Conquer Your Demons!
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Conquer Your Demons!

| Modified on Apr 11, 2015
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What ails the body sometimes starts - and can be stopped - in the mind. This new page is the place to report and discuss the genuine techniques that have brought you out of mental and physical addictions, the guidance that helped you understand and cure your bodies of distress and disease.

Send us your success stories! How did you manage to stop/heal/cure your damaging patterns of thought and destructive addictions? We're thinking about:

* Curbing your addiction to sugar
* Transforming an intense dislike for someone into love
* Conquering jealousy
* Healing yourself from heartbreak
* Halting an obsession about something or someone
* Curing an addiction to junk food

Whether it be the wise guidance you received from your grandmother, a message relayed in a dream, or a meditative technique that finally rang out like truth and caused a permanent behavioral change, we want to know about it! 

Each man and woman among us has chosen a personal path of religious belief that offers hope of healing, worthy of respect. This is not the place to change minds on that topic, but there are practical methods and common bits of wisdom that everyone can share, regardless of beliefs. Your success story will be a source of inspiration to others battling their own particular demons, of that we are sure.



The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Conquer Your Demons Reader Feedback

Posted by Zsaqwe (Brownsville, Texas) on 09/13/2010

For me it was a life changing to have taken the A New Earth web seminar. Shyness, anxiety, fears, hate, judgmental and many other types of emotional suffering that I have been paged from was clearly understood and eventually overcome thanks to listening to this web seminar. I still listen to Eckhart Tolle in you tube and I stumble at Anthony De Mello a catholic priest that talks about the same but in his own words. All this draw me deeply into my own faith and helped me enormously in my relations with my loved ones and everybody else. I find it amazing how I interact with all kind of people and how they respond positively. In the past I was so shy and, always suspecting of peoples motives. It was dreadful. The web seminar was a great way to find inner peace and it was free.

Replied by Zsaqwe
(Brownsville, Texas)

I had a very hard time to adjust my life to do housework. The martyr in me was always active every time I was doing some housework. Blaming my dear husband, and precious kids. One day I found fly lady, she is so popular that I am sure everybody know about Marla. She trains me in how to do the housework and ever since I had no problem anymore. A clean house and nice attitude about it is what I gain. I always recommends her and this is an opportunity if someone is having issues with housework. Just google

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

the rubix cube ; figure out how to make all the sides even in color . My crazymaking childhood followed me into my adulthood. I could not figure out what to do or how to solve the mess. I tried so many things. Classes , books, counselling , medication , hypnosis, prayer, reading self help books, close friendships, distraction, exercise and vitamin therapy and much searching . The fix was * understanding *.

I believe in Jesus , but I didn't know enough about the kingdom to figure out what was happening to me or around me. I watch up to five sermons a day .

I was a spirit in the Father in heaven begging to come to earth to get a body. I was allowed to come and was born into a crazy mess . I was born sick with sick parents and siblings. They came from sick dysfunctional families and we were Catholic. Dad became one so mom would marry him but he was not a true believer. Anyway, I was given a body to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth as it is in Heaven. To do this I have to understand the Bible but Catholics don't read the bible. By thirteen I had given up and started self medicating . Life was a madhouse. Lots of bad things happened to me and then I got married to another self medicator. Then we had a child . My health got worse and worse. I became a born again believer and started reading the bible and learning. Many years later the kids were raised and I started watching lots of sermons a day . I learned the devil has demons that help him. All my waking hours they put messages into my thoughts and symptoms on my body and cause strife in my family members.They tempt me to eat things, buy things, say and do things I don't even want to think or do or say or own. If I don't KNOW they are behind it then I have to willpower my way through it feeling like I am some NUTJOB for being someone I have no desire to be and thinking crazy thoughts I don't desire to have and being upset with myself for being so weird. Well I'm onto them. I am not those thoughts and I'm not that person and I have no desire to be like that. I can overcome these physical things they put on me and I can be well as I control my thoughts and actions knowing it is a force , that God has allowed to teach me how to utilize the power of love , authority and wisdom of the Kingdom . If I believe I recieve then today it's mine. If not then I need to grow in faith . I don't hate anyone because the enemy is behind them abusing me, using me and stirring up the strife between us. If I can keep my focus and overtake the lies being projected on me, then the Kingdom of heaven manifests in my life. I am overcoming generational strongholds as I learn and grow in perfected love that forgives . It is much easier knowing those other people are being led to do bad things and make unwise choices that affect me but I can pray for them to understand one day and we can get united against the forces against us and be free. I did do some deliverance sessions and that has helped a lot. The other family members do not understand but one day we will be restored . My people perish for lack of knowledge. Pray for harvestors to go into the field for the harvest is ready and the laborers are few. The battle is won by Love in Faith with Hope and Longsufferring, walking with the Prince of Peace, Jesus , through the storm. He delivers us out of all our troubles . Hope to see you in Heaven.

