Banana Peels
Health Benefits

Cure for Warts! The Banana Peel Home Remedy

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Banana Peel Feedback

103 User Reviews
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Posted by Breda (Dublin, Ireland) on 12/16/2007


Replied by Ski
(Rockland, Maine)

Ted, thanks for your contribution but I cannot find where your recipe is cited for a common cold. If I recall you recommended 2 teaspoons sea salt to 1 liter of water with a whole lemon. Drink this down and hopefully cure your cold. Is this the correct recipe?

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Pat (akron, ohio) on 12/09/2007

Thank you Earth Clinic, and all that have left testimonials about the banana peel cure. I developed what I thought was a callus on the bottom of my left foot, about two inches back from my little toe, right under the small bone that runs there.I used a solution to soften it, then sanded it, but to no avail. A friend suggested that it might be a planters wart. I had never heard of this, so I did some research and detirmend that it was a plantars wart, so the first thing I tried was an otc freez-off product, that did not work. I, being a firm beliver in natural cures, searched the web and found this site. One of the best days of my life!! I followed the advice of others, and tried the bannana peel treatment. AMAZING! I cut a small piece of green peel and taped to the wart on the evening of the first day. Not working the next day, I decide to leave it on for the day. That evening, I removed the peel and noticed that the skin around the wart was softening up, the wart appeared to be coming loose. I cleaned it up, then took a hot shower. I then redid the peel and tape before bed on the second night. The next mourning I removed the bandage, and to my suprise the wart was protruding above the skin line. I did not pick at it, deciding to let the peel continue to work its " magic". After a hot shower, I prepared to apply another piece of peel, but did not need to, the wart was gone!!!!!! In a span of less than 48 hours my wart was gone, and all that was left to do was sand down the caluse that had formed around the wart.To me this was a real life saver because I am a constuction worker, continually walking on freshly bulldozed ground that is a mess of broken ground and small rocks. The wart to me was near debilatating, causing my knee to buckle from the pain every time I steped on one of the rocks, which caused me to limp and focus on where my next step would land, averting my attention from what I was doing, not a good thing on a construction site. In closing, all I can say is that the bannana peel cure is the closet thing to a mirecal curs that I have ever witnessed, or been part of. It really works! Thank you all from the bottom of my foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Karen (Adelaide, Australia) on 11/20/2007

I tried the banana peel method for my 10 year old son's warts. There were about 40 of them particularly on his left hand -inc. two very large masses - he was having a really difficult time at school. We had tried all the usual standard treatments and were about to get them cut out and after only one week of using the peel every night they have gone!Swimming in a salt water pool seemed to quicken the effect. They didn't blacken that much - just shrank back with minimal scarring.Thank you so much to all who took the trouble to post your comments - it has been a true miracle for us.

Replied by Lacey
(Slidell, LA)

Hi I am trying to find B3 Niacinamide (NON FLUSHING) but everything that I come across has Niacin instead of Niacinamide, but I did come across an item on ebay that is listed as Nicinamide 259mg x100 non flushing vitamin B3 NAD & NADP but then under the product description it says Vitamin B3 (Niacin). But the product description says Flush Free, Pharmaceutical Grade, Energy Production, and Dietary supplement. It also says Niacinamide is the form of niacin...Im extreamly confused on whether or not I should buy this product. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.

EC: Lacey is referring to Ted's remedies posted here:

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Dan...Ted usually recommends between 10 mgs to 50 mgs of sodium molybdate crystals supplemented with water per day. As a precaution, you should take this remedy for two weeks only and then have a week off the protocol and continue it like that.

You may also have trouble purchasing sodium molybdate in powder form but the best place to get it is on -- just type in "sodium molybdate" in the search box and you will find it.

