The reason I decided to use this protocol is because I was having excessive intestinal gas or bloating every day. It was quite unpleasant and there were times when my intestinal bloating from the gas interfered with my breathing, sometimes making me short of breath. So I decided to concentrate all efforts on killing off all the bad bacteria or whatever that was causing the unpleasant intestinal bloatedness.
Initially, I tried several other methods before using and adapting Tony's protocol. I tried using various other laxatives to clear out my intestine, including Milk of Magnesia and Pepto-Bismol. I even tried an anti-parasitic -- Ivermectin (human form) -- all to no avail.
I ended up using a modified form of Tony Pantalleresco's Ascorbic acid + Sodium Thiosulfate protocol. Tony's protocol involves taking the protocol just before going to bed. This meant that you would have to quickly get up in the middle of the night and perhaps sprint to the toilet for a rather explosive diarrhetic poop! Well that could get very messy! Nope, I don't like anything interfering with my sleep. So I modified the daytime use protocol, which is described below.
- I get up at 6:00 am in the morning. First thing, I immediately take this protocol: Add exactly 3 ounces of mineral water(at room temperature) into a glass. Add one rounded teaspoon of sodium thiosulfate crystals and then add one rounded teaspoon of Ascorbic acid(not Sodium Ascorbate) and stir gently until dissolved.
- Drink the mixture down in one. It will taste and smell awful(because of ascorbic acid sourness and because of the hydrogen sulfide gas that is generated by ST).
- Have a coffee or a cup of tea. Sit near a toilet and read the papers.
- In 2 or 3 hours you will probably have an explosive, diarrhetic poop!
- Later that day take probiotics with meals and be sure to re-mineralize every day using sea salt and/or liquid mineral supplements.
- Tony says that You can take his protocol every day for a month only. I only took the protocol everyday for two weeks and I have decided on having at least two weeks off the protocol to help re-establish the intestinal microbiota.
It's also quite well-known that sodium thiosulfate(ST) is quite safe to use at dosages of between 1 to 3 teaspoons a day. The Material Safety Datasheet(MSDS) for ST is 2,000 mgs/kg for a Rat(Oral) which means that sodium thiosulfate has the same or similar toxicity profile as common table salt. ST is also commonly used by modern doctors in large IV dosages as an anti-dote for arsenic and cyanide poisoning.
Since I determined that all my unpleasant intestinal gas problems were caused by bad gut bacteria and since ST is a known anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic and anti-biofilm -- that's really why I decided to take it in large doses to help clear out all the bad bacteria causing my awful bloatedness. The other advantage of using ST was that it is so poorly absorbed into the blood from the intestines. When ingested, only between 5% to 8% ST is absorbed into the blood. So if we assume 8% then fora 4 gm dose (1 teaspoon) then only 4000 x 8/100 = 320 mgs is actually absorbed into the blood, which is a small and fairly safe amount.
My current status is that I came off this protocol after taking it for about two weeks and all the intestinal bloating and gas is now gone and I feel so much better. I can breath easier again because nothing is pressing up against my diaphragm anymore. Not sure if it's a cure yet but I'll keep you posted. I will probably have another two week spell using my version of the protocol to make absolutely sure that the bacteria causing the intestinal bloat is gone for good. I've also noticed that this ST protocol will also help you lose weight(I have certainly lost a few pounds over that two week period).
My own appraisal as to why this ST + AA protocol worked so well was probably due to it's anti-biotic, anti-fungal and anti-bofilm capability. As well, ST also detoxes heavy metals and also dissolves calcium, which aids in removing biofilm and also acts to help remove faeces that has been impacted and hardened on the inner intestinal walls over the years. So the ST protocol should actually have the same or similar effect over time as a colon cleanse in helping to remove all the old and impacted faeces and microbials hiding therein.
I'll post more results from this protocol when I can.
Some people who take too much apricot pits (cancer treatment) have a weak form of cyanide poisoning and found it helpful to add the sodium thiosulfate drops to reduced its side effect when they used the apricot pits, which is high in vitamin B17 or sometimes take apple seeds also somewhat high B17 to treat themselves of cancer or other immunity problems.
