Health Benefits

Unlocking the Health Secrets of Turpentine: Natural Remedy Powerhouse

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Turpentine Side Effects

15 User Reviews
5 star (1) 

Posted by %u201CG%u201D (PA) on 02/21/2023

The first time I took the distilled pure gum spirits of Turpentine, I had a reaction in my heart. My heart started pounding hard and continued for the next day and a half. I also had palpitations, felt drunk and whoosh, I was walking very slow and mental fog was great. I only took 1/4 tsp. I think I forgot to take it with something sweet and did not take it with food. Does anyone have any info on how it can affect the heart? I have Lyme and many other vector born infections. They have caused me to have an aneurysm and high LDL.

I waited quite a while before trying turpentine again. I took it with Maple syrup the second time and it wasn't quite so hard on my heart. The first time I felt pain for a second in the area of the aneurysm so I thought maybe it was getting rid of plaque in the area and felt it was a good thing. But the last time I took the Turpentine (only 4 drops) I have had a pounding heart and having a hard time with activity. But I also have started other herbs so I can't be sure it's the turpentine but it must be because the very first time I took it it scared me with the pounding and palpitations and pain for a second.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Tlf (Georgia) on 07/29/2018

You are all fools!! Taking turpentine in any amount will end up killing you all! My God, really??? My nephew took it for a few days and it nearly cost him his life!!! I am a nurse, and if you take this crap you can be assured you will end up with kidney failure, if you don't die from a horrendous bleeding stomach ulcer first!!

EC: Perhaps, before insulting everyone who has successfully taken turpentine worldwide safely over the years, including some of Earth Clinic's top health contributors, you could instead provide important additional information such as what brand he took, how much he took in each dose, how he took it, and the state of his health before trying turpentine. That would be so much more helpful to all of us than name calling. Thank you.

Replied by Toni
(West Plains)

I am a home visiting nurse and have talked to dozens of 90+ year olds over the years who remember getting turpentine 1-2 times a year as a child with a sugar cube. I have no hesitation (and have taken the Diamond brand) without problem.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Kyle (Park City, Utah) on 01/04/2018

i have been taking turpentine for candida, leaky gut, and more. my body reacts differently to medication then most. I have been sick for 6 year and have been to doctor after doctor. no one could figure it out. I was on some pretty damaging medication. Every time I take turpentine I end up having major urinary tract infection symptoms. Do you know what could be causing that?

Replied by TeriJackD
(Madison, WI)

My guess is inflammation/blocked channels. Toxic overload. Turpentine is gonna attack all of these bad pathogens, yeast, parasites, etc. They've already boosted inflammation & excessive mucus in your body surrounding your organs, in your blood, blocking those channels. You gotta detox them first to get to the root cause to kill them off leading to preventative care. Its a long process that can be broken down & spread out over a 3 month period & then you continue on like a semi annual basis to keep up the healthy state. I struggled really bad with the detox, food elimination, and getting my water level up. Took me almost a year before being able to officially attack the source of the inflammation. Not a doctor, but hope this advice helps!

You need to flush all of your elimination pathways ... feces, skin, lungs, liver, /kidneys BEFORE taking Turpentine & It must be 100% pure gum spirits Turpentine. You flush before getting to the root cause if your illnesses ... (colon cleanse/3 bowel movements per day, skin detox/sauna helps or mineral bath or exercise to make yourself sweat profusely, herbal teas for liver/kidney flush, refrain from red meats/dairy/most grains/sugar while doing this ... can be a week, etc and finally you must be well hydrated ... drinking half your body weight in water Purified/Spring/Distilled/Ionized, etc you can diffuse water with some fruits or veggies to help the process with flushing the liver/kidneys also). You should start at a very low dosage like 3 drops on 3 sugar cubes or mixed with castor oil & build up from there. This would be week 2 or 3 depending on how well you commit to flush/washout. You may also need to incorporate a binder to assist with removing these inert toxins out of your body after using the turpentine (shilajit) & finally replace good bacteria in your gut ... pre/probiotics.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Annie C (New Zealand) on 12/17/2017

Hi everyone, I would like to share my experience with turpentine. I've had severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 15 1/2 years. Read about the turps recently and was excited to try it (I bought Diamond G Forest). I have been detoxing well for about 1 1/2 years now (using homeopathy, EAV and Quantum Indigo machine) and my die-off reactions are mostly gone when taking stuff, but the overall fatigue condition remains. I am pretty sure I have worms.

