Lemon Formula

Lemon Formula
Lemon Formula
(Somewhere, Europe)
Lemon Formula

I am worried I took too much baking soda/lemon juice yesterday. The instructions are a bit confusing on the page I did as #4 states, but obviously completely misunderstood how to do it. I put 3 T of lemon juice in glass then added baking soda slowly and kept adding it and the foam never stopped til almost 1/4C had been added to the 3T of lemon juice. Then filled the glass half-way with water. It was VERY salty. I drank almost half of that mixture before I decided this just can't be right.
My stomach is VERY VERY bloated. No pain, just bloating. I am very thirsty also. I am not sure how to counteract this? Would charcoal capsules help here? Wobenzym N? I have many things on hand, just not sure what to do to try to undo what I've done.
I can't believe I was so stupid. I should've went with my gut and only used 1/2t or so.....hope I can reverse this. Thanks for any advice or help!
(Tennessee, Usa)
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Healthminded....Taking too high a dose of lemon lime and baking soda should not give you any horrible side-effects except, perhaps, for loosened stools or maybe diarrhea. Taking an overdose should not do any harm unless you have a malfunctioning kidney or if you lack potassium in your diet (to help balance the sodium).
The proper dose to take is as follows:
* Add 2 tablespoons of lemon or lime juice to a glass half filled with water.
* Sprinkle in Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda) until the fizzing stops.
* Drink it down.
There are also two other alkalizing drinks that I also regularly take now. Both are a modification of the above and have been shown on this site before:
* Add one or two tablespoons of lemon/lime to a half glass of water.
* Add one tablespoon ACV.
* Add 1000 mgs(1/4 tspn) ascorbic acid.
* Add 2 grms MSM
* Add 6 drops of lugol's iodine.
* Sprinkle in baking soda until the fizzing stops and drink it down.
You can also substitute sodium thiosulfate (6 drops) instead of the lugols iodine if you want a stronger heavy metal or chlorine detox. And never mix sodium thiosulfate with lugols iodine -- because each will neutralize the other's beneficial effects.
The second one is similar but uses humic acid. I take this one if I suspect a viral problem in my body:
* Add one tablespoon ACV to a half glass of water.
* Add the juice of one lime or lemon(2 tblspns)
* Add 3 granules of humic acid -- until the water in the glass is a golden brown(not black!! ).
* Add 6 drops of Lugols Iodine.
* Sprinkle in baking soda until the fizzing stops and drink it down.
You can also add 1/4 tsp(1000 mgs) of ascorbic acid to this formula if you wish.
Lemon Formula
(Miami, Fl)
Dear Namaw,
That is an interesting question! If lemon essential oil could be used for alkalizing, it would be so convenient!
I am just not sure that would work. Lemon essential oil has some wonderful benefits, but because it is only the oil part of the lemon, you may end up missing out on some of the properties of the non-fat soluble nutrients and enzymes in the lemon.
Perhaps you could just monitor and see if you seem to get the same benefit? Using pH test strips using either method would also give some useful data.
Let us know if you come to any conclusions!
~Mama to Many~
I've done a bit of research and several sites said 1 drop lemon oil in 1 cup of water, swish it in your mouth a little and swallow, drinking the entire cup. The theory is that saliva + lemon oil triggers stomach acid to stop producing and then, whatever acid is in the stomach, will be neutralized. It's also supposed to help cholesterol, blood pressure and inflammation. I think it's worth a try, but it may take a week of good effort to be able to tell. I can get my ph in the neutral range but it gets acid over the next 4 hours, so I will have to do this every 4 hours or so. I'm hoping I can use it for my gastritis.
Lemon Formula
Lemon Formula

(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)
Lemon Formula

(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Suzyq... Whenever I take any of Ted's alkalizing remedies, I take them at least one hour before meals and/or two hours after eating a meal. Doing it this way will make sure that both your stomach as well as duodenum are empty with minimal acids present(causing upset), and which also will ensure maximum absorbtion of the alkaline salts directly into your body.
(Seattle, Wa)
I did this last weekend! I drank about 4 glasses of lemon and bicarb water, and then ate a salad.
Lets just say this... I had NO IDEA that lettuce could exit the human body that fast! :-o It was SHOCKING. It looked as it did when last I saw it on my plate one hour earlier. Sorry if TMI.
I went online and found out I pretty much did a colon cleanse without my consent. lol.
I will say that I did feel great the next day! I wouldn't eat again until morning if I were you.
Good luck!
Lemon Formula

