I had noticed these effects with daily footbaths/baths/shower use after 5 weeks, and into my sixth week, I was into peroxide hang over. I stopped using peroxide for the time being and its been about 5 days of after effect.
So anyone with chronic fatigue or post viral fatigue will see a return of symptoms after several weeks of peroxide use. Don't worry about losing ground, the hang over effect goes away after a few days, and the peroxide being worked through the system will continue to work. If you wish to continue, make certain to give it a bit of a rest and not try a miracle cure in the shortest time possible. It will be disappointing for chronic fatigue sufferers to hear this, but having serious peroxide hang over effect will almost certainly not help.
Its best to determine a maintenance dose once a buildup of peroxide occurs, and remember to drink lots of herbal tea or water afterwards. It would be interesting for the medical community to study peroxide hang over as it is exactly similar to chronic fatigue.