Flax Seeds
Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


3 User Reviews
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Posted by Dana (Miami ) on 08/27/2019

Taking 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil cured my dry eyes. I used to wake up in the morning feeling like they were ripping. I relied on Muro 128 ointment every night to prevent that searing pain & I was afraid if I forgot it. Since taking 1 tablespoon a day of flaxseed oil, my eyes are not dry at all - they never feel like they are ripping when I wake up in the morning. They don't even hurt when I put on eye makeup like mascara. I don't know if these incredible results would continue if I stopped taking flaxseed oil, but I never plan to stop. If you have dry eyes, it could be the solution for you! This is a very interesting study to read about: BROOKLINE, U.S.A. — Dry eye treated orally with flaxseed oil has a high success rate, according to a 3-year follow-up of 200 patients. “We found that 85% had total relief of their symptoms at the 2-month check,” said investigator Carol F. Boerner, MD, an ophthalmologist in private solo practice here. “These patients, including my mother, commonly reported that the burning and stinging of their dry eyes went away in about 2 weeks. The results lasted as long as the treatment was continued.” Patients also reported that “dry skin symptoms, such as cracked cuticles; flaky elbows, legs and feet; and itchy backs were alleviated.”

Posted by Rob (Northeast, USA) on 04/13/2009

Help for Graves Disease Eye Trouble

I have had Graves disease for a couple of years. I have not had a lot of trouble with eye protrusion, but I have suffered several severe struggles with dry, crusty, scratchy, painful eyes. The first round was helped by antithyroid meds. But for the last bout I was no longer on meds. I found that flaxseed oil was very helpful. I have been taking it for a few months now, 1 tablespoon with breakfast, another with supper (on some food). There seems to be a fairly predictable correlation between when my flaxseed oil habit gets interrupted and the return of eye symptoms (which reminds me to get back to the oil).

Posted by Patti (Muscatine, Iowa) on 11/18/2008

Dry Eye remedy

I have had dry eyes for over 25 years. I suffered with it for a long time while trying different remedies which didn't work. My opthamologist actually told me about this proven remedy. I have been taking 1000mg gelcap of flaxseed oil 2x/day for several years now and it has worked wonders for me. You have to take it for several weeks before you see results.


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Posted by Ruth (Ionia, Michigan) on 03/09/2008

my name is ruth,I used flax seed to cure my fibroid tumors. I would grind them in my coffee grinder . Then I would use about 2tsp a day and sprinkle them over my salad . I found it easier to eat them that way . I also would make flaxseed bread I would use about a 1/2 cup in my loaf of bread . It is very important to grind the flaxseed up to get the benfit of the seeds. Other wise the seeds will just pass right threw you . I did this for about a year and when I went back and had my ultra sound they were gone . I also had a tumor in my breast . I was benine but that also disappeared as well . I never tryed the BSM because I never heard about it working on tumors until now. I end up have a historectomy because my uterus fell . but I still take it so I don't get any tumors in my breast.

Flax Seed Hair Gel

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Posted by Kat (East Coast USA) on 10/20/2023

I've been using my own hair gel for about 2 years now. I have long thick naturally curly (dry) hair.

Here is the recipe:

  • 3 cups water
  • 6 tbsp whole flax seeds
  • 1 tbsp black walnut oil
  • 10 drops essential oil (optional)

Add seeds to cold water and bring to a boil. Simmer until it thickens, about 10 minutes, stirring often. Strain and let cool to lukewarm. Add oils and mix well. Store in refrigerator.

Flax Seed Tips

Posted by Kelly (Cinti, Ohio) on 03/09/2013

Hello everyone, a heads up about the easiest way to get flax and flax seed oil into you. Pre-hydrate 1 Tbsp FS with 1 cup water (with lid-old food jar) and refridgerate. The water softens the seed and frees the oil so there is no need to grind. A local herbalist here told me this as he does this every morning to dump into his health shake. And flax seed tea is great for soothing gallbladder pain etc. I add cinnamon for flavor. I would not keep the hydrated flax more than a couple of days where the same ratio of chia seeds can be kept for up to a couple of weeks. Blessings.


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Posted by Kelly (Cincinnati, Ohio) on 10/25/2009

a good remedy for gall bladder pain is to take 1 TBSP of flax seed with 2 1/2 cups of water and boil for 5min. pour off flax seed oil (rich in omega-3 fatty acids, life fish) and drink. I put some cinnamon and truvia (plant based sweetner) to taste and sip till gone. It really helped. alot of websites tell you to grind flax seed, but if you don't have a grinder, just take what you need for a week( in recipes et.),and put 1 tbsp. flax seed/1 to 1-1/2 cups water in a clear jar w/ a lid and refridgerate overnight (use distilled or spring wate of course). the flax oil will leach out and rise to the top by morning------- for the gall bladder attack though, boil and drink like a tea ASAP. It helped me. don't store too long in fridge.


