However, if your water ph is 7.0 or higher, H2O2 can be used to dechlorinate the water first, allow the chlorine gas to escape (www.h2o2.com/industrial/applications.aspx?pid=107&name=Dechlorination), and then the water will be safe to use for oxygen/hydrogen peroxide therapy.
Further, it only takes a single drop per gallon to dechlorinate most drinking water. (See below for math ) I have not been able to discover the time necessary for the chlorine to be fully liberated, so to be safe, I would agitate the water periodically and not use it for 24 hours or so.
How I calculated 1 drop per gallon:
1.8mg/l Cl common post-treatment level (check with your water provider for specifics)
100000 gal H2Orequires 0.2 gal 50% H202 to dechlorinate (www.h2o2.com/Calculator.aspx)
There are 90840 drops in a gallon
0.2 gal = 18168 drops 50% H2O2 to treat 100000 gal H2O with Cl
Moving the decimal gets us 1.8168 drops for 10.0000 gal
3% H2O2 is 16.666% strength of 50% H2O2, so 3% hydrogen peroxide requires 6x amount of 50%
10.9008 drops for 10 gal = 1 drop per gallon
Simple and cheap to dechlorinate your tap water at home!