Tomato Tea
Health Benefits

Jean's Famous Tomato Tea Remedy for Sinus Infections and Congestion

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Tomato Tea User Reviews

243 User Reviews
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Posted by Jessica (Santa Barbara, California) on 04/30/2009

I made the tomatoe tea followed the recipe word for word and it did wonders for my congestion plus it had no bad taste

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Karina (El Paso, TX) on 04/28/2009

I was a little sceptical but this really does work!! My husband had severe congestion that not even the leading brand was relieving. From the first night he drank it he was able to sleep through the night. 2 days later he was better that the last 5 days. Thanks for posting this remedy, I will keep this recipe always. I used it as instructed.

one real lemon juice
3 big cloves of garlic (minced or blended with the juice

My husband ate the garlic itself too!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Tina (Rochester, NY USA) on 03/20/2009


Tomato Tea for congestion. After reading about Tomato Tea on this website, I decided to try it to relieve my stuffy head. I used organic tomato juice, fresh lemon juice and as much hot sauce as I could tolerate. It did the job. It provided temporary relief from head congestion and made me feel better.

Replied by Dianne
(Orillia, Ontario Canada)

You will be amazed and cleared of nasal congestion (helps lungs too)if you sniff Oil Of Oregano; get a real good quality because this product will evaporate keep lid on tight. When I sniff, I tip lid/dropper to the side while in the jar and hold opposite nostril closed, take a big sniff. Then change to other nostril Works great.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Nancy (Binghamton, New York, USA) on 03/10/2009


Tomato Tea Caution (Gallstones): I tried the tomato tea, using the exact recipe as posted by Jean. It tasted better than I expected, and it is working pretty well on my sinuses. I drank one serving 2 days ago, and have been getting rid of mucous steadily since then. However, I also have (pretty sure, US test coming in 3 days) gallstones. I believe the tomato tea triggered a nasty gallstone attack, since about an hour after I drank it, the pain started, and the burning when I vomited was horrible, throat felt like it was on fire. Could that have happened from the ingredients in the tea? I hope not, because I would love to drink it again for the sinus congestion, it is working for me even better than sea salt flush or ACV! Any advice would be appreciated. I have not posted before, but I have been recently diagnosed with some health issues, and I always come here first. I don't want drugs or surgery, and most important health issue is, I am obese, and trying my best to solve that first. I LOVE EC!

Replied by Nicole
(Geneva, Switzerland)

Nancy Hi. with regards to gallstone problems my grandmother cured her problem (instead of going to surgery to take the stones out) by dinking lots of parsley tea. Just take two bunches of fresh parsley and boil then drink as a tea during the whole day. I prefer to put some lemon just for the taste. DRINK LOTS OF LIQUIDS....! For people with gallstone problems you should drink a MINIMUM of 2 litres of water and teas. Hope this helps.

Replied by Jeannie
(Franklin, Wi)

Every once in a while I come in here to read the feedback as it feels really good to know I've helped people. As I've read through them, I've noticed a few things that seem to be related to the tomato drink not working:

1. Polyps: Of course, if you have a physical blockage, that needs to be removed.
2. OTC & prescribed drugs: MANY people state that these help temporarily and then the problem gets even worse... that's a given. If you take them at the same time you're doing the tea, perhaps you're counter-acting what the tea is doing. Quit the drugs.
3. Sinus problems often seem to be related to eating sugars, ice cream, cookies, whatever.
4. Not everyone will react in the same way. GIVE IT TIME if it doesn't work right away. Most people have very quick relief, others it takes days.
5. It WILL kill the virus/germ... you don't need antibiotics. I know this from personal experience, and many people have said the same. This worked where antibiotics did not.

