I then came across a great article on line about the natural ingredient calendula and how amazing it can be for eczema and dermatitis. Well after reading this I got a natural cream I looked the like of from england called mama nature's proskin eczema. I could not believe that within a couple of days there was a marked improvement. It gradually faded to the point where after three weeks it is hardly noticeable. I will continue to use this cream and thank my lucky stars I did not give up on my PD. Be aware though this cream is not cheapest on the market but I would still recommend it just the same.
Then I found this amazing tiny 2oz expensive jar of California Baby Calendula Cream. I applied it all day for 3 days and by the 3rd day the rash, and peeling was gone leaving me smooth skin with only a slight red color. (Im guessing because it was so damaged and so many layers I had peeled off) But I am now on day 5 and I can feel amazing.. I can put on makeup again to cover the slight redness and theres no peeling so the makeup looks normal. I recommend this cream... It's all organic and you can find it on the internet or I found mine at Whole foods an organic grocery store. I was told that the California Baby line sells at Target too but I have not checked there yet. I'm telling you this $13 cream gave me my face back. I'll put it on for the rest of my life if I have to. It's easier than all the other stuff I was trying!