Potassium Iodide (SSKI)
Health Benefits

Potassium Iodide (SSKI): Iodine Supplements and Cures

| Modified on Feb 05, 2018
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Potassium iodide or SSKI (saturated solution of potassium iodide) is an inorganic salt that combines iodine and potassium in a relatively high dosage. A saturated solution of potassium iodide or the salt taken in tablet form can act as a potent antibiotic against a variety of pathogens.

This potassium and iodine solution is also the standard prophylactic treatment for radiation exposure, as potassium iodide saturates the thyroid with iodine, which in turn prevents the body from taking up radioactive iodine isotopes from the environment.

Caution: SSKI/Potassium Iodide is not typically taken as a nutritional supplement, since it provides a dosage many times above standard nutritional requirements for iodine.

Natural Cures: Potassium iodide can provide your everyday iodine supplements and can also be used in the case of radiation exposure, against fungal skin infections, as an expectorant, and as a general antibiotic.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Broad Benefits

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Chandra (Seattle, Washington) on 12/06/2009

Hi, I just wrote in about how taking 3 sski (potassium iodide) pills a day cured my ovarian cyst in 3 weeks. I take it at night before going to sleep. I also wanted to report two other cures. One, I have lost weight without trying to on this supplement! 4 pounds to be exact. I really feel it speeds up my metabolism. I have tried to take apple cider vinegar for weight loss and it didn't do much for me. But after taking sski steadily for the past 6 weeks (since October), I can really feel a difference if I forget to take the supplement. It's weird and hard to explain, but food feels like its moving "sluggishly" when I don't take the sski. Two, sski has helped cure the itchy, peeling rash around my nose that I have had for about 15 years. I forget the medical term for it, not eczema, but close. I have slight redness in the creases around my nose but no peeling, which is remarkable because it is usually getting really bad at this time of the year in the cold weather. I wonder now if this supplement can help cure a whole range of skin conditions. Oh one more thing. You definitely need to be careful not to take too much iodine. If I take 4 sski tablets, I wake up the next morning with a nasal drip and a slight headache. I read that this is a sign of too much iodine, so I cut back or skip an entire day's dose of sski when I get these symptoms. 2-3 pills a day seems to be okay for me. On the bottle it says not to take the supplement for more than 14 days in a row. So I think I will come off the supplement for a day or two each week. When I ran out and didn't buy anymore in the past my ovarian cyst came back within a month, so I don't think I will stay off for very long. Hope this info helps someone out there because I think it's a great supplement. Haven't tried kelp and I haven't tried Lugol's for a long period of time, so I can't comment on the differences between them.

Replied by Piper
(Toronto, On)

Nuclear Radiation Blocker. The element iodine blocks the thyroid's absorption of cancer-causing radioactive iodine released from a nuclear reactor, spills or nuclear bomb. Potassium iodide tablets are part of a disaster preparedness kit.

Replied by Amanda
(Kingsland, Ga)

Wow... , I would have never thought that I would be reading this. I never knew about this supplement/medicine till my daughter was diagnosed with cancer and had to undergo tests that required an injection of radioactive dye! She is required to take SSKI drops by mouth. One drop, three times a day, starting three days prior to the injection. Apparently, the drops prevent the thyroid from absorbing all of the radioactive dye. Without the drops, the thryoid would absorb all the dye and the test would do us no good.

Replied by Rosemary

Do you know how much to take in case you are expecting a possible radiation exposure (radioactive iodine IV)? Or how much to take after such an exposure? Thanks.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn.)
490 posts

SSKI which is essentially the same thing as Lugol's solution is said to cure just about any pathogen that can make you sick. Liquefying mucus in the head and lungs so you can get it out easier is another thing it does so it isn't necessarily an unwanted side effect.

The one thing you need to be aware of is that prolonged use of 6 drops per day or more can suppress the thyroid's function. A better way to check on when to drop it off for a while is to check your arising body temperature each morning. If it drops you know your thyroid is suppressed, so stop it for a few weeks and then resume. You need to also make sure your B complex vitamins aren't low also since your thyroid gets sluggish if they are.

Intestinal Worms

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Ruth (Longview, Texas) on 07/08/2009

potassium iodide for intestinal worms...

My 3 year old son had pretty significant diarrhea for three days. I always come to this site for anything and the first thing I read about was the ACV. I gave him a teaspoon mixed with a little honey in water (which he loved). It seemed to help but then it came back with a vengeance. I had been reading about iodine for thyroid problems which I suspect I have due to fluoride issues and tea drinking. So I decided to give him a few drops of liquid potassium iodide in water. He also got a big dose of cinnamon on his toast that morning which is another remedy I read about. The diarrhea stopped and his bowel movement the next day produced several worms. That was unexpected result of the iodine I am certain! Iodine is in my house to stay.

Replied by Angie
(Jersey City, NJ)

Hi, Thanks for your feedback. What concentration potassium iodide solution was it? Do you know how many milligrams of potassium iodide in each drop of that solution? Many thx..! Angie

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn.)
490 posts

SSKI stands for saturated solution of potassium iodide, both it and Lugol's solution is a 15% solution.

