Tai Chi, Qi Gong
Great site!! Love it and I check in frequently
EC: Agree, agree, agree! Thanks for the suggestion!
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
I was diagnosed with uterine fibroid two years ago. I've visited western doctors and all of them recommended surgical procedures. Enzymes pills, TCM only helped first couple of months, before the pain during menses returned full force. No diet change or organic food per se helped. Last week, I started myself with qi gong and reflexology to tackle stagnation of chi in uterus. I'll allow myself 3 months to gauge results. Hope when I next write in, I'd report good results... BTW, I love this site! I have recommended Apple Cider Vinegar and Blackstrap Molasses to my loved ones. Thank you.
(London, Ky)
I was just diagnosed with gastroparesis. I have began yoga and it helps some. Plus, my toddlers love to join me, so it makes even more fun! I have also been reading about many other alternative remedies (ACV, Probiotics, etc,etc.) I have also tried just about everything a dr can write for and some seem to work at first, some dont, but without fail they eventually quit working for me. I would rather approach my many health problems naturally. Many of these "folk remedies" have been around for thousands of years.. Hmm. something is wrong with that picture? Wish it more drs could prescribe alternative therapies. There is so much truth behind so many of them!
(Charlottesville, Va)
I have used 5 Rhythms dance as a cure. You literally sweat your prayers and there are no dance steps to learn! I cured myself of overeating this way. It is strong magic.