Turmeric Benefits: Health Uses & Anti-Inflammatory Properties

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Michele (London, Uk) on 10/02/2010

I just want to pass on something about turmeric that I read in David Servan-Schreiber's book _Anti-Cancer_ (pages 134-137). According to Dr Servan-Schreiber the research on turmeric suggests that is far more readily absorbed if it is dissolved in oil, and further if it is mixed with black pepper (! ).

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Sally Lewis (Arkansas) on 11/14/2018

chobani yogurt the flip loco cocoa kind. Put the blackstrap molasses in it and stir. It blends with the dark chocolate flavor. I know it has sugar in it, but to get it down, it works well. I have also mixed the blackstrap molasses with a little hot coffee first to dilute it, then added coconut oil and cocoa, and it is pretty good. My go to comfort drink.

Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 12/23/2008

I must say I agree the positive effects of turmeric. I have had weak adrenals all my life, chronic fatigue for the last 16 years since my first child was born. Tried many things which helped, but when I started taking turmeric about 3 weeks ago, two days later my energy level increased by about 80%, and my mental fog suddenly lifted. I became much more motivated and organized. I experimented with dosage:

First day I took a whole Tablespoon of the powder mixed with honey, but it was overdose (my heart was pounding and I had to lie down for a few hours).

Next day, I took 1 teaspoon mixed with water or milk 3 times a day. No side effects, a little more energy. By the 3rd day much more energy, and by the fourth day, cleaned my whole house without having to rest at all. Brain fog gone suddenly.

The next day, I got Turmeric and tried taking 1 three times a day. Became irritable and disoriented with so much. Now I take 1 capsule (500mg) every morning, and I feel great, can be active all day without getting tired.

I take it 6 days, 7th day off. Plan to take 7th week off, 7th month off.

Turmeric should not be taken by anyone who is on blood thinners, since it further thins your blood.

Posted by Shawn (Toronto, ON) on 12/08/2008

Turmeric and inflammation, fibroids and cysts

I'm writing about turmeric. About 8 years ago my immune system crashed. I had fibromyalgia, arthritis and lupus-like symptoms. Swelling in all my joints--my hands were twice the normal size. I researched natural treatments as I didn't want prednisone. I also changed my diet drastically, cutting out all processed food, red meat, coffee, cigarettes, booze, etc.--eating only whole food. That helped a lot. But the inflammation was still a problem. So I started taking curcumin/turmeric capsules 2 x 3 times a day. This really helped. Then I added flax oil mixed with yogurt (apparently works best in a sulfur-based protein). And it went away. I'm still free of inflammation.

Also, a few years ago I had cysts and fybroids causing lots of pain/issues. I decided to go back on the turmeric as I had read that it works on inflammation, but also it's a hormone-estrogen blocker, and I read that cysts/fibroids are often caused by too much estrogen. I also stopped using all store bought creams/perfumes and I stopped eating out of plastic containers as they all include estrogen mimickers. Long story short: all the cysts and fibroids went away.

Even if you don't change your lifestyle, turmeric will help with inflammation and cysts/fibroids, but it works even better with lifestyle changes toward using more natural products. All the best of luck to you!

Canker Sores
Posted by Debbie (East Moriches, NY) on 10/21/2008

Turmeric for Canker Sores/Cold Sores

Recently read in Rebecca Wood's "The New Whole Food Encyclopedia" about using turmeric for canker sores. I have low iron which occassionally gives me canker sores so I was searching for a home remedy. Take an 1/8 tsp. of turmeric and just enough drops of water to make a thick paste. Put directly on canker sore before bed and it will be gone by morning. Works well on cold sores too. Beware that turmeric will stain the skin a little (no big deal). I've been referring to this website for years and am glad that I have something to offer back.

Menstrual Cramps
Posted by Liana (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) on 07/10/2008

Turmeric reduced my PMS symptoms substantially. I was born and raised in Central Java, Indonesia. In addition to the fact that turmeric has been used in cooking for many centuries, it is one of the common home-made herbal remedies for menstrual cramps.

This is the version that I used effectively on myself while living in Western countries where fresh turmeric root was not available:

1.Boil 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder in 1 to 2 cups of water.
2.Add lemon/lime juice.
3.Add honey (or sugar) to taste.
4. Drink this once a day.

Whenever I remembered to take this about 5 days before my menses, I had absolutely no discomfort whatsoever. And ... as a bonus, my complexion that turned itchy, bumpy and/or pimply before and during menstruation usually stayed smooth.

Now come to think of it, even though I am now post-menopausal, I probably will still benefit from this concoction. Thank you to all of those who write how turmeric root/powder cures other ailments such as colds.

Gum Disease
Posted by Sanjeev (Jalandhar Punjab- India) on 10/20/2011

Very good I suggest you that you can also mix some quantity of black peeper with turmeric for any type of tooth problem. Thanks

Posted by Ann (Duncan, SC) on 08/30/2007

I have been using Turmeric for my inflammation for 2 years now and swear by it. I have an autoimmune disease which causes a lot of inflammation. I take 1 tablespoon a day and it keeps my swelling way down.I am now goiter free and do not need thyroid removal surgery. If I go off of it the swelling picks back up and my goiter returns.I have taken it in capsule form or by mixing it with water and swallowing fast!

