Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Honey

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Diabetic Ulcers

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Omar (Khobar, Saudi Arabia) on 02/23/2008

Hello, My name is Omar, and I am from Saudi Arabia. First of all I'd like to express my appreciation for such valuable rich site. What I want to share with you is about using honey on the skin of a diabetic. As you know, an injury could be very fatal for a diabetic. My father developed a very late stage of diabetes. Once he had an injury in his hand, and the wound developed very badly. The doctor put him under a very strict diet with daily dressing for the wound, by water and salt. We know from our relegion that Honey is a cure, in general, and for specific health problems like dierea. So we tried to apply honey, after washing the wound and surrounding area with water and salt, on the wound(externally on the skin) that had 1.5 cm height full of buzz. We did this every day, continously for 10 or 15 days. We were amazed to see the wound noticably decreased in height and buzz material started to disappear from the first day of application. The wound was completely healed with no scars or a trace that there was a wound in that area.Thank you for readig and hope this was useful. Omar, Saudi Arabia.

Replied by Wellspruce
(Juneau, Ak, Usa)

Thank you Omar; I just had the thought tonight to try honey for some irritations and inflammation I have on several toes. First I soaked my feet in warm water a few minutes followed by cold water, then straight raw honey directly on the toes and upper feet and dressed in white all cotton socks. I'll report back in a few days, wish me well and prayers are coveted. I pray I have the success your father did.

Diaper Rash

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Posted by Tanya (Bellingham, WA) on 02/18/2007

Raw Honey for diaper rashes: my grandfather used to raise honey bees, and sell the honey.My mother used the raw honey on diaper rashes. It was all that ever touched the bums of my three younger sisters. She had a small container of it in the diaper bag, and some q-tips to apply it. I love telling people about this. they don't believe me, but a few have tried it.

Replied by Anne
(Browns Mills, Nj, Usa)

Whenever my son gets a bad diaper rash (usually because he's been eating some new foods that don't agree with him too well), I bathe him in an oatmeal bath, let his bottom dry out well, and apply a coat of raw honey to the rash. It drastically reduces or eliminates the rash by the next diaper change. Then I'll apply virgin coconut oil at each change until it's gone (it's less sticky). It's never taken more than a few hours or overnight to get rid of any rash, regardless of the severity. The honey as a first step is crucial, so don't skip to the coconut oil.

Dry and Cracked Lips

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Posted by Brooke (CO) on 04/18/2022

My lips get so dry, they crack and bleed and swell and nothing topically helped until I tried the honey. It is a miracle and helped the dryness go away in two days they looked almost normal again. It's 100% stronger than regular raw honey, made from bees in New Zealand from the tea tree. Look online and see all the benefits. Find some at your local health food store.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Donni (Usa) on 02/18/2016

I have suffered from dry skin and eczema and apply honey does work, as its an antiseptic. I now use a lotion with honey it in instead - it smells gorgeous and has aided the clearing of my eczema wonderfully. It is quickly absorbed and I found had a soothing, cooling effect on my hand.

Posted by Anonymous (Northern Cali, CA) on 04/07/2007

The honey cure did work to dry up my eczema blisters on my hands. Probably because of the potassium explained in the other entries. After it dries, the skin just turns dry, so I think it's best to use lotion or even better Aloe Vera onto the eczema area. If you are able to get the actual Aloe Vera plant, then cut off the skin and just rub the natural pulp onto your dry skin to heal faster. Alrighty, hope that helps. *Also, Does anybody know any cures or home remedies to get rid or fade away the ECZEMA SCARS? Thanks.

Replied by Elizabeth
(Milton Keynes, England)

To get rid of ECZEMA SCARS or any scars use Vitamin E oil. All the best

Posted by Connie (HoHoKus, NJ) on 03/16/2006

I had a kind of eczema in the corner upper eye lid which refused to go away for months. After trying many different remedies, I decided to try honey after reading about its healing properties. One application did it, it was amazing!!!!


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Vitaminshelpme (Ca, US) on 11/08/2014

If you research raw honey, it definitely improves your eyesight. You can drip it in your eyes...stings for a moment and then they feel great. Gets rid of conjunctivitis, too...or put a drop or two in the corner of your eye as a salve. It works.

Replied by Earthling

How does one "drip" raw honey into the eyes? I've never seen raw honey in any other form but solid.

Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/13/2011

Here is an article I found in a British newspaper today, maybe of interest to some people? By the way, I am still searching for more people who tried Manuka Honey for dry eyes (in the eye). I would love to know what they think....... I am a bit afraid to try although I have already bought the honey.


Replied by Em
(Southampton, Hampshire England)

I got glass in my eye whilst on holiday a few years ago and wasn't treated correctly by the doctors. By the time I got home around 36 hours later I couldn't see anything out of the affected eye, I had a major infection, high pressure in the eyeball and had developed a cataract... The doctors told me I was very unlikely to see out of the eye again and that it was very possible that I would lose the eyeball altogether.

I had 3 lots of various surgery and was on eye drops, steroids and antibiotics but still told that it wasn't great. Anyway just before one of my surgeries the anaesthetist insisted that I ask someone to go to the shops and buy me as much honey with royal jelly that they could get their hands on and eat as much of it a day as I could (on toast, in water etc). I did as he said as I had nothing to lose and some days even just squirted the honey straight into my mouth! I continued with the routine for a good few months.

Now over 3 years later my eyeball looks normal and with a strong prescription contact lens (as my lens was removed) I can see almost exactly as I did before!!

I'm not saying it was all down to the honey but if I had to go through the whole thing again I would certainly do exactly the same!

Posted by Mona (Norfolk, Nebraska) on 04/27/2008

I'm passing this on from someone else who told me about it a month or so ago. Honey will take the redness out of your eyes and also return the whiteness to the whites of your eyes. If you put one drop of pasturized honey ( like Sue Bee honey) in your eye right before you go to sleep, in about two weeks the redness will be gone and the whites of your eyes will be nice and white. The honey burns for a minute so get ready but this really works. It is an old Indian remedy that has been used for centuries and will work for cataracts as well.

Replied by Judy
(Kansas City, Mo, Usa)

I am wanting to try the raw honey in my eyes but all of the raw honey that I look at is unfiltered, and I don't think the small pieces of wax would feel good in eyes. I would like to see if it will help my cataracts before I have surgery.

Replied by Isabelle
(Garden Grove, Ca Usa)

Hello! I hope that you can avoid cataract surgery. Here is what I know: B2 (riboflavin), large amount: 2 to 3 times 100 mg per day. (urine gets yellow it is normal because the body doesn't use all but we don't know how much it really need; everybody is different) is helping for cataract as per Adele Davis, but a multi B must be taken too for balance of B. Also Similasan's 'cataract care' from Switzerland are homeopathic drops 800 240 9780 in the U. S. Also beside fish and carots, lutein zeaxanthin and bilberry are well known supplements for eyes. Good luck!

Replied by Al
(Boston, Ma, Usa)

I just mixed local raw but filtered honey with water, about 2 teaspoons honey to about 2 ounces of warm filtered water. I rinsed out the eye dropper from a bottle of ginseng tincture very thoroughly. I dropped the solution of honey water in my eyes. There was very minor burning, similar to using visine for the first time. It went away in seconds. Upon relief from the initial irritation my eyes felt better than they have felt in years. I will continue to use this solution for eye irritation in future.

Also, my eyes are grey/green with brown staining causing them to appear hazel in all but direct bright light. This brown staining is slightly fainter, which was why I had resolved to try honey in the eyes in the first place. Coming days should hopefully show whether or not the lightening of my irises shall continue, as this was my initial purpose.

General Feedback

3 User Reviews
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1 star (2) 

Posted by Liza (Newry, United Kingdom) on 12/17/2011

Hello Everybody! I am just enquiring if anyone has taken Life Mel Honey for any health issue. I know it is very good for patients recovering from Chemotherapy. My issue is M. E. And I am wondering if it will help me?

General Feedback
Posted by Alfred (Bangkok, Thailand) on 09/03/2010

Most honey on the market is 20% - 80% water.. Government says okay to label bottle 100% honey. Found one that must be 95% honey.. Taste is delicious.. Wow simply the best

General Feedback
Posted by AC (West Midlands, England) on 02/18/2009

Dear EC, will you consider doing a manuka honey page? There are several mentions of this helping ulcers and fungus problems. I'd also like to know what your other contributors (Joyce and Ted) think of it.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello to AC from West Midlands,

I can't comment on Manuka honey because I have never used it, but I see lots of good comments on it on EC and elsewhere.