I took 1 teaspoon of turps with 1 Tablespoon of white sugar and was fine, no improvement or worsening. Then, 4 days later I was ready to take it again and a side-issue came up.

SIDE ISSUE: At the same time as the turps, I have been doing the Gubarev "Ropeworm Enema Protocol" for a couple of weeks, and both times I did the milk + salt enema a SERIOUS leg infection called "Erysipelas" resulted, caused by streptococcus bacteria. I have been diagnosed as having a major streptococcus gut bacteria overgrowth by my Doctor 4yrs ago. I used my natural homeopathic & herbal remedies to cure the first leg infection but didn't know the milk/salt enema had caused it. Then the next time I did it 2 wks later it happened again the same, so now I know the milk sugar fed the bad strep bacteria in the bowel and caused the leg infection. I was doing my natural remedies the same as before but thought it wasn't working (it actually WAS working but just takes a couple of days to go), so was starting to get panicky as I did NOT want to take antibiotics.

I decided to take the turps again to try to kill the bug in my leg, but because I was panicky and it was 4.30am, I thought I would take more than a teaspoon as that dose hadn't helped last time. I went off Jennifer Daniels dosing on herself of "7 sugar cubes caused a slight twitch", so I thought I'd do the 6 sugar cube equivalent of 2 tsp turps to 2 Tbsp sugar, as this hadn't caused any problem for her I assumed I would be fine too. I Was Wrong!!!

I started to get some of the most terrible scary symptoms I have ever experienced: delerium of the most extreme drunkenness, ataxia, slipping in and out of consciousness, racing high-speed thoughts like on drugs, sleeplessness. Then, 5hrs later, I vomited up my stomach contents, turps, and a ~15cm tapeworm. The previous drunk/drug symptoms then went away, but I kept feeling nauseous and vomiting for the next 3hrs. I still felt really sick and wasn't getting better from the vomiting and couldn't drink water, so I went to hospital in case I needed my stomach pumped.

Before I left, I started to feel muscle contractions of my lips & face. Then, on the way there over a period of 10 mins I became COMPLETELY PARALYSED and felt so totally ill. I thought I was going to die! I started slurring then my mouth paralysed as well so I couldn't talk. I then spewed up a last little bit, and within 5 mins could actually move my legs and walk into the hospital and move my hands a bit.

From then on I felt pretty much fine, but had a drip for 2hrs to rehyrate. That evening I did a cleansing water enema (as part of the ropeworm enema protocol) - this must have got the last of the toxins out. I had a good nights sleep of 8hrs and woke up automatically at 7am and felt great! I felt great all morning then at 2pm the old fatigue kicked in again. (This is coming from someone who normally needs 12-14hrs sleep, can't wake up in the morning and feels fatigued terribly.)

I thought the turps had caused my symptoms, but now I think it must be a die-off reaction of all the things living inside me making me ill. I will take the turps again soon but start on a tiny amount. (I know that the leg infection didn't cause the symptoms as I'd had it 2 wks before with no symptoms except the localized infection on leg area.)

Sorry this is so long, but I wanted to get across to everyone what can happen if you take too much at once. I am back to my normal condition now (fatigued) and successfully eliminated the leg infection. Good luck to everyone trying it and don't be put off by my story, rather use it as a lesson to be careful on dosing and that what is safe for one person is not necessarily safe for you, so I would start drop-wise and work up slowly.

Replied by Dave

What happened to the worms? If you had one worm you have hundreds.

Replied by Old cat lady fl

If you read the possible side effects of medicines prescribed today, many include the possibility of contracting forms of cancer and other possible negative outcomes, including cardiac arrest. Humira Is an example.

Parasites and their eliminations can cause paralyzes, delirium, heart rhythm issues, and many other unpleasant symptoms. Some parasites that are killed off in large volumes can cause extreme side effects such as hemorrhaging that causes death.

