Neem Oil
Health Benefits

Neem Oil Health Benefits

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Posted by Sayed (Abu Dhabi, UAE) on 10/16/2008

Neem, Botanical Name Azadirachta Indica
Neem is considered as the king of Herbs in India. There are many diseases that are treated with neem including arthritis, rheumatism diabetes, cancer, Chronic fatigue caused by candida albicans etc..

Some ways of using Neem
1. Mix pure dried neem oil with Vaseline in the ratio of 1:5. This combination can be used for repelling insects including mosquitoes as well as for skin disorders, minor cuts, burns, wounds etc.
2. For complete skin protection make a strong tea with neem leaves and add to the bath along with a little rose water.
3. Boil 10 freshly cleaned neem leaves along with cotton with a liter of water for approx. 10 mins. Cool. Use as an eyewash in case of conjunctivitis, itching etc.
4. For athletes' foot and other foot problems, make a strong tea and soak feet.
5. For dandruff and head lice: Massage neem oil mixed with coconut or olive oil into hair and leave for 1 hour. Shampoo. Repeat once weekly for 3 weeks or as long as problem persists.
6. To treat a sore throat without antibiotics, gargle with neem leaf water (add 2 - 3 neem leaves to 300 ml water and cool) to which honey has been added.
7. For acne, pimples, skin infections pure neem leaf powder mixed with water to the affected area.
8. In case of sinusitis, use pure neem oil as nasal drops. Two drops morning and evening.
9. Prevent breeding of mosquitoes by adding crushed neem seeds and neem oil to all breeding areas. Neem products ensure complete inhibition of egg laying for seven days.
10. Add 30 ml of neem oil to 1 ltr of water. Mix well. Add 1 ml of teepol (liquid detergent) and spray immediately for plant protection. Do not store the mixture; make fresh formulation for each spray.
11. Boil 40 - 50 neem leaves in 250 ml of water 20 mins. Cool, strain and refrigerate to use as a astringent.
12. Chewing 2 - 3 neem leaves regularly helps purify the blood and in cases of hyperacidity and diabetes.
13. For Diabetes, recommend usage is to take one tablespoon of neem leaf juice daily on an empty stomach each morning for three months. An alternative is to chew or take in powder form ten (10) neem leaves daily in the morning. Some studies have shown that oral application of neem leaf extracts reduced a patient's insulin requirements by between 30 and 50 percent for nonkeytonic, insulin fast and insulin-sensitive diabetes.

Replied by Mary
(Milwaukee, Wi, Usa)

Neem is something that I learned about very recently, and because of the various ailments it helps with I decided to give it a try (it worked for clearing up my skin). While this herb works wonders for the "normal" person I would like to inform anyone who has an autoimmune disease that it could potentially cause major side-effects. The introductory post discussing neem says it can help with rheumatic disorders, and the post by Sayed from Abu Dhabi says it helps with rheumatism; rheumatic disorders and rheumatism refer to rheumatoid arthritis, which is an autoimmune disease. According to WebMD(, there is a contraindication listed under the herb for autoimmune diseases mainly because neem can activate the immune system, which is exactly the opposite of what should be done with an autoimmune disease.

I have rheumatoid arthritis and had minimal pain and inflammation before taking neem, and I took it for about a month. Over that month the pain and inflammation increased pretty severely; my entire body - from my skin, joints and organs - experienced extreme inflammation, and I may also have some permanent joint damage now. Three months later I am still slowly nursing the pain and inflammation into remission (the natural way). This may be an isolated incident and I am not a doctor, but I would like to at least let people know the experience I had with it. I would, however, recommend it to people who don't have an autoimmune disease.

Replied by Vinny
(Atlanta, Ga)

I'm sorry to hear that Mary, but Neem does not cause those symptoms. As a matter of fact, neem does not have any side effects if taken properly. There could be many reasons why you had those symptoms including diet, any prescription drugs, high amounts of yeast ..etc

Replied by Rhonda

WebMD states:

“Auto-immune diseases” such as multiple sclerosis (MS), lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or other conditions: Neem might cause the immune system to become more active, and this could increase the symptoms of auto-immune diseases. If you have one of these conditions, it's best to avoid using neem."

Replied by Timh
2043 posts

Not enough info here as to draw any conclusions. "might cause" doesn't have much validity.

Neem, like other natural antibiotic herbs like Grapefruitseed & Oregano are known as direct antipathogens acting on the organisms themselves, as opposed to known "immune boosting" herbs like Echanacia (which is contraindicated for those w/ autoimmunity), Reishi, Maitake, and Shitake mushrooms.

