Alkalizing Formulas
Health Benefits

Ted's Alkalizing Remedies for Optimal Health

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

General Feedback

2 User Reviews
4 star (1) 

Posted by Charbin (Greenfield, Ma) on 06/04/2010

I am not clear why one should take the ACV and baking soda or lemon/lime juice and baking soda for 5 days and then stop for 2 days. Why stop for 2 days? What is the reason?

Thanks for any help.

Replied by Ali

Probably to give the body the chance to rebalance itself....

General Feedback
Posted by Joe (Wpb, Fl) on 06/03/2010


Do the two formulas ACV/BS and BS/Lemon accomplish the same results in the body ? I'm thinking the vinegar component brings other qualities to the blood or body such as antifungal, antibacterial,antiviral and circulatory for the heart. I take the ACV/BS once a day but lose weight where I'm already thin. However, I want to take the one that covers the most benefits.


P.S. I do the borax mix in one liter and the Iodine/Vit C daily too.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Joe...I have always preferred the lime/lemon and baking soda remedies myself, although I also use the ACV plus baking soda remedy fairly regularly. I alkalize normally 2 or 3 times a day, usually using 1/4 teaspoon BS. But if I'm ill, then I will always increase the baking soda to 1/2 teaspoon 3 times a day with the lime or lemon juice in half a glass of water.

Most of Ted's alkalizing remedy dosages are not set in concrete and are normally based on size or weight of the person involved -- Ted's remedies are all based on a 150 lb person. But I'm 200 lbs, have a large frame -- so alkalizing 3 times a day is OK for me. If I weighed less, then a reduced frequency or amount might better suit me. You will have to find your own level here.

The ACV alkalizing mix contains malate and acetate salts -- good for energy and a good antimicrobial. But the lemon and lime remedy contains citrates and at least 5% vitamin C -- the citrates help to regenerate the bicarbonates in you body, which therefore aids cellular respiration and also helps to further alkalize your body as well as aid digestion. Out of the two, my own preference is the lemon/lime remedy because it seems to me to be more balancing and complete -- and not least because it helped me to get rid of a longstanding intestinal candida problem that went on for years and therefore this alkalizing mix is a very effective anti-fungal. I have also lost over 20 lbs using this remedy and I'm now down to a more reasonable weight.

Regarding your weight problem -- alot of people would give their eye teeth too be Still, perhaps taking a magnesium supplement such as magnesium chloride, mag gluconate or mag citrate would best suit you. You can even take it transdermally using mag chloride or mag sulfate(epsom salts) as bath salts. Magnesium is a wonderful hormone balancer and is involved in over 300 enzyme reactions in your body. My own favourite is Mag Chloride, because it seems to have the most healing qualities of all the magnesium salts. Check it out here:

Magnesium Chloride -- Early Medical History

Magnesium Chloride -- Modern Research

I've also been using borax for over a year now. Borax is perhaps the ultimate anti-fungal, also good for proper bone growth, hormone balancing and also very effective against mycoplasma and nanobacterial problems. I use borax regularly -- 1/4 teaspoon in a liter of water -- taken for 4 days and then take three days break.

The Iodine/Vit C is also an essential daily protocol for me. I've done much research on this and from Max Gerson's research, it appears we need only micrograms of iodide for the thyroid but milligrams for our major organs. Most of this research has also been covered by Dr Guy Abrahams:

Dr Abrahams Iodine Research

Gerson Therapy and Iodine

Replied by Sunshine
(Naples, Florida)
5 posts

Bill - I have been taking 2 Tbsp ACV with 1/4 tsp Baking Soda in 6 oz of water for the last three days without any problems. I took it this morning & added 1/4 tsp Sodium Ascorbate. I took some supplements about 20 minutes later (selenium, 6000 iud of Vitamin D3 drops, 1 Digestive Gold Enzyme, and manganese asporotate) and my whole body broke out in a tingling red sunburn type hive for about an hour. What would make this happen? Did I take the supplements too soon after taking the ACV? If so, how long should I wait before taking any kind of supplements? I am 48 year female with sudden hair loss over the last 9 months and trying to find something to stop it before having to purchase a wig. Thanks for any help you can offer.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Sunshine...Taking 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda(sodium bicarbonate) with ACV should do you no harm. But taking 1/4 teaspoon of sodium ascorbate at the same time might well overload your intestines with sodium. So best take these two at different times in the day -- at least an hour apart.

Taking Vitamin D and selenium together should be OK. But I would take the Digestive enzymes on there own or at mealtimes. I use digestive protease enzymes to aid my immune system, so I take them on their own, outside mealtimes.

And be careful with Manganese supplements, these should not be taken on a daily basis, but should be taken on an "as needed" basis ie not every day. Check Ted's opinion here:

Manganese Dosage

Overdosing on Manganese can cause some strange, Parkinson-like symptoms. So be careful not to overdose on this mineral.

Replied by Joe
(Wpb, Florida)

Bill, would switching from the acv/bs to lemon/bs decrease the weight loss results. Being already thin I'm trying to minimize this, which ordinarily would be a good problem. I thought is was the vinegar that facilitates this but i guess both remedies do this.

I'm going to buy some mag chloride to make the oil (skin application), but can the oil be taken orally too.

Do any of the alkalizing remedies or borax (1 liter), and Iodine remove the good flora in the GI too ?
(need for probiotics later)


Replied by Joe
(Wpb, Fl)

Bill: Normally the bicarb mixture is done in 1/2 glass of water and then drank. Can one get the same benefit mixing 1/4 teaspoon of both Baking Soda and Potassuim Bicarb into 1 liter of water and drink thru the day? The 1 liter also has the Borax, Hydrogen Peroxide, sea salt mix. I'm trying to make it easier for my father to follow remedies. He has suspect kidney issues and I read bicarbs can help improve this.

I can't find lugols in decolorless 2%. Is it ok to use regular colorless iodine to apply topically for some skin moles, cysts?

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Joe... You should be able to combine the sodium and potassium bicarb remedy with the Borax, hydrogen peroxide and sea salt mix without problems. But the bicarb remedy should at least be taken twice a day, so it should be 1/2 tspn sodium bicarbonate and 1/2 tspn potassium bicarbonate that is added to your other mix(which represents two daily doses).

I always prefer to keep the bicarb remedy taken separate from any other remedies, and tend to take this now on an as needed basis.

General Feedback
Posted by Vj (Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) on 04/23/2010

HI Ted,

I am measuring my pH level for few weeks and my pH level is close to 5.0 - 5.5 in the morning but during the day it rises to 6.5- 7.5 range. Doctor who is treating me, is saying that the morning pH is the most important and it suppose to be between the range of 6.5-7.5. Can you please advise me what kind of alkalizing formula is good for me or any other suggestion for me.


Replied by Ted
(Bankok, Thailand)

The pH during the morning hour is acid, so I am assuming that's urine pH. To minimize the pH before it becomes acid, this means taking roughly 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda before sleep. This should reduce the morning acid pH. Then, if it's still acid, 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda may be taken again during the morning hours, preferably 30 minutes after meals, so that the alkalinity won't crash with the stomach acid that is about to digest some food. The body accepts alkalinity only after the food is digested, and hence it's taken after meal. If that's not possible it is taken first thing in the morning, before the hungry feeling goes up.

