Remedy Combinations
Health Benefits

Remedy Combinations

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Supplements

Posted by Linda (Indianapolis, In, United States) on 09/04/2009

ACV's impact on other supplements question

Will ACV interfere with or negate the benefits of taking other supplements such as fish oil, vitamin E, Rhodiola, DHEA, flaxseed, etc? Should I take the supplements a few hours before or after ingesting ACV?

Replied by Lisa
(Greenfield, Ma)

I am not a doctor. Most products state that if you are worried about interactions wait 2 hours between taking products.

Apple Cider Vinegar Combinations

Posted by Lbb (Dubai) on 10/31/2014

ACV, Turmeric, Blackstrap Molasses, Black Pepper, Baking Soda, Coconut Oil Combination: Can I combine all these ingredients in a drink? In warm or room temperature water?

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Lbb, I sometimes make a drink like that. No problem as long as you don't go to any extremes with any ingredient.

Replied by Rachel

Hi, this is an old post, but I'm wondering how this has worked for you - any problems or successes?

I'd also be curious if any one else is mixing and using the above formula or even just the ACV, Baking Soda and Molasses mix? I see a lot of posts using two of these ingredients together, but not all three.

Apple Cider Vinegar Combinations
Posted by Tourmama (Everywhere, All Over, The Place) on 02/06/2012

Hello, First of all, thank you for this website. It has consumed many hours of many days in the past 2 weeks, informing me of some healthier options for my ailments. With that said, I'm afraid I may have overdone it.

I suffer from severe psoriasis, severe acid reflux, occasional breakouts, acid or sour stomach most of the time, regular bouts of constipation, and night sweats. I got so excited after reading all of the possible healthy benefits of the three products mentioned above (coconut oil, hemp seed oil, apple cider vinegar), that I am now taking all three.

The first product I purchased, was the hemp oil. I have been taking 2 TBSP per day, straight off the spoon, in the morning on an empty stomach. This combined with some Hemp Seed Body Butter and organic avocado oil, seemed to have been helping a bit. Then I found some EVCO. I decided to start off slow with this, as I was already taking the hemp oil internally. I take one teaspoon in the morning and one at night, right off the spoon, or in my morning coffee or smoothie. This is where the stomach discomfort started, and almost immediately, my acid reflux started acting up BAD.

Onto Ted's recipe for apple cider vinegar. As per his warning, and everyone else's, I started off slow, with 250 ml of cold water, 2 TBSP of ACV (with the "mother"), and 1/4 tsp of baking soda. I took this for the first time yesterday evening, on an empty stomach. I felt relief from the acid reflux, and my stomach bloating immediately went down. I decided to take another dose before bed (since it is suggested 3 times per day, and I hadn't started until the evening, before dinner). It filled me up like a balloon. It felt like there was some sort of war going on inside my stomach. It subsided after about 30 minutes.

This morning, I woke up and took the ACV recipe first thing in the morning. Instant burning of what felt like the lining of my stomach. It's almost as if I could feel the acid churning around in there. I waited for it to pass, but it didn't. It subsided, mildly. I definitely lost any feeling of hunger, so I really understand how this is a good weight loss trick. I then moved onto my tsp of EVCO in my morning coffee. Still, the burning of the lining of my stomach. I had my morning smoothie (babana, hemp seeds, rolled oats, oat milk, Icelandic yogurt) and started getting bad stomach pains. I waited a bit, then followed with my 2 TBSP hemp oil. As of now, I'm still nauseous, have zero appetite, and feel like my stomach is on fire, with some acid sneaking up my esophagus.

So here's the good news... Psoriasis seems to be fading. I still have a couple of white spots, and it varies throughout the day depending on the temperature I'm in from red, to very faint pink, but it is a huge improvement. My face has cleared up significantly, and it's that fun mid-cycle time when I usually start to breakout. I noticed a couple coming in last night, popped some hemp oil on them, and today, they are signnificantly reduced.

The bad news is, my stomach feels like it has some sort of fire war happening inside of it Granted, everything seems a bit looser, which is nice, becasue I also suffer from extreme bouts of constipation, but the fire, or burning sensation is not pleasant.