Replied by Erica
(Portland, Or)

Neem Oil very well could cause more inflammation, even when taken properly. It is a warming herb and the energetic properties are a necessary piece to note when deciding to treat with it or not.

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

Neem as a pant has cool, bitter and astringent properties. It has not a warming energy.

It is important to know about the dosha of the person partaking of this beneficial plant as certain chemical compositions in people need adjustments; for example the duration of usage and is therefore, while very effective, to be treated only on an individual basis.

It is important to do research as personal opinion can be misleading.

Namaste, Om

Replied by Susan

WebMD is not a reliable source when it comes to alternative/holistic remedies. It just tries to scare people away from treating themselves using natural remedies. Without reading the material in the link, it comes to mind that the neem oil stimulates the immune system and cause die off of parasites. Often symptoms arise or worsen during healing and detoxifying. Autoimmune is actually an impaired immune system.

Rely on your own research, there are helps and cures for everything.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Steven (Camas, USA) on 09/08/2008

NEEM OIL is a rapid cure for ear mite infections. I used it with my cockapoo and it worked in a couple of days where three weeks of using other treatments failed (olive oil, mineral oil, olive oil with garlic, water/vinegar ALL FAILED). The effectiveness of Neem Oil was impressive and I recommend it highly.

Start by warming the Neem Oil by sitting the closed bottle in a bowl of hot water for about 10 minutes. This is important because Neem Oil becomes viscous or solid when cold and you must warm it up so that it flows easily into the ear.

Then, using a dropper, fill the ear canal with pure Neem Oil, then massage the ear canal for about a minute, then wipe off the excess with a cotton ball. Do this once a day at bedtime for a few days so the dog sleeps with the oil in its ear. Neem Oil seems to be absorbed into the tissues so do not use it for more than a few days.

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Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, Hawaii) on 02/24/2008

My pet recipe: Neem Seed Oil (100% pure only). I use it on everything, when our pets have itching, they scratch constantly and inflict wounds on themselves. If they have tics in their ears, they might inflict a wound somewhere by constantly scratching on the outside.

Neem Seed Oil is against parasites, mites and tics and fleas. It is also anti-bacterial. I used it on little turtles, chickens and cats. These are our only animals. I am so confident with this. I have solved problems, the vet said, were psychological. In one case, it truly was. Our cat was not stopping to scratch herself and inflicted wounds on herself because we had been away for some time and she was traumatized. I solved this problem by using Neem Seed Oil on her wounds first and then I put a little dog-shirt on her (like a T-shirt for tiny doggies you can buy). She was so estranged about the funny thing on her body that she forgot about her licking and couldn't anyway. After a few days, she got it off herself and had all forgotten her obsessive licking. When I use Neem Seed Oil, I put it on my hands, and oil the animals generously on all the spots necessary. They hate it - but usually one or two treatments are enough.

Reader Feedback
Posted by Diane (San Francisco, CA) on 10/06/2007

I have used neem oil very successfully to prevent head lice. My daughter caught them at school. I used an over-the-counter insecticide to kill the lice that were on her head. Then I used the special comb included with the insecticide to remove as many of the eggs as possible. Then I applied neem oil (heated until it was liquid) to her scalp, generously, then massaged her scalp to make sure the oil covered her scalp completely. After this treatment, she had no more lice. The other kids in her class continued to get lice, but she never got lice again. I understand that neem oil kills the eggs and also makes it difficult or impossible for the living lice to drink blood from the veins in the scalp, so they die without laying more eggs.

Replied by Bill
(Vancouver, Bc)

I read neem works by inhibiting molting in insects, preventing them from making it to the next life cycle; egg can't turn to larvae, larvae can't turn to creepy crawly, and creepy crawly can't turn to winged egg layer. That's why it's important to treat for at least the length of time your problem insects life cycle takes if you want to get them all.

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Posted by Otti (Tampa, Florida) on 08/06/2007

I discovered an awesome natural remedy for any yeast infections and fungus - neem tree see oil. It even works on plants, not just my boyfriend's toe nail fungus. However, the seed oil smells worse than garlic but it is so very strong and powerful. Mixing it with an essential oil can help with that smell. Other neem tree extracts can cure viral infections as well and can be taken orally. I have used the seed oil on my cold sore (mixed with carmex because of the smell) and it stopped the herpes outbreak immediately.

