Alkalizing Formulas
Health Benefits

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies for Optimal Health

| Modified on Aug 02, 2024
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Ted's Alkalizing Remedies on Earth Clinic.

Balancing your body's pH levels is crucial for overall health. Ted from Bangkok shares effective alkalizing remedies that can help improve digestion, reduce acidity, and boost energy. Here are his top formulas.

Top Alkalizing Formulas

1. Acid Digestive Problems and Extreme Acidity Formula

Mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water. Take this mixture after every meal, ideally twice a day. This formula aids digestion and alleviates constipation.

2. Alkalizing the Blood Formula

Combine 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with 1/2 glass of water. Consume this solution once in the morning and once before bedtime to help alkalize the blood.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda Formula

Mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (ACV) with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. Take this mixture two to three times a day on an empty stomach for an energy boost. The pH of this formula is around 7. Read more about this formula here.

4. Lemon Bicarbonate Formula

Squeeze the juice of one whole lemon and add baking soda slowly until the fizz stops. Fill the glass halfway with water. Drink this twice a day, once in the morning and once before bedtime, on an empty stomach. This formula helps normalize pH, ORP, phosphates, bicarbonates, and vitamin C antioxidants.

5. Lime Bicarbonate Formula

Similar to the lemon bicarbonate formula, but use lime instead. Squeeze one whole lime and add baking soda until the fizz stops, then add water to fill the glass halfway. Consume twice a day on an empty stomach for optimal results.

Formulas for Sodium Issues

6a. Sodium Issue Formula

Mix 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/16 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate, and 1/4 teaspoon of citric acid in 1/2 glass of water. Take this twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening, on an empty stomach to avoid diarrhea.

6b. Lemon/Lime Formula for Sodium Issues

Squeeze one whole lemon or lime and add a 50/50 mix of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate until the fizz stops. Add water to fill the glass halfway. Consume twice a day on an empty stomach.

Important Notes

To maximize the effectiveness of these alkalizing formulas, drink plenty of water while eating to neutralize food pH. Chew and eat slowly, and avoid mixing different food categories in one meal. For example, have protein in the morning, starch for lunch, and a vegetarian meal in the evening. Ensure the last meal of the day is light to avoid digestive stress during the night.

If you experience severe acidity, simple baking soda in water can help. For energy issues, the ACV and baking soda formula is beneficial. Always consult a healthcare provider if you have ongoing health issues or need specific nutritional advice.

Related Links:

Apple Cider Vinegar: Uses, Health Benefits and FAQ
Baking Soda Health Benefits: Natural Remedies & Cleaning Tips

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Alkaline Water

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Frank (Newport Beach, Ca) on 03/28/2011

Just drink a lot of Akaline Water to flush out the acidity from your body and you will find that it does wonders for acid reflux, arthiritas, fibormalgya, shingles etc.

Replied by Mary
(Guildford, Victoria, Australia)

I am wanting to start taking bicarb with water for gastritis. Would ACV be helpful or would it aggravate it? Ted suggests that one must drink a lot of water when eating to help the formula, there is no way I can ever drink with food, I will simply vomit or get bloated and feel heavy all day. I have to wait at least half an hour befor ei can have a drink after a meal.

Thank you

Replied by Becky
31 posts

Under kitchen sink Reverse Osmosis Filtration system opinion:

I am looking for a filtration system for under kitchen sink. I'm not sure if I should buy one that alkalizes or just filtration? It alkalizes with Calcium Carbonate

Anyone own one of these and know if the alkalization feature is good or bad? Was looking at this one:​

Replied by Tricia

Are you sure cuz these days bottled water a lot of times is just filtered tap water with to know

Alkalizing Formula for Multiple Ailments

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Deonva (Southbroom, Kzn South Africa) on 02/14/2013

Editor's Choice

To add to Ted's alkalizing mixes - very good for chelating arteries, metabolic acidosis, restoring negative charge to platelets, acid reflux and stopping calcium leaching in its tracks.

  • 1/4 teaspoon sodium bicarbonate
  • 1/4 teaspoon ascorbic acid powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon MSM powder
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 6 drops Lugol's Iodine
  • 200ml water
  • 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Mix and drink when the fizzing has stopped. To be taken 3 x daily after meals.

This protocol is remarkably effective and I have to thank Ted for edging me this way. To this you can add other orthomoleculars, supplements like EDTA, methylene blue, borax etc. to target specific problems.

Also cut out all wheat products, sugar products (except raw honey) and commercial cooking oils - use coconut instead.

We have a 100% success rate with this protocol at our Wellness Centre.

In good health

Dr. Deon

Replied by Baldev
(Mumbai, Maharashtra, India)
180 posts

Dr. Deon, I fully endorse your observations on the protocol which you have suggested, I too have experimented Ted's advices, only differences are that I did not mix all the ingredients in one dose but gave separately. But now if you have tried successfuly giving all the things in one dose, I shall try it. I confirm that, all items are very helpful and they help keeping one healthy. Thanks for your mail. Baldev

Replied by Neukoln
(Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk)

Dr Deon - may I please ask what strength/concentration the Lugol's Iodine is? And also how long after meals after meals is it consumed? Am I right that you wait 2 hours? Thank you.

Replied by Deonva
(Southbroom, Kzn South Africa)

The Lugol's I use is made by a compounding pharmacy and is 5% iodine and 12.5% iodite. Consume the mix about 15 minutes after the meal. If you go with the belief that ascorbic acid can neutralise the Lugols - take the Lugol's 2 hours after the alkalizing mix.

In good health, Dr. Deon

Replied by Rosemary

Dr Deon,

I hope you still get notifications when someone replies to your posts here. I find your formula for chelating arteries interesting and I am wanting to try it as I have been drinking 1/2 tsp sodium bicarbonate 1/2 tsp ascorbic acid powder mixed together 2 - 3 times daily for nearly 2 years. I also take 10 drops of Lugol's 2% iodine in the morning. I have hypothyroid and am on Levothyroxine. I have not extended my iodine as I do not have a doctor to work with near by. I use the Veterans Hospital docs and they do not veer from the traditional orthodoxed meds. If I up my iodine to 6 drops of 5% 3 times a day and it is too much for my thyroid what symptoms do I look for and do I just tirate down on the meds? I am interested in chelating my arteries as I have arterial sclerosis/peripheral artery disease. Any assistance or information you can provide is greatly appreciated.

Sincerely, Rosemary

Replied by Green Augustine
(Mold, Denbighshire)
41 posts

Hi Rosemary. I don't know about chelating arteries, but I used to be hypothyroid and so was also on Levothyroxine. I don't like taking drugs and so tried kelp, artichoke extract etc which helped a bit. Then a couple of years ago, I started taking a tablespoon of organic coconut oil daily for another reason altogether. I had been recording my basal body temperature and was amazed to see, after a couple of weeks or so, that it was up from 36.1 to 36.6. Also I noticed I wasn't getting the 4 pm slump and my feet weren't so cold in bed. Coconut oil apparently stimulates the thyroid. The last 3 months I've also been taking between 3 ml to 5ml of Ionic magnesium and my basal temperature has stayed up, even when I didn't take coconut oil. Interestingly, most foods that are quite alkaline seem to have magnesium in them so maybe this is the connection. According to Dr Carolin Dean and others, magnesium is needed for over 300 bodily processes vital for good health. Apparently it affects sex hormones, heart health( hypertension and arrhythmia etc), the thyroid, diabetes, muscle tension and anxiety to mention just a few. I hope you find some helpful remedies .

Replied by Joyce
490 posts

Take your temperature upon arising every morning and if it drops, you probably need to have our thyroid checked to see if it is suppressed by the increase Lugol's solution.

