Marigold Flowers
Health Benefits

Calendula Treatment for Burns, Rashes, Stings, Bites, Scars +

| Modified on Feb 24, 2021
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Calendula essential oil.

Pot Marigold, officially known as calendula, is a lovely flower and a popular remedy across the world, including in India where it is known as ganda ka phool.

Calendula should not be confused with garden marigolds. The two species are different in appearance and very different in their effects on the body.

Calendula is often used in salves, ointments, and soaps as a soothing skin treatment. You can also add the flower petals to foods for a decorative touch that is also good for the digestive system. Up to a teaspoon worth of petals a day.

Calendula or Pot Marigold flowers are frequently recommended for menstrual issues, as a natural remedy to relieve the pain of bee stings, in wound care, for cramps and spasms, and as a general anti-inflammatory among other medicinal uses.

Hariom from Sampla, Haryana India tells Earth Clinic more about this healing herb:

Marigold flower [ganda ka phool]

Marigold is cultivated throughout India. It was well known to the old herbalists as a garden-flower and for use in cookery and medicine. It has been cultivated in the kitchen garden for the flowers, which are dried for broth, and said to comfort the heart and spirits.

Medicinal Benefits of Calendula

Marigold is used for stomach upset, ulcers, menstrual period problems, eye infections, inflammations, and for wound healing. It is antiseptic. If the Marigold flower is rubbed on the affected part, it brings relief in pain and swelling caused by a wasp or bee. A lotion made from the flowers is most useful for sprains and wounds and a water distilled from them is good the sore eyes. The infusion of the freshly gathered flowers is beneficial in fever. Marigold flowers are mostly in demand foe children ailment. Externally it is used in the treatment of alopecia. Internally it is used to treat bladder and kidney problems, blood in the urine, uterine bleeding and many more.

Other uses:

Bright yellow and orange Marigold flowers are used to make garlands. They are even used to decorate the religious places. The leaves of its flowers are used as salads. Yellow dye has also been extracted from the flower, by boiling. The burning herb repels insects and flies. Pigments in the Marigold are sometimes extracted and used as the food coloring.

Continue reading to learn how Earth Clinic readers have used Calendula to heal their ailments and let us know how you've used it to heal your ailments!

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
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Posted by Scott (Evanston, IL) on 05/04/2007

calendula homeopathic has seemed like a friendly topical for my persistent boils, which you might try while taking the turmeric.


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Posted by Nicky (Edinburgh, Lothian, Uk) on 03/21/2010

I have successfully treated conjunctivitis both for me and also my dogs by using a mixture of dried marigold/calendula and eyebright. You can get the dried herbs from a herbalist or health food store. Use 1 teaspoon of the dried herb mixture in 1 cup of boiling water and leave to infuse for 15mins. Strain, then use in a separate eye bath for each eye. For pets dab the eyes with cotton wool soaked in the infusion. Repeat this three times a day or as required until it clears. It is very soothing. In addition I would also recommend to take Echinacea or anything to boost the immune system.


2 User Reviews
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Posted by Jasmine (Washington, United States) on 02/04/2012

I was told by my doctor that my perioral dermatitis was caused by hormonal changes in my body. Despite trying every otc cream and recommended by the doctor absolutely nothing helped.

I then came across a great article on line about the natural ingredient calendula and how amazing it can be for eczema and dermatitis. Well after reading this I got a natural cream I looked the like of from england called mama nature's proskin eczema. I could not believe that within a couple of days there was a marked improvement. It gradually faded to the point where after three weeks it is hardly noticeable. I will continue to use this cream and thank my lucky stars I did not give up on my PD. Be aware though this cream is not cheapest on the market but I would still recommend it just the same.