They have reported to me that the side effects were reduced from taking too much apricot pits, and caused them to be to nauseated, but when sodium thiosulfate drops are taken, no nausea effects from too much apricot pits is seen. Apparently the extra cyanide, if it were to exist in excess, reacted with sodium thiosulfate to form sodium thiocyanate, where the body can get rid of them quickly, but I also suspect that the sodium thiocyanate may have some antiviral, anti-cancer properties, perhaps only a tiny amount from eating apricot pits and the thiosulfate reduced effect, but its reacted components may have the same properties nonetheless. I would therefore imagine that the thiocyanate is less toxic than the apricot pits but also reduces the side effects by allowing the body to rid of them easier.
For me I used sodium thiosulfate to get rid of certain heavy metals, and accumulation of oxidative chemicals in the liver, as the sodium thiosulfate is a good reducing agent (reduces free radicals), but it is also a laxative in some respects, at least only initially in detoxification.
Most people are not aware that sodium thiosulfate is a common dechlorinator used in fish tanks, drinking water and swimming pool water, and sometimes a low amount of can be found in natural hot springs water, but they do have trace sodium sulfide too, which is why it can used to treat skin problems and some to bathe in it to relieved them of skin problems, rheumatism, although indirectly.
In other cases I used s.t. to help with sleep, as the reducing agent, especially the thiosulfate form of reducing agents helps with the sleep.
A thiosulfate form can form a weak sulfide compound which is also a component that works synergistically with the body's available nitrites to help to small extent anyway in controlling blood pressure or extend its effect for some people who take nitroglycerine tablets to treat both heart problems and high blood pressure. The effect is seen to last longer.
In my personal observation a bicarbonate formula, in alkaline form mixed with a very tiny amount of sodium nitrites works the same way based on my experiment as both the nitrogylcerine and the sodium nitrite degrades to nitric oxide in presence of organic acids. Interestingly, if the body were already suffering the acidosis conditions from lack of bicarbonates, the nitric oxide, which is the major component in controlling the body's blood pressure, does not degrade, and is more effective in killing of microbes, where its waste product, and the microbe itself are rich in organic acid. The sodium nitrite, produced by the body's own glial cells located in the brain, would degrade to nitric oxide, burning the acid forming bacteria, viruses and other microbes, much like burning them alive.
The sodium thiosulfate is also used as a photographic fixer, known as "Hypo" to prevent the chemicals of photgraphs from further getting dark and fix the pictures, much like a preservative, from preventing the pictures to be developed from further chemical oxidation.
I have also used it in the past to help sleep as well as to help concentration in event of ADHD, children's hyperactivity, and temper tantrums, and have worked remarkably well especially when a child of hyperactivity, is used to treat glutamine (amino acid) to help detoxify ammonia, and helped with brain development, is used in combination with sodium thiosulfate to reduced the resultant temporary hyperactivity that resulted from glutamine use. When those are used in combination, I have noted to cause a child to improve in leaps and bounds, which can be used for ADHD, hyperactivity, autism, and even emotional disturbances. For me, I also used s.t. as an anti-depressant and anxiety problems as well. At least for me anyway, the sodium thiosulfate has wide use, because of its unique properties as a reductant agent, it reduces free radicals, and reduces the liver accumulating actions of oxidative chemicals, where it is most dramatic as a treatment for cyanide poisoning. Still its everyday use is seen in fish aquariums and a dechlorinator for both drinking water and in use of swimming pools. In my opinion, people who used public bath cause their body to accumulate excess chlorine, the people who sells chlorine knows how much a human body uptake chlorine, which is quite a bit, but also does damages to the body. As a result, some people, like me for example, might after exposure to too much chlorinated water, will use the sodium thiosulfate solution to rinse by body of excess chlorine and perhaps some drops of sodium thiosulfate taken internally. Chickens and livestocks cannot use chlorinated water to chickens and pigs, as chlorinated water causes stunting of growth in pigs and chickens. At least in the case of chickens drinking water chlorinated in the farm, the biopsy of chicken were shown to have heart disease, and perhaps this line of chlorinated water used can be extended to human use as well. Of course human water, with chlorine and fluorine uses, is quite toxic to animals, and it is part of the many reasons why humans get sick. I imagine that the sodium thiosulfate to have much more wider use in the distant future and I have only begin to touch only just a small part of this, and not just its ability to remove heavy metals, chlorine, toxic compounds, excess cyanide, its anti-anxiety, anti-depressant effect, promotes sleep, is a laxative, used as a skin problems such as eczmea, and many other applications, I simply can't remember. There was one case of a child who reportedly got fat from swimming in a chlorinated water too long (for about a month) as the oxidative effect of chlorine tend to do that, and well at least help reduce those effect and at the very least, reduce being bloated, as the sodium thiosulfate would react with the excess blood chlorine to form a simple trace amounts of saline solution in very minute amounts instead of a more toxic chlorine.