If we are talking about saliva pH, then it gets more complicated, a tripotassium citrate maybe needed to get it up along with some baking soda. Because the pH acidity is only temporary effects the morning hour, then a baking soda will do fine.

Replied by Anonymous

its such a brilliant site reading comments from people. anyway what id like to find out is the lemon bicarb formula. i have problems with acne and constipation. i am late 30s. i wanted to find out what quantities to take if i were to do it on my own. is it a whole lemon to one teaspoon of bicarb. it states to add the bi carb until it stops fizzing, which i understand but is it just the one teaspoon i add slowly or is it as much as it can possibly stop fizzing. don't quite understand that bit. your help would be greatly appreciated thank you... and just to add a question does this formula help for depression???"

08/09/2011: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "The exact formula is 1/4 teaspoon after meals 30 minutes, especially after lunch and after dinner. If the person is metabolically in acidosis (such as diabetes), it's 30 minutes after every meal. Before you sleep it helps with 1/2 teaspoon in a 1/2 to 1 full glass of water (I prefer 1 glass if possible) to have a good night sleep for most people. The lemon and baking soda, or more preferably lime and baking soda, is 1 1/2 tablespoon (that's the total lime juice in a single lime) and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. This can be taken after every meal and before sleep also. Make sure you get some of the oils in the lime or lemon, although I prefer lime because it has more vitamin C and citric acid contents, which reacts with sodium bicarbonate to become sodium citrate, which is a metal and calcium chelator, and prevents cysts, and ORP is negative, which is desirable in humans, animals and plants. In fact this is the secret to plant growth too.

The lime will help some of your acne by clearing up the calcium buildup and some of the fats (lemon oil or lime oil) taken internally. They dissolve heavy fats very well. In fact there is another formula I'm working on, which is lemon oil with potassium citrate. This will dissolve the lemon oil and get the blood vessels of the capillaries to clear out the fats so you get less acne as a result, but it also clears up lipid peroxidation of fat deposits around the acne and pores, but also anywhere in the body too. That means internal, such as gallstones (they are cholesterol but appear hard as a rock) can be dissolved.


Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

The more I read about health issues the more confused I become! A short while ago somebody here said one should take bicarbonate dissolved in water before the meals, afterwards it wouldn't help breaking down the acidity anymore. Ted says that one should take it after the meals..... very confusing! I had just started to take it before the meals......

Replied by Beth
(San Francisco, Ca)

I am also wondering when is the best time to take any of Ted's alkalizing remedies. I have a very low stomach acid. I am afraid to shut it down even further by taking baking soda especially after meals when I need the stomach acid most.

I also read somewhere that acidic stomach = alkaline blood. How does that fit into drinking baking soda? Very confusing.

Your input is greatly appreciated!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Beth... Although alkalizing is highly beneficial for the body, when you actually take these remedies is fairly critical depending on the problem that you have. Furthermore your supposition that acid stomach = alkaline blood needs more careful explanation.

When you eat fruit such as citrus fruits -- this is initially an acid food. So how does it become alkaline for the blood? The stomach initially digests food in an acid medium -- and the fruit juices will add to the acid(contains citric acid and ascorbic acid). Then, once stomach digestion is finished, the stomach chyme is passed through to the duodenum or small intestine where the second stage digestion medium must change to alkaline for the panreatic enzymes to work. To achieve this, the pancreas secretes its digestive enzymes in a bicarbonate solution. When this bicarbonate solution reacts with all the acid chyme, the result is the formation of citrate and ascorbate chemical salts(alkaline) from the fruits. And only when the necessary alkaline pH is achieved will the pancreatic enzymes be able to do their job and the citrates and ascorbates from the fruit are also then healthily absorbed into the blood as useful alkaline chemical salts. But if the digesytion medium remains acid -- then the pancreatic enzymes are unable to do their job, the food remains undigested and stagnates in the gut helping to fast-breed harmful pathogens.

So it becomes obvious that if you continuously eat too many and too much acid foods at mealtimes -- whose acidity always have to be neutralized in the duodenum stage of digestion, then the pancreas might be incapable of secreting enough bicarbs -- due to insufficient stores of bicarbonates -- to neutralize the acid food. Hence, the food remains acid, bad bacteria flourish and you get ill with a mulitude of diseases like IBS, Leaky Gut, Colitis or Candida due to a perpetually acid gut which, over time, also leads to an overall acid body condition. So, by taking Sodium Bicarbonate a half an hour after you eat -- you are greatly helping to aid and achieve the alkaline medium necessaqry for proper duodenal enzyme digestion to occur.

I have also noticed that whenever I eat alot of fruit (too much!! ) with a normal meal -- I sometimes get a hot acid feeling in my stomach about a half an hour afterwards. This is the duodenum letting me know -- saying "I can't cope with all this acid!! ". So I just take 1/4 to 1/2 tspn of Sodium Bicarbonate in a glass of water and this problem is cured within minutes and my digestion becomes normal again. For some reason, GERD sufferers are particularly prone to this problem and, in their case, can occur many hours after they have eaten their evening meal when they are trying to sleep. This also illustrates how over-acid foods greatly work to slow down food digestion and movement in the gut causing many more problems. The essential problem here is twofold -- eating too much acid foods and/or a lack of bicarbonate stores in the pancreas.

To cure the acid stomach problem(symptom) is easy as I have described but to cure the root problem means that the bicarbonate stores in the pancreas must be replenished for normal digestion to occur. And the best way of doing this is take 1/4 to 1/2 tspn of Sodium Bicarbonate in a half glass of water twice a day outside mealtimes -- when most of the bicarbonate is absorbed by the body alkalizing the blood or by taking SB half an hour after a meal to help aid alkaline digestion. Not only does this beneficially alkalize the blood, this also helps to replenish the bicarbonate stores in the pancreas necessary to support proper and robust alkaline gut digestion.

I am not sure why people are so wary of taking sodium bicarbonate. Many still claim that it wrecks the stomach digestion which should be acid. Yes, the stomach is acid -- but only at mealtimes when you feel hungry -- that is when stomach acid is produced. After a meal, when hunger has been satiated and the stomach is empty, the leftover acid in the stomach is re-absorbed and there are even stomach cells that secrete bicarbonates to neutralize any leftover acid. Furthermore, outside mealtimes, mucus is acumulated in the stomach from the nose, throat etc which lines and protects the stomach. Thus taking bicarbonates in this way -- outside mealtimes -- will not harm the stomach.

I am also amazed that many will criticize such a simple body-friendly remedy like baking soda and water, but these same people will perhaps happily take Tums, Prevacid, Zantac. PPIs etc at the drop of a hat (as doctors always recommend), even though these drugs have a very poor cure record (I'm talking about curing the main problem -- not just the symptoms).