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Posted by Michele (Esteli, Nicaragua) on 05/25/2007

I don't know how many live where they are affected by dengue. But I have had it three times. The first time wasn't that bad, the second time even though my platelets didn't drop to a critical level, my white cell did drop and wouldn't come back very fast, the doctors there prescribed an anti-viral and it it helped but recovery was slow. The third time I had read about neem doing research for incecticide I ran across something sayin it was effective against dengue. So I thought I would try it my platelets were dropping close to critical, I didn't know how to use it so I just had some leaves heated them in water, and let it steep. I sipped all thorough out the day, it tastes very bitter, anyway it seems to work better than flu remedies they give you for discomfort. The next day the blood test showed my platelets going back up, and white cells also. The following day after that the platelets made a huge jump of 60,000 in one day and the white cells also went up significantly. I don't know for sure if the neem worked, or if it was just coincidence. My recovery period total was 4 days, the previous time it was 12 days. Supposedely every time you get dengue it is worse than the one before. Since there is only three types of dengue so far in Nicaragua I shouldn't get it again. But I thought this remedy would be of interest to anyone in areas where it happens.

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Posted by Pat (Sterling, VA) on 05/22/2007

I have fostered many cats with ringworm and the thing that knocks it out in days is neem oil. A bath twice a week for at least a month in a neem oil pet shampoo. Make sure you wash between toes which is how the spores are spread -- scratching the face and head. Then apply neem oil lightly directly to lesion twice a day for 3-4 days. It usually starts to heal the affected areas in 3 days.

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Posted by Louise (NYC) on 01/21/2007

"I have been taking Neem triple potent tincture and apple cider vinegar. I am happy to report 3 months OB-free after 10 years of multi annual OBs!!! Neem is toxic to the herpes virus and I advise everyone to research and try this ancient herb, it absolutely works!!! WWW.NEEM.ORG Try reducing to removing all manufactured sugars (all sweeteners, white/brown sugar, turbinado,corn syrups) and as much stress from your life asap. Herpes LOVES sugar. Herpes hates hydrogen peroxide (food grade) and any other remedies loaded with oxygen.

Replied by Casey123
(Atlanta, Ga)

Just wanting to know if the neem and apple cider vinegar is still working for you? If so how much do you take of each and how often? Thank in advance!

Replied by Uncle Benny
(Edmonton, Canada)

Combine neem tea with Papaya leaves. Grind it in blender and add a bit of water. This would destroy the virus hard shell with the papain. The neem tea would be a double attack. Use noni fruit juice and it would keep your body clean. It worked for me. No more outbreaks.Try for 7 days on an empty stomach. Fasting on water would be the ideal body environment. God is great!!! He forgives.

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Posted by Marie (FL) on 09/25/2006

A couple years ago the doctor said i had HSV I have a friend who believes in a lot of natural remedies, she told me of Neem leaves she said it cleared up her HPV and she did research that showed it is toxic to certain viruses. I have taken neem and can tell you it does work. Either it really masks the virus from being transmitted or from having outbreaks. since taking it there has been no outbreaks. I have been doing research online and a lot of sites say that it is indeed toxic to the hsv virus. I believe there is a cure out there that they don't want us to know about and i think neem is one of them.

Replied by Casey123
(Atlanta, Georgia)

Where can I find neem leaves and how to take it internally?

Replied by Gem

Does any smell come through the skin from taking neem internally? I put the oil directly on my skin a couple of days ago and I'm still sweating it out, the smell is horrific.

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Posted by Maria (Lake Worth, FL) on 06/15/2006

Neem Oil, Antibiotics and something for pain cured my boil. After going to the Dr. and having it lanced, then time, helped it. Antibiotics and once it came to a head, I kept it clean. Oh Yeah! Small wash cloth along with a heating pad help it come to a head and draw out the infection and pus. After I healed then a few weeks later my husband got a boil, I had a few antibiotics and knew what to do so I treated him. A few months later were in June now and my Grandson (13) just got one on the side of his leg. He's in a lot of pain and can hardly walk. Dr. did not lance it but it did come to a head and is draining a lot of blood. He is on Antibiotics as well as Tylenol w/codeine but that made him sick. He was also running a fever for 2 days and the 3rd day he gets a fever but not the whole day. I clean his boil with cetaphil antibacterial cleansing bar then put some amerigen wound dressing on the boil and cover it up (since it's draining) place a wet towel and then a heating pad on it.