The sodium thiosulfate is also used as a common remedy to reduce the side effects which causes deafness in some people from chemotherapy. But in my opinion, the free radicals also generated during x ray therapies, such as CAT scans can reduced such side effects just the same. I had a friend of mine who got a terrible headaches after getting her teeth x-rayed and took both vitamin C and sodium thiosulfate. Those two things stopped the headaches (and hopefully the radiation damages to her brain) the same day. It's probably the antioxidant effects from both the vitamin C and the sodium thiosulfate.
All this information I am telling is really old information (about 30+ years ago) as I found this out while doing experiments in U.S. high school. Nevertheless, with the trend in dumbing down of U.S. schools, I doubt any high school student today who studied chemistry would be aware of this as they are just too busy cramming for exams instead of doing experiments and make small discoveries for themselves. It was about the same time I think that Bill Gates was also playing computer programming at his own high school, which might be a monopoly program simulation, before becoming the world's largest software house.
I used a fish aquarium water cleaner that I bot in a pet shop; with a odd brand name. The specifed use of it was to clean the tap water of chlorine, it contained sodium thiosulfate plus EDTA as a liquid solution. I found the ingredient list on the distributors website msds sheet. They were not listed on the bottle label. 30% sodium thio-sulfate and 10% EDTA. My purpose was to try and chelate insecticides, pesticides, arsenic, and heavy metals from my tissues.
I and a 2nd person took 2 drops, in water, twice per day, 6 days per week, for 4 weeks. [ 2 drops X 2 t/d X 6 d/wk X 4 weeks]
By the end of week 3 I was having muscle spasms in lower legs, in mornings, while in bed. The 2nd person also experienced some muscle spasms. This indicates a deficiency symptom of calcium, or magnesium, or maybe iron...... This occurred until we stopped the mineral chelator.
By week 3 I began to experience chronic lower back soreness and pains, while doing no physical labor. The lower back area seemed to be loosing calcium at the vertebraes and the lower back seemed to be degenerating, for no apparent reason. As if I was experiencing a calcium deficiency in the vertebrae bones..... Until I stopped the mineral chelator.
By the end of week 3, the 2nd person was showing signs of a copper deficiency, despite supplementing with copper. This showed up as sub-dermal heamatomas, or capillary fragility, and bleeding under the skin after a mild bump or a scrape. She had previously been cured of this sub-dermal heamatoma symptom by supplementing with 2 mg of copper, per day. She was still supplementing with copper, but the capillary fragility was coming back... Until she stopped the mineral chelator.
After 4 weeks we stopped the experiment, and within 2 days our symptoms began to reverse themselves. It is now day 3, and we are better still. The symptoms are now 75% improved, after only 3 days. Leg cramps gone, sub-dermal heamatomas gone. Lower back soreness is 60% better.
This experiment proves to me that the sodium thiosulfate [plus the EDTA in the formula] is a powerful chelator of metals, and therefore is potentially capable of chelating heavy metal, etc. but You must restrict it's use to short periods of time; maybe 1 week per month for general chelating. And supplement heavily of nutritional minerals while on it. In the future, I would only intake it One time per day, at bedtime, away from food. In a cycle of One week on, 3 weeks off.
It would be good to keep in the house for emergency use for accidental poisonings, or suspected poisonings. Perhaps taking it for 3 days after the suspected poisoning occurred, as insurance.
I hope this information helps someone else.
10% Sodium Thiosulfate can be applied directly to the hands to help remove the excess bone calcium because it is absorbed directly by the skin into the blood. You can apply this easily once or twice a day. It will take a while but it works well to get rid of the excess calcium. Use and apply the 10 % sodium thiosulfate directly on its own to the hands and affected areas. And you could, as you say, also add the sodium thiosulfate to the DMSO + Mag mix as well. Add about 3% sodium thiosulfate to your mix should be sufiicient or just add 6 to 10 drops of sodium thiosulfate to the DMSO + Mag mix(per tablespoon) for the hands when you apply it.
Although the DMSO + Mag Oil are highly useful, you could also add borax to this mix (with no sodium thiosulfate).