So my question is, after all of this info, am I overdoing it? Did I get too excited about the promise of all of these miracle cures and mix them too much? Or is this the war going on inside my body, that is killing all the bad stuff? Could I be "too acidic"?

Replied by Gertrude
(Brooklyn, New York)

I'm sorry to hear about your sour stomach. I also have acid reflux. You should defintely cut coffee out of your diet (I had to do it too, I know how hard it is) but coffee is straight acid.

Replied by Tourmama
(Everywhere, All Over, The Place)

Hi Gertrude, I know I should cut coffee out, but it's a necessary evil in my line of work. During my off time, I try to limit my intake of it, but on the road, I would be a mess without it. Which I why I was so excited about the ACV remedy. Anything to reduce the harm all of the antacids have caused over the years. Since posting earlier today, I have been sipping the ACV remedy rather than "shooting" it. It is definitely, not a pleasant taste, so I was trying to get it down as quick as possible. Now, I have been nursing my second dose of it, and the pain has subsided.

However... Now it seems my psoriasis is flaring up. Does anyone know if the ACV could be cancelling out the good of the hemp oil and EVCO? Or does anyone have any suggestions on a healthy balance and prefered times of the day/evening? I'm leaving in less than 2 days for a one month tour (different city/country everyday, on my feet for 16 hour a day, no days off, lots of stress, eat what you're served kind of thing). Any advice would be extremely helpful. I don't want to pack things that are harming me and definitely cannot afford to get sick in any way while on the road.

Replied by Maria
(Gippsland, Australia)

Hi Tourmama, As you will be away and won't want any possible detox reactions maybe lower all your doses. I think 2 Tbs of ACV is not a low starting dose and would start with only 1 teaspoon in water and maybe do it twice a day. It may be worth having the EVCO with your meals although that may not be practical whilst traveling. Have a good trip.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

Tourmama, Liver /Gallbladder problems are quite often the cause of chronic psoriasis. All the tummy trouble and constipation also indicates the L/G as bile is the bodies natural acid reducer and laxative (your passage is severely slowed). I suffered the same symptoms as you for many yrs until a chiropractor diagnosed me using reflexology; so I finally cleaned my gb and started Milk Thistle Seed, Dandelion, Artichoke and other good liver herbs. Drink two cups of strong Dandelion Tea (a few hrs apart) and you should have immediate results on the top and bottom end; if so, then the aforementioned is correct for you.

Replied by Tourmama
(Everywhere, All Over, The Place)

Thanks for the advice Timh... I'm actually allergic to dandelions, so I assume drinking the tea won't do me too many favors. Any other suggestions for this? I don't have the luxury of choosing what I eat on the road, here, and artichokes are definitely never on the menu.

Replied by Had
(White River Jct, Vermont)

I don't know if this will help totally, but I put in a scoop of Stevia in ACV /BS mix, it then taste like honey?? I don't know why. But Stevia is an alkaline so it shouldn't mess up the mix. And have you tried the borax treatment as well, it is to be sipped, about 1/8 tsp borax in 1 liter of water, through out the day, that should help the burn, at least it does me. don't give up.

Replied by Milychka
(Seattle, Washington)

Dear TourMamma, as soon as you clear your diet of coffee and any dairy products, your psoriasis will be gone.

Replied by Mia
(Lyons, Ny)

I have tried to take ACV with the Mother many times but it always turns my stomach. I just read Had from White River Jct, Vermont's reply and tried it and it DOES taste like honey!!! I can totally drink this! Thank you!

Replied by Harvey
(Ancaster, Ontario, Canada)

It sounds to me like you have food allergy symptoms as well as digestion issues. The primary problem is referred to as Leaky Gut Syndrome which is passed on to the children from their mothers at birth. NOTE: This is not a genetic condition, it is caused by bad flora in the stomach and intestines. Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, a Russian Neurologist and Nutritionist discovered the condition after her son was diagnosed as severely Autistic. All the mother's in her support group had digestive issues. By diet, she was able to heal her son of Autism, as well as thousands of others. Dr. Campbell-McBride discovered the connection between Mental Illness and bad gut flora and claims that Mental Illness, ADHT, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Depression, all Inflamatory Diseases etc. We're caused by partially undigested food leaking into the bloodstream through holes in the gut. Since the body does not recognize this form as nutrients, the body sends out antibodies to distroy the foreign objects. This condition causes malabsorption and piosons our bodies. In sensitive or severe cases the poisons start to effect mood. Some people are able to mask the symptoms while others get very ill. I have Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Extreme Diahrea; my mother has extreme constipation. My eldest son & I have depression, my wife and younger son mask the symptoms. This information is very new as I only discovered it in Sept. 2012. For further info see gaps. me; the book can be purchased through Amazon.