Conquer Your Demons Reader Feedback
Posted by Felicia (Seattle, USA) on 07/14/2008

I have been using EFT (Emotional Freeing Technique) for almost three years now and it has worked on an incredible variety of issues. Physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual problems have just melted away with its regular use. It is free to learn but it takes imagination and persistence to really get the full benefits. I think it's just amazing and use it every day for just about everything.

Things I've cured or helped myself with: general stage fright, serious emotional issues relating to playing the fiddle (I almost quit but now I'm happily playing again and better than ever!), I've "tapped" away colds and flu, indigestion, anxiety due to flying, PTSD relating to being an incest survivor, depression, anger issues, the list just goes on and on. I've even done it on animals and it works for them, too- weird but wonderful!

I am happy to send links to several very good sites for learning EFT if anyone cares to contact me.

EFT is just great! It sounds crazy, looks crazy... and works wonderfully well even if you don't believe in it. Give it a try!

Replied by Free_2_be...
(South Point, Ohio)

I am spending more & more time on this site and I just love how freely the community shares information. Sine being sick over 6 years and severely sick now for the past few months,I knew in my being that I had to make some changes or continue to decline. At this point, I am willing to try anything that might improve my health and emotional well being.

A few days ago, I starting adding ACV & raw honey to my daily routine. I find the ACV compliments apple juice nicely & honey is just tasty no matter what you take with it :D

I have also been practicing the hydrogen peroxide therapy despite some of my reservations about taking it internally. Today, I put about a half teaspoon or so (3% drug store brand peroxide) in my nebulizer & inhaled it that way instead of using the nasal spray bottle method. I could definitely feel it was doing something, not sure if it is good or bad though. My heart started racing but I have tachycardia so my condition surely contributed to that little side effect. However, sometimes I think my symptoms get worse after a few hours pass. My coughing has increased & my lungs still feel tight. I still have to use my rescue inhaler several times a day, especially if I'm moving around very much. Despite all this, I will continue using it in hopes that it is just making the virus (and/or whatever else it is that keeps me ill) very angry. I have read several places that sometimes it gets worse before it gets better. Any thoughts on this?

I actually visualize this, whatever it is, virus as a demon that has possessed my body and is trying to destroy me. As with most the depictions of demons, it gets angry and does its worst been threatened to be cast out. Since I have a vivid imagination and also come from a family that still believes in demonic possession and faith healing, it is not hard for me to incorporate this type of visualization into my treatment. I just don't want to get so carried away with this that I miss symptoms or side effects that could be even more harmful to me.

To get back on track here and on point with this discussion, I am very interested in learning freedom therapy techniques. However,the sites to which I've been directed require fees for the training. If you don't mind, where did you learn to do emotional freedom therapy for free? I think it is fascinating and sounds promising. I have a friend that is certified in it and he swears it works miracles. But there again, every resource I have found thus far require either fee for the therapy or fees for the trainings to learn how to do the techniques correctly.

I would greatly appreciate any information you can give me on EFT, as well as any feedback anyone can offer on my other attempts to slay these demons that are living rent free in my body, lol.... Seriously though, I want to be healthy again.

I'm am so happy I found this website and grateful to everyone on here that so graciously share their experiences and knowledge. Thank You All.

Replied by Yvonne
(Beverley, East Yorkshire, United Kingdom)

I practise EFT almost daily. It's a lovely thing that, once you've learned the basic routine you can do it for yourself any time, anywhere. If you want to email me on [email protected] I can give you details of where to find out more... (Not sure if I'm allowed to direct you to my web site!)