Posted by Sharrieff (Atlanta, GA, USA) on 08/07/2007

Fortunately I have been aware and using remedies from your web site for nearly a yaar. A friend asked what could be done to eliminate diarrhea and I searched earthclinc and fourn turmeric. Upon reading further, I discovered some additional benefits. Most notably after taking less than a tsp the first night, I did not feel drowsy druing the evening. After taking it for three days I noticed a significant reduction in my usual body aches. This is a marvelous site. I've been using herbs since 1971 and this is one of the best resources.

Arthritis and Joint Pain
Posted by Rose (Las Vegas) on 03/02/2007

i love your recipe for turmeric tea, i have many joint/bone pains from medicine i must take for breast cancer. So this tea has helped. I hope it will continue to relieve my symptoms when i have taken the tea for a longer time.. great site. thanks

Carpal Tunnel
Posted by Ken (Holmdel, NJ) on 09/08/2006

Turmeric. 3/4 tsp 3x day and esp. before bedtime cures carpal tunnel pains and fitful sleep.

Arthritis and Joint Pain
Posted by Reem (Karachi, Pakistan)

I have used turmeric as a joint pain remedy and it has always worked for me. I usually take 1 tsp in hot milk and it relieves all forms of body pains, joint pains.

Head and Neck, Sore Throat and Coughs
Posted by Jeanie (Kamuela, Hawai'i) on 12/17/2022

Head & neck remedy, throats & cough esp

Years ago, I did lomilomi training with auntie Margaret Machado. She believed in turmeric! She said “anything for the head and neck, include Turmeric” in the remedy that you recommend. I get a small jar of honey and remove some, replacing it to the top with ground fresh turmeric. Whatever hot tea I choose to make, I add 1-3 spoons of this mix. Sometimes squeeze 1/2 lemon. It's very comforting. And I've noticed quick results when I've used it with myself and others. I keep this jar on the top stove ledge so I remember to use it. J

Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by KT (Usa) on 08/11/2018

Dear Lynn,

Turmeric is supposed to reduce inflammation. I don't understand why it would cause bleeding. When my fingers cracked and were very sore from eating warmed left-over beef, turmeric reduced the inflammation and soreness on ingestion.

In the Nutrition Almanac ginger is reported to reduce inflammation and is listed as an antibiotic. Ginger also ranks high in anticancer activity. Cayenne pepper will stop bleeding. I would try mixing the two. Maybe 1/4 tsp. ginger to 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper every 3 or 4 hrs. in about 1/2 C water. Just a guess...

I have mixed turmeric and cayenne pepper, depending on what is going on with me at the time. Everyone responds differently.

Wishing you the best...


Turmeric Side Effects
Posted by Trish (Pa) on 03/01/2018

I wish I could say I have a positive outcome from taking turmeric. I take 3 capsules a day and don't notice a difference in my chronic pain. I also was getting extreme episodes where I would just break out sweating. I finally found out that turmeric can cause this. Unfortunately I'm going to have to stop taking it. I will try to cut it back to 2 capsules to see if that might stop the misery. Also I read that some people were saying it made them moody or angry, not sure if it's from that, but I do seem moodier since I''ve been taking the turmeric.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Amanda (Bath, Uk) on 07/18/2015

I take turmeric in the form of a cooked paste made with organic cold pressed coconut oil and freshly ground organic black pepper. My understanding is that the oil helps with the bioavailability of the turmeric and the black pepper helps to keep in in the system for longer. Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory as well as analgesic, antiseptic etc., and with that in mind I personally would avoid taking it with honey as honey is an inflammatory.

I take my turmeric paste for aches and pains and eye problems all associated with Graves Disease. If I miss my Tumeric dose I find that my eyes become extremely uncomfortable and I get increase joint pain.

How to Take Turmeric
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/02/2014

Stephen Buhner, in his book, Herbal Antibiotics, has a ton of information about Piperine (active ingredient in Black Pepper.) He says that it "increases the amount of any substance going into the body, keeps it in its most potent form (unmetabolized) and keeps it in the body longer. It facilitates the movement of substance into the brain, CNS, uterus, testes, adrenals, kidneys, and liver. It also stimulates circulation and increases blood vessel size to that the substances are widely circulated throughout the body very rapidly." (Page 45, Herbal Antibiotics.)

When I am using pepper with turmeric, I usually use about 1/8th teaspoon pepper per teaspoon of turmeric.

Buhner doesn't discuss this (that I have found yet..the book is very extensive) but some fat is also supposed to be taken with turmeric to increase its effectiveness.

Menstrual Cramps
Posted by Clarisse (Los Angeles, Ca) on 03/21/2013

During the first couple days, I get some really bad menstrual cramps. Mine are pretty miserable, to the point where I feel like throwing up and just lying down all day. I remembered that turmeric is used to alleviate menstrual cramps, so I added a tsp of turmeric to some warm milk, along with a bit of flaxseed oil (turmeric is fat-soluble) and some black pepper (increases absorption of curcumin in turmeric). I drank this all before I went to bed. The next morning, no more menstrual cramps! Try it!