Replied by Joann Ford
(Panama City Beach)

Try adding more baking soda to neutralize the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar Combinations
Posted by Diabetes Guy (London, United Kingdom) on 12/15/2011


Is it ok to use ENO instead of baking soda with ACV AND WATER? ENO is citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. Is it ok to use SPARKLING MINERAL WATER?


Apple Cider Vinegar Combinations
Posted by Steven (Ballston Lake, Ny) on 11/02/2011

Can I mix apple cider vinegar, blackstrap molasses, and iodine together in one drink? If I mix the ACV with the BSM will it still alkalize? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar Combinations
Posted by Trish (Broussard, La, Usa) on 04/19/2011

I found this website while searching for a cure for urinary tract infections. I am so impressed with the cure that I have been obsessively searching everything I can think of that I want to try to cure or improve. I have a few remedies I want to try but I'm not sure how to use everything together. One post said that ACV would cancel out the positive effects of using an oil if I mix them together. I have seen posts by other people who use different oils and ACV but they don't say whether they take oil then take ACV 4 hours later, for example, or vice versa, or if they take them mixed together. Can anyone tell me if they use any oils mixed with ACV and if it works well when mixed or if I should take them at seperate times?

Apple Cider Vinegar Combinations
Posted by Ben (Austin, Tx) on 04/19/2010

Question about Apple Cider Vinegar consumption...

I make two power protein shakes every day with 120g whey protein, 2 tbsps BioNatures Flax Seed Oil, 15g Glutamine and was going to add 2Tbsps of ACV but I wanted to check first to see if by mixing it with the other products and using a blender it would take away the actualy positive effects of taking ACV.

With flaxseed for example it can't be cooked at all and loses it's value, but in a blender it doesn't.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions ahead of time.

[email protected]

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, H2O2

Posted by Jaques (Brighton, England) on 07/15/2009

I take acv & bicarb soda twice a day on empty stomach - now ive decided to take h202 as well as i have hi BP and colestorol, questions for anyone is, does anyone mix the two? Or would H202 help the GERD so I dont have to take both? I cant imagine first taking one medication, then waiting an hour, taking the other, wait another hour and then i can eat breakfast - x 3 per day -

Also i just took the lst dosage 30 drops of 3% food grade in water, since its 3 drops of 35%, so I was told to increase it ll times. It has made my mouth, throat, aesophagus and stomach burn slightly and still is an hr later............does anyone else have this reaction? Or if Ted can comment on this dosage and reaction I would be grateful. Thanks all..........J

Replied by Connie
(Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA)

You might try using herbs like marshmallow root (Althea officinalis) that sooth mucous membranes.

Replied by Echorae
(Linesville, Pa., USA)

I'm on hydrogen Peroxide Therapy. My question is can one mix ACV and baking soda w/honey to the mixture? I've read that the ACV and baking soda w/honey should be taken on an empty stomach too. Thought if it's OK, I'd combine them together. Has anyone done this, and if so what was your reaction.

Replied by Arnu
(San Diego, California)

Ted posted an answer to this question, it took me 4 hours to find it and I think it should also be placed here for those who are wondering about hydrogen peroxide to the ACV and baking soda solution.

02/08/2007: Fran from Houston, TX writes: "Can I add few drops of good grade hydrogen peroxide to the ACV and baking soda solution, twice a day? Thanks"

Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "No. Hydrogen peroxide will neutralize the vitamin C and other organic compounds in the apple cider vinegar. It is best taken for hydrogen peroxide with water alone, or at least 6 hours apart.

The reason is simple, hydrogen peroxide is an oxidant, while apple cider vinegar and baking soda is an antioxidant.