Please know that all treatments should be carefully researched, even prescribed medicines inserts should be read and possible side effects and caution warnings heeded.

It is my hope that pure turpentine will remain available so individuals will be able to care for their health and well-being.

Replied by patrick
2 posts

Maybe you have sleep apnea and need bi-pap machine like me.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Jennyjenny (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/04/2017


I need some help. Its my 3rd day trying turpentine *(diamond brand) and sugar for candida / everything that is blocking my health. I cannot tolerate the turpentine ingestion. After ingestion is ok - it's the actual ingesting part that I can't handle (hurts my throat and gagging / can't breathe because of the taste).

I have empty capsules and was hoping to put some brown coconut sugar along with turpentine in them and take it that way. I can add castor oil - but it will have to be in a capsule with the turpentine.

Will this be ok to try to ingest it this way? Is it important that it is white granulated sugar? or can it just be any kind of sugar (I prefer coconut organic raw if I have to eat straight sugar).

Thank you!!

Replied by Neal

I have tried mixing the turp 1:2 with real maple syrup and I find it almost addictive it tastes so good! It doesn't really mix but with vigorous stirring it will form a suspension. There have also been studies showing that maple syrup extract added to pharmaceutical antibiotics enhances their effectiveness so maybe this has other benefits than just flavor when combined with the turpentine.

Replied by Curtis

Add a little everclear or vodka as the addition of the spirits will allow emulsifection of your slurry ..

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

The more likely alcoholic drink to carry Turpentine would be Gin. During a mission to the Athabascan Indians in Alaska, one of the major signs of my mission success was gaining Trust among the locals. One man's confidence was showing me his Fir-Tree Gin-still as well as his finished product in the Mason Jars.

Replied by Wandaim

I'm using coconut sugar and I'm not having nasty after taste either.

Replied by Margaret
(Syracuse, New York)

I believe the reason white refined sugar is used is to prevent adding nutrients from other healthier types of sugar which feed the protozoans. We dont want to feed them, we want to slay them :-)

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Enjera (Atlanta) on 08/19/2016

Hi all! Love the abundance of information I'm getting from this website. I just wanted to go ahead and put in my little two cents. I followed Dr. Daniel's protocol strictly so that included restricting my diet for five days BEFORE and during the turpentine. Also making sure I have 100 percent PURE gum of spirits because she said the one at home depot may not be pure. (I bought mine off of amazon.) Also above all making sure to have three bowel movements every day before and during the turpentine regimen because all the parasites and candida need to EXIT the body when you are killing them off or else things can get worse. SO I made sure of all these things. I personally remember staying hungry on the restricted diet so I was pretty much getting a high dose to my blood stream when I first took it. That took it to my brain, and that fact leads me to believe that may have been the reason I felt homicidal the next couple of days. LIKE I literally wanted to kill people who pissed me off and I also had one or two thoughts that I, myself, wanted to die. HOW'S THAT for side effects? I BELIEVE it may have been the chemicals being released from my dying enemies that resided in my body influencing those thoughts. Just as they've been influencing my choice of food consumption for the past decade or more. We already know they can do that, why not this too? Cheers

Replied by Amishakti

Hi Enjera! I do believe the homicidal/suicidal feelings were indeed caused by die-off chemicals, as I too, experienced this when taking food-grade DE (diatomaceous earth) to try and rid my body of parasites. I couldn't even tolerate 1/8-1/4 of a tsp when most people start with 1 tsp, at least. However, I didn't prep with any detoxing or diet back then.

Thanks so much for your comment, so I know this may happen again when I try the turpentine. It's on order and I will really start out slow on the turp to try and not feel so horrible. I was more in danger of hurting myself, and having graphic visions of many different ways to do it! It was terrible, and I'm sorry you had similar side effects. It's good to be aware that this kind of thing can happen with any major die-off of parasites/pathogens in the body.