Alkalizing Formula Summary

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lori (NY) on 03/10/2015

So confused about alkalizing?

My question is; which remedy is used for what? If I add lemon or lime juice will it be better? I bought the ph Balanced for life book and I am still confused which basic recipe to use. Is there any way to make this simpler to understand which recipe to use and why?

I am asking for three different ailments.

1. I am 60 year old woman with arthritis in knee and shoulder. low energy, don't sleep well but basically healthy and no medication.

2. 30 year old son with 3 autoimmune diseases. MS, AS and Graves

3. 20 year old daughter with constant and long belching that goes on for hours. pain in joints on whole right side of body from jaw to feet.Headaches And lastly attention deficit.

1. baking soda and water

2. lemon or lime baking soda and water

3. ACV, baking soda and water

4. baking soda, potassium bicarbonate and water

5. any other additions that I am not aware of and baking soda and water

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

Hi Lori, I will defer to more knowledgable members for the alkalizing advice, but I do hope your family has heard of low dose naltrexone (ldn) for autoimmune diseases. It is a safe, inexpensive, nontoxic FDA approved drug at 50 mg, but has been found to modulate the immune system when taken at low doses of 1.5-4.5 mg/ day. It is about 85% effective in stopping progression of MS, and is also likely to help with your son's other autoimmune problems and also your RA. Please see for more information and then join the Yahoo LDN Group with over 12,000 members, at least half of whom take LDN for MS. Best wishes.

(Mt.Vernon, WA)

Has the Yahoo LDN group moved to another site?

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Lori...Excess acidity in the body assists in the spread of disease and weakens the immune system, so you are using the alkalizing remedies to increase the overall alkalinity of your body while trying to bring the alkalinity of the body back to proper healthy levels again to assist in the riddance of disease.

I cannot write down every single disease that is helped with alkalizing because its positive effects against disease and illness, in terms of pH regulation, REDOX, Conductivity etc are so vast. But what I will say is that alkalizing will certainly help against most infectious, autoimmune or idiopathic diseases because, generally speaking, these diseases usually encourage excess and unhealthy acidity in the body.

The only time that you should avoid alkalizing is if you have alkalosis -- excess alkalinity -- in the body, which is usually caused by liver and/or kidney disease.

As to how and why the various alkalizing remedies are use -- here is is a quick and easy run through.

Please also remember that in order to alkalize the whole body, you must alkalize both the blood and the cells of the body as follows:

Alkalizing the Blood

Best one to use to alkalize the blood is just plain old baking soda + water. Also, when taken an hour after meals -- this remedy greatly aids and assists digestion because main stage digestion must occur in an alkaline medium in the duodenum.

Alkalize the Cells

The following remedies are generally used to alkalize the cells of the body:

1. Lemon/lime + Baking Soda(BS) + water

2. ACV + BS + Water

The following remedies are stronger alkalizing remedies for the cells which will alkalize better at the bodies extremities -- that's in the brain, hands and feet:

1. Carbicarb remedies using bicarbonates of potassium and sodium

2. Carbicarb remedy using potassium and sodium citrates

The potassium and sodium in these carbicarb remedies are more balanced(with the additional potassium) so that people with sodium issues or poor kidney regulation problems should be able take these alkalizing remedies without problems.

To test and regulate your own body's pH or acid/alkaline status you should measure the pH of both your saliva and urine either by using litmus paper or by using an electronic pH meter as mentioned in the pH book. The healthy pH range for both the urine and saliva should be 6.4 - 6.8 but a pH of 7 is also OK.

What I would do is just alkalize once or twice a day with the blood alkalizing protocol and be sure to alkalize twice a day with one of the other cellular alkalizing protocols. The ACV + BS protocol is a favorite with many people. Take both these protocols at least an hour before or one hour after meals -- do not take these protocols with meals in other words. Your whole family should be on these alkalizing protocols.

So, to be absolutely clear, on a daily basis you should:

Alkalize the Blood -- Use the BS + water remedy once or twice a day

Alkalize the Cells -- For instance, use ACV + BS + water twice a day.

Concerning your own arthritis problems, I would suggest alkalizing as above and you could also take higher dose boron in the form of borax. Make the borax water(20 Mule Team borax(unscented) bought in the washing isle of supermarket is ok to use) by just adding 1/8 teaspoon borax to one liter of water and drink this slowly through the whole day. Use this remedy for 4 days a week or use it every other day. This will help to reduce the pain and will also help to get rid of the arthritis. See the research evidence here and here. See Ted's arthritis cure here. Also you should use Magnesium Oil (70% magnesium chloride and 30% water) every day and rub this topically over all the arthritis trouble areas. The magnesium oil will be directly absorbed transdermally into the arthritic area to help balance the excess calcium and will also kill any other associated pathogen involvement in the area. Magnesium Oil will also act to reduce the inflammation and pain in these areas. See this article by Mark Sircus.

You daughter should also take the borax water and magnesium oil remedies as well as previously described since she also has arthritis. Due to her ADHD, I think that your daughter would also greatly benefit by supplementing 1 gram of niacin(flush form) or niacinamide(no-flush form) 3 times per day. Read this research by Dr Abram Hoffer on curing ADHD.

Your daughter also appears to have a serious digestion disorder -- possibly due to excess bad bacteria in her gut caused by low stomach acid. She should perhaps try this protocol for her excessive burping issues.

For your son, I would certainly go with what Rsw said in the previous post -- your son should take the LDN(Low Dose Naltrexone) in the doses advised. LDN has a wonderful record against MS. Google "Dr Bahari LDN" to find out more info.

Replied by Faith

Bill, when you do the bs + water to alkalize and also do the acv+ bs + water, does the Apple Cider Vinegar + bs + water count as the bx + water? Also, can I put borax as directed in a bottle and use that water for the water portion? I pee so much already, I don't see how I can tolerate 3 glasses of water + 1 liter (if I do bs/water 1x/d and acv/bs/water 2x/d and 1ltr borax water). Did I misunderstand you? Thx

Replied by Lori

Hello Bill, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prompt response. I think your response has cleared up a lot of confusion for me. I would like to clarify;

1. I was taking 1/2 lemon or lime juice with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and half class of water twice a day. Building up to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda.

I understand that I should alkalize the blood by taking baking soda and water alone once or twice a day and in addition at another time of day alkalize the cells with addition of ACV or lemon or lime.

A. This makes 2 to 4 times a day? How should these be spaced out?

Not as clear on the two carbicarb remedies.

B.Where do I find the potassium bicarbonate and the potassium and sodium citrates?

2. I will add the borax to my water and start that immediately.

3. As far as my daughters indigestion goes I read her your response.

C. She asked me why antacids work if the has low stomach acid? she takes previcid when indigestion gets really bad, which also helps with the pain and burning on her right side of body particularly in her jaw neck and shoulders?

D. Would she benefit from the carbicarb remedy?

E. Any suggestions on which brands of magnesium oil are good?

F. Any preference on which form of niacin(flush form) or niacinamide(no-flush form) to buy?

She was treated by a functional medicine dr for parasites and went on a raw milk cleanse for 8 days with supplements. It helped for a short time.

4. My son did try LDN about 2 years ago. He started on a very low dose and did not respond well to it. His neck became stiff and we had to rush to the hospital because he was convinced he had meningitis. He couldn't bend his neck down or up. It definitely was a side effect of the LDN. He went off LDN and then after a month tried it one more time. Same result...stiff neck. We were very discouraged.

He has brain fog, tingling in his feet and just basic pain from neck shoulders to lower back. mostly on a gluten free diet.