Posted by Heather (Naples, Fl, Usa) on 09/28/2010

I have been struggling with perioral dermititis for the past 6 months. It recently got much worse so I went to the doctor and he prescribed tetracycline... Even after a week taking the pills twice a day there was no change. I began trying the organic apple cider vinegar with "the mother" both internally (diluted) and externally. I did the yogurt mask, the probiotics, the eating yogurt, the mixing apple cider vinegar with green tea and applying it, the no flouride toothpaste, and the shampoos with no cetyl stearyl alcohol... Nothing helped.

Then I found this amazing tiny 2oz expensive jar of California Baby Calendula Cream. I applied it all day for 3 days and by the 3rd day the rash, and peeling was gone leaving me smooth skin with only a slight red color. (Im guessing because it was so damaged and so many layers I had peeled off) But I am now on day 5 and I can feel amazing.. I can put on makeup again to cover the slight redness and theres no peeling so the makeup looks normal. I recommend this cream... It's all organic and you can find it on the internet or I found mine at Whole foods an organic grocery store. I was told that the California Baby line sells at Target too but I have not checked there yet. I'm telling you this $13 cream gave me my face back. I'll put it on for the rest of my life if I have to. It's easier than all the other stuff I was trying!

Replied by Donna
(Palm Coast, Fl)

I found I had even better improvement in my POD when I used organic calendula oil and lavender oil directly applied to my rash followed by the calming cream (as opposed to the calendula cream).

Marigold Reader Feedback

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Posted by HARIOM SINGHAL (SAMPLA, Haryana INDIA) on 10/01/2008

Marigld flower is very good home remidies. Flowers and leaves of the marigold plant are used. The marigold flowers should be dried in a well ventilated dry place in the shade.

Rubbing marigold flowers against a skin affected by a wasp or bee sting will help to ease the pain and swelling. Juice of the marigold is used to remove warts.

Marigold is used internally to treat gastric ulcer and infections of mouth and throat. Drinking marigold tea or eating marigold flowers or leaves improves digestion by stimulation of bile production. Ingestion of marigold helps to cure menstrual cramps, liver disease and constipation.

As a cholalogue, Calendula/Marigold increases the flow of bile into the intestines and is thus thought to help the gallbladder and the liver, making it useful in the treatment of hepatitis. This action further helps to promote good digestion.

When taken internally, Marigold soothes and heals the tender mucous membranes and tissues within the body, improving the colon, stomach, liver, and gums after operations. When used externally, the herb provides the same soothing effects on mucous membranes that will support the skin and connective tissues. One clinical trial has shown that topical application of Marigold can prevent acute dermatitis during postoperative radiation therapy in breast cancer patients.

It is thought that Marigold will support good heart health, as some recent studies indicate that the herb may reduce blood pressure.

Europeans use Marigold in numerous medicinal compounds and cosmetics. It is said to enhance the production of collagen in the skin and fill in facial wrinkles, tone tender skin, treat sunburn and insect bites, and protect babies' sensitive skin (particularly when used for diaper rash).

Pregnant women should not take Marigold internally, as it may stimulate the uterus. Nursing mothers should not use Marigold. When taken internally, Marigold/Calendula may increase the sedative effects of medications taken for anxiety and insomnia, and caution should be exercised if using the medications and the herb at the same time, particularly when driving or operating machinery.

Marigold Reader Feedback
Posted by Hariom (Sampla[rohtak], Haryana INDIA) on 08/23/2008

Marigold flower [ganda ka phool]

Marigold is cultivated throughout India. It was well known to the old herbalists as a garden-flower and for use in cookery and medicine. It has been cultivated in the kitchen garden for the flowers, which are dried for broth, and said to comfort the heart and spirits.

Medicinal uses : Marigold is used for stomach upset, ulcers, menstrual period problems, eye infections, inflammations, and for wound healing. It is antiseptic. If the Marigold flower is rubbed on the affected part, it brings relief in pain and swelling caused by a wasp or bee. A lotion made from the flowers is most useful for sprains and wounds and a water distilled from them is good the sore eyes. The infusion of the freshly gathered flowers is beneficial in fever. Marigold flowers are mostly in demand foe children ailment. Externally it is used in the treatment of alopecia. Internally it is used to treat bladder and kidney problems, blood in the urine, uterine bleeding and many more.