Replied by Emma Jj

I loved your your two cents and I'm going to consider this. I remember grandma putting turpentine on her finger and would rub a circle around the belly button and then rub another dose down the front of our throat but I can't remember which one she did first because she would say and you don't want them to rise. I can't remember if she had it on our throat first and then around the belly button or vice versa but she always said if you do it wrong it will cause them to come up in your throat. Parasites is what I'm speaking about. I'm 46 years old and here in the past couple of days I have had those childhood symptoms at night, feeling the wiggle right at the exit and I've been without energy. I've had all the symptoms and I just don't know how well I do know how person can contract this me and my husband would you eat out a lot so thank you so very much for your time encouraged me to go ahead

Replied by Andrea

Hello Enjera, 90% of our nervous system are in our intestines, only 10% is in our brain. Parasites are connected to are nervous system and they control our emotions, eating habits even our thinking. It is very normal to feel death at the time of parasite cleansing because you feel what they feel.

Replied by Judy
(Sherman Oaks)

Hi Enjera, you said you felt like you wanted to kill someone after you took the turpentine. have you ever taken medication in the past? I am wondering if those feelings were a cleaning out of some meds, just a thought. thanks.

Replied by Rebecca
(Cypress, Ca)

Hi! Thank you for your comments Enjera.

I am not feeling homicidal, but it may be because I have chosen to take the 2 sugar cubes with 1 teaspoon Turpentine before I go to bed. When I started the regime in the morning before breakfast it made me very tired with a hang over type headache which prevented me from having a full day. Being self employed I found it not conducive; therefore, I switched my daily consumption time. I too am following Dr. D's protocols as set forth by my naturopath. I purchased the brand suggested through Amazon as well. I am experiencing being very thirsty which I have read is normal. My insatiable desire for sweets has finally stopped. I am on day 4 of a 7 day treatment period following the advice of my naturopath. This morning I woke very hungry. I ate slowly and have continued to consume water throughout my day. I normally drink half my body weight in ounces but since starting the Turpentine protocol, my water consumption has increased. The bloating of my upper stomach has diminished noticeably. I am told by my naturopath that is due to the candida die off.

Today, in the early afternoon, my mind and thinking was so clear and sharp. I felt incredible and it lasted throughout my day. My eye sight has changed. I am seeing better. Has anyone else experienced that?

(South Carolina)

Did you spend 5 days fasting before taking turpentine or did you start right in?

Replied by Lisa


What a wonderful account.

I'm on day 4 of my turpentine cure hopefully that my 10 year Candida sickness is leaving. Feeling good today not having those feelings that U experienced but can certainly say have experienced them in the past.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Jalen (Colorado) on 07/02/2015

In response to people asking for side effects on turpentine info...I am a 46-year-old female who started Diamond G Forest turpentine treatment last Wednesday for Candida, and I guess without enough guidance because I didn't realize you weren't supposed to just keep dosing every day until the Candida was cured. So, I started with 1/2 tsp on 1 tsp organic sugar (and it tastes yummy by the way, like a shot of pine flavoring on sugar) last Wednesday, increased to 3/4 tsp turp on the sugar Saturday, then increased again to a full tsp of turp on the sugar I think Tuesday. So I had a full tsp both this Tuesday and Wednesday, then for whatever reason decided to look up more info about this protocol last night, found this forum, and realized maybe 8 days in a row was not a good idea. :-) However, I feel fine, so apparently 8 days taking it every day didn't kill me. I will now take a break, probably for about a week, and then do the twice-a-week dosing I'm seeing recommended on here.

OK, so side effects: first day was the most noticeable dizziness, started about 30 min after that first 1/2 tsp of turp, lasted about 20 min max. I had slight dizziness a couple of other days, following that same pattern, sets in about 30 min after dosing and lasts 10-20 minutes. For me, not a biggie, kind of amusing actually, but if it were much worse you'd probably need to go lie down for awhile until it subsided.

Nausea, I only noticed very slightly, first day I took turp and then maybe again the first day I did a full teaspoon. Definitely not a big problem.

Gut cramping/urgent bowel movements, daily at least twice after dosing. For me it would happen after eating something, and from what I've been reading on this forum it sounds like that's what's supposed to happen to clean out whatever was killed by the turp. The gut cramping was not a huge deal, much more tolerable than what Candida overgrowth/IBS cause just in general, and I would say overall I'm feeling much better in the gut department after 8 days on turp. As my family would say, it "cleans you out" in a good way.