Taking SB with water will help alkalizie the blood and aids digestion. But the intracellular environment also needs to be alkalizied to fully accomplish a completely alkalized body terrain. This is why Ted uses ACV, Lime/Lemon etc together with baking soda to maintain the elctrochemical health of the body's intacellular environment. So to fully alkalize the whole body, this is why both methods should be used to achieve a healthful and beneficial outcome.

Replied by Anonymous

Hi Bill, I get wary taking sodium bicarbonate alone because on several occasions I get fluttery heart. I think I read somewhere that it is because I am sodium sensitive. When I take it with Apple cider vinegar and a pinch of potassium I am ok. I think because the potassium balances the sodium out for me. I'm glad I can take it as long as I do this. I'm also sensitive to chromium and have to urinate a lot when I take it or any multi-vitamin that has 200 mcg of chromium in it. I also get very hyper on flax oil. The rest of the supplements I seem to do ok on.

One supplement in question I have to test more is blackstrap molasses and iodine. I take the BSM in the morning and started a drop of the iodine in the evening. Not sure which one is causing heart palpitations at night but when I stopped both time to time (not intentionally - just too busy to remember to take) then I don't usually get the heart palpitations when I lie down. Perhaps it's something else, I will see with further testing.

Replied by Beth
(San Francisco, Ca)

Hi Bill, thank you for the lengthy explanation! It makes sense, of course, since my bicarb levels are low on the recent blood test.

However, I am still a little concerned about taking baking soda. Here is why: I have a slight case of the mouth thrush and I keep it under control most of the time by eating well. Here is what doesn't fit into your theory.... I have tried taking baking soda on one occasion and lemon juice on another (away from meals) to alkalize my system; however, after both of these times I could almost see the thrush growing in front of my eyes in the mirror. My tongue gets covered with white patches immediately and they expand and I also get a pretty bad brain fog. The only other time I experience such symptoms is when I eat sweets or a lot of sweet fruit, such as an apple or a watermelon.

Any ideas? Thank you!

Replied by Dusty Trail
(Santa Barbara, California, USA)

Here is a link to an interesting research paper regarding metabolic acidosis and potassium/sodium balance, etc.

In brief it recommends potassium bicarbonate supplementation, and a total potassium : sodium ratio of 10 : 1.

Replied by Jervais
(Port Of Spain, Caribbean)

Hi Ted, I've just started trying the Baking Soda formula last night but there are a few questions I would like to ask. By half a glass, do you mean half a cup? And should I take it on an empty stomach? Last night I ate right before going to bed so I took the baking soda right after, I dunno if that was a good idea. Also, is it safe to continue taking baking soda for as long as I need? I am 21yrs old and have had serious problems with my chest. The left side is swollen, or gets swollen everytime I exercise. Sometimes it hurts for no reason. No over my heart, the entire left chest muscle. Sometime it gets firm as well. This has prevented me from working out as after I get into the groove of my workouts I start to feel my left chest muscle hurting. I also feel light headed and to throw up badly everytime I exercise, and the discomfort sometimes leaves my chest muscle and travels down my left arm. I thought it was my heart but I've done x-rays, blood tests, and MRA tests more than once that all come back saying my heart's healthy. The one thing the MRA showed that the others didn't however, was that my ph was 6.9 or slightly over 6.8. I'm starting to believe my problems are because of my acidity and I can't afford kangen water in the amounts I need it. I started eating healthy instead of buying bread etc, but I couldn't afford to keep that up on my budget either, since I'm paying my way through college.

Then I saw this site. Baking soda, now that I can afford lol. I've had this problem for years and it's affecting my life badly. I want to be able to workout but my body won't let me. Is there any other test I need to take to know if it's my heart? Or is it safe to try dealing with my acid now? Sometimes when I eat and belch, I feel bile rise up in my throat and goes back down. I get muscle spasms as well. After researching, I believe my problem is acid. Hope to get a reply to my questions soon, and hope the remedy works :) Thanks for putting this info out there.

Replied by Louwrence
(Rustenburg, North West South Africa)

Hi Jervais, Take your b/soda at least 1/2 hr before you eat & never just after you have eaten because then you neutralize the acid to digest your food.

Replied by Anonymous
(Smoky Mts, West Virginia)

Too much baking soda and you may get shortness of breath and your heart flutters or races this may be condition is caused by taking TOO MUCH baking soda and the pH was 8. I needed a breathing tube and oxygen tank which we happen to have in our home for exercising. Normal pH of the blood is a between 7.35 to 7.45. This helps keep all the organs functioning properly. Consider just eating an alkalizing diet. Please read and follow the guidelines for alkalyzing carefully.

General Feedback
Posted by Suwanna (Khonkaen, Thailand) on 03/26/2010


I am Suwanna, I live in Khonkaen. Someone suggests me about your website that you heal many people who have health problem.

I am interested in the Alkalizing Formulas but I dont know which one is suit for me. I have had SLE Thalassemia Annemia for 10 years. I suffer with it alot. I take 2 pills of steroid everyday and seems I can not deduct it to be 1 or a half pill. I have tried to take it to 1 pill but I m worse and losing my hair alot and pain on the joints of my hands.

Now I have vasculitis on my fingers on my both hands, really hurt, can not touch well.

Please give me your advice.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Replied by Lisa
(Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa)

Hi Suwanna,

At the risk of repeating myself so often, I would say that green vegetable juice is not only completely alkalizing to the body, it will heal you of your ailments, I am certain. The vasculitis is your body unable to process quickly enough the toxicity in it. Also, your anemia will be corrected as the chlorophyll is the to the plant as our blood is to our body. Your joint pain will disappear and over time your hair will be restored to health. I really do hope this helps you. If you are uncertain about knowing how to juice watch video on youtube for instruction. You can get a juicer that is reasonably priced and know that the health benefits are well-worth it!

Best to you, Lisa

Replied by Alkalyzing
(Louisville, Kentucky)

Dear Suwanna, The alkalyzing drink that I use calls for 1 T. unsulfured black strap molasses, 1 T. fresh lemon juice or organic apple cider vinegar, pinch of epson salts, 1 tsp. powdered kelp (build up to 1 T.)and 1 T. lime water.

Lime Water: Purchase Pickling Lime, I use Mrs. Wages brand, add 1 T. to one gallon of filtered water, shake up, and take out the one tablespoon (or amount you require) for your drink each time.

I drink this three times a day, you can adjust the items as needed, I am low on sodium so I only use 1 tsp. of the black strap molasses per drink, and have built up to 2 tsp. of kelp per drink so far. I also adjust the lime water (calcium) because my calcium stores are also low. I'm currently using 2-3 T. of lime water per drink.

Hope this helps!

General Feedback
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Il) on 03/03/2010

Bill, can you clarify this for me. Ted wants us to add baking soda to lemon juice until it stops fizzling. But in his other posts (see below just add 1/2 ts of baking soda) does that mean 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda is adequate for 2 tablespoon of lemon juice? What happen if it still fizzles?

