Bach Flower Remedies
Health Benefits

Bach Flower Remedy Treatments for Health

| Modified on Dec 15, 2015
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We cannot say enough about the magical healing abilities of the treatments known as the Bach Flower Remedies. Besides using 38 remedies to treat various personality types and emotional conditions, we have discovered additional, extremely important uses with the brand of Bach Flower Remedies called Healing Herbs.

This is the only time on this site that we recommend an actual brand. That's it! And no, we don't sell the remedies, we just love them!

Healing Herbs Bach flower remedies are traditionally prepared in Hereford, England, by Julian and Martine Barnard, owners of Healing Herbs. We think Healing Herbs is undoubtedly the best brand of Bach Remedies on the market (more so than the pharmaceutical brand, which calls itself Nelson Bach).

We have found that these flower remedies strengthen, protect and purify the energy field of any adult, child or animal taking these remedies. This is enormously good news for those of us who are Healing Touch practitioners and spend hours healing people through our energy and touch. It is also great news for people who are sensitive to outside energy influences.

After using these remedies for years on ourselves and our clients, we have come to believe that extremely high energetic resonance enables these'flower remedies to help prevent the outbreak of viral strains, including flu, cold sores and genital herpes.


How To Prepare the Bach Flower Remedies For Internal Use

To make a dilute mixture, put two drops from each chosen stock remedy into a 1 oz amber dropper bottle, adding a little brandy as a preservative if desired. If the Five Flower Remedy is chosen, then four drops of stock are used.


Take four drops of the mixture, four times daily, making sure the dropper does not hit the inside of your mouth (as it shortens shelf life). Alternatively, for short term problems, put two drops of each stock remedy into a glass of water and sip at intervals until there is relief.

Benefit comes from small quantity, regular use rather than by the volume of remedy consumed. Don't worry that an inappropriate remedy might have an adverse reaction. You needn't fear overdose or error.

Remedies may be taken directly from the stock bottle, but this has no greater benefit than the diluted remedy.


This is one of the most potent and least known remedies to alleviate herpes. We hope you will give it a try if you suffer from herpes outbreaks.

When using these flower remedies to heal cold sores and herpes, you should take the remedies both internally and externally.

The most potent flower remedies to heal herpes are holly, walnut and crab apple. Any one of the three will work by itself. You can also take the three together in a formula.

External Use:

Apply a few drops from a dilute mixture to the source of outbreak as often as 1x hour. If you have a cold sore on your lip, apply the watered down solution directly onto the cold sore. Same if you have a genital herpes outbreak. Please make sure the application is a very watered down solution (i.e., 2 drops of stock per formula bottle). Never put the remedy from the stock bottle directly on the cold sore. Always dilute it! This is, of course, especially important if you are using the remedies to treat genital herpes. The alcohol preservative in the remedies may otherwise cause irritation.

If you apply the remedy as soon as you feel the tingling sensation (indication of an impending herpes outbreak), and keep applying often, the cold sore may not manifest. This has been the repeated feedback we have received, so we hope you will experience the same amazing results.

Why do the Flower Remedies work so well?

We believe that one's personal energy field learns to resonate at the high frequency of the flower remedies over time. In adults, the crown chakra begins to emit white light within 24 hours of taking the flower remedies. The process is much faster in children and animals. According to one clairvoyant healer, white light is visible in the auras of animals and children usually within 10 minutes of taking Healing Herbs. We don't know any flower remedy on the market that has such a potent effect.

By the way, you don't have to be clairvoyant to observe the effects of these remedies. You will probably notice instead that people taking these remedies look more radiant or that their countenance glows!


Distinguishing Between Brands of Flower Remedies

We feel it is important to make the distinction between the flower remedies manufactured by Healing Herbs of Hereford, England and the remedies manufactured by Nelson Bach. These are the 2 main brands of Bach flower remedies manufactured in England.

Nelson Bach Flower Remedies can be found in almost any health food store in the world. Healing Herbs, on the other hand, take a little more work to locate, especially outside of England. However, it is this brand, Healing Herbs, that we feel is the most potent and magical of all English flower remedies on the market.