Diarrhea, I only experienced one day out of the 8. I think about day 5. No biggie. I like getting cleaned out.

Ok, here's a side effect I haven't seen anyone mention - adrenaline surges, as if you had a strong cup of coffee. In fact, I had to back way off of caffeine this past week while taking turp (and my only caffeine these days is green tea and mate; I quit coffee last summer due to bladder pain that at the time I didn't realize was Candida-related) because I was getting anxious/jittery. Turpentine gave me energy, and then some days I crashed later and had to take a nap, just like coffee does to your system.

I should mention as a caveat to this report of side effects that I've been on a Candida-elimination diet as well as doing some over-the-counter cleanses by RenewLife for the past 2.5 months and prior to that have been vegetarian for the past 12 years (but eating pasta, bread, sugar, coffee, alcohol, etc. over those years.) I take no prescription drugs of any kind on a regular basis, take a lot of supplements like barley powder, fiber supplements, etc. and juice vegetables almost every day, and consider myself to be fairly healthy. (I have had several rounds of antibiotics for annual bladder infections since my 20's though so I think that's where the Candida came in.) So for the past 2.5 months I've had no refined sugar, no dairy, no gluten, almost no fruit, limited grains (and only gluten-free, ) maybe 8 oz total of alcohol for the whole 2.5 months, and of course no meat because I'm vegetarian. I've actually felt so much better on this diet that I've decided to go vegan and avoid refined sugar, white flour, and gluten long-term as well, even after the Candida is gone.

And last but not least, improvements or changes after my week and a day of turpentine dosing: the nagging sinus-scratchy cough I get in the back of my throat at least once a day has greatly reduced and maybe disappeared; I have a long-standing benign cyst of some sort on my left forearm under the skin that has reduced in size (wow! ); my IBS (if that's what it was) seems to be changing, getting better, less bloating and constipation; maybe a slight improvement in sinus cloggage; heel pain greatly reduced to gone; energy levels increased somewhat.

So that's it for my turpentine report, hope this helps someone who is thinking about trying it!

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Chrissi H-w (London, Uk) on 05/15/2015

Hi all, I've been reading all the posts with great interest... and have been trying turpentine treatment to help address alopecia totals (an autoimmune issue), which I have had since around this time last year. Having read about the connection between parasites etc, and being able to relate to many of the symptoms, I thought it would be worth a try.

I was taking just less than 1 tsp in 1 tsp of raw sugar daily for about a week. I had to stop about a week ago as I got a little concerned with the ongoing the multiple bowel movements - even though I have not taken any turps for one week I am still getting them although they have now subsided quite a bit. Is this to be expected?


Replied by Timh
2042 posts

C: Looks like a strong possibility of dirty colon, as per your symptoms. In this event, all sorts of bad stuff penetrates the compromised colon walls and enters the bloodstream where many autoimmune disorders can manifest.

Here is the E.C. page for https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/colon-cleansing.html.

And yes, parasites can cause the colon disorder which causes the ... so multiple disease states can be present and also severe or debilitating. In this case do para cleansing one week then rotate to colon cleansing the next and so on until you make big progress.

Let us know how this works for you.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Oregano (Toronto, CA) on 04/19/2015

I want to make a point of turpentine. It is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS FOR THE KIDNEYS. I think Bill who is promoting it should tell people about why it was abandoned by the medical industry. It was abandoned because of kidney failures it can cause.

Replied by Timh
2042 posts

O: I think you are very much overreacting by a chain of mis or dis information.

I have been using Turpentine for about 2 yrs about one dose every other day in a case of extreme parasites & pathogens w/ mostly good results. As for bad results, a strong odor in the urine as well as occasional stress on the kidneys. This is called "die-off" or "herx reaction" as the kidneys take the brunt of the load (millions or billions) of dead pathogens seeking elimination.

To remedy this problem one should fallow the T maybe 4hrs by Dr. Christopher's herbal "Kidney/Bladder Formula". I also use the herb Chaparral w/ good results for clearing the kidneys of waste, as well as the liver. Increasing liquids and natural diuretics like parsley, tea, or coffee would also help.