"Per Ted postings
The lemon juice formula, 2 tablespoon of lime or lemon juice plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water"

Thanks Bill for your expertise.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Peter...Just add the sodium bicarbonate powder to the lemon/lime juice until the fizzing stops. If it doesn't stop fizzing you can drink it as is or simply add more sodium bicarbonate until the fizzing stops. I just do the latter, for two reasons. First, lemons/limes always come in different sizes, small and large, so their juice content will vary. Second -- Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is body friendly and is about as poisonous to our bodies as ordinary salt. Here is further evidence of the body-friendliness of Baking soda:

In the old days -- the 1920s -- Arm & Hammer was used as an antacid and, internally, for relief and cure from colds and flu. The starting dose, as advertised for colds and flu by Arm & Hammer in 1924, was 6 HALF-SPOONFULS IN A GLASSFUL OF WATER A DAY AT TWO HOUR INTERVALS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH, which is a much larger dose of pure baking soda than is advertised on this site. See the link here:

I just usually squeeze one lemon or lime, add the water and add the baking soda until it stops fizzing. That's it. Then I just drink it. In other words, if you add slightly less than or more than 1/2 tspn of baking soda to this remedy -- it won't hurt you.

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/25/2010

Hi Everyone...I've noticed that alot of people who would like to use Ted's Alkalizing formulas here on EC, seem to have inherent fears of using an unknown or foreign chemical like Sodium Bicarbonate or Baking Soda in Ted's remedies.

The purpose of this post is to put people's fears to rest and to illustrate that Sodium Bicarbonate (aka Bicarbonate of Soda or Baking Soda) is a natural body-friendly chemical.

* The human body needs bicarbonates as part of its homeostasis mechanism to help alkalize the body and maintain body fluids within a healthy pH zone.

* Despite present day fears to the contrary, the body needs Sodium which is a major and essential constituent and electrolyte of the blood.

* Bicarbonates are needed and secreted by the pancreas, to neutralize the hydrochloric acid from the stomach chyme at mealtimes, in order to allow the next phase of digestion in the duodenum, whose medium must be neutral to alkaline for the duodenal digestive enzymes to work.

* Bicarbonates are an essential aid in the human respiration cycle, which helps in the process of swapping carbon dioxide and oxygen during respiration at the cellular level.

* Before the 1930s, Baking Soda in solution and on its own was recommended by Doctors to cure stomach acid problems, flu and colds and was used as toothpaste. The doses recommended in these times were much larger than recommended on this site.

Sodium Bicarbonate is currently used widely in the Medical profession as defined here:

* As an IV infusion as a flush or buffer for cancer chemotherapy.

* For women in labour.

* For Metabolic Acidosis as a serum alkalizer.

* As an alkalinizing agent in prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation and in the treatment of certain drug intoxicants.

* As a hydration agent for Radiographic contrast dyes.

* Supplementation for Renal Tubular Acidosis.

* As treatment for pulmonary hypertension in newborn babies.

* As a treatment for Diabetic Keto-Acidosis.

* As treatment for hyperkalemia (excess potassium)


Replied by Faithinhealing
(Forest Park, Ohio, Usa)

Thanks! I was one of those people but noticed that it did help with my candida when I added it to the ACV once per day.

General Feedback
Posted by Serendipity (Gold Canyon, Az, United States) on 02/21/2010

Adding Apple Cider Vinegar to established dose of baking soda

As I have some inherent metabolic acidosis, my nephrologist prescribed 1/2 tsp baking soda a day, which seems to be working perfectly. How do I add ACV or lemon/lime juice and keep that result?

EC: For those interested in learning more about metabolic acidosis:

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Serendipity...The various defined methods for using Ted's alkalizing remedies on this site are all quickly defined here from a previous posting by me:

"Taking Baking Soda -- 1/4 tspn in half a glass of water is generally taken after a meal as a digestive aid or outside meals just to alkalize the intestines and blood or extracellular fluid.

One Lemon/Lime plus 1/4 tspn baking soda is used to normalize more parameters because limes and lemons contain many additional useful minerals as well as Vitamin C. Here is where you add the Baking Soda until the fizzing stops so that all the citric acid -- as well as the ascorbic acid -- has been neutralized and converted to its more alkaline salt form -- citrates and ascorbates. These are more easily absorbed by by the intestines. This is also my own favourite way of alkalizing, because its not complicated !!

ACV plus 1/4 tspn Baking soda. Used the same as lemon and lime, but gives you more energy through the formation of malate salts -- which are utilized in energy production -- via the Krebs Cycle -- in your body.

Carbicarb remedy -- Usually this consists of using sodium carbonate and potassium bicarbonate salts with citric acid together in solution. There are variations of this -- using the sodium and potassium citrate forms which are just as good. The reason you use this form of alkalizing is to alkalize both your blood(extracellular fluids) and intracellular fluids as well and is perhaps more useful.

And you should always be very careful with these remedies if you have any renal issues since the kidneys are the main organs that balance the electrolytes held in the blood.

When I took these remedies for particularly my own candida problem, I deliberately upped my doses to 1/2 teaspoon Baking soda(as Ted recommends) and took them 2 - 3 times a day. Here, I was aggressively targeting a higher pH to kill off the candida. But, in general, and just as a regular maintenance dose, 1/4 tspn Baking Soda in half a glass of water is fine.

When you take these remedies, you are generally advised to take them in just half a glass of water because not only should you take the correct amount, but you should also take them at the proper concentrations, so that these electrolytes are fully and quickly absorbed through the intestines into the blood by osmosis between the different concentration gradients. So taking these remedies in half a glass of water provides the best medium for absorbtion into the blood. A weaker concentration -- ie full glass -- would therefore slow down and hinder absorbtion of these important electrolytes.

There are also reports on this site of people with sodium issues -- causing headaches, insomnia, night sweats and kidney pains but when I used all these remedies -- and fairly large doses at that -- to get rid of my candida problem, I had no side-affects at all.

Since your whole body is acid as defined by your ailment, I would also seriously consider using the Lemon/lime, ACV or Carbicarb remedies, as these will not only alkalize your extracellular fluids but will also alkalize your intracellular or cell fluids as well."

But taking just sodium bicarbonate will only alkalize your extracellular fluids(blood) and if you have sodium issues, the Carbicarb remedy will provide sodium/potassium balance as well as increase the alkalinity of your blood and cell fluids as well.

As defined here, my summaries of Ted's alkalizing protocols are just quick and simple. For a complete and more accurate description, see Ted's alkalizing page at:

This might also interest you. In the old days, sodium bicarbonate dosages were much larger than recommended today, have a look here at an original Arm & Hammer advert from the 1920s concerning a flu cure:

General Feedback
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Ill) on 02/19/2010

To Bill from San Fernando,

From all the emails that I read from you to Earthclinic, obivously you are very knowledge person.

Can you help me on Ted's alkaline formula, what happens if you put in 1/2 tsp instead of 1/4 tsp of Baking Soda in ACV, or whole glass of water instead of half glass, how does this change the effectivness if any ?

Same question for the lemon and lime formula, keep adding baking soda until stop fizzle, what happen if you add too much, what happen ? Also when I add baking soda to lime and lemon, there is always some fizzle. does half glass of water makes stronger vs whole glass?


Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Peter...Whenever I've taken any of Ted's alkalizing remedies -- whether its the Lemon/Lime remedy plus Baking Soda or the Carbibarb remedy or just Baking soda on its own, it's very important to understand just why you are taking these different remedies.

Taking Baking Soda -- 1/4 tspn in half a glass of water is generally taken after a meal as a digestive aid or outside meals just to alkalize the intestines and blood or extracellular fluid.

Lemon/Lime plus baking soda is used to normalize more parameters because limes and lemons contain many additional useful minerals as well as Vitamin C. Here is where you add the Baking Soda until the fizzing stops so that all the citric acid -- as well as the ascorbic acid -- has been neutralized and converted to its more alkaline salt form -- citrates and ascorbates. These are easily absorbed by by the intestines. This is also my own favourite way of alkalizing, because its not complicated !!

ACV plus 1/4 tspn Baking soda. Used the same as lemon and lime, but gives you more energy through the formation of malate salts -- which are utilized in energy production -- via the Krebs Cycle -- in your body.

Carbicarb remedy -- Usually this consists of using sodium carbonate and potassium bicarbonate salts with citric acid together in solution. There are variations of this -- using the sodium and potassium citrate forms which are just as good. The reason you use this form of alkalizing is to alkalize both your blood(extracellular fluids) and intracellular fluids as well and is perhaps more useful. When I use this remedy, I sometimes add a 1/8 to 1/4 teasoon of magnesium sulphate or mag chloride crystals to help balance the potassium and calcium. Useful if you have sodium retention issues.

And you should always be very careful with these remedies if you have any renal issues since the kidneys are the main organs that balance the electrolytes held in the blood.

When I took these remedies for particularly my own candida problem, I deliberately upped my doses to 1/2 teaspoon Baking soda and took them 2 - 3 times a day. Here, I was aggressively targeting a higher pH to kill off the candida. But, in general, as a regular maintenance dose, 1/4 tspn Baking Soda is fine.

When you take these remedies, you are generally advised to take them in just half a glass of water because not only should you take the correct amount, but you should also take them at the proper concentrations, so that these electrolytes are fully and quickly absorbed through the intestines into the blood by osmosis between the different concentration gradients. So taking these remedies in half a glass of water provides the best medium for absorbtion into the blood. A weaker concentration -- ie full glass -- would therefore slow down and hinder absorbtion of these important electrolytes.

Also, whenever I took these alkalizing remedies, I never suffered any ill-effects, but I have read of some who have used them that have suffered headaches, night sweats, insomnia and kidney pains.

Replied by Pr
(Houston, Texas)

Hi Bill, wow! I can't thank you enough for expanding on the alkalizing formulas. I am the type of person who needs to understand the process of how things work so I feel I can make an intelligence decision. Your post has really helped to bring the information together.

I do have one more question that you may could help with. I am concerned about taking the alkalizing formulas to close to meals as not to interfere with digestion. I did note in your post that 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda could be taken after meals to help with digestion. But what if you are taking 1/2 tsp of baking soda or any other of the formulas how close to meals can you take them? Would you please expand on this? Also, when you cleared yourself of candida did you eat a strictly candida diet? Whoops, just thought of one more question how long was it before you noticed improvement? I do appreciate your help in this. Thanks

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Pr...I'll try and answer your questions as best I can here :

"But what if you are taking 1/2 tsp of baking soda or any other of the formulas how close to meals can you take them?"

You should always take these alkalizing remedies at least one hour before meals or two hours after meals on an empty stomach. And it is the same for 1/4 tspn or 1/2 tspn amounts of baking soda. The purpose of this is to completely avoid stomach acids that are stimulated during mealtimes, which would neutralize the bicarbonate as well as cause gas.

"Also, when you cleared yourself of candida did you eat a strictly candida diet?"

No, I ate no special diet -- except for complete elimination of sugars and sweetners. I'm someone who enjoys food. My own regimen is based on the 'Mr Muscle Principle'. Remember those old TV ads that initially showed a black dirty drain? Then after you use the Mr Muscle Cleaner, magically the drain is gleaming and clean again !! That is my emphasis or principle. If you eat something bad, drink a little too much etc, then be sure to alkalize thoroughly the next day since its very difficult anyway to avoid acid, processed foods in our diets now. I also dislike drinking things like carrot and celery juice, tastes horrible(and who's to say these vegetable juices aren't also poisoned with heavy metals and poison fertilizers?). I also regularly take doses of sodium thiosulphate to get rid of heavy metals from my body, and do the same with iodine via kelp supplements which leeches out halides from your body. My outlook here is simple, what's the point of becoming well if you can't enjoy yourself occasionally? So the point here is moderation, nothing in excess and avoid bad habits.

" long was it before you noticed improvement?"

LOL...Believe me, I went through far worse before it got better really. The improvement was slow to be sure -- and it took a full year to eradicate my candida. Of all the microbes, I reckon fungus is the hardest to eradicate. They are a tough enemy to defeat.

Replied by Pr
(Houston, Texas)

Thanks Bill for answering my questions and your answers are very helpful.

Replied by Peter
(Chicago, Ill)


Need your advise. Would you say the Carbicarb remedy is the better way to alkaline since it does alot more !
(Per Your email-Carbicarb remedy will provide sodium/potassium balance as well as increase the alkalinity of your blood and cell fluids as well.)

To make Carbicarb, let me know if I do this right.

I assume Ted wants us to mix 1/2 sodium bicarbonate and 1/2 potassium bicarbonte togather and add them in the lemon juice until it stop fizzle. Is this what Ted meant when he wrote 50/50 ?

Another question regarding Ted formula for people with sodium isssue, could they just use sodium free Baking Soda, would that solve the problem ? Thank for your expertise !

Replied by Peter
(Chicago, Ill)

Bill, just to make sure I understand what is carb-bicarb, is below from Ted call carbicarb ?

7. For People with Sodium Issues and Want to Alkalize and Normalize Many Biological Parameters: One whole freshly squeezed lemon (or lime) and keep adding the bicarbonate until the fizz stops. The bicarbonate is made of 50/50, sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate. Sorry, sodium must always be there to achieve somewhat of a sodium/potassium balance. Take this twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening on an empty stomach. This is done to avoid diarrhea problems, if taken along with food.

What about sodium carbonate plus baking soda ? Is that carb-bicarb also ?
Thanks for your advise !

Replied by Alain
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Answer to Peter about carbicarb

In its strictest definition, the carbicarb is the mix of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate.

See for example

As I recall. Ted'd first mention of carbicarb was here

Read the page to understand why the sodium carbonate was considered.

He later on developed a more elaborate formula that included potassium in the form of either a bicarbonate or citrate.

A carbonate is a salt formed from the bounding of a mineral with the anion -CO3 see

A bicarbonate is a salt formed from the bounding of a mineral with the anion -HCO3 see

He also developed an alkaline formula in which sea salt is one of the component. Search for the keyword ORMUS in EC.

