Turpentine Bath
It is in Russian at the moment but we will add English titles soon. Anyway it will give you an idea how the whole procedure looks like.
Turpentine Bath
Turpentine Bath
I did this 2 days in a row and I have this tremendous eneregy that I had not felt in my entire life.
A few things that I added DMSO, Auarium salt (superior salt I can't complement enough) Magnesium chlrorite, methylene blue, on top of turpentine. First day I only used turpentine and the second day I added them. I felt much less discomfort with the second day.
Please be cautious of the turpentine amount. Very very potent. Because it was my first try I got scared whether I used too much or not. It turned out I was fine.
I felt so great afterwards. I also did this. I had pine essential oil. And I used several drops for half liter of water and aquarium salt and I did enema. Great. This is a very mild solution. Absolutely great. There is some magic power in pine oil. Oh, just only 2 days after, my flat belly is even more flater and smaller waist line. I mean I don't understand why every woman is not having a turpentine bath.
One more thing. Be prepared to sweat. Because it will make you! I love love love turpentine bath. and it is so cheap. a quart is less than 7 dollars from home depot. Pine essential oil is a little more. And this quart of turpentine includes potent, very potent healing power.
I mean it makes sense. Illness is so widespeared. If you were God, wouldn't you also make ths cure accessible everywhere? such things like pine trees?
From my experience the cure is not from rare or expensive sources. which is a very good news for humanity.