Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Guide: Bill Munro Method

Broad Benefits
Posted by Michelle (Charlotte, NC) on 01/17/2009


I have to say, The first time I was on this site, reading about Hydrogen Peroxide, I was worried, But then when I tried it, I started coughing, I had to get used to this, then I started coughing up alot of mucus. I starting getting a high feeling..I've had so many toxins in my body, alot of it was coming out, and it wasn't nice, but in order to be healed your body has to get rid of this stuff, so sometimes you will feel worst and then better, not the other way around...This is normal.. I have been having problems with my weight, and feeling like my muscles were wasting away...when I started inhaling Hydrogen Peroxide, I started getting my muscle mass back, and feeling healthier.. I love it, and This is the best thing for me... I think everyone should try it...

Stay Blessed