The use of Sodium and Potassium insures a better equilibrium of the Sodium/Potassium ratio. It also depends how someone is deficient in either. See

The use of an alkaline salt with a weak acid such as Lemon/Lime juice or ACV or citric acid ... makes the solution more neutral so that is neither acid nor alkaline when it enters the stomach. It does not mean however that the solution is not alkalizing. Such formula might be easier to digest.

One should always be careful when using these formulas that use salts. The urine and saliva pH should be monitor to see how effective a formula is.

I hope these info may help in better understanding some of the concepts.

Good Luck


Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

To answer your other questions:

"To make Carbicarb, let me know if I do this right.

I assume Ted wants us to mix 1/2 sodium bicarbonate and 1/2 potassium bicarbonte togather and add them in the lemon juice until it stop fizzle. Is this what Ted meant when he wrote 50/50 ?"

The inference here is to use 1/4 tspn of both potassium and sodium bicarbonate and the juice of one lemon or lime. If you 1/2 tspns of each, you would have to use 2 lemons or 2 limes here. What is important here is to add the lemon or lime juice until the fizzing stops -- this is not an exact measurement and will depend on the amount of juice, then you will have created the necessary potassium and sodium citrates for alkalizing your body. This will create a proper maintenance dose, because you will get the same amount of bicarbonates as using just 1/2 sodium bicarb alone, but with the added potassium, you will affect and normalize more parameters. If you wanted to increase this dosage - then just take these dosages more often, this is safer than just upping the dose.

"...could they just use sodium free Baking Soda, would that solve the problem ? Thank for your expertise !"

No, there is no such thing. The definition of Baking Soda is simply Sodium Bicarbonate powder.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Peter...A great answer from Alain in answer to your carbicarb question.

These formulas become fairly advanced when learning about them and you start adding other substances and fine tune them for particular reasons. For instances I deliberately make my own Mag Water - Mag Bicarbonate - from Phillip's Milk of Magnesia(MoM) and soda water because I have the double advantage of both supplementing with a solution of magnesium that contains and supplies me with large amounts of alkalizing bicarbonates as well without sodium issues to worry about.

I also experiment and try mixing other minerals, such as carefully mixing 1/16 tspn borax plus 1/4 tspn Mag sulphate plus 1/8 tspn sea salt plus 1/8 tspn plus Vitamin C(ascorbate) in a full glass of water. I sip this mixture slowly. I'm testing this out on myself at the moment but would NOT advise you or anyone one else to do this, because everyone has a different metabolism with their own problems and sensitivities and there is a danger of diarrhea. I'm taking this mineral mixture for specific reasons -- I live in the tropics, so its very hot -- hence taking the Vit C with magnesium salt is very cooling; Vit C is an antioxidant and immune booster that also acts as an absorbtion synergist; I am at risk of parasites, ticks and fungus -- hence the borax which also acts together with the magnesium sulphate(epsom salts) to balance my hormones and enzymes; and the sea salt is the same but also acts as an effective antibiotic, stomachic and cleanser.

Regarding Safe Remedy Combinations, you can learn about this from Ted's comments at this EC link:

Replied by Shaun
(Old York, Uk)

Alain, I like you. You are my kind a guy. Kudos to you matey. Shaun

Replied by Rose
(Girona, Spain)

To Bill from San Fernando,

Thanks very much for posting all this information regarding alkalizing formulas. I'd like to know more in detail, if you don't mind, how did you get rid of your candida issues in one year, as it is so difficult, really. Apart from alkalizing... with which of the formulas? or did you combine them? And did you take any fungal products o did any other specific treatment? Thank you very much in advance.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Rose...This is what I took to cure my candida:

* Ted's alkalizing remedies using either whole squeezed lemon/lime or 2 tbspns ACV plus 1/2 tspn baking soda(Arm & Hammer brand) three times a day -- always taken 2 hours after or one hour before meals. I mainly used the Lemon/Lime alkalizing cure. This is Ted's Alkalizing Remedy and this is THE NUMBER ONE CURE for Candida in my book.

* I also used 1/2 tspn Baking soda straight in a full glass of water occasionally, mainly to alkalize my intestines and blood.

* One tablespoons of virgin coconut oil stirred into my coffee or taken raw at least 3 times a day.

* Blackstrap molasses(for the minerals) in my coffee, no refined sugar or aspartame sweetener allowed in my diet.

* You should also take herbs of your choice that support your liver and kidneys -- eg milk thistle, burdock etc. throughout this alkalizing, because there will be a die-off effect and it might last a while.

I didn't use any special diet except to eliminate all processed sugar and sweetners. I ate relatively normally.

When I started this remedy at the beginning, I got fairly severe flu-like symptoms -- it almost seemed as if the remedy was making me worse. But this die off or Herxheimer Effect always happens when you get the fungal toxins in your blood from microbes and fungus, so think of it as a good sign. Many people give up at this point, because they think the remedy is either causing the problem or just isn't working. But stick with it!!

Your liver and kidneys are overworked initially, until your immune system can get on top of the candida. After this die-off it was easy. All my skin problems just disappeared slowly (except the jock itch -- but that's another story) and I haven't had a cold or flu in over 2 years.

Mind you, it took me a full year to completely get rid of my candida. And even though I'm clear of candida now, and since it is very difficult to eat non-acidic foods these days, I still always alkalize and take coconut oil and molasses a couple of times a week as a preventative even now (plus I'm now also supplementing borax, magnesium, natural sea salt, using hydrogen peroxide etc as recommended by Ted on this site).

Also, don't be confused as many are, with 1/4 tspn doses of Baking soda in these remedies. As far as I'm concerned a simple maintenance dose is 1/4 tspn taken once or twice a day. If you're specifically targeting candida or another problem and a higher pH -- then you should raise the dose to 1/2 baking soda 3 times a day with lemon/lime or ACV. I also took a few days off from this remedy once a week, to give my body a break.

Replied by Peter
(Chicago, Ill)

Bill, need your advice. Alot of time I need more than 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to stop the lemon juice fizzle. Is that OK ?

* Ted's alkalizing remedies using either whole squeezed lemon/lime

Replied by Rose
(Girona, Spain)


Did you have systemic candida or where did you have it and how did you know you were free from it? How do you test it?

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Rose...There are about 20 or more symptoms for candida, but remember the symptoms can vary between people who have it which is why even doctors can easily mis-diagnose candida.

If you have systemic candida, then usually an organ or a different area of the body is affected -- eg liver, kidney, bladder etc. Other pointers -- if a woman keeps getting thrush again and again, this is another symptom of candida I think.

My own intestinal candida symptoms were -- severe grogginess and brainfog in the morning, insomnia, jock itch(tinea cruris), BM and toilet only once every 4 days, constipation with dry, hard stools, low energy, bloated feeling all the time, tired all the time, psoriasis, eczema, toenail fungus and I regularly caught colds and flu.

I knew my intestinal candida was gone because all my symptoms(above) just slowly disappeared, one after another, over a period of a year. I also have much more energy now, I sleep better and I haven't had cold or flu in over 2 years.