As it stands, your current treatment will certainly help arthritic problems in general but you can make this applied dermal treatment even stronger by adding some borax to it. As Ted from Bangkok has mentioned so often, calcium build up and arthritic problems are directly related to infections from mycoplasma and mycobacterium. The mycoplasma eats and destroys cartilage and the mycobacteria live in self-built calcium shells. So right there you have the root cause of both bone calcium build-up and wasting cartilage.
Both mycobacteria and mycoplasma are bacteria that have distinct fungal behaviour. And borax is the ultimate fungal killer. Putting these two cogent facts to good use means that if you also add borax to your DMSO + Mag Oil mix then this means that you will eliminate the actual root cause of these arthritic and bone build-up problems. I would also recommend that anyone with mycoplasma, mycobacteria, fungal or mold problems should also be supplementing Ted's Borax Water remedy every day. The borax remedy for women is 1/8 tspn(1/4 tspn for men) borax + 1 liter of water. You can also add a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide to this borax water to make it even more powerful( hydrogen peroxide also kills mycoplasma and mycobacteria). Drink the 1 liter of borax water slowly throughout the day and take two days off this remedy at the weekends.
The dermal mix that I would use for application to the hands would be:
50% DMSO(70% solution)
45% Magesium Chloride(50% solution)
5% Borax
Drink 1 liter(or as much as you can) of borax water per day and take two days off this remedy at the weekends.
The best way to use the Mag oil + DMSO + Borax and the DMSO + Mag Oil + sodium thiosulfate remedies would be to use them on alternate days for best and quickest effect. The Mag oil + DMSO + Borax addresses and remedies the core reason for the problem and the DMSO + Mag Oil + Sodium Thiosulfate will help to reduce the calcium build up quickly.
Other remedies that also work well are the following, which are also applied to the skin on a daily basis -- these are also from Ted -- are DMSO + Aloe vera oil + lugols iodine. Castor oil works well too when you rub it on the hands. Turpentine(or pine essential oil), lavender oil and orange oil are also effective as dermal rubs for arthritic problems. Use 3 - 4 drops of these oils in a tablespoon of coconut oil and apply like that. These oils will be absorbed and will act to kill the infection from the inside thereby also helping to get rid of the root problem.
It might also be advisable for people with these arthritic problems to supplement Chanca piedra(called bhoomy amalaki or amla in Ayurvedic medicine) in tea or capsule form on a daily basis. CP is very efficient and safe for removing excess calcium from the blood.
Some more detailed information for you here.
Also please bear in mind that you should not mix sodium thiosulfate or borax or iodine together because they will react and become useless.
Sodium Thiosulfate Dosage
Hope every thing is normal with you now after that bad experience of rain you had.
I read the article under the following link which talks about the Sodium thiosulphate Link:
There is a lady of 93 yrs of age mother of my friend living in other city, suffering from, seems arthritis due to which she used to have severe pain and could not bend the hand fingers. I helped by giving the mix of Mag.Oil and DMSO. It has helped her a lot and she is very happy. But now she has informed me that there is no pain but she is not able to hold the spoon to eat her meals (though at the beginning she said she can hold the spoon). What I feel is that she wants some more relief.
I feel that there is quite a bit of calcification in the joints of the fingers and that is why it is difficult for her to hold the spoon with the fingers.
In the above article, the author states that Sodium thiosulphate can eliminate the calcification, therefore my request to you is to give me your opinion as to how can I use Sodium thiosulphate to help her. Shall I mix this with the liquid I am already sending her if yes how much should I mix. My solution is 50% Mag.Oil( it is good concentration) + 50%, 80% DMSO , this has been working very well with many people. Other options are I can make separate solution of Sodium thiosulphate and DMSO which she can apply at different times and in that how much Sodium Thiosulphate. Why I am asking this is because I had read some where that you take two drops of 10% of sodium thiosulphate.
Kindly give your advice. Thanks, Baldev
The safe dietary supplement, amino acids Aspartic Acid and Ornithine are also recommended to detox ammonia from the body. You don't need to call your dr if you want to add these supplements to your diet, and if you ask dr about detoxing ammonia from your body, you will likely get an unusual reply and please post it here for educational purposes.
For more (and the latest) information about the safety & regulation of dietary supplements from someone who both knows & cares go to:
Ammonia Metabolism
Heavy Metal Removal
I have used this formula every night for two weeks and have noticed a considerable improvement in health. It was clear from the odor that metals were being removed from my system.