Conquer Your Demons Reader Feedback
Posted by Tara (Brooklyn, NY) on 06/11/2008

I have a Play It Forward philosophy to conquer some of my demons. What I do is play my actions forward in time and see how it makes me feel both emotionally and physically. This has worked well in conquering a particularly intense sugar and chocolate fixation I have had since childhood. Not only do I see myself consuming the desired dessert, I also see myself after it's been consumed and get a sense for how my body reacts to the high sugar and flour content - sick, tired and bloated for the next 24 hours. Well that's enough to stop me from going further (most of the time) and actually eating the dessert.

I am also using play it forward imagery to stop myself from harsh and bitchy words to my husband when I am PMS-ing. In my mind I verbalize my anger, then I take it to the next step in time and sense how my body will react to my proposed outburst. Even though it's a conversation going on in my head, it still makes me feel uneasy and slightly sick to my stomach. And I know that feeling will last for hours if I actually start up. Uggghh. Ha hah -- that's all I need to stop talking! I then wait until I feel calm (not dominated by flying high hormones) before I bring up an issue that was bugging me. I haven't mastered this technique by any means, but I do work on it daily. You need to go through an entire scenario from start to finish in order for it to be effective, I think.

Conquer Your Demons Reader Feedback
Posted by KateC (Laguna Beach, CA) on 05/31/2008

re: Conquering your demons... I have always had an issue with boyfriends checking out other women when we are out. I know for a fact that there are many other women who have the same issue, but probably not as badly as I have.. A boyfriend who checks out another woman in my presence has always made me CRAZY inside. I felt jealousy, rage and insecurity.

I am glad to report that I have recently brought this emotionally charged issue under control. It took some time, but I consider the demon mostly conquered. What has helped me? Besides being in stable relationship with an emotionally mature man, I now stop my myself before my emotions escalate and think about the situation very carefully. The real key for me in conquering this demon has been to not allow my response to escalate. I "turn off" the switch in my head that wants to make a big deal out of it. I take a few deep breaths and then start rationalizing -- rather than my old pattern of reacting.

I have also figured out that while I am totally tortured for days after the reported "looking incident", my partner forgot about the woman he just checked out after a couple of minutes and wouldn't be able to describe her to me if I asked! Ahhhh so! Apparently this is true of most men that I have talked to.

Replied by London
(Sandusky, Ohio)

You know what girl, there is nothing that pisses me off more than that!! Ugghhh.

Yeah, I feel you. I realize the biggest part of my jealousy is not only insecurities, but you have to look at the guy too, and ask yourself this: does he Love you, and can you trust him? Because, if you think for one second he doesn't or that you can't trust him, therein lies the biggest part of your jealousy problem.

Of course another factor is insecurity, and you have to get to a place where, you realize everyone has flaws, no one is perfect, there is always gonna be people that have it more going on then you or less. This isn't why people are together, or why they get together. The chick may never evn give your man the time of day, etc, if he had the chance.

Also, I've checked out guys myself, openly, when my mans back is turned.

Does that mean I don't love him or would totally get with the other guy if I had the chance. No. I'm just looking. Plus, women are beautiful and even I stare at beautiful women. Again your just lookin'. You gotta look, there is nothing wrong, with checking out attractive people, if you feel like your in a stable relationship and there is Love there, and you can TRUST your partner. Trust is the only way a relationship will fly in this unstable, cheatin' hearts world.

Replied by Joyce
(Dallas, Tx)

I do not think there is anything wrong with you being jealous about your boyfriend checking other women out. This is not a symptom of Psychosis and you do not need Emotional Therapy for this. What this is, is something called RESPECT, which your boyfriend obviously does not have enough of for you.

It pisses you off so much, not because you are Jealous or Insecure, but because you realize that he is not that into you. Because if he were as into you as you are into him, he wouldn't be doing this. Trust me on this, I have been with guys who don't do that, out of simple RESPECT for me. But a lot of guys I've been with do check out other girls in my presence and they never get that far with me.

Respect yourself Ladies and Do not compromise yourself or your emotions. Do not try to control your man! He is either into you, or not that into you. Don't get mad at yourself or him, if he is not that into you. Just let him go and all those negative thoughts of insecurity go. Try to find someone who doesn't bring out these feelings in you in the first place. Find yourself a man who respects women. They are out there, but you just don't notice them or don't care to notice them. Your too busy looking at guys who can get any girl they want. If you want a Brad Pitt, then you should expect to become a Jennifer Aniston one day. Common Sense. Miracles do happen though! Good luck!