G. The fact that he has three autoimmune diseases [MS, AS, Graves, ashtma, ] sounds like he should be on the carbicarb remedy. Should he in addition to the carbicarb remedy do the baking soda and water alone? How many times a day?

H. Any suggestions for supplements for MS?

I will buy the magnesium oil.

Thank you in advance for your response.


For MS, biotin is found to be helpful.

Replied by Lori

RSW, thanks for your response. My son tried LDN about 2 years ago and had a bad reaction. He got a very bad stiff neck. We thought it was meningitis. After going off of it for a month he tired it again with the same results. :(

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Lori...In answer to all your questions:

A. This makes 2 to 4 times a day? How should these be spaced out?

For all alkalizing remedies -- you should take these remedies up to an hour before meals or you can take them any time after an hour after your meals. For instance, if you eat your meals at 8 am, 12 pm and 6 pm then you can alkalize anytime up to 7 am or 11 am or 6 pm OR you an alkalize any time after 9 am, 1 pm or 7 pm.

The cabicarb remedies should only be taken for specific problems at the peripherals such as insomnia where your brain region is too acid and needs to be more alkaline. For now, please just use the ACV, lemon/lime or water and bicarb remedies.

As for alkalizing:

  • Alkalize the blood once a day. Take this one hour before you go to bed.
  • Alkalize the cells. Take this remedy twice a day.

B.Where do I find the potassium bicarbonate and the potassium and sodium citrates?

You can purchase them off the internet from Ebay or Amazon.

C. She asked me why antacids work if the has low stomach acid? she takes previcid when indigestion gets really bad, which also helps with the pain and burning on her right side of body particularly in her jaw neck and shoulders?

Prevacid is bad because it not only contains PPIs that reduce your stomach acid to zero but it also can contain other substances like paracetamol. Prevacid also contains fluorine -- a poison which helps to destroy the thyroid. That's why your daughter should avoid prevacid like the plague. If Prevacid reduces your stomach acid to zero then your daughter will have no protection against all those bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites incoming with her food. That's why your daughter has digestion problems -- she has no stomach acid because she's taking Prevacid. At the right healthy strength, stomach acid acts to disinfect the food that you eat. No Stomach Acid = Intestinal Infections + Autoimmune Disease.

D. Would she benefit from the carbicarb remedy?

I've already answered this one. See above.

E. Any suggestions on which brands of magnesium oil are good?

Ancient Minerals brand is ok and reasonably priced. You can buy both the magnesium flakes or the magnesium oil from them. You can also find this brand on Ebay and Amazon.

F. Any preference on which form of niacin(flush form) or niacinamide(no-flush form) to buy?

Niacin will give you the niacin flush which some people find unpleasant. There is no flush with niacinamide. Both work equally well for ADHD problems. Your choice.

G. The fact that he has three autoimmune diseases [MS, AS, Graves, ashtma, ] sounds like he should be on the carbicarb remedy. Should he in addition to the carbicarb remedy do the baking soda and water alone?How many times a day?

With so many autoimmune diseases your son might well benefit from taking colostrum powder. Read about bovine colostrum here, here and here. The colostrum will help to repair his intestines and help to cure his asthma and food allergies.

Colostrum Testimonials:

Shauna Mclean's Story on MS and Colostrum

I would also recommend the Sovereign Lab brand of colostrum powder. This brand does not use excessive heat or chemicals in their colostrum making process. And they always test each batch for antibody efficacy both before and after manufacture. Your daughter could also use the colostrum to good effect -- because it helps to repair the intestines.

For the Graves disease, your son should go to an iodine-literate thyroid naturapath or doctor. The only allopathic treatment for Graves is usually to destroy the thyroid using radioactive iodine. Here is a list of thyroid-competent naturopaths and alternative doctors in America(including NY) that should be able to help you.

Iodine Literate Practitioners

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando)

Hi Faith...Generally, for both the bicarb + water and the ACV or Lemon/lime remedies, you should always add only 1/2 glass of water -- not a full glass. This creates the best concentrations for good absorption into the body from the intestines.

You can also use Ted's borax water instead of ordinary water to make the above alkalizing remedies because borax water is also alkaline -- so no problems there.

To make it even more interesting you can also add tea to the borax water if you want to -- like green tea or gymnema sylvestre tea. See this link for some useful and convenient remedy combinations.

Lastly, reasons for taking the alkalizing remedies. You need to alkalize both the blood and the cells in your body.

* Sodium Bicarbonate + water will only alkalize the blood.

* ACV or Lemon/Lime + bicarb + water will alkalize the intracellular environment.

You must alkalize both the blood and the cells to achieve a healthy alkaline state for your whole body.

Replied by Lori
(NY, US)

Hi Bill, again thanks so much for your information. When doing the BS alkalizing for blood and cells, should it be done everyday without a rest? What is the best way to proceed? Everyday or take a break for a day or 2 each week?

Replied by Liska
(Ca Us)

Hello Lori,

Your son's symptoms such as stiff neck, meningitis symptoms, brain fog, tingling in feet, back pain, can be Lyme disease.

How and where to tested for Lyme disease:

For best test result, your son should take first antibiotics for 7 - 9 days and then be tested (per experienced Lyme disease MD).

Find Lyme disease MD or MD who will be willing to prescribe him Doxycycline 100 mg/ 2x day and between 7-9 days on antibiotics, MD/RN will collect his blood sample and sent it to Igenix lab in Palo Alto, California.

Your MD or you have to call Igenix and request the Lab kit prior collecting blood sample. The cheapest test is ok and will cost about $200.

Igenix lab is one of the best labs for Lyme in US. Health insurance will not cover any expense.

Good luck, Liska

Replied by Ben
(Bremerton Wa)

If you could be more specific I could be more helpful. I can give you a general primer on autoimmune disease though.

Generally speaking 2 things can create autoimmune disease; an oil based vaccine adjuvant called squalene or various mycoplasma infections. Both of which are commonly found in vaccines.

Squalene was first developed by a dr freund back in the 1940's. He found that it was quite easy to give test animals horrific autoimmune diseases that would viciously attack their own tissues when this oil based vaccine adjuvant was injected into them.

Since then researchers have refined dr freunds techniques until any organ in the body can be specifically targeted due to biochemical differences in the various organs..

The tetanus vaccine given to third world countries is an example. Tetanus toxins were mated to hcg the pregnancy hormone. This combination when given to young women creates an autoimmune reaction to pregnancy hormones terminating pregnancy. Today hundreds of thousands of women are unable to bear children.

In the gulf war tens of thousands of soldiers were vaccinated without informed consent with squalene the oil based adjuvant now renamed mf-59. The vaccines also were contaminated with mycoplasma fermentans a form of pathogen which evades the immune system and causes extreme autoimmune symptoms.

Today more than 675,000 soldiers now are suffering and disabled because of vaccine injury.

Since mycoplasma fermentans is unable to be completely killed by the immune system the next best thing the immune system can do is kill any cell in the body which becomes infected with this intracellular cell wall deficent stealth organism.

When this happens doctors say it is simply an over reactive immune system gone haywire. Next thing they will tell you is well we don't really know what causes autoimmune disease but take these immune supressants anyway. This is both a lie and a complete catastrophy.

When doctors give immune suppressing drugs like steroidal antiinflammatories the mycoplasma is delighted as the immune system is taken off line and not bothering it so much, immune supressants actually feed the mycoplasma and help the progression of the disease to get worse not better.

To regain health from autoimmune diseases you must attack the organisms causing it.

Since the immune system can not get rid of mycoplasma infections all by its self you must resort to tactics which require you to think outside the box. Way way outside the box.