Replied by Martha J

I don't understand, how can the medical field not promote turpentine bcuz of kidney issues & at the same time prescribe all types of mess that destroy the kidneys, liver etc, such as something called contrast they push in ur veins to cause a CT scan give the dr more info on ur condition, I kno cuz I hve kidney damage from so much that the dr has prescribed for me that was supposed to be helping me.

Replied by Deb
12 posts

Then why are you even on this site if not thinking about taking Turpentine??

Replied by Kay
(Minerva, Oh)

Hi Martha. I am sorry that you are suffering because of your doctor's "treatment plan." Will your kidneys heal? I pray that they will. I have been sick since July 20,1998. For the most part, my medical care has been substandard, and I have been severely damaged as a result. I appreciate what you are going through. There is a lot of anger involved, and a flood of tears. Good luck to you. I will pray for you, and put you on my prayer chain, if that is okay with you. Get well, Martha.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Saskchewan, CA) on 07/28/2014

Hi Bill: I have been using turpentine successfully for some time. Now when I take it my teeth turn a black tinge and my tongue turns the same in the middle. Also its like the cells on my tongue get a little longer. its weird and disturbing. Also, it takes about a week without Turpentine for it to go away. I don't want to stop as the results were spectacular.

thanks in advance for any thoughts you have, Mary

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Mary...In my own continued use of turpentine, in all the research and articles I've seen and read, in the autism group that are also using the turpentine protocol, I have never come across those symptoms that you describe when supplementing turpentine.

I have no idea what turpentine dose you are taking so here are some reminders and caveats:

* You should only ever take Turpentine at a maximum frequency of twice a week. The adult dose is 1 teaspoon. Work up to the one teaspoon dose slowly.

* You should also take castor oil with the turps dose. The castor oil dose can vary from 1 tablespoon(mild laxative) to 4 tablespoons(strong laxative). You can mix in a little honey or BSM for taste.

* Under no circumstances should you be taking turpentine continually on a daily basis for extended periods. For serious problems, the maximum number of consecutive days allowed for supplementing turps is 7 days only.

Dr Jennifer Daniels does report that in one case she had a woman who initially ignored her advice and who took too high a dose of turpentine to start with and she had black areas on her skin andface as a result due to excessive detox through the skin. These black areas all disappeared when she reduced her dose. Dr Daniels article is here.

Replied by Mary

Thank you Bill: you could be right and maybe I took too much. I have since stopped and will be very methodical when I resume. I got mine at home Depot which is where Tony Pantelleresco gets his. He is the Healing With Turpentine Man on You Tube (Canada). Oddly enough I had this same reaction to a product formulated to "Solvent Remove", so somehow I believe this is related to my liver, as the product was full of sulfer type amino acids like NAC, Methionine etc. When I asked my naturopath what happened he had no answer.

Next time I try I will have the Diamond G Forest Products one.

I will report on my progress.

Thank you so much for your time Bill. I always like reading your posts and learn sooo much.


Replied by Ali.

I actually think the main reason the lady's skin turned black was because she had not prepared properly beforehand with a good raw diet, but had not ensured her gut was clear so the toxins had a clear 'escape route'....

Replied by Wave

Just an additional note to Bill's post:

Dr Daniels also explained that her patient that got the back skin reaction did a coffee enema, and that it cleared up after that.

So having your exit channels cleared open before trying turpentine is recommended. Options for this is doing a liver cleanse / gall bladder flush, or using magnesium oxide for a few days to clear the small intestine (which is what Dr. D: recommends in her article).

Replied by Penny

I have never done the raw diet etc before using turpentine and have never experienced anything out of ordinary die off.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Josh1875 (Ft Worth, Texas) on 04/04/2014

I was wondering if anyone might be able to tell me why every time I try to take a teaspoon of turp mixed with honey or oil I start to get a burning sensation when I go to pee and feel like I need to go pee and can.t go for hours; sometimes it is unbearable

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Josh1875...

A burning sensation when peeing indicates acid blood. Turpentine also acts as a diuretic -- it clears excess water (and minerals) from the blood. I never have a burning sensation when peeing after I take Turpentine. So the answer to this problem is simply to alkalize the blood by taking either the sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) with water remedy or by taking the ACV, bicarbonate and water remedy as shown here on EC. This should help to reduce the burning.