Replied by Athena Tutorial Academy
(Palos Verdes, Ca)

You have some serious boil problems. It is odd that your whole family gets boils? Have you thought of investigating the cause? Also Tylenol is poison. One dose can damage the stomach lining. And, as for fevers, holistic science says do NOT intervene in any fever under 104 degrees. The body is turning up the heat to destroy whatever pathogen is attacking it. By using Tylenol you are making a big mistake. Let the body do its work.

Replied by Rp

A tsp. Turmeric powder taken with a glass of water a few times per day is effective against boils normally caused by staph infections, even MRSA,

Boils are painful but can be resolved naturally. Diet needs to be cleaned up, only food that looks like food (nothing processed), more fluids, fresh fruits, vegetables, less or no fried foods, enemas if constipated may be helpful, probiotics helpful.

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Posted by Deanne (Santa Cruz, CA) on 05/21/2006

My dog had a weeping eye and then both eyes. I am a huge fan of Neem products which are anti inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-viral. I opened 100% Neem capsules into his food when all else failed. I tried Eyebright tea, antibiotics, Eucanasia. It went on for almost a year. Finally Neem works for many ailments I tried it and it worked. Occasionally it comes back but I haven't had to use anything and it goes away. Neem products have flea and tick powder and Pet Shampoo. There are several companies. My health food store has one brand and the Web has several others. Be sure it is 100% and not diluted with other ingred. It is similar to Tee Tree only better. The Neem tree grows in India. most Indians cannot affort medicine. They use the Neem tree for cleaning their teeth, tincture, oils, lotions and more. It is a verital pharmacopia.

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Posted by Marie (Sumter, SC)

This saved my dog's life. Mitaban was literally killing him. Neem oil smells like garlic, but when he's dry, its not too bad. Give the dog a haircut so his fur is ½ inch. Mix 8 ounce bottle of 10% benzoyl peroxide (People) facial cleanser with 16-20 ounce bottle of dog shampoo. This will do for several baths. BENZOYL PEROXIDE BLEACHES JUST LIKE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE.

Use 'dog' towels and blankets and remove the nice bathroom rug. Wear old clothes. Wet dog completely. Drain bathtub. Lather dog with a generous amount of benzoyl peroxide shampoo mix for 10 minutes. Give dog a shower for 10 minutes to rinse very carefully. Benzoyl peroxide opens the pores-- mites live in the pores. Keep dog in tub. Add 1/4 cup neem oil to gallon of warm water in a bucket. If the dog is small and you can find a container that he fits in, do that inside of bathtub. Soak him for 5 minutes, massage well several times and he's done. For medium to large dog, put each foot in bucket and massage solution into dog's leg. Use a cup to pour over dog repeatedly trying to save as much as possible in bucket to reuse. Massage into the entire dog. Be careful of eyes. Use a sponge for the belly and face. Wash 5-10 minutes, depending on how big the dog is. Do not rinse off. Do not towel off. When he stops dripping, wrap him in a blanket and stick him in his kennel or a small warm spot. Keep dog warm until dry. All his pores are open; he could take a terrible chill. Bathe every week. He can have baths twice a week instead if it is really bad. Every 2-3 days, rub neem oil on afflicted areas, more often if he won't stop chewing. It doesn't matter if he licks it off after a few minutes. They make neem oil pills. My dog also gets the skin yeast infections dogs can get with demodex so we had to soak him in vinegar. No soap, no scrubbing, just soak good. He has a wading pool. We always add a gallon of vinegar to it. He soaks himself in it and that cures his yeast.

Replied by Scabies Gone
(Dallas, Texas)

This a brief and simple cure/story about my bout with scabies. I unfortuntely picked up scabies from contact with an infected person. After 24 hours I started to notice small itchy bumps on my arm. Another few days went by and the bumps moved to my chest and genital areas. At this point I showed my roommate, and him being the man slut that he is he immediatly told me I had scabies. I guess his promiscuity paid of for out little home remedy community here lol. I immediatly did some internet searches for home cures, as I did not have health insurance. I did not have money to go to the doctor and the thought of putting STRONG pesticedes on my body was rediculous.

I found a cure that called for complete use of neem oil based products. I went to my local store and bought neem oil shampoo and lotion (there wasnt a soap available). I showered and use the shampoo as soap and put on the lotion. I did this twice daily. The scabies went away in about a weeks time, and the itching stopped in about two rounds of treatment. I would also recommend washing clothes and sheets regulary especially if you live with others. This remedy only cost me about 30 dollars. Also you have to be willing to deal with the smell of neem. I definitely did not find it pleasant. The smell may also help you in determining the potency of the products you use. The product I used were by Theraneem.