Replied by Joyce
(Dallas, Tx)

How does it make you feel when you are out at the mall shopping and you see a Dad with his wife and kids checking you out, right in front of his poor wife? This has happened to me many times and probably you too! It is the most DISRESPECTFUL thing! I feel so sorry for those wives who put up with that and have compromised their own self worth for their husbands.

Ladies if you are happy with your husband who stares at other women whenever you guys are out, even in front of your own children . . . In the words of Sheryl Crow, "If it makes you happy, it can't be that bad."

Most women would put up with this, because the mere thought of being alone is worse than living with a husband who has no interest or desire to be with them, or has no respect for them! I'd rather be Free from the fear of being alone. Maybe, instead of using EFT for Jealousy or Insecurity, you should use it for Conquering Your Fear of Being Alone. Done.

Replied by Vetta
(Northeast, , Usa)

I agree with Joyce completely. I have been with both kinds of men and believe me, if a man respects you he will not be checking out other women in front of you. Never mind all that bs about it being "natural, " there are a lot of things that are natural that we do not do in public! A gentleman knows how to control his impulses and only a fool settles for less.

Replied by Cat
(Los Angeles, Ca)

It's all about respect. When a partner blatantly ogles other people (man or woman) it shows that they aren't sensitive to your feelings. I can concede though that my jealousy on this issue was out of control in the past due to deep insecurities that were not my partners fault. But in one case in particular I had a boyfriend who would STARE at hot girls in my presence sometimes when they were right next to us in an elevator. But if the girl had a boyfriend herself, he would just glance and look away. After noticing this pattern and bringing it up, I had to accept the fact that I was with a guy that didn't respect me enough. You can control your drooling if the girl has a tough looking boyfriend? Then you should respect me enough to avert your eyes even when there isn't a scary boyfriend around.

Conquer Your Demons Reader Feedback
Posted by Wilma (Venice, CA) on 05/30/2008

re: Emotional Healing. There are a lot of Energy Psychology techniques available. Two of my favorites are EFT and TAT, both of which you can get a FREE manual from the websites on how to do them. EFT is tapping on acupuncture points to clear energy pathways our subconscious has possibly blocked. TAT requires holding a main acupuncture point and saying certain phrases. With these simple techniques, I have helped cure addictions to sugar, phobias, migraines, anxieties, tumors on my dog, crying children, piano performance issues, shoulder pain, etc. It is absolutely amazing and I AM NOT even a professional. ANYONE can do it. I really believe the creators of these techniques want to empower us to heal ourselves. There is enough information on the websites to do it yourself and try it on anything.

Replied by STARHAWK

HI I AM GLAD to see how much progress you have made with EFT and TAT. HOW DO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT TAT? I have been using eft for a few months and the results have been miraculous. However lately the results seemed to have slowed down. I am dealing with major anxiety that is triggered by diet, lack of sleep and even exercising triggers my anxiety. So I seem to be in the doldrums right now in with the eft. Perhaps it is just that I am revealing all of my PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) at this point. IN other words perhaps I am just temporarily overwhelmed by the avalanche of old emotions and unhealed memories coming to the surace that I just need to wait for it to settle and then go back to eft. on that note, what do you do on days you feel overwhelmed by emotions? Would the eft be able to help you. or the tat? also, I have taken eft and expanded it further than its original form. perhaps later I will post how I do eft. also, I am looking into another form of emotional healing using magnets that I heard about from another forum. any help or thoughts appreciated.

Replied by Stella
(C, OH)

To Wilma from Venice CA, Thanks for sharing about EFT and TAT. I use to do EMDR years back and it was very powerful, I am now looking forward to trying these other techniques. Thanks.

Replied by Wilma
(Venice, CA)

STARHAWK, In response to your email, you can Google TAT Tapas and find some information. You will even find some Youtube videos. One of the things I have learned is that you can often get more synergy and power by doing it with more than one person. The level of healing is exponential. You can use a friend, family member, professional--like the power of group prayer and meditation. Good luck.

