Skin Ailments
EC: Get more mole and skin tag remedies here.
(Houston, Texas)
IF you are using the Lugols for skin tags you stopped too soon. They will really swell to a couple of times there size. They become very tender to touch. You are so close at this point if you keep putting the iodine on twice a day. Usually within a few days they fall off. Don't stop applying the Lugols until the skin is perfectly smooth in that area.
Skin Ailments
Skin Ailments
(Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
I had the same thing happen recently. Tried to remove a newly formed flesh colored mole with iodine and the area around the mole which I had also got iodine on, is now a red eczema type blistered rash. Yuck. I put Canestan cream on it daily and its going away. I might try it again once the rash goes. But will try the vaseline ring thingie. I am also now taking iodine supplements to try to help what I believe are hypothyroid issues. I will report back if it helps.
Skin Ailments
Skin Ailments
Skin Ailments
Skin Cancer
Started out with 3 spots of face, one close to eye, one hiding in eyebrow and a beauty on side of nose, that derm said beginnings of melanoma. She blasted the frozen stuff, but still present and hurt like hell. Decided to use regular tincture of iodine, applied with q tip 3 times a day. Within a month they are completely gone! Worst was on nose, which burned and got worse, before it got better. Burned, scabbed about 5 times, but don't give up!! I would put a spot bandage on if going out but removed when home. Keep it dry, and don't pull off scab. NO scarring, just nice new clear skin now!!! Swabbed sore throat that just won't quit last night and is better today. Fantastic stuff this iodine. Also, Lugol's iodine won't sting and you can use it to purify water if need be.
hi... Fascinating to read about the iodine. I use petty spurge for bccs (basal cell carcinomas). It grows here like a weed. its actually called Euphorbia Peblis. The sap kills off any cancer cells.
I've dealt with at least six to eight bccs on my upper chest and face over the years. I only have very small scarring to cope with now.
The trouble is, you can't use it near your eyes as it can blind you.
My son has just had bccs removed from his lower eye lid. He had to have the eye lid completely removed and reconstructed. It was upsetting to know that I couldnt treat the area because of its proximity. He has had major surgery, and had to have two surgeries to get it right.
Is iodine just the one you can buy over the counter? is it toxic to the eye? it could be another way of getting around using something on the face to get rid of cancers.
Skin Cancer
Skin Cancer
(Tucson, Arizona)
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi YoungLady1975... Yes iodine stength certainly does matter. As an illustration -- here is a table which should make it clearer. A higher percentage concentration means that you get a higher dose per drop. For some clarity -- have a look at the table at this link:
Iodine % Strength to mgs Conversion Table
It is very important to understand these conversions and also important to take the correct dosage of lugol's Iodine in mgs as recommended. Most Lugol's Iodine sold in America today is 2% strength or less -- which therefore means that you will have to take over double the number of drops (of 2% LI) because most of the older LI remedies assume that people still use the 5% strength Lugols.
As an example, if you are taking say 8 drops or a 50 mg daily dose of 5% Lugols Iodine per day -- this will translate to you taking 20 drops of 2% Lugols iodine for the same daily 50 mgs dose as the 8 drops of 5% LI.
Also, 7% Lugol's Iodine is much more effective on external melanomas and warts than LI of lower percentage strength.
(Shoreline, Wa)
Skin Growths
Well it appears that Dr Simoncini's iodine treatment for skin growths and cancer may work. The iodine turned the growth into a black scab and now it is begining to turn loose. The protocol is to continue treatment even though the skin is clear. The theory is that cancer is a fungus and will come back if iodine treatment is not continued for awhile. The complaint of Derotologist's is that the growth returns. What I have learned to do is to circle the spot with vasoline to contain the iodine. That works pretty well. All is not done yet. When my 75 year old left hand looks like a babies butt, then I will report back. Ya'll behave for a change. =====RH=======
Sore Throat
For context - I've been "cleansing" for years but this is my first actual detox so I'm sort of surprised that so much is happening. It is expected that iodine takes about 3 months to both detox and restore the body's iodine stores so we'll see what happens!!
I got onto iodine due to a sore, swollen and lumpy breast which was very quickly dealt with by painting the breast with povidone iodine solution (betadine) several times over the course of a couple of days at which point a small lump moved outward toward my armpit then around where it settled right on top and it has been busy! Sometimes smaller, sometimes larger, sometime hard and sometimes soft. It seems to be swelling and then sort of coming apart and then what remains is smaller. It's very interesting.
Anyway, I couldn't believe the sore throat trick worked! It's like there's a direct line from the wrist to the throat!
Sore Throat
Sore Throat
(Louisville, KY)
When we were kids (I have 2 sisters) and we would get a sore throat our parents would say "lets get the paint" and they would paint our tonsils with the iodine in the medicine cabinet and to date not one of us has ever had to have our tonsils removed
Sore Throat
Sore Throat