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Posted by Jake (Chicago, Il) on 01/08/2008

whipple operation for duodenal cancer, psyllium, and flax seed meal. After my cancer operation in 1991 I suffered terrible flatulence - gas in both directions. It was a difficult time for several years - my doctors prescribed pancreatic enzymes that were useless. Eventually I realized because of the removal of my duodenum, digestion of oils and fats especially was impeded. I was better avoiding all oils and fats, but that was not a long term solution. My triglycerides were elevated and I was slowly depleting my essential oils and drying out based on my skin condition. Adding back essential oils (flax mixture) brought my tryglicerides back to normal in the first week but my original gaseous problems were still there. Eventually, after 10 years or so, I discovered psyllium seed that cured the condition entirely when I added it mixed in water before major meals - or before oily or in some cases even when I indulged in pig-out foods. My movements still were not perfect and recently, only the last 5 months or so I discovered flax seed meal or powder is even better - not quite as course in elimination and adding substantially more vitamins and nutrients as I understand it. Either of course would be a life saver for anyone else out there who's an outcast because of runaway flatulence.

General Feedback

Posted by Gem (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) on 07/30/2009

Flaxseed oil is used to make linolium {lino used as a floor covering} Lino is oxidized linseed oil. Flaxseed/Linseed is a highly volatile oil (oxidises easily). If you must use it, only buy cold pressed oil in a dark bottle and store it in your refrigerator. Throw out any unused linseed oil after 3 weeks. Otherwise you will just be making lino on your blood vessels. The most volatile oil of all, is canola oil. The most stable oil is coconut oil.


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Posted by Lorenzo (Portland, OR) on 03/21/2007

Keeping gout under control has been a priority for me for several years now. I found a daily teaspoonful of Flax Seed Oil was very useful in keeping the inflammation away. It was also very helpful at keeping adult onset acne under control.


Posted by Shari (Denver, Co) on 12/29/2009

Hemorrhoids-Try flaxseed oil. It's an Omega-3 oil known to be anti-inflammatory and it has the ability to heal the bowel. Start with a teaspoon a day, taken with food. Flaxseed meal, which has a taste and consistency similar to ground nuts, is an excellent permanent addition to the diet. It's high in all kinds of vitamins and nutrients, and is very beneficial to every system in the body. Flax is high in fiber so start out slow and work up to 2 tablespoons a day. Add it to your morning cereal or stir it into a glass of juice for a nutritious drink.

Hot Flashes

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Posted by Suzy Q (Ontario, Ca) on 09/21/2012

Two weeks ago I started adding about 1 tsp of ground flaxseed to 1 meal a day and now I have no hot flashes. What a delight!! I found that black tea made mine worse but now I can have all the tea I want.

Replied by Jasmine

Funny you should say that! I had been experiencing horrible hot flashes but they had pretty much abated and I didn't know why. I also have constipation issues and I try to eat an abundance of fresh veggies, prunes, plenty of fiber and water, etc., and then I added ground flax seed. It helped the constipation, but until I read what you wrote, I didn't put it together that the hot flashes were greatly lessened and just about gone, and it happened since I stated the flax! I drink lots of black tea as well, and I could count on my first hot flash of the day along with my morning tea, but not since the flax. I bake it into homemade bread, but I'm going to be more generous and find other ways to use it now, too. Thanks!

Hyperthyroid Symptoms

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Posted by Annabelle (Boston) on 08/03/2019

I am taking 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil now each day (and not the ground flaxseeds) and seeing tremendous relief in my hyperthyroid symptoms -my constant jitteriness, health palps and skipped beats, insomnia, etc. are GONE!! I am taking only the oil as I found that the ground flaxseeds make me stuffy for some reason - and the oil does not.

Hyperthyroid Symptoms
Posted by Annabelle (Boston) on 07/04/2019

Ground flaxseeds have greatly alleviated my hyperthyroid symptoms. They make me feel calmer and more relaxed immediately. I am seeing results from the oil as well.


Flax may work for hyperthyroidism because it suppresses thyroid function altogether by increasing estrogen levels. Please look for another way because of the info in my other comment I posted on this thread...it's not worth the risk of serious hormonal imbalances and possible risks of cancer down the road.


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Posted by Crystalin (San Juan, Pr) on 10/02/2009

During my first pregnancy, I experienced indigestion during my last trimester, which I understood to be normal. I started experiencing it earlier in my second pregnancy with more severe symptoms, and then earlier again in my third pregnancy, with increasingly severe symptoms. Before my fourth pregnancy, my mother-in-law (the best witch doctor around!) told me about flax seed oil. I tried to take a tablespoon with each meal(3x a day). Even if I didn't take in 3 a day, I still took at least 1 tablespoon a day. I never had any indigestion symptoms, until I went on a weekend trip in my 7th month, and forgot to bring my flax seed oil. I ended up having to sleep sitting up in a rocking chair. My indigestion was so severe, I was having a hard time breathing. When I got back home, I immediately resumed taking the flax seed oil, and had no more problems with indigestion.

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Another helpful thing for indigestion which I saw on Dr. Oz, get some Digestive Enzymes that contain protease, lipase and amylase. GNC makes one. Good luck!

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