Conquer Your Demons Reader Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 05/26/2008 490 posts

On conquering your demons page - Do phobias count as demons? If so, I had two really bad phobias from childhood until sometime in my upper twenties: one was fear of dead 4 -legged animals - the second one was very swift running water, especially if it was both swift and muddy. I would walk a mile or more to avoid walking close to the dead 4-legged animals. Dead humans & other 2-legged animals didn't bother me.

One day after the nervous problems that facing either of these subsided, I told myself that being so terrified of something was stupid & started trying to remember the first time I was frightened by either one. It took me 6 months or more to finally remember that first time - both occurred when I was 4 years old. Funny, it was like watching a silent movie of myself as a 4 year old and seeing what gave me a terror of both. Not trusting my memory, I went to an older sister and asked her if we had a horse to die in the stable when I was about 4 years old. When she told me we did, then I knew I could trust the silent movie which explained the water phobia. After that silent movie I watched of myself, my phobias were both gone. I have never been bothered by either of them - even calmly drive onto ferrys during flood season, not screaming bloody murder as my sister tells me I did when I was 4.

Conquer Your Demons Reader Feedback
Posted by Olivia (Brooklyn, New York) on 05/26/2008

Addiction to ice and lemons.

A few years ago I developed an intense craving for ice and lemons. I have since had great sympathy for addicts, because my craving drove me like a tyrant. One grocer asked me what I did with so much lemons since I bought a lot every day after work. I never had enough ice either. One day a friend of mine said she thought I had a chemical imbalance since I ate all of the ice in their trays. I was ashamed but did not know what to do about it. I wish I knew what cured it, but I had surgery due to fibroids, and when I came out of the hospital the craving had disappeared and never returned. I am writing this because someone may have cravings so intense they are ashamed; it may just be something chemical and not just a lack of will.

Replied by Joan
(Hamburg, New York)

Olivia, Craving ice and consuming tons of it is a sign of anemia, an iron deficiency. We lose massive amounts of blood every month when we have fibroids. Glad to hear you had them taken care of. Don't understand the citrus connection though, I was hooked on ice and lime water.

Replied by Christian
(Melbourne, Australia)

Vitamin C is well known for assisting in iron absorption.

Replied by John
(Aucklad, New Zealand)

I have used Dr. Bradley Nelsons emotion codes which is similar to EFT though faster and more powerful.

While you need to buy or obtain his ebook to learn it fully I can give a quick rundown.

First you google 'emotion code chart' and click on images and you will see many instances of the chart.

Then you use muscle testing (Kinesiology) to find a trapped emotion: is there a trapped emotion I can release at this time, is it in column A? Is it in an odd numbered row, is it...

Once you find the emotion you take a magnet and run it down your governing meridial which runs over your head and down you spine.

It takes some intention and 3 sweeps (or more) of the magnet to release a trapped emotion.

So it consists of 2 parts, Identification with muscle testing and clearing with magnetic stimulation of your meridians.

You can mix it with EFT, I often do with great results where I might use an EFT setup statement and sweep the governing meridian as easier, faster and more powerful than tapping. (likely addressing a problem directly)

It is worth learning EFT and then incorperating both Kinesiology as an additional targeting method and magnetic (or Amega amwand) stimulation of the governing meridian in place of tapping.

One last thought, I highly recomment Landmark Education's programs (The Forum) and if you can do it I suspect Direct Access would kick ass.

This grew out of Werner H. Erhard's EST. 94% of people find it to be worth while and make a lasting change. see

One truly last thought, making sudden changes does not work well, what has been shown in studies to work is making changes more slowly and doing 'processing' about the changes first.

I can't explain it very well but this interview shows how people can make changes that last.

Replied by Wendy
(Columbus, Ohio/USA)

I've read the book, "The Emotion Code", and also just completed a Remote Session to remove my Heart-Wall.

Absolutely wonderful results!!!! I had a number of "issues" that I needed to have released, most significantly a constant feeling of mild anxiety/fear/dread in the lowest area of the sternum, probably more likely right below the xiphoid. Have had this issue, it seems, forever. It feels something like a clenched holding sensation.

Well, that clenching/tight sensation is all but gone!

Granted, I need to go a few more days to see if these results actually stay, but regardless, I'm super impressed.

I highly recommend reading this book, "The Emotion Code".