I will comment on local honey however, because I have used it a lot and still do. Our regular honey also has antihistaminic and antibiotic properties. To get the best results of the antihistamine effect, be sure to purchase honey produced within a 50 mile radius of where you live. The reason for this being, local honey will contain minute amounts of pollen from every plant growing in your locality.

By making sure that it is within a 50 mile radius, the honey is doing the same thing the specialists injections for allergy do: exposing you to minute amounts of the offending pollens to help your system build up a tolerance to them.

Our local honey mixed 50/50 with ACV is one of the best cough syrups I have found. The ACV is known to kill streptococcus and psuedomonas, and probably very effective against others that I don't know about.

I have never used honey in a bedsore or other lesion, but have read of others using it locally with good results. I think that local plants will also contain those healing properties because there are usually healing plants in all countries.

I have also been told by individuals that a teaspoon of honey at bedtime will cure a child's bedwetting, but my kids had already outgrown it by the time I heard this so did not have an occasion to check it out.

My suggestion would be to try your local honey for wound healing first and then try the Manuka honey on the next one and see if you think one works better than the other, stick with the one that works best or heals the fastest.

General Feedback
Posted by Ruth (Buckeye, Arizona, U.S.A.) on 11/20/2008

For a good price on raw honey, look in your local yellow pages for beekeepers. Our local beekeeper sells a gallon of raw honey for $20.00 (U.S. dollars). If your area has no listings for beekeepers, be sure to also check under "honey" and "pest removal." Its a good idea to confirm the honey you are buying is raw, as it won't necessarily say it is raw on the label.

General Feedback
Posted by Irin Ramos (South Jordan, Utah, USA) on 10/26/2008

Hi! I am here from Salt Lake city and I would like to buy RAW Honey but doesn't know where to buy it in Salt lake Utah. Please help me!

EC: Try your local health food store or a farmer's market.

General Feedback
Posted by Maggie (Toronto, Canada) on 04/02/2008

I am thrilled to read about remedies on this website, especially the article about honey and cinnamon - HOWEVER BE CAREFUL - HONEY SHOULD ALWAYS BE RAW TO BE BENEFICIAL! Heating, boiling, cooking or baking honey creates toxic bi-product and is not safe.

Replied by Mirna
(Quebradillas, Puerto Rico, United States)

Hello Maggie from Toronto, Canada. I have a question about your comment on WARNING Honey should be RAW to be Beneficial. Does Raw Honey have an expiration date?? Being on the island Honey in the RAW form is not readily available. But am able to find it, in all places, Marshall's, But the jars do not have expiration dates. I'm interested in using honey for home; body and soul:)

Thank you for your feed-back.

Mirna from Puerto Rico!

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, USA)

I would suggest not putting the honey in boiling water as you can destroy the precious enzymes (hopefully you have raw honey) and nutrients. Just gently warm it.

Replied by Cured
(Niceville, Fl)

***If you could remove my post from yesterday please, I was a bit off but have found today the correct information.***

Honey is the only food on the planet that will not spoil or rot. It will do what some call turning to sugar. In reality honey is always honey. However, when left in a cool dark place for a long time it will do what I rather call "crystallizing". When this happens I loosen the lid, boil some water, and sit the honey container in the hot water, turn off the heat and let it liquefy. It is then as good as it ever was. Never boil honey or put it in a microwave. To do so will kill the enzymes in the honey.

EC: Done!

Replied by Katy
(Alexandria, Va)

When I was growing up I would get a really bad cough in the fall from allergies. I would be up all night from coughing. My dad was talking to his granny about it and she said before I go to bed take a tbsp of honey with black pepper mixed in it. Swallow slowly and do not drink any water. The idea is that the honey coats and soothes the throat and the black pepper would kill any bacteria in my throat.

I still do this whenever I get a sore throat or cough and have had my boyfriend do it several times with beautiful results. Being able to sleep through the night with a bad cough is tough, but this definitely gave relief. Knowing what I know now about honey's antibacterial benefits and everything I'm sure honey with out the pepper would be effective also. But I continue to use the black pepper with my honey when called for by my body. When my throat is sore or I have a cough I almost crave the honey/black pepper mixture.

Replied by Mawgee
(Shelton, Wa)

Hi, you say heating honey produces toxins, and depletes good stuff from honey. I like honey in my tea, is this having a bad effect on the honey? thanks, this is a great site!!

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