising pH.
If you don't want to drink water every two hours, then add a little pinch of sea salt and call it a dose of trace minerals or medicine or oxygen or food or whatever it takes to get your mind onboard but DO it.
(faithville, Us)
According to DR Batmanghelidj, Histamine is a dehydration/ mineral imbalance warning signal. So if one mineral is out of balance or you are low on liquid, then you produce histamine and all hell breaks loose. Blessings, Charity
I know for me this proved to be the truth.
Apple Cider Vinegar Side Effects
However, the negative effects included raw looking gums that appeared to have receeded somewhat. They were already receeding somewhat to begin with, but after the first week or so I developed a very sensitive spot at the gumline. I immediately stopped my daily glass of 1 tsp-1 Tbs of organic ACV in a tall glass of water and filled my dental trays with organic virgin coconut oil and then oil pulled for the next few days which took away my sensitivity and appeared to repair my gums as well. I had also developed heartburn from the ACV which subsequently cleared up when I quit drinking the ACV tonic. It's been about a month since I quit, and my problems have disappeared, so I have begun, over the past few days reintroducing it with a pinch of baking soda to neutralize the acid, which hasn't given me any of the same problems I had previously.
My question though, is: does neutralizing the acid reduce it's effectiveness for overall health benefits? I love ACV and all that it does for us, but am afraid of ruining my teeth! Heartburn is no fun either :(
(Talent, Oregon, Us)
Hi Katherine, I had heard that ACV can ruin the enamel on the teeth. So I've been trying 1 tsp of ACV in1/2 cup water, but instead of putting the baking soda directly in with the ACV, I've been using it as a mouth wash after the ACV. (like you, I wasn't sure if mixing the 2 would take away the effect of the ACV) So far so good. My gums seem fine and the enamel seems fine. Best of luck.
(Mebane, North Carolina, Usa)