The only symptom that did not go away was my jock itch -- but I suspect that could have been MRSA. I got rid of that by applying Milk of Magnesia directly over it every night. It disappeared in only two days and I'ld had that jock itch for 7 years, used all the recommended drugs and creams and couldn't get rid of it until I used the MoM.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi Peter...That should be OK but if you are really not happy with the dose quantity and it's causing diarrhea or other problems, just make up the lemon/lime remedy as per normal in half a glass of water, then pour away or save half of this solution in another glass, then add ordinary water back up to half a glass and drink that.

Doing this effectively dilutes the original solution and strength by half.

Replied by Derbychick77
(Mayfield, Ky, Usa)

Hi Bill. Your answers have been a great help. I would just like to know if the lemon/lime mixture will also help with the decrease of blood pressure like the ACV does? I hate the taste of the ACV and hate even worse the ACV and Baking Soda combo. Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated as my husband needs to use this as well but refuses to use anything with any type of vinegar. Thanks:)

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, America)

Hi. I am not Bill, But I did a little experment with myself and blood pressure.

I also take Baking Soda daily and was concerned that it may raise my pressure, so I took my pressure 1st thing in the morning and got a reading of 135/95.

After taking the Baking Soda, I tested again about 45 minutes latter. My pressure was then 121/85.

So at least in my case the baking soda seemed to lower my pressure.

I believe somewhere on here it is also said that, SEA SALT also lowers pressure so long as it is natural.

Sea Salt like Baking Soda is Alkaline and being alkaline might actually help with blood pressure.

Try a test on yourself and see, Please let us know.

Replied by Rebel
(Somewhere, America)

Wow, It might help if I read, what you actually wrote.LOL. Anyway, IT is always lemon juice that I mix with my Baking Soda.

I skim read alot and sometimes, I miss the point. But yes, I use lemon juice!

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)

Hi DerbyChick77...If you look at Rebel from Somewhere's post above my post here, you will see that the lemon/lime mixture does indeed help with blood pressure. But I'm thinking here that maybe you wont like the taste of this one either..LOL.

So here are some suggestions on how to gently lower blood pressure. First and foremost, Magnesium. You can take this internally or transdermally in crystalline hydrate form using Magnesium Chloride or Mag Sulphate(Epsom Salts) and there are three ways to take magnesium.

First you could take and ingest 1/4 tspn in a glass of water of either Mag chloride or Mag Sulphate crystals two or three times a day. But, have to say that this is the slow way to take magnesium. The best and fastest way to raise your magnesium levels is:

* Having a hot bath 2-3 times a week with 3 cups of mag chloride or mag sulphate crystals added to the bathwater. Stay in the bath for at least 1/2 hour to allow the magnesium to be absorbed transdermally. This will rapidly and safely bring your body magnesium levels up, without causing problems with digestion or diarrhea as might occur with mag ingestion.

* Spray yourself(or indeed any sore, arthritic areas) using a garden sprayer containing 8 oz water and 3-4 heaped tspns of either Mag chloride or Mag sulphate crystals. Allow this to completely dry on your body and have another quick shower afterwards if you like. This is my method -- since I don't have a bath. It is also less wasteful and does the job just as well.

Here is a link showing the multitude of benefits from magnesium chloride:

Another simple protocol is to just take Cayenne pepper tablets and Hawthorne Berry tablets -- both exceptionally good for BP and heart.

See these links:

Replied by Derbychick77
(Mayfield, Ky, Usa)

Bill thank you so much for your help. I tried the lemon/baking soda mixture and it was a little better than the ACV/BS combo but still not great. LOL I will definately try the other things you suggested. I am also tired all the time. Is there anything I can add to my regimen to help with that? I have been exercising 3-4 days a week but that really doesn't seem to be helping that much for the fatigue. Thanks again:)

General Feedback
Posted by Peter (Chicago, Ill) on 12/23/2009

Does anyone know the different between food grade versus non good grade potassium bicarbonate ? Ted uses it for akalizing. Thanks !

General Feedback
Posted by Hugo (Miami, Fl) on 02/23/2009

Thanks Ted for your Alkalizing Ph formula. I came across with an article about baking soda-cancer and Ph, the writer also stated that Alka-Seltzer Gold(Only this Kind of Alkaseltzer) help to alcalize Ph levels, I went to the web page and I found out that the ingredients of this product is: Sodium Bicarbonate 1050mg-Citric Acid 1000mg-Potassium Bicarbonate 344 mg,Bingo!! the same formula for alkalizing ph that you gave us.

Would you please let us know that you think about it, and if i can use it instead of baking soda-lemon or AV -baking soda or sodium bicarbonate-potacio bicarbonate formula.


Replied by Kate
(Miami, Florida, USA)

Thanks Ted for helping so many people. Hugo from Florida had asked if people can use Alka Seltzer Gold either as a substitute or in addition to other alkalizing formulas - is this a possibility? Also, can AVC be added to the Alka Seltzer Gold too? Thanks!

EC: FYI: Alka-Seltzer Gold's Ingredients are: citric acid, potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate

Replied by Cindi
(Brenham, Tx)

Does Alka-Seltzer Gold alkalize or not?

Replied by Tricia

to Hugo and Cindi. This does look like a good remedy but it has two inactive ingredients that compromise it as a good alternative to Teds remedy - "magnesium stearate, mannitol" and if you google these you'll find they are not so good for you.

General Feedback
Posted by Mitchell (Edison, New Jersey) on 09/26/2007

I purchased a PH meter to determine how much baking soda is necessary to bring lemon, lime or 2 Tbs. vinegar to PH 7. The formulas state that about 1/4 teaspoon brings the mixture to a PH of 7. In fact it requires almost 4 times that to accomplish this, & the taste is awful. Following directions as given is causing trusting readers (like myself) to pour acid over acid in their stomachs. Are these irresponsible guesses being posted or am I missing something?

Replied by Ted
(Bangkok, Thailand)
392 posts

The pH of the formula is not the most important factor here, nor is taste. What is important is the resultant pH of the urine, not the solution. You need to obtain a urinary pH of 7. So by measuring your urine you will determine the exact dose. Scientists have agreed to the urinary pH as the ultimate measure of whether the target achieved, not what you drink. However, if a pH reading is used for a particular remedy, the ideal pH would be between 7.0 - 7.5.

Most scientist have also agreed that the pH outcome of whatever you eat should be judge as a basis of whether it's acid forming or alkaline forming. In general, most sour foods in the long run will cause acid urine, and most bitter foods (less popular) will cause urine to alkaline pH. Hence, our tongues prefer sour to bitter and it's one of the many reasons why we are suffering from acidosis. Sugar is acid forming too.

The lemon or lime remedy requires 2 tablespoon of juice plus 1/2 teaspoon, not 1/4 teaspoon. Teaspoon sizes may vary unless you are using a cook's set of measurement spoons. However I used a regular teaspoon where the size is larger than a quarter coin. One whole lime plus 1/2 teaspoon baking soda is 7.5 pH.

A newly purchased pH meter needs to be calibrated. A pH meter must be recalibrated with each use if that is used not often, with a buffer 7 solution. They tend to go off.