Potency of flower remedies has as much to do with the healer that prepares the remedies as with the flower itself. As you will see from the information page on Healing Herbs, Julian Barnard seems to have an innate ability in bringing forth the powerful healing properties of the flowers.

Click here to access the Healing Herbs' website
Click here to buy Healing Herbs from the USA distributor (FES Flowers)

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Broad Benefits

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Stephanie Lyman (Orem, Utah) on 01/30/2009

I bought just one Bach remedy at a local health food store about a year ago mostly out of curiosity. The result was amazing because I didn't really notice this drastic change but instead after a few days I suddenly realized that the problem I was having had not been bothering me anymore. I couldn't pinpoint exactly when the change took place, it was such a subtle thing. I felt like myself in every way, except I was no longer experiencing the problem I had been bothered with. I began reading and studying different remedies and buying them one buy one in order of whichever one I felt I needed most at that time. Then I started giving them to my children. They are so subtle and yet so powerful that I can't say enough good about them. I think I have almost every remedy now and our family uses them regularly according to specific needs as they change from time to time. My children swear by them. They have been incredible for everything from self esteem to ADD to mood swings and so on. I believe that the simplest answers are almost always the right answers and that truth is given in plainness. This is about the simplest thing anyone could do for themselves- putting a few drops of a remedy in water and drinking it, but the quiet changes they bring about are powerful and effective. I love these remedies.

Replied by Betty
(Powell River, B.c. Canada)

Yes, I very much agree with you.. The changes are so subtle.. Its like a gentle 'lifting'. I started to use them for quite an urgent state I was in, and have noticed a shift in my spirits and mentality towards the event. Definately brings peace and clarity :)

Replied by Maria
(North Yorkshire)

Which remedy is it pls, I am tearing my hair out.


Posted by Moonchild (Cowtown, Switzerland) on 02/15/2012

I'm surprised you don't have anything about calendula on your site. When I came to Switzerland, my MIL taught me how to make calendula oil and salve for my skin. We use it primarily as lip balm, and to moisturize and protect our skin. It is great for healing (closed) wounds, scratches and scrapes, insect bites, burns, and stretch marks. It protects face and hands in cold weather, minimizes scars, and is effective against neurodermititis.

I make the oil myself, from flowers grown in my garden, but I'm sure you can buy calendula oil easily. I fill a jar with dried petals, cover with extra virgin olive oil, and sit it in a sunny spot until it turns orange (4 to 7 days or so). In summer, I add hemp leaves, for an anti-itch formula for insect bites. For winter, I add a few caps of vitamin E. Afterwards, I strain it through old pantyhose ('cause I'm cheap like that), label with the ingredients and date, and store it in the cellar.

To make the salve from the oil, I warm up 250 dl (about a cup) of the oil in a heat-proof measuring cup set into a pan of water on the stove. I add 50 g (1. 75 oz) of natural beeswax and let it melt. Give it a little stir, and pour into small jars. (I recycle face cream jars and sample-size jelly jars. ) This amount will fill about 5 1-oz jars. I wait until they cool before putting the lids on to prevent condensation.

It is also possible to add other oils and/or scents, either as flowers during the oil-making process or as essential oil during the salve-making process. I like to add lavender to the hemp formula, because I don't like the smell of the hemp, and also because of lavender's antiseptic properties.

The salve will be good for about a year after you open it. When the color fades, it's time for a new batch.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Thanks for the good information Moonchild! I use Calendula cream which I bought here in Switzerland quite often, especially for cracked heels. It works very fast and the heels become so very soft..... I have also used it on my face, I love it! I have no idea whether it is a Swiss thing as I bought it in Germany while I was still living across the border in France. I had no idea it protected from the cold.

Replied by Moonchild
(Seengen, Switzerland)

Yes, I use it on my heels too. Also, when my daughter was small, her face would get very chapped from the cold. So we started putting it on her face, and now we all use it when we go outdoors in winter (especially when skiing! ). Sometimes I also make the oil with lemon balm (citron mellise) and use it in the summer to keep away the mosquitos.