Being unable to pee is also indicative of either an infection in the bladder or prostatitis so I would get your bladder checked to be safe. Nutrients that will help with bladder infections are cranberry juice and/or D-Mannose. Larger dose Lugol's iodine (at least 8 drops or 50 mgs a day in split doses) will help both against bladder infections and help against prostatitis.

Research evidence has shown that Iodine prevents and reduces cysts in fibrocystic breast disease, uterine fibroid, and prostate cyst formation (prostatitis). See this research.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by June (Fl) on 02/03/2014

Hello Bill, You mentioned above that it is best to take turpentine before a meal, I am assuming on an empty stomach, for intestinal issues such as candida. I have tried it on an empty stomach, about 5 drops on a sugar cube. Within a couple of minutes I've experienced a feeling of dizziness. Have you or anyone ever had this reaction or a similar one? The 2nd time I tried it with food and did not get that reaction.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi June...The symptoms of dizziness or drowsiness or wooziness are well known when you take turpentine. Turpentine kills all manner of pathogens in the blood and intestines very quickly, including candida. When a large amount of candida is suddenly destroyed by turpentine, then all the poisons from inside the candida(and from other killed pathogens) will suddenly be released into the body. The result is a Herx or die off reaction because of these poisons in the blood which tend to affect the mind. This is what is termed a healing crisis(caused, not by the turpentine, but from the release of poisonous toxins from the killed candida).

From my own recent experience while being involved with a private group trying to cure their young children of autism using turpentine, these die-off or Herx symptoms are commonplace -- wooziness, drowziness, dizziness. When this happens as a reaction, the parents usually always allow at least one day off from the turpentine protocol as a break for the child involved.

I've also been taking turpentine regularly as a preventative and immune booster for over a year now and I can report that I have had no side-effects from taking this dosage -- no dizziness or wooziness. I take it about twice a week -- one teaspoonful with castor oil and molasses (or honey) usually at mealtime. And since I get no die-ff or Herx reaction, this therefore tells me that my intestines and blood are reasonably healthy and fit. If I suddenly did have a side-effect reaction like dizziness after taking turpentine, then I would immediately and reasonably assume that I might be infected with candida, parasites or other pathogens.

Turpentine Side Effects
Posted by Paula (Salt Lake City) on 01/11/2014

I just started pure gum turpentine. This is my second day. Today I took just 4 drops and several hours later I am very very depressed..Don't understand why...Maybe the turpentine...Anybody know? Thanks...

Replied by Denise

I was advised to take a 1/4 teaspoon of Turpentine...I have hep-c and neuropathy...The first day I just took 2 drops...The second day I took 4 drops...I always take things very slowly to see the reaction..The second day at dinner I became very VERY VERY depressed....So much that I would not leave the house...I have never had a bout with depression in my life...Today is the day after the 4 drops...I had a horrific night laxt night with calf cramps coming back on both calves horrendously at 3:00AM...I was up all night and can hardly walk today...Stairs are almost imposssible...

Replied by Susan
(La Crescenta, Ca)

Dear Denise, it sounds to me like the turpentine altered your brain chemistry and pulled out essential minerals like magnesium and potassium. Perhaps it even depleted your serotonin levels. I would take potassium and mag asap and also an electrolyte drink. If that doesn't help, try omega 3 oils. Of course, don't take any more turpentine. What as the brand you were taking? That might be helpful to know too. Hope you feel better soon!

Replied by Jake
(Geneva, Switzerland)

From my experience, the negative effects are mostly die-off from herx effets and chage significantly with time. I am 10 months in with avg-. 14+ net grams of VitC in ascorpbic acid/soy lecithin /water mix 40/60/1000 grams aa/lec/water - I take a water bottle full to work each day, and drink it out of the fridge while at home.

My cleansing program is augmented by essential oils - oregano/lavendar/eucolyptus and occasional tbsp of turpentine.

The symptomas continue to change with time. And last week it was open sores with yellow scabs on my eyel lids as stuff leaches from the eye area. I suspect I had systemic candida and a healthy latent herpes, but the full bloom of crap comes out. For a few days last August, my TB Scrub mark on my right shoulder bloomed, then receded, and that must go back to 3rd grade or so in 1967....