Replied by Renee

No, SSKI is NOT always a 15% solution. Lugol's and SSKI can have very different percentage levels. It depends on where you get it. Mine is a 50g per drop solution, whereas others are 30% or less! PLEASE READ YOUR LABELS and do your own research before taking anyone else at their word. It's the only way to know you're being safe.

Potassium Iodide Feedback

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Lisa (Coto de Caza, CA) on 11/27/2008

I've have swollen & tender lymph nodes under my jaw for a few years and the Dr.'s ignore it. Found the Iodine cure on this website while looking for something else. I painted Potassium iodide on the lymph nodes and the swelling went down within a few hours, as well as the tenderness. Had to paint on again next morning. I've heard Lugol's works better but it hasn't arrived in the mail yet.

Also, took 4 drops in a glass of water on an empty stomach for the stomach flu ( kids have it) and feel better after about an hour. My fingers are crossed.

Potassium Iodide Feedback
Posted by Glenn (Rohnert Park, CA) on 09/08/2008

I've used potassium iodide for some time for sinus infections, colds and for my girlfriend's bladder infections.

KI [potassium] works so well against bladder infections that Kaiser refused to treat my girlfriend with antibiotics on the day of a severe attack because she showed no signs of the usual bacterial infection since, apparently, the KI had destroyed the bacteria by the time she arrived at the doctor's office. She was also asymptomatic by that time.

If taken at the first sign of a cold or flu, it appears to prevent infection or reduce the symptoms. For those who have sinus infections, I add KI or I [iodine] to a saline rinse and that seems to help keep the sinuses clear.

I read that PI [potassium iodide] was used by ophthalmologists, along with niacin, to clear arteries of plaque back in the 60's since it, apparently, dissolves fat. Older doctors said that once upon a time their instructors would mention this fat dissolving ability of iodine.

Research hydrogen peroxide, it's deadly against certain types of cancer. Most organisms that harm the body like low oxygen environments. Hydrogen peroxide is thus toxic to cancer and the bad bacteria found in the body, but not the "good" bacteria.

I've removed basal cell carcinoma an inch in diameter and about 1/8 inch this with 35% hydrogen peroxide in less than a week. I'm not recommending it. At this strength it is quite dangerous unless you know what your doing. I used a Q-tip to administer it and the opposite end to dab off the excess.

3% hydrogen peroxide works quite well for infections. You can find instructions for its use on the internet.

Replied by Tamtard
(San Diego, Ca)

Hello, I have a bladder infection as we speak. I have been to the doctor too many times to count for this. You could imagine the doctor bills that I have been sick of. I found some home remedies such as diet and drinking disgusting Apple Cider Vinegar. All the home remedies have seemed to work but take several days to get rid of it. Which means terrible pain when I pee and the discomfort. I came across your post, My question for you is; Do you take the pills or the liquid form? Since reading your post I did my internet research on the idea and a few doctors "internet doctors" have also agreed that it will work, but no one says weather to take the pills or the liquid form. Hope to hear back.

Tam (burning Vajay jay)

Replied by Mesem
(Toulon, France)

I have been taking Lugol's solution for 3 weeks now and have had great results but a little worried as last 2 days I have been tired with heavy legs and I wonder if this could be due to an overdose of potassium from the KI? I take 2 drops a day of Lugol's. I think I was very deficient and that my body needs this iodide but the potassium?

Replied by Mesem
(Toulon, France)

I got a message about this from Ted and he said this would be very unlikely. I think I am tired for other reasons!

Replied by Ridge Runner
(Mimor Hill, Tennessee, united Sates)

Potassium iodine is very useful for a lot of things and right now it will save your thyroid gland from being destroyed by the radiation from Japan's disaster. The fraud and death adm. is decrying this but the truth is any amount of radiation exposure is not healthy. I don't know if you can still buy the crystals and make your own but what I make is 15%. I suggest that any one taking this should also take this supplement also Beta glucan it puts your immune system into over drive. Also johnathan Wright MD says you should have your thyroid checked when taking sski because it may suppress it. It is real good for a bladder infection and if travling by atr, bus or train will keep you from catching a virus.

Potassium Iodide Feedback
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 07/22/2008 490 posts

Response to Anonymous:

07/22/2008: Anonymous writes: "Hello, I've recently been told that I have candida and therefore was put on a severe diet for three weeks. During this time I couldnt eat any vinegar, pork meat, milk or anything that has milk such as yoghurt ice cream etc, no sugar whatsoever or anything with wheat. I went back to my nutritionist after the three weeks and she said that I still have candida. I asked her about ACV and she said that there's no way I can take it because its vinegar and it's fermented and that I cant take anything thats fermented yet on the candida cure page its labeled as a cure... can anyone help me with this please? also she said that candida leads to cancer and fatal illnesses -- is it really that severe?"