Other uses : Bright yellow and orange Marigold flowers are used to make garlands. They are even used to decorate the religious places. The leaves of its flowers are used as salads. Yellow dye has also been extracted from the flower, by boiling. The burning herb repels insects and flies. Pigments in the Marigold are sometimes extracted and used as the food coloring for humans and livestock.

Replied by Indi
(Newmarket, Canada)

Can you please show us how to use Marigold flowers in case of alopecia?

Replied by HARIOM

Alopecia areata (AA) is a condition affecting humans, in which hair is lost from areas of the body, usually from the scalp.for more read,

For alternative treatment read,

Take fresh marrigold flower and breack them. Boil them in musrard oil [seasom oil] or coconut oil on slow fire.Apply oil on affeced area. This oil can used for many propose. Garlic juice or onion juice is also useful.
Homeophayic medicine also very useful. ARSENIC ALB 200C one dose every five days (on this day no other medicine)


SILICEA 30C four times a day, every day other than as above. Use anyone or more treatment.

Marigold Reader Feedback
Posted by Hariom (Sampla[rohtak], Haryana INDIA) on 08/23/2008

Marigold flower [ganda ka phool]: Marigold flower is vey effective home remidies for piles [babasir].Take the yellow parts of flower, green part of flower and mix with brown sugar and eat with plain water. On the very first day you will get relief from bloody piles. The same way you can get relief from exess m.c.[heavy blood from menses].

Replied by Juliana
(Alberta Canada)

I have been using marigold flowers 6-10 petals every day for almost 11 month in hot water as a tea and I stopped only for a few days here and there in between.

What I noticed is this: it helps greatly with bowel movement (therefore you will loose the weight because of it) and the side effect of this flower is this:

When this tea stimulates your gall bladder and the liver, too much bile come out to the stomach and makes the stomach more acidic. May be it is also due to acid reflux that I have been experiencing. But one way or another, too much of everything is no good and need moderation in everything.

I have been checking my liver, stomach with Ultrasounds(US) and do the the blood test.So far the US tests and the blood test it did not improved yet, but in fact it worsened.

I do have fatty liver, slightly enlarged, with 2-3 cysts, hemangioma. and as I mentioned earlier acid reflux, sometimes stomach and liver pains.

If anyone has any other remedies for the the stomach(acid reflux, gastritis, ), please share it with me.Thank you

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Juliana: You will need to first address acidity issues by any method of alkalizing listed here on E.C. I mix a 50% baking soda 50% sea salt and take half spoon in water 2x day. Take any or all these herbs daily: dandelion root, burdock root, yellowdock root, artichoke (leaves).

Replied by Juliana
(Edmonton, Canada)

Thank you for reply.

I have been using BS and Himalayan salt for acidity and ACV and it does work, but not for long. I also used for many month burdock root and dandelion root.

I went to Mexico for treatment and they put me on some herbs and all cysts disappeared within 2-3 month and they promised after 6 month of treatment fatty liver will be gone. I still use marigold tea for about 2 years now. My last liver blood test was perfect, but I still have liver pain.Thank you again.This website is terrific.I shared this website with many.

Blessings to all in all area of your lives.

Menstrual Cramps

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Posted by Jacques (Marshall, Nc) on 12/03/2009


Hello, I must share a remedy for cramps, I found it years ago in a French herbal, I tried it on my lady and it work quickly, here it is: make a tea with 5 or 6 marigold flowers and drink the thing, soon you will experience much more pain!

Be well

Menstrual Issues, Ovarian Tumors

Posted by Hariom (Sampla, Haryana) on 11/02/2009

Marigold flower is useful for women with heavy bleeding in menopause stage or due to tumour in ovary. Take flower and grind it and mix with misary [sugar] and cold milk. take it two three times till you get relief.

