Tick Bites
Posted by Thamas (East Coast NSW, Australia ) on 11/20/2007
re: cure for tick bite for dogs and humans -- My dog had a severe reaction to a nasty tick. Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head and her tongue was swollen and she couldn't breathe. She was going to die. Instead of a $700 vet bill I gave her about 7 drops of diluted ledum (a homeopathic) every 10 - 15 mins and within 1/2 hr she was completely normal. there was no side effects or after trouble. Hey presto problem solved. If anyone in my househould starts to feel sick from tick bite or even if I find a tick on anyone it is always cured completely with ledum.
Posted by Nancy (Houston, Texas) on 05/01/2008
I bought some homeopathic medicine from the health food store, so this is not a home remedy, but it prevented a vet trip with meds, so I thought I might pass it on. My 7 yr old lab started acting sick, then her BM was pure water, so I looked for homeopathic medicine, and found Podophyllum Peltatum. For humans it would be 5 pellets under the tongue for diarreha, but I crushed 5 pellets and mixed it in her food. I did it twice. Within 24 hours, she had a almost normal BM with a lot of dead long worms. It was disgusting, but I am guessing they were intestinal worms. 24 hrs later she is back to normal. Before giving it to her, I looked up the ingredients on line, and it said the medicine used to be used for worms, but I did not know she had them. I used to give her garlic on a regular basis, but I kept reading stuff that said garlic was not good for dogs, so I quit giving garlic to her, without replacing it with something else. I am glad to read on your site that many folks still give their dogs garlic, I will start that again. This was the first time I bought a homeopathic medicine, and it worked so quickly, I was so grateful. Not too expensive, about six bucks for 80 pellets or so. I will keep it on hand for emergencies. Thanks for your great site.