Yes, candida can be severe, especially when it goes systemic. I have never tried ACV for this but have read on EC where some said it cleared it up. Don't know what your health care provider had you on that didn't clear it up, but the first article I ever read concerning systemic candida was l5 or more years ago in Omni magazine. It was written by a doctor who was asked to follow a hospitalized patient while his doctor was out of town. According to this doctor, the only thing that everyone agreed on was that the man was slowly approaching death, but nobody had diagnosed any cause. In looking back through all the prior tests that had been done on the man, the only thing he could find ever showing up was some candida in an early admission test. Not having anything else to go on, he started treating the man with SSKI, which was the only thing he knew that was supposed to cure it at that time. The man started showing some improvement, and started gaining a little of his weight back, and eventually was able to go home. This doctor went into more detail on how systemic candida fouled up all the hormones and enzymes in the body. One woman he wrote about being asked to treat was a schizophrenic. He consulted with her psychiatrist to inquire if anything he did might interfere with the psychiatrists treatment and was told that in her present state he didn't think anything could make her worse or interfere. When first seen, the woman was unable to carry on a conversation. It's been awhile since I read this, but it was somewhere between 2-8 weeks of treatment with SSKI for systemic candida, she was able to sit down and intelligently converse with the doctor. You may be able to go on-line or contact Omni and ask for a copy of this article. I don't remember the doctor's name, but it was titled "The Hidden Epidemic". If you are unfamiliar with SSKI (Potassium iodide) google for potassium iodide and pull up the Tahoma Clinic article by Jonathan V. Wright,MD, which will tell you what it is and what it does, as well as how to take it. Hope this is helpful and according to Dr. Wright it is still a very effective treatment for what you have. However I would still leave off the dairy and sweets until you are rid of it.

Replied by Bill Jencks
(San Fernando, Philippines)

To answer Anonymous's question above: The Doctor who successfully used SSKI against Candida in his story was Dr Orian Truss I think.

Replied by Stargazer
(Hibbing, Mn)

I am so glad to know potassium iodide can cure yeast infection! I had Candida for years; my kids & hubby had it too, but I had it worst. One day my husband's aunt commented that it looked like a yeast infection, & I immediately researched intensively; I literally tossed out ALL my foods that contained any form of a sweetener. The kids & I "went cold turkey", and we were so irritable for 3 days ! the 4th day we were fine. Until then I hadn't known sugar is addictive. Eventually I began also drinking pau d'arco tea (though I didn't notice any change), and we all ate yogurt a lot and took acidophillus supplements. After some time I went to the dr and said I am starving the yeast, but I'd also like to kill them; & I asked for a Rx for "nystatin". He agreed. It helped all 3 of us a lot. (my husband didn't take it so it took him longer to get rid of his yeast problem.) Once I asked about the ingredients in the medicine & found that it contained sugar! I was flabbergasted! Here I had been avoiding sugar so diligently, & it was in the medicine ! But the nystatin did help anyway...

we found we had to be careful with acidic foods, like tomatoes, citrus, & anything made from them. Eventually we all were well enough to eat "normally", but even now I will ocassionally take a garlic tablet "just because ." And when my kids are on antibiotics, I warn them to stay away from all sugar. I try to stay away from antibiotics myself, but my kids are grown now & make their own decisions.

I found I have a variety of yeast that does not respond to the Rx medicine, but does respond to the over-the-counter Monistat creams; but it has been many years since I had a yeast infection so I'm happy. That detox from Candida was 2 years long, but it was worth it.

I am going out right now to pick up some potassium iodide for "just in case", and for thyroid. At age 47 I am now a little healthier than at age 27, & I plan to keep working on it.

in reply to anonymous asking about "anything fermented", I found that some fermented things I could not tolerate, they made yeast problems worse, like cheese and most wines. However, vinegar was not a problem for me, and I can drink Mogen David wine; apparently it is made without yeast-fermentation somehow -- that is why it is kosher for Passover.

Where to Buy

Posted by Keith (Ilderton, Ontario) on 07/16/2013

Please advise where one can purchase SSKI (potasium iodide).

Where to Buy
Posted by Josecito (Miami, Florida, Usa) on 11/02/2010

Where can I purchase potassium iodide? I've read lots of good stuff on it.

Replied by Ingegerd Nd
(Fishkill, New York, Usa)

You can still get Lugol's Solution at Bay Harbour Drugs 305 865-3746 in Miami, Fla. Let them Know that Dr. Hanson From Fishkill, NY sent you.

Replied by Doug
(Langley, Bc, Canada)

Potassium iodide on line at I-herb.

Replied by Rabbit
(Portland, Or)

You can buy potassium iodide at iHerb.

Replied by Lynne

From what I understand, lugols' is NOT sski. Anyone want to clarify this?

Replied by Azurefields

There is Potassium Iodide, and then there's Potassium Iodine.

Lugols is made from both Iodide and Iodine.

SSKI is made from Potassium Iodide.