Toxin Remover and Chelator
Heavy Metal Removal, Insomnia
I use it to remove heavy metals and as an anti-oxidant to help me sleep and it works pretty well. I believe its fairly hard avoiding processed foods and water nowadays, so this is one of the reasons I take it regularly.
I take about 8 drops a day in water -- I have the 10% Sodium Thiosulphate solution sold for fish tanks. But Ted describes that he takes the flakes -- he takes one flake of ST -- about the size of a grain of rice -- in water.
I also eat cilantro or coriander leaf in salads and drink green tea regularly which also helps to remove heavy metals. Sodium Thiosulphate is also used in much larger amounts as an IV buffer or flush after a cancer patient has had chemotherapy. Sodium Thiosulphate also removes arsenic as well as cyanide from the body. Very useful stuff.
Supplementing Lugol's Iodine (Aqueous Iodine) has similar action, but acts to remove Fluorine and Bromine from the body. It also removes mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminium too.
To make the 10% ST solution, just add 10 grams Sodium Thiosulfate to 90 grams (ratio 1:9) of water and you will have the 10% solution so you can use drops if you want.
Sodium Thiosulfate Dosage
You can also measure out and make a 10% water solution of sodium thiosulfate and just take 6 to 10 drops of that solution in a glass of water on a daily basis.
I use the 10% sodium thiosulfate solution which I bought from an aquatics or aquaculture shop. This has served me well for many years. I've always found sodium thiosulfate easy to take with no problems. But Ted warns that, the first time you take the sodium thiosulfate, you may well get diarrhea and after that no more diarrhea. Sodium thiosulfate not only removes heavy metals but also removes cyanide, arsenic and chlorine so it is highly useful for the body. I've also found that taking ST also helps me to sleep as well, very relaxing. That's why I usually take it at night before bed.
Toxin Remover and Chelator
Ammonia Metabolism
Also, as Ted has said, the first time you take the Sodium Thiosulfate, you may well get diarrhea. But this is just the ST purging the heavy metals etc. from your bowels and is normal. This should only happen once, the first time you take the ST.
Also, ST is not something that I take every day. If you have heavy metal poisoning, then I would take this twice a week. I would also eat cilantro leaves(half a cup) three times a week in salads as well as drink green tea every day. The ST, along with these simple dietary protocols will all help to rid you of heavy metals from your body. I take ST about once a week now, I also eat plenty of Cilantro and drink green tea regularly.
The mag chloride can be taken orally as well. If you're using mag oil, then take 10 drops of mag oil in a full glass of water every day. If you get loose stools or diarrhea, then just cut back the dose. However, the best way to take mag oil, in my opinion, is transdermally -- rubbed onto and absorbed through the skin, because more magnesium is absorbed quicker and there will be no stool or bowel problems because you are absorbing the magnesium directly into the blood.
If you want to confirm heavy metals in your body, the best and cheapest way is to get a hair mineral analysis done. This will also tell you the minerals that you are defficient or have in excess in your body. A hair analysis will also identify any excess halides -- bromine, fluorine and chlorine -- in you body and is quite useful in this respect.
Having taken borax for a while now(nearly 18 months), I have never had intestinal problems caused by this supplement. I take borax several times a month -- I take borax in water for four days and then take at least 3 days off a week. Borax is the ultimate fungal killer, balances the hormones and works well with magnesium to regulate calcium in your bone and body tissues.
Similarly, with iodine, I have never had a problem. In fact, it is quite well known that your salivary glands, stomach, prostate and the mucus glands in you nose, throat, lungs and intestines all contain and secrete iodine with mucus for protection against the bad viruses and bacteria in you body and this greatly aids your immune system in doing its job, so you can regard iodine as very body-friendly.
Heavy Metal Detox, Allergic Skin Reactions
After reading Ted's posts on it, for the various uses, it's a must in my medicine cupboard. I use it every time I go to the dentist and have any tooth work done (I've had all my old amalgams removed, but still deal with brain fog, concentration and sometimes fatigue)
I use it once a week as a long term metal detox (3 drops with 1000mg vit C in water) And also for toxin exposure from paint (my lungs, kidneys and liver sometimes don't feel good after breathing fumes of even the eco friendly latex paint)
I have used it for allergic skin reactions from applied skin products and accidentally getting bleach on my skin. (Apply the liquid diluted with a little water, and rinse off till it's no longer slippery and then wash again with soap and water.)
We love you Ted!!!!