Look back through my old posts and you will find all the answers you need to combat autoimmune diseases.

First off prescription drugs won't help you, yes I know that's a hard pill to swallow. We have been brainwashed into thinking the doctor has the answer for everything. That is not the case as any lyme patient will quickly tell you. A lyme literate naturopath is a great asset, seek one out!

Many of the co infections found in lyme disease are common to many other diseases. For example mycoplasma fermentans has been found to cause multiple sclerosis, lupus, als, myasthenia gravis, type 1 diabetes, crohns, various cancers and dozens more diseases that are very common today.

This gives a starting point of therapy, select things that have proven to work for others with similar conditions.

Lymies have got it worse than most except for morgellons. Well lymies have had to create new techniques to deal with their multi bug stew. Each organism needs specific treatments to deal with it. If you use standard weak treatments you remain sick pretty much the rest of your life.

Antibiotics are pretty much useless. Doxycycline sends mycoplasma into remission to where it no longer bothers you but it does not completely eradicate it.yOu feel better but you are still not well

Best treatments are whole body blood ozonation (eboo), liposomal vitamin c, blood electrification, serrapeptase a systemic enzyme, uvbi ultra violet blood irradiation, rife frequency therapy, mms, coconut oil, low dose naltrexone, and gallium nitrate.

Colloidal silver wreaks havoc on the friendly gut bacteria. Its powerful but it is non selective. Gallium nitrate is equally powerful if not stronger but it has an advantage in that it will not destroy your intestinal bacteria. Gallium seeks out iron loving pathogens and cancer cells since they have a voracious appetite for iron and hits them like a nuclear bomb. Its a high powered treatment.

With any type of autoimmune disease always have an anti-squalene antibody test done to see if squalene might be causing the problem.

In any case serrapeptase will be required as it both greatly reduces autoimmune reactions and destroys biofilm, virus and other germs.vIrus have protein coatings which they use to attach themselves to a cell they wish to infect. Systemic enzymes strip off the protein coating that surrounds virus and makes it unable to attach its self to cells thus inhibiting viral replication.

If you don't understand electro medicine then you are missing out on a really big weapon in the fight against disease.

Many of these organisms wont give up, you almost need dynamite to get them off of you. Electro medicine works wonders.

Consider this, most people understand vitamins minerals and herbs that increase immune system strength. The trouble with that is these organisms are trained to evade the immune system. To be undetectable and to hit hard when they attack. You got to hit them harder to get them off of you.

What i mean by that is you are forced to kill these organisms with means beyond what the immune system can do.

You can try vitamins all your life and accomplish nothing. You will still be infected.

This is what experienced lymies have universally found out. You got to rewrite the book on how to deal with nasty germs and hit them with things the germs never saw coming.

Two outfits who deal with very difficult to treat organisms are immed ran by dr garth nicholson and ccid ran by dr w. john martin. Both are world class experts. Look them up they will tell you all about dealing with very nasty stealth organisms

Hope this helps, see ya.

Replied by Thomas J
(East China, Michigan)


How do you dose the gallium nitrate, I have just started sera.

Thanks for all your info, you have simple to understand explainations.

I have pf.

Thanks tom

Replied by L. Luna

Thanks you for your explanation regarding autoimmune disease. I would to learn more about lupus for my 33 y/o daughter. I am on dialysis from Berger's disease or IgA nephropathy. I would like to take alkalinizing treatment but not sure how safe it will be. I am fairly healthy, been on dialysis 18 years now and still going strong. Looking for ways to enhance life. My 26 year old son has spring allergies and I want him to be healthier. Halitosis also an ongoing problem. I recently started using baking soda and coconut oil toothpaste. Any suggestion are welcome.

Replied by Graham's Grandma
(Columbia, Mo)

For some, a Fecal Microbiota Transplant has stopped MS (and other autoimmune conditions) from progressing, and returned lost function (bathroom functions return to normal, going from wheelchair to walking, etc.) Check out DIY and FMT to learn more. Appears to cause remission.

LDN can be helpful, but it DOES cause a temporary increase in symptoms. This happened to me. I had to go to very low dose to start, then slowly titrate up each week. Sometimes, a very low dose is enough. MS users can find success at 3 mg per day. Using the liquid form to start low and slow and titrate up is the best way.

Replied by RSW

Hi KX.Bill,

I believe the LDN Group moved to Facebook a while back. I was able to find this group, I don't know if it is different from the original, but I don't use it:

I loved that Yahoo group, but don't use Facebook much and didn't follow them. I didn't see any reference to a Facebook group on the site. I'm sorry I can't be of more help.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda

10 User Reviews
5 star (9) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Lora (West Coast, US) on 03/06/2015

Knowing that human organism works on reverse loop reactions - & always tries to maintain balance, also, considering a lot of people these days actually lack the sufficient strength of gastric juice, hence getting a ton of gastric problems alone, followed by poor digestion - how will adding the SODA - gastric juice neutralizer be benefiting the meal processing? It will HALT the digestion & have the "chyme" rotting. Sure, the pancreas adds the buffers, but THIS addition happens much later in food digestive process?

Or even more weird to gulp the mix of acid+base= that results in salts - look at the chemical formula- why would you want this?

I understand that soda and Apple Cider Vinegar - alone are capable of cures, but together? PLEASE EXPLAIN THE PURPOSE FROM THE DIGESTIVE CHEMISTRY STAND POINT. Thanks!

Replied by Ali

Dr. Sircus points out that many people lack sufficient bicarbonate to neutralise chyme properly and protect the stomach. Acid forming foods are high on the agenda in the Western diet.

The bicarbonate protocol is best taken on an empty stomach either first thing in the morning, at least an hour before eating or last thing at night after the stomach has emptied.

The ACV or lemon and bicarbonate mix is pH neutral so shouldn't be a problem, but again is best taken a while before or after food.

Replied by Sunny

I am confused. If apple cider vinegar with baking soda is supposed to keep you alkaline, will this hurt your digestion by just sipping all day long? Or do you have to drink it in a certain amount of time before meals in order to digest food at mealtime? I have also read where apple cider vinegar should be drunk right before meals to help with acid for digestion.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Deanna (Longmont, CO) on 01/13/2007

i have had a history of acid reflux in times of stress. to add to the stress is the excessive belching that occurs during the attacks, the lack of sleep from having to sit up at night. none of the over the counter drugs were helping. i came across your site and the cure of acv and baking soda...and am so grateful i did!!! after only three days i am a new person. thank you thank you thank you!

Replied by Prendyj
(Chicago, Il, Usa)

I can't find what kind of sodium carbonate. Is it really Arm & Hammer's laundry soap? I've been into alternative medicine for 30 years yet finding it hard to wrap my head around drinking two kinds of laundry solutions together (borax and Arm and Hammer).

Replied by Annette
(Canberra, Australia)

You are looking for bicarbonate soda or baking soda

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Anette, I have the same problem, is it bicarbonate of soda or baking soda? I think that the answer is that at least here in Europe we call it bicarbonate of soda and in the US it is called baking soda but it is the same thing. Maybe in Australia you use the same name we do..... Very confusing! Not having English as a first language I think that here we have bicarbonate of soda (for cleaning, health issues and so) and baking powder (for baking).

Replied by Lauren
(Bavaria, Germany)

Francisca you are right: Bicarbinate of Soda is the technical or "pharmacy" name; baking soda is the common or "grocery" name. Considering these two uses I'd doubt that there would be a difference in quality between the two names/sources, but perhaps a difference in price (by weight).