If you have mycoplasma issues then supplementing Ted's Borax Water Protocol is also advised. More info on mycoplasma remedies here.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by David (Gawler, SA, Australia) on 10/06/2007

My son had a painful pea-sized Plantar Wart on the ball of his heel. Using the prescribed Salicylic Acid paste for 3 months achieved nothing at all. (My son, age 7, would not let us scrape the wart.) Visiting the doctor again, he said some patients suggested using banana peel under a bandage, changed daily, so we tried that. Within just 3 DAYS the wart dropped off! We are continuing treatment for another week or so to ensure no small pieces survive. This may not work for all warts, but I definitely recommend banana peel as a low-risk first treatment for any wart problem.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by John (selma, calif) on 09/02/2007

My mother once told me to warm up some bannas peels on some moles that were blocking my vision,so I did and soon forgot the about it, until one day some family member ask me, hey what happen to that mole that was blocking my vision, so I looked at our mirror and notice them gone!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Susan (Huntingdon Valley, PA, USA) on 08/17/2007

I tried the banana peels on my wart at the base of my big toe and after 10 days it was GONE. I had the wart for about 2 months. After going to the doctors and having the callus scraped off I tried using Dr. Scholls medicated pads for about 6 weeks. It got to the point that it hurt to walk barefoot and with shoes on. I finally gave up and called a foot doctor to have them treat it. My appointment was to be 3 weeks later so I went to the web to see what I could find and found this site. I used a small peel at night under a band aid and with in a week the pain was gone and then the wart peeled off, with a little help. That was 3 weeks ago and it is still gone. I was so impressed that I tell everyone about it. GIVE IT A TRY IT REALLY WORKS!!!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Mary (Gulf Shores, AL) on 07/18/2007

Hi, my 11 year old son had a problem with alot of warts appearing on knees, hands, elbows you name it. we have tried having them burned off at dr. a 3 hundred dollar prescription. well i told him about the banana peels he tried them and it worked thanks so much for this web site he was insecure about the warts being around his friends thanks again.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by SHIRLEY J (Ft. Myers, Florida) on 07/02/2007

#1 cure. My grandson, age 11, had about 20 warts on his abdomen. Some had been removed by his Doctor but was a painful experience. I recommended he tape a small piece of banana peel to each wart. He did. Within a week they were all gone! Thanks you Earth Clinic! #2 Cure At the very first sign of a cold or flu put 3 drops of Peroxide in one ear. Lie still for 20 minutes. Repeat in other ear. A miracle! Shirley J.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Joel (Louisville, KY) on 05/22/2007

I tried the banana peels for 5 weeks or so faithfully, and had no luck. As others on the site have said, it turned my wart brown and made it wet and spongy so I could cut at some of it, but it didn't make it fall out. It is still here. This is a plantar wart on the bottom of my foot.

Replied by Robb
(New Orleans, LA)

You shouldn't be surprised if a planter wart on your foot is taking long to fall off. The idea behind a banana peel is that the "good stuff" goes into the wart and kills the "bad stuff". Our skin has pores for such things to happen, how you think you got the warts in the first place? From the pores your blood circulation moves things around your body, i.e. the "good stuff" from the banana. All of us that walk have been walking for years, our feet havn't complained. Your soles of your feet become thick and strong against the ever abrasive flooring you walk upon. This isn't the best situation for your blood to circulate in. Give it some more time, or soak your feet in hot water to soften them up. Then put the banana peel. Your callused feet don't absorb things as fast as your softer hands or skin would.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Ashley (Broadalbin, NY) on 05/13/2007

I had this awful, HUGE. wart on my middle finger nuckle, and on my pinkie finger nuckle, an a couple on each thumb along with some on my pointer and middle fingers, and some just next to my fingernail 9at the tips of my finger so my nail would grow wierd) i tried some equate liquid wart remover, i also tried some freeze away stuff, neither of them worked. i tried duct tape for about a week, but that didnt work cuz the tape kept falling off. my mom had just scheduled a dermatologist appointment that was supposed to be about 2 months from now, but i was afraid of the pain, so i was surfing the internet and i found this website with the banana peel and i decided what the heck, u know? the only thing i have to lose is this nasty wart. so i tried it for about a week, about 7 or 8 hours a day, wile i was sleeping, i would wash it off it the shower, i noticed it started to turn black. so i figured that was a good sign. within a week it started to like, fall off, now its almost 3/4 gone!!! i'm so excited, i've had it for 6 years now, so you can imagine the relief i got when it started falling off. i can't wait until its completely gone.