My sense of urgency for finding a solution came from early 50's return to long distance sports, aqnd a resultant problem with recurrring attacks of stuff after 5 hours of biking coupled with triathalon gels (high sugar intake) and occasional wierd stuff like a salad triggering 3 days of skin hives. Having suffered off and on from eczema all my life, but ditchig the cortizone in my 20's, and coping well 30-48 ba avoiding certain foods, my decline seemed rto come from travellig in Africa in 2010 - or more precisely the batch of shorts that I had to get. Eversince - a sence of fatigue, exhaustion, one triathlon I did I could hardly keep my head lifted up on the vbike from muscle aoureness and fatigue- as if my body was just saturated with lactic acid.

Fancy Nutritrionists and other allergist tests found nothing conclusive; the head of dermatology told me that they just don't know, but only know how to suppress the symtoms so peopole can cope.

SO I said to myself, after seeing the speel on High Dose VIt C and reearching Dr Klemmmer etc, that I would do vit C high dose for a while, which has now become a commitment for one year----- Inititially I lost my voice for 2 weeks and watched crap climb out my throat, 2 months in it was the jaw dental area, and for months now it seems to be a never ending story with the CSF zone (brain salid). Further desperation leads to new things..... with TURP taken orally, oe of the furst times, I had a sensation of a school of stuff rapidly migrating down my inner left crotch ind ito my thigh... alll in the sub skin fat tissue..... Other things are seemingly residual continuation of stuff leacing out of the joint areas (biofilms in the joints) and now with turpentine the sensation that nerve ends come alive with crawlies when I antagonize the system with lavendar oil or turp taken orally or under the tongue....

All col stuff...... and so far my health has no serious problems from attacking the pasasitick world from within..... force the demons out I presume is better than driving them deep with superficial symptom supression.

Keep on keepin on. Fight the fight and grow stronger. I always have to go back and remind myself that in the beginning the status quo was no longer surcivable and I had to do something. Today I sleep better and have a whole slew of tools to find relief ( hot salt baths, hot showers, topical coconut oil with oregano oil. topical turpentine on crazy itch symtpms works like a charm)

Go for it. After months of severe plaque head psoriasis, my head scratching continues, but the plaque is completely gone. I think my one year of cleaning 54 years of life out of the system will indeed pay off.

Replied by I M Trying

Hi Denise, I know that your post was old, wanted to ask and anyone else who might have an input with experience, the "depressed" feeling, I figure that is due to die off, has anyone come up with any new ideas on how to relieve that symptom? Will it eventually simmer down.

Replied by Geraldine

Hi IM Trying, I'm not yet on the turpentine but have lots of experience with dealing with die-off and toxicity. I imagine the depression was caused by die-off. I experience this also when I have die-off or other toxicity as I have liver problems and don't produce my own glutathione or antioxidants (because of genetic mutations). I use Glutathione Formula or Liposomal Glutathione, Resveratrol, Extract of Bitter Melon, (all strong antioxidants that help deal with toxins) St Mary's Thistle, Vit C, and I always feel a thousand times better both emotionally and physically/mentally after taking these. I have very longterm CFS and am looking forward to trying the turpentine.....tho also a bit scared as my kidneys are so easily affected by a lot of things......

Turpentine Tips

5 User Reviews
5 star (5) 

Posted by Jennie (LA) on 12/21/2021

I find that Turpentine is easier on the stomach if you don't take it first thing in the morning. But I would make sure you take it at least 5 hours after your meal otherwise you may end up getting severely nauseous and vomiting. This happened to me unfortunately.

Turpentine Tips
Posted by Daniel (California ) on 07/27/2017

YOUR PAIN IS CALLED DETOX PAIN /HERXHIEMER EFFECT.. caused by rapid detoxing what to do...this ....>> cut your amount in half ..if the pain persists then do it 1 day 1 day off till the pain stops then increase dosage to every day...if pain comes back reduce dosage again till the detox pain goes away...then n gradually increase dosage you will be ok...if you have to stop the dosage for a few days..I had the same thing then as the detox progressed and removed the toxins the pain decreased till it vanished

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