Replied by Kattis
(Auckland, New Zealand)

Just a thought , but if we go back to how acid reflux starts.... I have become aware of a theory where is is the mixing of proteins and carbs is a big factor. The proteins enter the stomach and acid is excreted to break it down. Now the carbo's enter and alkaline enters to break it down. So hence the neutrilization process begins. Food sits in stomach as the different enzymes constantly try to begin disgestion process. They fail and the food is sent into the track and is not able to be properly digested. Do a little research but I have narrowed it down with experimenting myself and have found separting your foods very good. (excuse all the spelling mistakes)

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by DJ (Denver, CO) on 12/24/2006

5 days without Nexium! It's a miracle. Ever since I started taking Nexium about 3 years ago, my acidity and heartburn have gotten to the point where even with the drug I would spend a few nights a month where I couldn't lay down and sleep because the pain was so bad.

Then something made me think of searching on "Vinegar Acid Reflux" on the web. Not sure where that thought came from, but it could have changed my life (so far so good at least). I came upon this website and bought some ACV the same day about 3 weeks ago. Although I was hoping it would help me feel less miserable even while on Nexium, I couldn't dare hope I would actually be able to wean off the drug. 5 days ago I decided to try it. Instead of taking Nexium every day, whenever the acidic feeling hits I take the concoction (2 Tbsps of ACV and about 1/8 tsp of Baking soda in half a cup of water) and get immediate relief. Haven't woken up once in the past 5 days in the middle of the night and have slept better than I can remember.

I have two concerns for now:

1. The concoction is not exactly transportable. So what happens when I'm out for dinner or visiting friends and don't have it handy? I'll probably have to rush home.

2. Too much Sodium can be bad for the body, so wondering what the effect of long term use will be since baking soda is being used several times a day every day.

Thank you for your website. I'm hoping someday I will be completely painfree. For now I'm happy that when it hits I have a remedy on hand that isn't causing harm to other parts of my physiology. Let's help get the word out there. I strongly believe the drug companies for their own greed are creating pills for every ailment there is out there with total disregard to long term effects. My experience with Nexium is that I got hooked on it and couldn't not take it because the pain would come back 10 times worse than before I was ever on it. We as a culture need to return to home remedies as much as we can (using drugs only for severe illness) and turn our thumbs down on the greedy pharmaceutical companies.

This cure itself can permanently get rid of so many drugs on the market today. Its unbelievable that this remedy is not spreading like wildfire all over the internet.

I actually came across another website advertising on your website for home cures for acidity and charging for it. So thank you for keeping your website free and honest. It works, the info is free and the ingredients are cheap. Its nothing short of a miracle for me!

Replied by Kat
(Grand Junction, Co)

Hi DJ, I hope this remedy is still working for you! I wanted to suggest reusing small jars from your cupboards such as an old horseradish jar or perhaps purchase small glass jars that are 2-4 oz's and put your raw ingrediants in there for transport. Also if you are at a restaurant you may be able to special request from the kitchen a near measurement to take as well. Never hurts to ask! I just started Deonva from S. Africa's mixture yesterday and am hoping for good relief. Kat

Replied by Ali

A lemon or lime is exceedingly transportable. You can always take one of those with you plus a small amount of bicarb in a small pot. A host, or a restaurant can always cut the lemon for you and provide water in a glass. To be more prepared, add the vinegar or lemon/lime to some water in a drinking bottle, then add the bicarbonate when or if it's needed.

Replied by Linda
(Judsonia, Ar)

I took Nexium for many years, then was diagnosed with Malignant Carcinoid Cancer of the Duodenum.My Carcinoid Specialist in New Orleans, La wrote a book where he stated that the Nexium caused the Cancer, it's a proton pump Inhibitor that rids the body of all acid and over a long period of time that your body would start producing these cells that would start making gastrin to help the body with the digestion, then they become carcinogen, when I stopped the Nexium I was 10 times worse that before I started Nexium for about 2 weeks and it gradually got better (acid reflux) not the cancer. I have tried to warn people about the Nexium, but no one listens.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Choua (Milwaukee, WI) on 12/19/2006

ACV cures my bloating and hunger pain. Baking soda did wonders for me cure my acid reflux, bad breath, and sinus. I also use ACV and baking soda for my face as others mentioned on this site. My face looks great without foundation. No dark circles and puffy eyes. The information on this website save me from many health problems. Thank you so much to all the people who contribute to this awesome site and a Big thanks goes to Ted in Bangkok who seems to have such wealth of knowledge.

Replied by Cathair
(Staten Island, Ny)

Hello, can you tell me how you take the ACV& baking soda to help these issues? Thanks so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Florence (USA) on 12/15/2006

I am taking Apple Cider vinegar, baking soda and Manuka Honey for arthritis. I am in the early stages and I feel it is easing the pain. I also want to lose weight, approximately 7 lbs.

Replied by Cate
(Melbourne, Vic., Australia)

Florence, I had arthritis in my back- awfully painful. It sometimes affected my knees too. I also got RSI in my wrists, had IBS, depression, anxiety, brain-fog and had stubborn weight that wouldn't come off unless I exercised like a full-blown freak. Which tended to triple the pain. It was madness.

Then I dumped grains entirely, and everything in my body and mind has come right. It's called 'going primal' or 'paleo'. Also called 'the ancestral diet', caveman diet, a whole host of names to describe how our modern-diseaseless ancestors ate.

Wheat was modified in the 1960's from ye olde wheat to dwarf wheat. It was for reasons of profit/volume per acre. This so-called 'modern wheat' is causing everybodies illnesses on this page and many more besides. The inflammation flares in more ways than just arthritis. I've heard wheat called 'slow poison', and 'addictive' too.

I sound like a nut, no doubt, but there you are- maybe you might look in to it one day when you've tried everything else. A month of no grains- instead eating tonnes of vegetables for breakfast, lunch and supper, a bit of fruit and some soaked/dehydrated nuts, with just water to drink if you happened to get thirsty.

I only suggest the primal/paleo solution because the impact on my life and health has been profound. My mind was a trainwreck, so was my body. Both clip along at great rates these days. I'm 39. It took about 4 months from first dropping grains 100% to wholeheartedly endorsing the lifestyle to others. Now I keep quiet (10months later) because people look at me like I'm an utter psycho. Maybe they don't have bad enough health problems yet. Maybe people really would rather give up on life rather than face life without grain. I for one would only eat grain if my life literally depended on it- as in a desperate life-or-death war situation for example.

That line, 'I could never give up bread' makes me groan. If I could/did, anyone can. I used to eat it for every meal and every snack. The benefits of a grain-free life outweigh the short-term withdrawals by an infinite amount. Bread with chronic pain? Or pain-free nutrient-dense food twice a day. (One doesn't need as much food, and no more chronic hunger/blood sugar spikes either.)

Don't mean to preach, just spreading the good word! Haha...

Replied by Wayqueries
(Motown, Ca/ Usa)

Hi Cate! Thank you for the post on grains. I spent some time looking at heritage wheats, after reading this, and have some questions.

**Does soaking grains, as with nuts, seem to alter the composition, and make it more digestible and safer?

**Is there a mycotoxin present in the grain?

**Are heritage, or old grains, any better or safer?

**Are sprouted grains, say like Ezekiel Bread allright?

**What seems to be the source of the problem?

Thank you! And hey, are you eating raw meat on that paleo diet? Steak tartar! Or raw milk? --T.

Replied by Harveyp
(Ancaster, Ontario)

Eating fermented grains or vegetables restores gut flora! Wetting grains causes them to sprout. Be careful and research this because you can grow unhealthy bacteria if you leave them too long and don't rinse regularly.

Replied by Sophie
(Dayton, Ohio, Usa)

I know what you mean, about people thinking you're crazy when you give up grains! The "new" wheat is an addiction.