Replied by M A
(Philadelphia, Pa)

I can attest 100% about neem oil and neem powder benefits for skin infections and allergies.

I was suffering from Tinea infection along with scarring alopecia for about 2 years. I used to get pimples/boils on my scalp and that used to cause a lot of hairloss. Also constant scalp itching and scaling was present all the time.

I went to all kinds of doctors... Modern medicines, ayurvedic, homepathic, but no doctor could cure my condition. Dermatologists told me I am suffering from scalp infection AND scarring alopecia. And only medicines they have are heavy antibiotics steroids.

I was scared like hell seeing bunches of my hair falling out (I already lost 40-50% of my original beautiful hair over past 2 yrs with doctors' experiments on me). Finally 3 months ago, I decided to put an end to this misery and stopped any doctor prescribed medicine (I have lost my faith in modern age doctors. They are more businessmen than doctors). I read that neem is the "tree of life", and it can cure so many skin disorders. So I decided to simply apply pure cold pressed neem seed oil diluted in castor and olive oil (1:1:1) and started taking 1/2 teaspoon of neem powder every morning on empty stomach with warm water (for purification of body).

Within 2 weeks of starting the neem oil regime my scalp itching stopped (for past 2 years not a single day went without me having to scratch my scalp). I felt more optimistic. The scalp pimples and consequent hairloss was still there, but I religiously continued this routine. Now after about 3 months after starting the neem powder regime, my scalp itching has gone COMPLETELY, scalp has cleared off the pimples (I don't get new pimples on the scalp anymore). Because of this the hairloss has also reduced considerably.

I am going to continue this regime and see if I can regrow my hair (which doctors swore that it won't as it was a scarring alopecia. But doctors are still human beings who have only understood about 1% of the nature's healing power and not understood the power of FAITH at all)!

Wanted to share this for someone who's suffering from similar ailment!

Replied by Alex Illi
(Mampong, Ghana)

Neem Tincture cures scabies

An alcoholic extract of neem worked for me, after neem oil did not show any effect. Living here in West-Africa, most people are infected with multi-resistant scabies. Benzylbenzoate (an ingredient of cheap, "chemical" perfume, that burned intensely when rubbed into the skin) didn't work, also tea-tree-oil and neem-oil showed no effects; I didn't want to try the strong insecticide Permethrine, because I wanted to keep my room-mates, I. E. The spiders etc. ; vaseline with sulphur in the recommended application was quite nasty, because of having to sit naked with vaseline all over the body in a plastic chair several days, sweating in the tropical heat. But then Neem-Tincture has worked fine! In just three days, applied morning and evening, complete eradication of all symptoms, permanently. Since reinfection can hardly be avoided here, every few months I get opportunity to reassure myself of the reliable effectiveness of this simple method. Neem-Tincture - (alcoholic extract of neem-leaves)- recipe: dried neem leaf powder or fine leaf flakes mixed with double volume-amount alcohol (e. g. Normal 40% schnaps, tequila etc. ), let soak for two weeks in closed jar, then filter and press through cloth - voila.

Replied by Swordfish
(Delhi, India)

1/30/2011: M A from Philadelphia, Pa replies: "I can attest 100% about neem oil and neem powder benefits for skin infections and allergies.

Hi MA from Philadelphia. If its no problem, I'd like to get in touch with you on email, regarding the same condition that you mentioned, and the fix of the same using Neem oil.

I have the same condition for about 4 years now, with no solution till date. Much appreciate your early response. Swordfish from Delhi, India.

Remove Neem Oil

Posted by Scoobie (New York, US) on 04/08/2014

I accidentally spilled neem oil on my clothing, is there a away to get the stain out? Or remove the smell?

Skin Conditions

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Posted by Rsjrpn (Vancouver Bc) on 09/25/2016

I don't see any mention of neem oil? It's called "the village medicine cabinet" but it's most amazing properties are its effect on skin. It's an emollient and will instantly stop itching from excema and dermatitis. It does smell like garlic and onion but is an incredible healing oil

Replied by Sara
(The Beach)

I read that too, but it did nothing to help my eczema.


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Posted by Yogita (Lucknow, India ) on 09/21/2021

I cured my toothaches permanently with neem leaf steam. Pls try it.

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