Replied by Bee
(Mo, Usa)

I have to say from my experience I found that the OTC drugs did make it worse. I felt better in the short-term, but it took longer to get over the cold. Anything that seems to block the discharge of congestion (pseudoephedrine, etc) when I took that it lasted longer. I am sticking with natural supplements and tomato tea and letting it CLEAR out the mucous/infection and it helps a lot when you stick it out!! Be patient and you will feel better! :)

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Terri (New Brunswick, Canada) on 02/26/2009

i tried the recipe for tomato tea...tomato juice, garlic, hot sauce, lemon juice...i found it tasted sharply like drinking a bottle of seafood sauce,,but i choked it down..and within minutes my sinuses were clear!! i was amazed. i had been taking OTC cold and flu pills but they were making me jittery, giving me heart palpitations and i couldn't sleep. i will try some of this tea again tonight before i go to bed. thanks!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Dave (San Antonio, Tx) on 02/24/2009

Jean's Tomato Tea: I can't believe I actually tried this recipe. But when you can't breathe, you'll try almost anything. Good luck with it. It did absolutely nothing for me!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by John (Dover, NH) on 02/21/2009

I made the spicy tomato tea to attempt to cure my cold. I'm actually nursing a mug of it right now. I don't know how long the soothing effects will last but I'm breathing through my nose for the first time in 3 days and I love it.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Crystal (Honolulu, Hawaii) on 02/12/2009

I had first heard of tomato tea on this website and immediately went to the grocery store and bought all of the ingredients. I drank this tea for two days and by the third day I had completely forgot that I even had a terrible sinus cold, and went shopping all day with my girlfriend. I didn't have to take no more medication after just two days!

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Angie (San Bruno, California United States) on 02/11/2009

Jean's Famous Tomato Tea for Sinus congestion: I tried it and it was good, I experienced a little change in my sinus (it opened only one side) my recipe was alittle different (due to lack of ingredients).

1 Can Cambell's Tomato Soup (Follow instructions on the baxk of can)
1 Clove Garlic-chopped
1-2 Tsp Tabasco (more or less; it tends to be less spicy than other hot sauces)
1-2 Tsp Lemon juice (I eye-balled it)

For Taste Garlic Salt (You could use any other flavored salt, but I find this one works better)

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Robert (Great Falls, Montana) on 02/10/2009

I'm paralyzed and I can walk now! (Just kidding) I followed your recipe as close as possible for my cold and flu symptoms that I had. Seems to work just fine so I'm still drinking at as a preventive measure so I don't get a cold from someone else. Thanks a lot for your information about this.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Dianne (Kinmount, Ontario, Canada) on 02/05/2009

Tomato tea for sinus: WOW - this was amazing. After 2 days of suffering I decided to do some research and found this site. I thought this was taste horrid.....but I was wrong. It was actually very soothing and tasted pretty good. It worked in about 2-3 minutes.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Darren (Lawrence, KS) on 02/04/2009

Tomato Tea for common cold....

This stuff opened my right up and I was able to sleep...took a couple rounds but started feeling better then next day. I didn't have any cayenne or tobasco handy so I used some Southwest Seasoning mix in the pantry (it had Cayenne and dried chili peppers in it)

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Sarah (Moodus, CT) on 01/26/2009

I absolutely love this recipe. I tend to get chronic sinus infections, and this really helps every time. I have passed it on to everyone I know!

Replied by Danielle
(New Haven, Ct, Usa)

I'm currently suffering from horrible rebound congestion from nasal spray (oxymetazoline) addiction. I have been in complete misery, not being able to breath out my nose, congestion so bad it feels like my Eyes are gonna pop outta my skull.

I followed the recipe exactly , and my severe sinus congestion cleared for about three minutes while I started to drink it.... And five minutes later, I was back to square one. Tasted good though, for the three minutes I could taste for. Lips are on fire too.

Didn't work for me this time. :'(

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Carol (Delray Beach, FL) on 01/04/2009

Tomato Tea is Fantastic!!!

I was desparate with a cold to find a cure. I decided to try the Tomato Tea (although I prefer to call it Tomato Soup). I took one cup in the morning and one cup at night and within three days the cold was gone. I went to visit my daughter in Okeechobee. She works in the radiology department of a local hospital. She had a terrible cold and was treating it with otc drugs, to no avail. I made up a 'tea' for her in the evening when she got home. We couldn't find the hot sauce so we used cayenne pepper (as much as she could stand). She took the tea before bed for two nights - and was cold-free by the time she awoke on the third day. This is fantastic! Thank you so much! By the way, my daughter told everyone at the hospital about this remedy.

Tomato Tea User Reviews
Posted by Norma (Boston, MA) on 12/24/2008

I have been suffering from sinus congestion all week, nothing OTC was working. I googles home remedies and found this Tomato Tea. I just finished it and am already feeling better. Breathing clearer for the first time in days. OH Thank you Jean!!!!