Replied by Texas

Dental Toxicities

Digestive health starts in the mouth: For many patients, dental and digestive health seem to go hand in hand. Currently there are a multitiude of procedures and materials that have been developed by the dental industry to promote dental health, not to mention to ward off infections and improve oral hygiene. Manufacturers of dental materials spare no effort to provide dentists with the widest array of amalgams, composites, sealants, varnishes, cements, adhesives, pastes, etc. We all know about mercury and heavy metal toxicity; see for example, Ziff (2002). What we did not know about is the involvement of dental sealants (liners in the causation of a newly discovered disorder called neurocutaneous syndrom (NCS) (Amin, 2003, 2004).

NCS is a disorder that degrades the skin (cutaneous tissue) and neurological system of patients who have been treated with sealants during filling or root canal procedures. Patients sensitive to sulfa are especially susceptible to experiencing the neurological and dermatological toxicity symptoms of NCS. Neurological symptoms include but are not limitited to pinprick and/or creeping, painful, and irritating movement sensations, often interpreted as loss of memory, and light sensitivity may also be experienced. The cutaneous aspects include the development of small itchy sores or inflamed, elevated, pimples that may eventually evolve into painful open lesions with a tendency to spread. General symptoms include compromised immune system, fatigue, and psychological trauma.

A complete description of NCS symptoms, the syndrome, compounding factors, and the toxic sealants, with case histories and treatment protocols, is given by Amin (2003, 2004) Dental practitioners should be aware of the adverse effects of using sealants, and employ this knowledge to safeguard the well being of their patiesnt.

Amin, O.M. "On the diagnosis and management of Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS), a toxicity disorder from dental sealants." Explore, vol., 13, no. 1 (2003): pp 21-25.

Amin, O.M. "Dental sealant toxicity: Neurocutaneous Syndrome (NCS), a dermatological and neurological disorder." Holistic Dental Association Journal, no. 1 (2004): pp. 1-15

Ziff, S. Silver Dental Fillings: The Toxic Time Bomb. Santa Fe, Aurora Press, 2002.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Allison (Salem, Indiana) on 04/19/2007

In response to the banana peels, I don't know why they work exactly but they definitely work. My 4 year old son had a planters wart on the bottom of his foot and he was hobbling around on it. I came across this web site....,which is one of my favorite sites, and found the banana peel cure I didn't even put it on for the full seven days and the darn wart turned black and fell off. It was great. This remedy is now written down in my saved recipes. What a wonderful site and wonderful sharing of ways to keep your family happy and healthy!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Susan (Bainbridge Island, WA) on 04/15/2007

Banana peels have cured our daughter's plantar wart! We had been to the doctor to have the stubborn wart frozen off. It grew to twice the size after 2 weeks. The bill for the "surgery" was 170.00$. Found the banana peel remedy on this website and tried it out. Our 5 year old thought it was fun to tape a small piece of banana peel to her wart every night before bed. After 3 weeks she was running around in flip flops and ran into the house to tell me her wart was "falling off" - sure enough, it was peeling right off, callous and inner scabbed area. There is nice fresh skin underneath now. Still a very small central area of wart but I feel confident that within a week or so it will be gone totally. Amazing!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by K (Sask, Canada) on 04/15/2007

I had about 10 warts on my feet and I had them for years. I tried everything, and nothing worked until I tried band-aiding a piece of a banana peel on each wart EVERY night (and during the day if I was at home). It took at least a month for all of the warts to completely disappear, but they did eventually go away and I haven't had another one since! It is definitely a remedy worth trying!

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by Rula (Sausalito, California) on 04/09/2007

My 10 year old daughter had a wart on her toe. We tried OTC gel but that did not work at all. I found this website two weeks ago and read about the Banana peel. We tried it right away, I would cut a little square piece every night before bedtime and put it on the wart, secure it with a bandaid and take it off in the morning. We did that almost every night, I would say skipped about three times. Every morning we found it smaller than the day before, it did turn black from the first day. This morning (about the 10th day of doing it) the little black head fell off and her toe looks fantastic, there is still a little hole but I am sure by tomorrow it will look much better. We are super happy and amazed. Thank you very much for this wonderful website and thanks to all the people that shared their stories. My friend now has a wart on her finger and I told her to use Banana peel I'll let you know how it goes.