I've been grain free for almost a month now, and the difference in my health is astounding! I've been chasing around a mystery health problem for 2 years now. Long story short, I think it's PCOS, since that seems to run in the family and all my symptoms fit. I'm getting tested next week, so I'll post again and let you all know how it turns out. I went grain free because I saw several posts online about women curing their PCOS and restoring normal hormonal function with a grain free, high protein diet. I had been eating an almost-vegetarian diet with little protein and an "average" amount of carbs.

I gave up all grains (even quinoa and buckwheat, I know they aren't techincally grains but I wanted to go cold turkey). I eat lots of veggies and low-glycemic fruits, and a small portion of chicken/oily fish/grass-fed beef at every meal. I eat all fruit with nuts or nut butter (freshly ground, not jar stuff), to reduce the blood sugar spike. I cut back a bit on the beans, but I do still eat them, mostly chickpeas and lentils since they are less starchy. The results: I have more energy, my skin is clearer, my "brain-fog" is gone, my anxiety and stress is reduced, I've started to lose weight, and my horrible (really horrible!! ) body odor is gone! The weirdest thing though -- my eye color changed!!! I used to have dark reddish-brown eyes, now they are going GREEN! My mom has green eyes, and my dad has hazel, so it makes sense that I would have GREEN eyes... I read somewhere that poor liver function can make your eyes orangy-yellowy, maybe it has something to do with that??? And this is only after about 1 month. Still hoping it will take care of some of the bigger PCOS symptoms, but I think that it will take some time for my hormone levels to normalize now that I'm eating right.

I now also only buy poultry/meat/dairy that is grass-fed, organic, and HORMONE and ANTIBIOTIC FREE! Very important if you have hormone issues!

I definitely say go grain free... But if you do, only talk about it with other people who understand natural medicine. The girls I eat lunch with had a total fit over my grain free lifestyle, they can't understand how I can live without bread and pasta. They wouldn't let it go, it was almost like they took my new lifestyle as a personal insult! It was surreal, I now see how addictive the "new" wheat is, that people can't comprehend a grain free life. Now if people question why I'm eating my sandwich wrapped in lettuce instead of bread, I tell them I have Celiacs! Not exactly true but people seem more accepting of it. Until they start telling you about all the "great" gluten-free rice flour potato starch corn filled products in the "health" food isle! Blech! Just hang in there and know you aren't alone! You are doing it for YOUR health and YOUR life, and you don't have to justify it to anyone!

Replied by Wayfound
(Motown, Ca/ Usa)

Thank you both for bringing up this topic. What you are describing is a classic low-carb diet. I can't imagine anyone giving you a hard time!

Now, the Paleo diet is where they might look at you a bit squirrely. This is where one attempts to eat foods cooked very little, if at all, including meat, eggs, milk. I have made a couple stabs at it, and all I can say is, maybe it was the cut of beef, but it was darn chewy. I wonder at our teeth, which look like grass-eaters... Exactly like horses' teeth. Fresh raw eggs have been put in smoothies since Jack LaLane's time. I'm after the fresh leche myself.

I am drawn by a line in Revelation: "They shall all eat whey. " Drink milk? It is a sacred cow healing food, when fresh, and pasture-fed cows are used. Same thing with the raw honey products. We even went to visit the pastured chickens where we get our eggs, to see if they were happy!

I am learning that soaking nuts for eight hours, then dehydrating eight hours, yields an entirely different nut butter: awoken, dark brown, oily, digestible, chock full of available nutrients.

But there must be something to sprouting grains? The mixture described in Ezekiel creates a protein, not carbs. Anyway, I agree about the protein part, if one is healthy enough to digest it. Messiah said, "Eat a little fish."

I am struck by the fact that Cain, the vegetarian, slew Abel, the meat-eater. A famous healer verified this emotional component-- that vegetarianism can lead to anger and emotional spikes, whereas meat-eaters (or protein?) are more mellow and even. One would expect the opposite to be true. I am prayerfully asking to be led to the right foods to eat, or not, as I have become a bit uncertain; but, I like fresh and raw more all the time. --T.

(Northern Arizona)

Just a comment about Wayfounds post. Cain, Abel, Adam, Eve and family were all vegetarian. God gave Adam and Eve permission to eat of all the vegetation and fruit, with the exception of the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad." God didn't give permission to eat meat until after the flood when Noah and his family left the ark. Abel is counted as a faithful man in Hebrews 11:4 so he wouldn't have disobediently eaten meat. The sheep he raised would have been useful in many other ways, providing wool for example, and obviously for making offerings to God.

Replied by Laura A
(Austin, Tx)

As for the Paleo diet, this is an extremely flexible program with many variations of the program. I personally eat my meat well-done. Last June, of 2013, I got rid of gluten and dairy and legumes and most processed food, except for the stuff they serve when we very occasionally go out to eat. I only eat organic, grass fed meat and have lost 50# so far. Getting rid of oils is a huge deal. I eat only coconut oil or olive oil and I don't heat the olive oil as it becomes a carcinogen. Have I gotten rid of everything? NO, I wish. Still dealing with Candida and Leaky gut. IBS symptoms have almost disappeared unless I cheat. Just started the lime/baking soda(sodium bicarbonate for our out of US neighbors) that TED recommends. Hoping the alkaline environment will take care of bugs. Also take digestive enzymes and coconut kefir. Blood pressure issues and heart palpitations have really settled .down. I also take hibiscus mint tea for blood pressure jumps. Thank you everyone for your input on various things. Ted, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us and THANK YOU very much for the EC for starting this whole website. Many blessings to each of you.

Replied by Whisperingsage
(Northern California, US)
45 posts

For those who want to learn more about Paleo, look up "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price, free PDF" the gutenberg project has it online for free. I have donated hard copies to libraries. Weston price was a dentist from around 1900, he observed a change in his patients around the industrial Revolution (1890's) and decided to travel the world on his own dime and count cavities and take pics of the healthiest tribes all over the world and their sickly neighbors and record their food choices. The healthiest were the heaviest animal protein and fat eaters, raw milk drinkers, pasture based cheese eaters and saturated fat tropical oils like palm and coconut oil.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Cindy (Salem, OR) on 12/14/2006

Dear Ted, Thank you, thank you, thank you. I had wrote to you on 11/5/06 about my husband and his throat clearing. This was an problem he has delt with for around 15 years. I had put him on your ACV/Baking Soda and he added the citric acid also as his ph seems to always be way to high alkaline. It really seems to have worked and after all these years of trying different things. We are still a bit afraid to claim victory. It has been almost 2 weeks of not one bit of problem. It took about 6 weeks for it to kick in and go away. Now I have to say he had days where he took the mixture 5 times and always at least 3 times a day. If he had bugs he wanted them gone !!!! Plus he really likes the taste of this stuff. I wish I could see you to shake your hand and say thanks. DON'T GIVE UP PEOPLE, THIS STUFF DOES WORK !

Replied by Larry
(Johannesburg, Gauteng)

I clear my throat all the time and its very frustrating, I am very acidic and have had constipation for years. I have also had severe candida issues and I have tried every detox under the sun. What should I take and in what quantities. 40 years old

Replied by Lou
(Tyler, Tx)

Take coconut capsules for the constipation. It may help the candida issues too.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda
Posted by Peg (Medford, MA) on 12/08/2006

Hi. Just felt compelled to write into the site and report on my ACV experience. I'm 42 and have suffered from a variety of ailments from the not too serious (acne) to the more serious (neurological). I started taking ACV "Ted's Way" with a bit of baking soda, 2TBS/serving, 2X a day (sorry, just can't do 3x a day due to my schedule). My skin is looking really wonderful, so much so that people have commented on how healthy and radiant I look! Since I was 9 I've had very oily skin, and now it seems ot have normalized, neither oily nor dry. I'm pretty thin to start with, so weight loss was not really an issue for me. But I've noticed that I've definitely thinned out a bit more around the middle, and I feel more "lithe" than I've felt in awhile. My boyfriend thinks I"m nuts, but I think he's nuts with his stinky lethicin and yeast. : ) I enjoy making my fizzy "science experiment", and I make sure to brush my teeth afterwards, just to be on the safe side. I take it after meals so it's wise to brush my teeth then, anyway.