Apple cider vinegar plus baking soda (2 tablespoons of ACV plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda) pH is exactly 7.0 after 2-3 minutes. It goes higher as you wait and settles down at about 7.3-7.5. Of course the solutions of pH may vary depending on the brand.

What you are missing on is most people take plain ACV for acid reflux, which is a worse option than taking baking soda added by some to neutralize pH. The remedy assumes you are using apple cider vinegar, not distilled vinegar."

EC: We asked Ted how long one should wait before testing the pH of the urine after drinking one of the formulas.

His response: "Wait a minimum of one hour or more before taking a urinary pH sampling. I prefer to measure pH BEFORE and then AFTER I take a remedy to see the differences.

After an hour, the urinary pH should remain more or less the same for the next 6 hours at least. But this very much depends on the dose. And of course this is assuming there's not strenuous physical activity.

A more complicated technique involves measuring saliva samples, which more or less reflects the status of intracellular fluids (the pH of the inside the cells), where the controlling pH is the potassium and magnesium. While the urinary reflects closer to extracellular fluids, which is the baking soda, or bicarbonates.

EC: Then we asked Ted how to calibrate a pH meter...

Ted replies, "Usually when I buy a new pH meter, they will give me a 7.0 buffer solution, which I use to adjust the pH meter to 7.0 using a screwdriver. So the pH meter has to be stuck into the buffer solution when I calibrate it. So at a specific room temperature, which is often at about 25 degree Celsius to be 7.0 pH at that going temperature.

In Thailand the weather is hotter, usually above 30 degree Celsius so I have to adjust it closer to 6.99 or 6.98 pH. The manufacturers will give you a small table and tell you how to adjust, one the finer points. However, in practice, 7.0 is the common figure I use a screwdriver to adjust the LCD of the pH meter to 7.0.

One interesting story concerns one Earthclinic visitor here in Bangkok who bought a pH meter which he corresponded in private, adjusted it once with the buffer 7.0 and then threw the entire contents away after he calibrated! He forgot that the buffer solution can be reused and that the meter must be recalibrated constantly. So I ended up buy him a large two liter bottle of 7.0 buffer solution - that was the smallest size I bought at a school supply store!

Usually the buffer solution can be reused several times, until of course the colors change and you know its time to throw away the buffer solution.

In an emergency, sometimes I can't get a buffer solution so I make a simple saturated solution of potassium chloride added to a water.

It will approximate itself to about 7, but this homemade one aren't exactly accurate, and I have to throw away the solution after I finished. I don't worry about throwing away here since potassium chloride here are quite cheap. They sell it by the kilogram and it is only a couple of dollars. A buffer solution will be more expensive, but sometimes the school supply store don't have it in stock.

When I was new to this pH meter thing, I had to recalibrate everytime until the device stabilizes, then thereafter I might adjust it once a month. However, different models will need ifferent maintenance.

Hopefully this clears up the calibration issue.

Replied by Daniel
(Brisbane, Australia)

Ted, I am slightly confused regarding the purpose of alkalizing. The stomach is naturally an acidic environment, for digestive purposes. In my study of Nutritional Medicine, I have been told that drinking water during meals will dilute the digestive acids. I'm sure this will all be made clear to me soon =) Your information becomes increasingly more interesting as one becomes more educated in this area! Cheers Daniel

Replied by Joseph
(Dallas, Tx)

Daniel, You are correct. Alkalizing the stomach is a very bad idea. It shows a lack of understanding of physiolgy. We produce acid inside of the stomch because we are supposed to. Enzyme activation,especailly protease activity, requires an acidic environment.

Low stomach acid prdouces a decrease ability do digest your food. Alkalizing the body is different than alkalizing the stomach.

Replied by Diane
(Sunshine Coast, Qld, Australia)

Hi, I would like to buy an ph meter, and have a few questions

1. What kind of shops are they sold in
2. is there a good brand you would recommend?
3. Roughly how much are they?
4. I live in Australia so if I can't find one here, what about ebay?

Would be very grateful for any info.

Replied by Bill
(San Fernando, Philippines)

Hi Diane... In answer to some of your questions:

* pH Meters are sold in Garden Centers, Aquarium Shops and in shops selling Swimming Pool goods. Larger chain hardware shops sometimes stock them.

* The cost of a pH meter can be from $10.00(US) upwards depending on the accuracy that you want.

* You will see a nice selection of pH meters on eBay by typing " pH meter" into Google Search.

Health Benefits

Posted by Marie (Long Island, New York) on 07/19/2013

Hi; I do realize that the body needs to stay alkaline as to keep dis-ease out of it but is that any dis-ease or is it only certain types as cancer? What about all diseases such as hbp, heart, diabetes, etc. etc.

Thank you.

Honey, Lemon, Cinnamon, Baking Soda

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Mathias (Hat Yai, Thailand) on 12/12/2015

Honey, lemon (lime), cinnamon and baking soda

2 x per day

1 (very big possibly 0,5 liter) glass,

add half a small teaspoon (not too much) cinnamon and stir with 1 cm water ( to prevent lumps),

add 2 cm honey, again stir well,

add half a tea spoon sodium bicarbonate (baking soda)

add slowly to control and end fizzling of the baking soda, 2/3 cm lemon juice and again stir, if you are on a low carb high fat diet 1 cm is better,

fill up with cold water (never hot or hotter than 40C to protect honey ingredients),

drink half of the glass first thing in the morning and other half just before sleeping, Cheers!

Kidney Stones

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Joann (Tennessee) on 01/24/2016

I have heard that Alkalizing your body can kill some if not all cancer's. I have been drinking what my husband and I jokingly call "BS Water", 1 teaspoon Baking soda in a cup of filtered water every morning. My Doctor swears that because my body is now more alkaline instead of acidic that it is helping with my problem of producing Kidney stones. I do not have nearly the amount of pain I did before starting this regime. Can you recomend any other ways to Alkalize a persons body quickly?? Thanx so much!! (BS Water tastes like toilet water smells and it also seems to cause a little bloat?? - Yuck!! ) lol & sigh ;)

Replied by Tan

I had a Pekingese which had kidney stones removed. Vet afterward advised she will probably reform additional stones due to her current blood chemistry balance ( ? pH.) Not thinking my dog nor my finances could go through this again... I read and read. Well, I realized the Vet had prescribed a suphur drug and an antibiotic.

The sulphur drug was replaced by me with a partial MSM. And I added sweet peas for phosphate to her meals. Also, added Sassafras (a herbal stone breaker.) This was 10 years ago with no reoccurance or issues.

God Bless, hope this helps

Lemon Bicarb, Blackstrap Molasses

Posted by Sick (Sl, H, Kuwait) on 04/16/2013

I am gona start Ted's LEMON/BICARB alkalizing remedy and also start taking Blackstrap Molasses, but I am confused as both are to be taken empty stomach. Can anybody please advice how do I take them both daily? Thank you.

Replied by M
(Somewhere, Europe)

Sick: I have always taken Blackstrap Molasses at any time during the day, and with meals or without and the effect is wonderful.

It seems that only the lemon/baking soda needs to be taken on it's own, first thing in the morning.

Replied by Sick
(S, Kuwait)

thank you M.

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