Scars, Cuts, Burns

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Posted by Margaret (London) on 03/08/2019

I have a scar from a recent surgery and have used calendula cream to heal it. I apply it three times a day. Have used calendula over the years for first and second degree burns and cuts. Used it on my children when they had skin irritations and the odd rash here and there. Love calendula, very soothing.

Replied by Marnie

Hi Margaret, Do you make the calendula cream yourself, or buy it? I'm searching for a good brand if you can share one. Thank you!

Skin Care

Posted by Moonchild (Cowtown, Switzerland) on 02/15/2012

I'm surprised you don't have anything about calendula on your site. When I came to Switzerland, my MIL taught me how to make calendula oil and salve for my skin. We use it primarily as lip balm, and to moisturize and protect our skin. It is great for healing (closed) wounds, scratches and scrapes, insect bites, burns, and stretch marks. It protects face and hands in cold weather, minimizes scars, and is effective against neurodermititis.

I make the oil myself, from flowers grown in my garden, but I'm sure you can buy calendula oil easily. I fill a jar with dried petals, cover with extra virgin olive oil, and sit it in a sunny spot until it turns orange (4 to 7 days or so). In summer, I add hemp leaves, for an anti-itch formula for insect bites. For winter, I add a few caps of vitamin E. Afterwards, I strain it through old pantyhose ('cause I'm cheap like that), label with the ingredients and date, and store it in the cellar.

To make the salve from the oil, I warm up 250 dl (about a cup) of the oil in a heat-proof measuring cup set into a pan of water on the stove. I add 50 g (1. 75 oz) of natural beeswax and let it melt. Give it a little stir, and pour into small jars. (I recycle face cream jars and sample-size jelly jars. ) This amount will fill about 5 1-oz jars. I wait until they cool before putting the lids on to prevent condensation.

It is also possible to add other oils and/or scents, either as flowers during the oil-making process or as essential oil during the salve-making process. I like to add lavender to the hemp formula, because I don't like the smell of the hemp, and also because of lavender's antiseptic properties.

The salve will be good for about a year after you open it. When the color fades, it's time for a new batch.

EC: You're right! We definitely need a page on calendula/pot marigold, so check it out our calendula remedies page here.

Replied by Francisca
(Zug, Switzerland)

Thanks for the good information Moonchild! I use Calendula cream which I bought here in Switzerland quite often, especially for cracked heels. It works very fast and the heels become so very soft..... I have also used it on my face, I love it! I have no idea whether it is a Swiss thing as I bought it in Germany while I was still living across the border in France. I had no idea it protected from the cold.

Replied by Moonchild
(Seengen, Switzerland)

Yes, I use it on my heels too. Also, when my daughter was small, her face would get very chapped from the cold. So we started putting it on her face, and now we all use it when we go outdoors in winter (especially when skiing! ). Sometimes I also make the oil with lemon balm (citron mellise) and use it in the summer to keep away the mosquitos.

I have seen Ringelblumensalbe for sale in Switzerland, but it is very expensive! Much better to make my own.


1 User Review
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Posted by Candice (Victorville, United States of America) on 03/20/2008

Every since I was little we have always used vinegar after a bad sunburn it helps to take away some of the sting but last 2 summers ago I fell asleep in the sun at the beach (in southern California) and burned so bad that even vinegar didnt help. I had read previously in a health magazine to take vitamins, drink plenty of water and to apply Calendula ointment topically to the skin, desperate I tried it and it worked wonderful! It numbed the pain. I purchased it at my health food store for about $7, but it was money well spent.


1 User Review
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Posted by Mayari (Candler, NC) on 12/05/2007

Calendula tea helped my newborn's thrush. I brewed it for four hours and then applied it with a q-tip and gave her a little in a spoon about 8 times a day. It had an immediate effect, and after a week, her thrush is nearly gone.