Homeopathic Remedies

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ambika (Los Angeles, Ca) on 12/16/2009

I'd like to add my glowing review from successes with Homeopathic medicine.

Only 2 years ago I first tried out a medicine for PMS cramping, which I often get very severely, and the remedy continues to work well. I use a 'combination' medicine specifically for Headaches that is better than anything else I've ever used, natural or pharmacueticial...wine hangover/headache goes away swiftly too!

I have also used homeopathic remedies for pain from a ruptured ovarian cyst, and it helped immensely.

I am still getting acquainted with this form of natural healing, which treats immediate symptoms with accuracy and speed. It amazed me what ailments can be treated... not just physical symptoms, but emotions, like stress, irritability, etc.

Just a few weeks back I was having terrible shoulder soreness and an overwhelmed feeling after the workday. I found remedies for both ailments that worked well to take the edge off, as I had already been massaging and stretching as much as I could, and trying to rest.

It isn't easy to wrap the mind around Homeopathic medicine, how exactly it works, but we are all learning much these days about vibrations and energy and such... and it's something of a mystique, but they DO work well! Sometimes the challenge is matching the right remedy to your very specific ailment, and some books and vendors pamphlets make this process easier.

I'll continue to write more to add to this page because I hope more people will come to know about Homeopathics and thier uses, especially when an immediate action is needed that isn't found as easily in other natural remedies.

I use and try all other forms of natural healing and living, including herbs, acv/baking soda, coconut oil, hydrogen peroxide, healthy/raw diet, juicing, lots of water, positive attitude, green tea, flower essences for emotional healing, striving for good habits, generosity, etc. etc. etc. and I feel strongly that Homeopathics certainly have thier place. I hope more people will come to be aware of all they have to offer. If I could I would love to study this fascinating subject formally. I am pretty passionate about it along with the Flower Essences...