Replied by Suzanne


I see this is an old post, but if anyone is reading it, or if the poster is still doing this, STOP brushing your teeth after ACV! You can seriously damage your enamel if you brush your teeth within 15 minutes after having something acidic. Rinsing your teeth with plain water is a good idea, though.


Posted by Samo33 (Beirut, New Rawda, Lebanon) on 05/23/2011

hi I have an interesting question, about ashes that comes out of burning woods. Ashes is very alkaline, if we put half teespoon of ash in lemon juise it will react with the acid the same as sodium bicarbonate. My question is it safe to use ash insted of sodium bicarbonate to alkalize the body, how much the quonteti to use, and how to use the ash or if it is not safe why. Please ted can you enrich us with scientifical information aboit this subject, thanks. And if ashes have some other medicinal power???

Replied by Chris
(Indianapolis, In)

I use volcanic ash all of the time. I take it internally and apply it to various ailments on my body. It clears up staph, MRSA, poison ivy. Montmorillonite and Bentonite clay as well. I'm not sure about your specific ash but if you google it you can find wonderful uses.

Baking Soda

3 User Reviews
5 star (1) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by E. Cox (Graham, Wa) on 08/05/2011

Is it safe to drink Bicarbonate of Soda while brestfeeding? I am wanting to raise my PH levels from 6.25 to at least 7.0 or higher. If it is safe how much is oaky?

Replied by Om
(Tampa, Florida)

I am also breastfeeding and want to find out if it is safe and how much.

Baking Soda
Posted by Dan (Williston, OH) on 01/08/2007

The doctor says I have Barretts. I tried the ACV and baking soda....I wasn't ready for didn't work after 2 days, I felt worse....just going for the buffers now by using just baking soda for a couple Ph is better and I'm feeling better just after 2 days....trying to eliminate the possible reasons for my acid by following your various protocols....where can I get Borax (is that 20 Mule Team Borax or a food grade?) no health food stores around here carry it....your site is fantastic, I feel like it's just a matter of time before I land on the right combination of ingredients , thanks Dan.

P.S. I read your site every day and gleen new info from it, really appreciate it....thanks again, Dan

Replied by Keannie
(Asheville, NC)

boric acid is boric acid, whatever container it's in. The stuff you buy for laundry is not "food grade" but boric acid isn't really considered a food. If you're concerned you can purchase boric acid in a small tin for opthalmic washes at most drug stores, but the other will work as well and is much less expensive. Plus, you can use it for your laundry.

EC: Warning! Boric acid is actually more toxic than borax. Please read Ted's response to this subject here:

Replied by Vreed27
(Edmonds, Wa)

You can purchase Borax for about $2.50 at Walmart in the laundry soap section.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

Borax is $3.50-$5 in stores here (north Texas), where are you that you get that great price??

Replied by June


Hello Ted, My question is about the baking soda and water formula which I have been taking for a week now. sometimes once a day or twice a day. I've had problems with high blood pressure and I've stopped taking blood pressure meds for the last 6 months. I've changed my diet over 2 years ago. I feel that my blood pressure has been rising since taking the baking soda and water. I really feel that this formula has been helping my candida issue and I do not want to stop taking it. Do you have any suggestion?

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

Two supplements you should look into - nattokinase and vitamin K2 (ML7 form) - if you haven't. These should make high blood pressure a moot issue.

You may consider taking a break from the bicarbonate soda. Maybe you are over doing it. Some people switch to potassium bicarbonate but you have to research the implications of that yourself.

Replied by Gina
(Beverly Hills, Cali)

Hi Dan, I believe it is the sodium content of baking soda raising your blood pressure. I would give it a break for a while. If you can cut your salt intake in other foods, maybe you won't have a problem. Baking soda only raises my bp if I have eaten too much salty food in a restaurant. I also take it regularly as an alkalizing remedy.

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

Sea salt and Himalayan salt is more ideal salt to take but regular salt still has health benefits. Just to reinterate what I have said before, there is a myth that says salt is unhealthy for people. This is untrue. This harkens back when they said salt causes heart disease. Studies say it doesn't.

Salt is something that can improve ones health. Of course blood pressure will go up because more solids are in the blood. That doesn't mean one should cut down. Cutting salt consumption just to bring down blood pressure is not really doing what's right for your health. Also blood pressure readings vary all over the place all day long.

Replied by Nanowriter
(Hotspot, Texas)

Sodium "tightens", potassium and magnesium "loosen". If your bp is going up, you may have too much sodium in proportion to potassium and/or magnesium in your system. Try supplementing, especially with magnesium, which is a classic bp regulator.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Prioris, according to your post, the easiest way to bring down blood pressure if one consumes salt, is probably drinking more water!! Is my logic sound???

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

You have the right amount of water in your body when your urine color is a light yellow. dark yellow means you need more water. The amount of water you drink should be based on that. I wouldn't try to drink more water just to try to thin the salt. Salt is just like a health supplement that a healthy body needs.

I wouldn't get bent out of shape about your blood pressure just because a doctor told you. If the reason your concerned is due to possible heart health then look into those supplements I mentioned since they will go a greater way to protecting you than almost any doctor can. If you just want to bring down your blood pressure to avoid blood pressure medications then there is an easy solution to that. It's knowledge. Just don't take the blood pressure medications. Why ? They are a long term danger to your health and useless to addressing any root health problems. You can do the research yourself to verify this.

Focus on the health concern and not some arbitrary measurement of your blood pressure. Don't bring down your blood pressure just for the sake of bringing it down. Ask yourself why you really need to do that - not because the doctor told you.

Replied by June

Bill, you recommend that those with sodium issues could squeeze one lemon/lime and add bicarbonate until fizzing stops. But, you do not mention adding water afterwards. Does this mean that after the fizzing stops it should be consumed without adding water? Please clarify.

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

June, I'm not Bill, but yes you do add half a glass of water or more, if you want to.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernado, Philippines)

Hi June...Just add the juice of one squeezed lemon or lime to a glass which is half filled with water. Add the sodium bicarbonate(baking soda) until the fizzing stops. Now You can drink it.

For more details on alkalizing, see Ted's Alkalizing Remedies on EC.

Replied by Jean

I did 2 days on 1/2 tsp baking soda and blood pressure was 198/97 had to stop foggie in the head from it. I've always had a intolerance to salt so I never would use it on my own but foods have their own salt additives so I know I got salt in other ways. I hoped the baking soda would help with acidic in my body but I dare not use the baking soda again unless I ask Dr.

Any thoughts on this?

Replied by Teena
(Melbourne, Australia)
233 posts

Ted had some suggestions for sodium intolerance, you will find more info at above link, did you try baking soda on its own, or with ACV/lemon, because of the potassium content of lemon/lime, you may get better results. Best to you

Replied by Jason

Hey there, I have actually been doing this myself here lately. I haven't had any issues, I add a couple of pinch's to each glass of water. I can't say yet whether I have noticed anything but I do know when I add a little to much. So usually I'll add a little more water and then my next glass would be straight water. Usually 3-4 times a day.