Banana Peel Feedback
Posted by CJ (Boston, MA) on 03/22/2007

I've had plantar warts on my feet for 10 years and in that span of time I've tried every remedy under the sun to get rid of these stubborn, painful, embarrassments. Warts occur in a variety of shapes and sizes. What I have are "mosaic warts" which are multiple plantar warts in a large, flat cluster. I started out with just three small warts in various places on my foot. I went to my Physician and the first thing he tried was cryotherapy (Freezing the warts). But you have to make multiple visits to do it multiple times which is inconvenient and expensive. The next thing he tried was the most painful of anything I've ever tried to do to get rid of my warts. He injected an anesthetic into my foot (OUCH!) and then proceeded to dig or cut out the wart. I had three good size holes in my feet when I left the office. I thought that was the end of my plantar warts but I was sooo naive! Not only did they come back but they came back WITH A VENGEANCE! Many more than just three. They grew back as mosaic warts. I decided to try to take care of it on my own. When they began selling a freeze kit at the drug store, I tried it myself from home on more than one occasion with no results. I tried salicylic acid in many forms with no results. I tried the duct tape occlusion method which only made my socks or shoes sticky and gooey because the duct tape did not stay in place while walking. I tried soaking my feet in water and using an emery board or pumice stone to file the dead, loose tissue away. I even tried soaking and then paring (shaving down) it myself with a sharp blade! Desperate times call for desperate measures but nothing helped. I decided to go back to the professionals. A Podiatrist prescribed a Formaldehyde solution that looked like a roll-on deodorant. The idea was that when applied to dry skin it would disinfect and kill the bacteria. I saw nothing happen. The last thing I tried was immunotherapy, which triggers your immune system to destroy the virus causing the wart. I used an Imiquimod topical cream called Aldara. It is generally used when other treatments have failed. I had high hopes. Imiquimod treatment is expensive ($80 prescription co-pay) but I didn't care. You're supossed to apply it before going to bed three nights a week for 16 weeks. The only thing that happened was MORE WARTS APPEARED!!! I was devestated. No traditional treatments worked. Then I read about this natural method of curing warts with a banana peel and I was extremely excited and hopeful again that this would be the answer I was looking for - and a cheap one at that! I started eating lots of bananas and saving the peels in the refrigerator. At night I'd take one out, cut a piece of banana peel to size (in my case I used quite a bit of the peel!), rubbed the inside of the peel into the warts as an extra measure, then held the peel in place with duct tape & socks overnight while I slept. (It does get kind of gushy & gross. Wear old socks.) In the morning I'd remove the tape & peel and wash the banana residue off in the shower. Sadly after 14 nights of "banana feet" (not consecutively) I've seen NO changes to the warts. As other people have said, they looked brown but that was just the banana residue that washed right off. They also looked kind of swollen in the morning like a sponge would be when it soaks up water, but by later in the day they were back to looking like they always have. They're not shrinking, disappearing or falling off. They haven't pulled out or dried out - absolutely nothing! I'm starting to lose hope in the banana peel method or ever getting these warts off my feet at all. I saw the apple cider vinegar cure on this site so I guess I'll try that next in my on-going battle with these awful plantar warts.

Replied by JS
(Essen, Germany)

Dear CJ from Boston, MA I read your story and really wish you get rid of your warts: try the same descripted banana method uninterupted three weeks long but WITHOUT EATING the bananas!

Replied by Cathy
(Anaheim, CA)

OK, I'm confused, are we supposed to use green banana or ripe bananas? CJ is eating his so it must be ripe.

EC: Ripe bananas is our thought...

Replied by Tslate
(San Diego, CA)

Personally I would not refrigerate a banana or use refrigerated ones. You could be causing issues for the treatment. Just use regular, non-refrigerated bananas. Anything refrigerated will lose many attributes just by the un-natural cooling process over-time. Same thing occurs with freezing. Anytime you take a food substance out of an artificial environment such as freezing or refrigerating many natural properties are lost very fast.

Just use a fresh banana right after you peel it.

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