Parrafin Warnings
A great natural oil for the body is Organic Coconut Oil. It heals, moisturises and makes the skin feel great with a delightfully subtle coconut perfume - totally natural and harmless. You can eat it by the spoonful, cook with it, use it on bread and toast instead of butter, it does not raise cholesterol levels, animals love it and it makes their coats shine. You can use it on your hair if it's dry and rub it on scars to reduce the marks left by trauma or surgery, and it will also fade brown age spots on the body. The greatest all-round remedy, panacea, and massage oil.
EC: That's an old page on EC! Thanks for letting us know -- you are absolutely right. Will just leave your feedback.
(Bradford, West Yorkshire)
(Gaborone, Botswana)
I read the article by Walter Last and started using paraffin 2 weeks ago for post candida cleanse - as a way to clean my blood of candida poisons, but also to ensure candida does not make a comeback. I feel that the poisons are reducing quite drastically(neck pain/discomfort nearly gone).
I also suggested it to a friend who had a tumour behind the eyes so large the hospital had told her they could not operate it. The tumour disappeared within 3 days and she went back to work. All we took was a tablespoon once a day.
Yes, if ingested into the lungs, it would be a poison, just like water would, but swallowing a tablespoon or less per day for a limited period is not normally poisonous.