You can however, mix drops of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda in a drinking water. It creates a more alkaline form of peroxides which can also detoxify the body of accumulated poisons built up in the liver.

Replied by Stu Hannah

Thank you for this. I was wondering what would happen if I combined the ACV with H2O2 also.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Bamboo Salt

Posted by Prabakaran (Malaysia) on 03/13/2014

hai, I am taking my regular CAV, now someone suggested Korean Bamboo salt. I read the benefits, and its amazing results. Can I consume both? kindly advice. rgd, karan MALAYSIA

Apple Cider Vinegar, Barley Leaf

Posted by Patsy May (Canvey Island, Essex, United Kingdom) on 01/10/2012

Hi, Pat from England back with a question for TED

Dear Ted, I am thinking of taking Barley Leaf Powder and also taking Apple Cider Vinegar. Have you any advice please as to how to take, are they best taken together or is it best to leave some time between taking them. I was also wondering if it might be an idea to take vitamins.

I am on 5th day of my programme taking35% food grade H2O2 and up to 7 drops 3x day taken in 8ozs distilled water. I am already feeling benefits( all be it have slight headache) but intend to see it through till end of programme, just a bit concerned about free radicals.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Many Thanks, Pat

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Ar (London) on 10/26/2013

Hello There,

I have gone through the discussions in your website, relate to ACV and Blackstrap Molasses. I did see the reviews that it's a brilliant tip.

But I couldn't see the actual combination of for ACV and BSM. Can you please share the link which has actual recipes please or please suggest the proportions. Thanks, Archana

Apple Cider Vinegar, Blackstrap Molasses, Coconut Oil

Posted by Sue M. (Worden, Il, Usa) on 03/21/2010

Not sure about combinations I'm using

I added some daily routines to my health regime after reading the benefits about them. I do ACV w/honey (1tbs. of each 2x daily), 2tbs. of blackstrap molasses 2x daily (1tbs. of a morning and the other 1tbs. at night)and finally 2tbs of VCO...once of a morning and then again at lunchtime. I have been doing this since the first part of December. I eat clean and exercise 6 days a week and am 60 yrs. of age. But, what is bothering me and would really appreciate some input and help is to help me figure out why 2 to 3 days out of the week I become so tired. I feel just worn out. I'm still working full-time. My eyes feel having that burning feeling when I close them and I just feel blah. The closest I can describe it is how you feel when you're trying to catch a "bug". Could it be the VCO, ACV or BSM? A combo of the three? When I did start taking the VCO, I felt terrible for about a month and I thought it was my body trying to rid itself of toxins. I started feeling better after that, but the past three weeks, the old symptoms have returned. Any insight would be appreciated.

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

reply to Sue.. I notice by your age you are postmenopausal, perhaps you should have a serum ferritin blood test for iron storage disorder This is a common genetic disorder which usually doesn't affect women much until after menopause.. Unfortunately men with this disorder build up iron levels from an early age and have much higher levels. The iron is stored in heart, liver, pancreas and brain, and even in the tissues and gives rise to heart attacks, diabetes, arthritis, liver cancer among other ailments. if you have the gene for this (it is quite common) it could account for your fatigue.. Apparently 90% of patients with this disorder first present with chronic fatigue. If so it could be that you are taking in a bit much iron. I have the disorder myself and limit BSM to 1 tsp day. It's worth checking out.. since I have been getting treatment (simple blood letting) My energy is better, sleep patterns improved and muscle and joint pains are greatly reduced.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Borax

Posted by Sue (IL) on 10/13/2021

Would it be ok to add ACV to my daily dosage when I am currently taking Borax? I'm hoping to take the ACV too to help some other issues like nail fungus.

Apple Cider Vinegar, H2O2

1 User Review
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Posted by Susan (Blacksburg, Va, Usa ) on 10/03/2012

I am on the 11th day of the hydrogen peroxide therapy but would like to try the ACV diet also.... Can one do them simultaneously and if so, any specific instructions? Thank you, Susan

Apple Cider Vinegar, H2O2
Posted by Marinemomof3 (Oceanside, California, United States) on 12/02/2011

Question: If I take my h2o2 when I wake at 4:00 am, and then take my ACV at 10 am, when can I take my next dose of H202?

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