I have seen Ringelblumensalbe for sale in Switzerland, but it is very expensive! Much better to make my own.

Replied by K
(Virginia, Usa)

Moonchild, I know this post is over a year old. My daughter recently went to the Caribbean and has been bitten terribly by mosquitos leaving many black marks. I will try the calendula oil on it. Is there something that someone can recommend that she should take internally to aid in the healing process? Her skin marks easily as does mine. Thanks! Love this site.

Replied by Mama To Many
(Tennessee, USA)

Dear K, For the mosquito bites... Turmeric really helps a lot. We have been plagued with all sorts of insect bites and it we take turmeric internally twice a day, the itching is less and they heal much faster. 1 t. or 4 capsules twice a day for an adult. Half that for a child. 1/4 that for a small child. Also, I find the consuming sugar seems to aggravate the bites.

Apple Cider Vinegar, topically, is also helpful to relieve the itch.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

K, I've had relief by wetting some clay (any kind) and shmearing it on the bites.

Replied by Moonchild

Externally, hemp vinegar* is the best thing for itching, calendula salve for healing. I really have no idea what one can take internally to help the skin, other than drinking lots of water.

*(Probably can't make this in the States, but I fill a jar with hemp leaves, cover with organic vinegar, and let it sit in my pantry for a month or two.)

Flower Feedback

Posted by Angie (Jersey City, NJ) on 08/05/2009

I have a question on taking Bach Flower remedies. I ordered a bunch of bottles, and have preapred my "personal remedy" by putting 20ml of water in a small dropper bottle; adding two drops each of several Bach essenses that I thought were appropriate, and putting in about a teaspoon of brandy as presrvative.

Now, do I take four drops of this "personal remedy" straight on the tongue, or under the tongue, or do I put them in a cup of water and sip that water? I searched the healing herbs website and on google generally, but this part of the instructions were unclear to me.

I would also love to hear more about your continuing experiences with using Bach Flowers.


EC: Personal preference. People take them each way you have described.

Replied by Deirdre

Hi Angie. The flower remedies page was one of the first remedies I added to Earth Clinic oh so many years ago and have mostly forgotten about it (probably because no feedback comes in about them). I haven't personally used the flower remedies in a few years. However, I still believe they are phenomenal remedies that can affect one's crown energy very quickly. Some people do not feel any effect from the flower remedies while others really resonate to them. Those that are energetically sensitive typically feel the effects right away. It's good to experiment between brands. I found the Healing Herbs brand the most potent, but a friend of mine swears by the Nelson Bach brand. Another friend of mine had an allergic reaction to both top brands of flower remedies and decided that cactus remedies were the way to go.

Let us know how it goes with you!

Replied by Eve K
(Houston, Tx)

I was introduced to flower remedies about 20 years ago by acupuncturist who used "applied kinesiology" aka muscle testing. As bogus as it sounds, I think the testing works and the flower remedies helped the issues at the time.

I have tried self diagnosis recently and it is very easy to think that one needs almost every remedy! Try to find someone experienced in the remedies and perhaps someone that uses the applied kinesiology if you want to pinpoint the correct remedy.

BTW, I am looking for someone in the Houston area that has experience diagnosing/treating with flower remedies.

General Feedback

Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 03/22/2013

2 questions on Bach flower remedy use:

Does it always have to be in plain water, or can you add it to any liquid?

And, can you use multiple types in the same dosage, or does that take away from it being effective?

I would really like to drum up some good discussion on these on EC, as there is minimal information on here about them. The bottles say use it daily 4 times a day, however on some reviews people have said they just use them occasionally and use one "serving" throughout the whole day and still got results. I've got larch, sweet chestnut, willow and gentian. Any feedback on these would be great.

Menstrual Cycle Issues

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Shaila (Kerala, India) on 01/13/2008

Walnut which is a Bach Flower remedy has invariably worked for any menstrual cycle related problem - from PMT, period pains, menopause. I have recommended it (sometimes along with other BFR) for any number of girls and women. It has not let them down even once. Please let more people know about this. Shaila