Baking Soda, Citric Acid Formula

Posted by Andre (Strasburg, France) on 03/06/2015

I want to know how much baking soda and citric acid I have to take. My weight is 110kg.

At what moment do you preconize to take these citrates ? Is it possible to have an e-mail from a person who has used the citrates successfully ? Thank you for your answers, Andre.

Bill's Formula

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Cindy (Cochrane, Wi) on 04/06/2011

bill, would you be more specific on what foods you ate (or didn't eat) when you did alkalizing remedy? also would one have to achieve an alkaline body before the liver will detox? I appreciate all your help. thank you.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Cindy... I first started to use Ted's alkalizing remedies when I had candida about 5 years ago now. The remedy includes a diet to follow which would be the same for a liver detox.

My favourite forms of alkalizing now are:

* By using Ted's one lemon/lime and 1/4 - 1/2 tspn baking soda(until the fizzing stops) in a half glass of water remedy. This one has potassium, other minerals, citrates and vitamin C as ascorbate and is most useful for cellular alkalization.

* Using just 1/4 - 1/2 tspn baking soda in half a glass of water. This alkalizes the blood and is a good one to take about 1/2 hour before bed. Helps you sleep.

* 1/2 tspn Ascorbic Acid powder combined with 1/4 tspn baking soda in a half glass of water. Creates the alkaline form of Vitamin C as Sodium Ascorbate. Has a high negative ORP value(Redox Potential) and, electrically, this form is very healthy for the body. Sometimes I add magnesium chloride to this when its hot -- cools the body down for some reason.

* Two tablespoons of ACV and 1/4 - 1/2 tspn baking soda in half a glass of water. This one gives you energy too and also has a high ORP value.

These remedies will all help the liver because of their alkalizing action. So you can alkalize at the same time as detoxing the liver and there should be no problems.

If you are using the olive oil and lemon juice detox for the liver -- then don't alkalize at the same time -- just alkalize at different times in the day when you are not taking the olive oil/lemon detox remedy.

Replied by Chadi10
(Dubai, Uae)

Hi Bill... This Chadi form Dubai... I have been suffering form anxiety, panic attacks, and extreme fatigness for couple years now... It runs with me almost 24 hr a day, I hardly sleep, I have high blood pressure that runs in the family, I tried many medications nothing worked, I want to try the Baking Soda Remedy or ACV / BS, please sugest I appreciate you openion.

Replied by Pat
(Bloomingdale, Il, Usa)

Hello, Earth Clinic has a remedy for HBP... The one with 6 lemons, 3 ltrs. of water and 30 cloves of garlic... Works like a charm and lasts years...Pat

Replied by Chadi10
(Dubai, N/a, Uae)

Hello Pat: how do you use this formula ? Thank you in advace

Replied by Gilbertmom
(Gilbert, Az, Usa)

Bill, can you alkalize your body too much? I heard there are dangers to having too high of a ph along with having too low of a ph. I am suffering from Candida, and I am trying everything I can to kill it off. I am noticing my urine PH on the test strips is now 8. 4 (after a meal). Does that mean I am overdoing it? I would love if you could answer this for me! You really know what you are talking about with this, while I on the otherhand do not :) By the way I am a 26 year old pregnant woman.

Thanks again! Gilbertmom

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Gilbertmom... You should be both testing your urine and saliva for a healthy pH of between 6. 5 or 7. This will reveal the acid/alkaline levels of you blood and internal cell environment respectively. Both need to be addressed for an healthy alkaline body state. I take Ted's lemon/lime remedy to alkalize the cells (you can also take his ACV remedy for this if you want to) and I also alkalize my blood everyday with just the Baking Soda and water remedy. People never seem to bother with the Baking Soda and water remedy but, to tell you the truth, I actually use this one the most. This remedy is highly useful for helping digestion and digestive problems, helping to raise energy levels and also for improving intestinal health as well as for alkalizing the blood. And as mentioned already, you will need to alkalize both your blood and your cells with these two remedies in order to achieve a properly alkaline body state and you will also need to monitor your urine and saliva to achieve a proper healthy pH level.

From EC, here is what Ted says about alkalizing when pregnant:

"Most pregnancy can cause extreme acidosis which results in constipation, as a result of the growing baby as it produces a lot of toxic wastes to the mother. There are actually two kinds of acidosis, one where the body is generally acid, and another one where the intracellularly cells are acidic, which is often referred to as lactic acidosis. Usually apple cider vinegar and baking soda is best with lactic acidosis, while lemon and baking soda remedy helps stabilize the urinary pH. Ideally measuring urinary pH around 6. 5 - 7. 5, where 7. 0 I think will cause the least of the problems. Nausea and dizziness can sometime be helped with a drop of peppermint oil, while magnesium usually reduces cramps.

"The constipation, using baking soda and sea salt is taken on an empty stomach. Apparently you were eating food. The body is already in acid condition with more food, will obviously cause the body to vomit to get rid of excess acid, in a desperate act. Electrolytes may help in such instance, after vomiting to normalize the body's electrolytes."

Also, you should be measuring your pH levels before meals (not after) because after eating meals, and for a short time afterwards, makes the body more acid due to the effects of digestion. Similarly, you should also not monitor your pH levels directly after vigorous excercise -- because vigorous excercise tends to raise lactic acid levels in the body for a short time afterwards and will give an inaccurate acidic reading.

If you still get a high alkaline reading while taking both the above alkalizing remedies in the correct way then this could indicate an alkalosis problem and you should get this problem checked out with a doctor.

Replied by Samurai

Hi Bill,

My question is: My saliva reading is showing an alkaline state, in the morning, afternoon and night, while my urine is acidic. I have started with the lemon alkalizing formula since yesterday. No change in the urine pH level yet. Wondering how long does it normally take for the change to happen? I have increased water intake to about 2 liters a day. Also, I'm not entirely sure if I am doing the formula right....Recipe says, squeeze one lemon (I am using 1/2 since the lemons here are really big) and add BS bit by bit till fizzing stops. I'm confused, should I keep adding the BS till the fizz stops, or should I add the BS and wait for the fizz to stop after which I add the water. Is there a video available for the method? Would really appreciate if you can give precise instructions. Dont wanna do this the wrong way..... Thanks a ton!

Replied by Seamus

Hi Folks,

I really want to following the alkalizing formula as set out by Bill/Ted. However, the one thing that I am not clear on is when exactly this should be taken. I've read in some places to take it on an empty stomach and other places 30 mins after meals.

What about before meals as this would be on an empty stomach?

Can you advise the best time to take or when not to take? Thanks, Seamus

Replied by Peggyvdb
(Utica, Michigan, Usa)

Hi Chadi10 from Dubai [5-16-11]. I just read your post and wonder if you have been checked for Multiple Sclerosis (sometimes a MRI scan is adequate to diagnose). Your symptoms sound similar to a mix of symptoms I battled for nearly 30 yrs. I tried all kinds of natural solutions. I finally got an MRI scan 7 yrs. ago and learned that I had extensive MS lesions. I was first diagnosed as relapse-remitting. Truth be told, I'm progressing and miserable, seeking alternatives to injections and pills.

Replied by Rsw

Many people go into remission from MS by using the no side effects, oral, low dose, inexpensive (because it is out of patent), FDA approved Naltrexone. Please look at this site:

where you can read about LDN. Then join the Yahoo LDN Group mentioned at the top of the page. It has about 14,000 members, about half of whom use LDN for MS. They can answer any questions you may have and give you first hand accounts of how it worked for them. You honestly have nothing to loose and everything to gain. It modulates the immune system, and therefore works well for many autoimmune diseases, but works very well for MS. Best wishes.