About a month ago I got fed up with this and decided that I'm going to throw the pills away and that this issue would just have to resolve itself. That same week I got a cold and my sister told me that I should try drinking ginger tea as this helps. I decided to give it a try and to my surprise it cured my cold and my IBS all at once! I haven't had a laxative in more than a month and not a day has passed that I haven't had a normal bowel movement. It's simply amazing. I have made ginger a part of my daily life now. I cut up a few pieces of ginger and boil it in water for a few minutes - You can drink it just like that, or to make it a tasty cup of tea I add a cinnamon stick, some honey and a bag of earl grey tea. I don't drink it with milk at all and it's delicious. I definitely recommend everybody to try it, as it literally helps for everything! It has so many health benefits. This is only one of them! Saved-by-ginger!