Chronic Ankle Issues
General Feedback
EC: Good to hear from you, Oldriska! At your suggestion, we've created this new page for craniosacral therapy and osteopathic treatment in general. We're eager to hear from ECers in the know on these alternative health therapies!
Head Injury
(San Francisco, Ca, Usa)
Della, I am very surprised the ER didn't XRay you or MRI your head, it may be wise to go back to them and tell them what is now happening.
The impact (or the subsequent swelling) may have temporarily affected the positioning of the cranial bones or soft tissue around your ear. Your ear and its functions and surrounding physiology are very important in maintaining equilibrium as your body moves. The ear, in a way, is like your body's gyroscope.
*IF* that is what happened, an Osteopath who does cranial adjustments should be able to check it out for you and *gently, non-forcefully* reorient everything to its original position.
The Upledger Foundation in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, maintains a list of currently-licensed CranioSacral Therapists around the US, (Some are Physicians and some are Licensed Massage Therapists) and may be able to refer you to a physician where you are located.
I hope you will *please* make sure via XRay or MRI or other appropriate medical imagery that there was not some other damage from the impact than whatever was immediately visible, before you let anyone try to move things around.. Can't mess around with your head.
(Riverside, California /usa)
Thank you very much, Linda. I will try again. The HMO's in California will give you very little help. (Kaiser Permanente)
If you can find someone who is good at doing the manipulating, it will work for you. I haven't been treated for any other conditions with it, so cannot say anything about the effectiveness but I'm sure it would help. The bones do not have to move much. I'm sure it is minimal, since there isn't much move room between the bones anyway. This man would feel the pulse and make sure that it was the same on both sides. He said that was very important. So make sure your therapist is checking for that as well.