In case you believe that 10 %ST bought from an aquaculture shop is not as good or as pure as lab grade, please remember that fish are far more sensitive to chlorine and heavy metal poisoning than humans. So this fact proves that the purity of aquaculture grade ST is quite sufficient for us humans. I've been using aquaculture grade ST for detoxing for about the last 9 years and it has worked well without any problems at all. Just trying to save you some money here because lab grade ST is usually more expensive than aquaculture grade ST.
Sodium Thiosulfate Side Effects
Where to Buy
Ammonia Metabolism
Ammonia Metabolism
When TimH said that in 2016, over 5 years ago, he was correct, you had to go through chemical suppliers to get it or possibly Ebay.
Stroke Recovery
For clearing the arteries, there is a recipe here on E.C. of herbs that clean and allow the plaques to absolve. Take in capsules or as a tea ---Garlic, Cayenne, Ginger, Hawthorn, Lemon, ACV. The herb Chanca Piedra is effective in removing excess Calcium from the body.
Cyanide Poisoning, Heavy Metals, Liver Poisoning
Hot showers are especially damaging due to the large amounts of chlorinated steam absorbed directly via the lungs.
There is a small book out recently published which details the health damage caused by chronic exposure:
September 2008
'Coronaries Cholesterol Chlorine' book title
Joseph M. Price M.D. Author
Large Calcification, Increase Sulfur Intake
Purpose: to increase sulphur intake.
For proof of efficacy of topical STS, see:
See clinical photos of a "dramatic diminution of a large calcification treated with topical sodium thiosulfate.
Sodium Thiosulfate Side Effects
The problem is that Sodium Thiosulfate combines/reacts with Chloramine and that releases Ammonia, which we all know is very dangerous!
This must be addressed. Benefiting from Sodium Thiosulfate's benefits while enhancing Ammonia levels is a real danger.
Any feedback/precautions/fixes are more than welcome :)
Many thanks,
Where to Buy
Take care, Lisa
Ammonia Metabolism
Where to Buy: Uk
You can also eliminate heavy metals by supplementing with Lugol's Iodine or an Aqueous Solution of Iodine(British version). Iodine also usefully eliminates toxic bromine and flourine from your body as well.
You can also eliminate heavy metals simply by drinking green tea 3 times a day or eating half a cupful of Cilantro(coriander leaf) in salads three times a week. Using this diet method will get rid of your heavy metal problem in about a month.
Where to Buy: Uk
Where to Buy
I recently discovered this website and I've gotta say that I absolutely love it! I've learned so much from peoples posts, especially about sodium thiosulfate and it's powerful healing properties. I'm new to this substance and would like to order some online to try but am having trouble locating a good source…So my question to you guys is do I need a particular grade of sodium thiosulfate? And where are some good places to buy some? online or otherwise it doesn't matter to me…
Please let me know. Thanks!
EC: There should be some good sites mentioned in the posts in the ST section.
I have started with the sts pentahydrate crystals with one in a glass of water but so far on day 3 I feel no effects so some questions: is the effect cumulative and if so then at this dose how many days before I feel anything? If it is not cumulative then what do I do?
I am taking the sts first thing in the morning but do not use 1000mg until supper which I take with 600 mg of time release calciium carbonate. Is this use of vitamin C later in the day still of use in the instruction to use vitamin C with the sts? If not and has to be close together should the tablet (some time release and some not) be swollowed while drinking the mixture or if not how long before or after? I take the 600 mg of Calcium with vitaminn D3 (which also reco's the Vitamin C at same time) as my research indicates that if u do not get enough calcium per day (actual suggested 1200mg but hope I get rest from brockley etc) then the body takes calcium from your bones. this is just recent as I had thought that Ca supps were bad end of story. If I have to take Vit C in morning at or near time of sts can I take the Ca at that time too?
I am using Zero filtered water from a zero water pitcher and it has to be 006 or less ppm to use and I have a tds meter and above change the filter. Is this kind of water okay to use or do I have to buy distilled? tds is total dissolved solids. thanks for ur help - this is my first post here
Sodium Thiosulfate + Ascorbic Acid Protocol
Sodium Thiosulphate for Bath Water
I hear that Sodium Thiosulfate treats a variety of skin conditions, plus it de-chlorinates water.
My question is: What would be a good volume of Sodium Thiosulfate crystals to add to a standard (UK) bath of approx. 100 litres?
Thanks to anyone that offers advice :)