Lemon Formula
Has anyone here addressed this yet??? I am no Chemist, but the rationale here seems logical.
(Regina, Sk)
Here is all you need to know about the disgusting FRAUD who has been running quackwatch all these years:
Yes. The "Quackbuster Conspiracy" was started shortly after the American Medical Association (AMA) lost the court battle to the Chiropractors in a case begun in Federal court in 1976. The Federal judge ordered the AMA's covert operation shut down - and leave the Chiropractors alone. The AMA files, library, etc. , ended up in Stephen Barrett's 1, 800 square foot basement in Allentown, PA. Barrett, and his minions, had the common sense to stay away from criticizing Chiropractors for quite some time. Barrett has since abandoned that common sense. ---------------------
James Carter, MD's authoritative book "Racketeering In Medicine, " published by Hampton Roads, carefully explains the "Quackbuster Conspiracy. "
"Alternative Medicine" is defined as any protocol, action, or therapy that isn't "drugs, radiation, or surgery oriented."
Lemon Formula
(Vancouver, Bc)
I have achlorhydria... No stomach acid at all. I started taking the lime/baking soda mixture once in the morning and once at night along with calcium/mag supplement and a multivitamin. I started to burp a little bit throughout the day. I"m not sure if this is a good sign or a bad one? Is this a sign that I'm starting to make my own stomach acid? or what does that mean?
(Montreal, Quebec)
Lemon Formula
Thanks Ted for all your wisdom and knowledge!! I trust your words but something is not right...
Love this site!!! :) it's the best!!
KD Bruce
EC: Hi KD,
Re-posted as a question, per your request. Sorry about that!
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi KdBruce...I had candida and took all the BS based alkalizing remedies that Ted recommends. I also had frequent episodes of racing heart after taking my favourite lemon plus baking soda remedy. Sometimes I couldn't sleep either. And I also used to wake up in the middle of the night with bad leg cramps sometimes. So here's what I did:
I determined that my own problem was magnesium deficiency. I could also have been missing other important minerals in my body related to my problems. So everyday I would put a litre of fresh water in a bottle, add 1/2 tspn organic Epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) or you can equally use crystals of Magnesium Chloride instead. Then I would also add 1/4 tspn borax (1/8 tspn for women) and 1/4 tspn natural sea salt to the litre of water. And I would drink this throughout the day.
You could also create drinking water containing magnesium bicarbonate from soda water and Milk of Magnesia(with no aluminium). See the remedy here:
I also used to spray my body after showers using an 8 oz garden sprayer containing 3 heaped tablespoons of Epsom salts(Mag sulphate). I would let this just dry and be absorbed into my body transdermally. You can also take a hot bath and add 3 cups of either Mag sulphate or Mag Chloride crystals to the bathwater. Stay in the bath for at least 1/2 hour for the magnesium to be absorbed. Do this 2-3 times a week. Bye the way, this is the fastest and safest way to raise your magnesium levels.
This cured all my insomnia and cramp problems.
Read about Magnesium supplements here:
Read about Transdermal Mag Therapy here:
So there are plenty of magnesium options here for you. The citrate and chloride forms of magnesium are the better forms to use as an internal supplement as Ted says. But I'm limited with my own options because I can't find any magnesium citrate or magnesium chloride in Philippine chemists or herbals at all. I even had to get my son to send me some Phillip's Milk of Magnesia from UK because ALL forms of MoM contain aluminium in the Philippines. I have the same problem with trying to obtain lugol's iodine (I use foot-painting with iodine tincture now) and with obtaining potassium in its bicarbonate, citrate and carbonate forms(I now use potassium gluconate instead). I simply had to adapt, no choice, but I got there in the end...LOL.
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi KdBruce...Forgot to add that I am assuming that you have no renal or kidney issues. The kidneys are what help filter and balance the minerals in your blood. If there was a problem with your kidneys, this could also cause your insomnia as well as symptoms like racing heart through possible sodium/potassium imbalance issues.
(Asheville, Nc)
Hi Bill, thank you so much for your response!! I will try everything you mentioned...makes sense to me since I have always been deficient in magnesium. I have ordered more of the magnesium gel for transdermal and have epsom salts for baths and will try the MOM(milk of magnesia) recipe too. I have been drinking 1/8 teaspoon of borax in distilled water for the last couple of weeks but will add 1/4 tsp of seasalt as you mentioned. One more question should I add the potassium bicarbonate Ted mentioned in his formula's? And is this the same as Cream of Tartar?
Thanks again for your answer and support!
Very much appreciated...
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Kdbruce...By all means add the potassium bicarbonate to the lemon/lime and BS remedy as Ted advises -- this will satisfy the most parameters in your body and is completely balanced and safe. This also avoids all the problems with just using sodium bicarbonate only, as some people seem to be sensitive to this form through their own sodium/potassium or renal issues.
As to your question on Cream of Tartar, I would avoid using this, for all the reasons that Ted states here:
I would just use potassium bicarbonate with sodium bicarbonate instead because it's both tried and tested and is quite safe.
(Wpb, Fl)
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
Hi Joe...Sorry for the confusion. By 'body parameters' I meant body homeostasis -- ie maintaining proper alkaline/acid balance(pH), electrolytic or mineral balance, salinity balance, enzyme operation, proper endocrine and lymphatic operation etc.
To simply maintain the optimum physical/chemical conditions for the inner body terrain to generate optimum health.
See this link:
(San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines)
So by taking the BS, lemon and potassium bicarbonate remedy you would therefore increase your body pH and alkalinity as well as help balance your body electrolytes(that's sodium and potassium).
The sodium and potassium citrates formed from this remedy are also beneficial for increasing energy(citrates are used in the cell energy cycle) and because your body alkalinity is increased, your immune system is therefore improved, and oxygen is exchanged more efficiently at the cellular level. Lemons also contain Vitamin C which also benefits your body.
Lemon Formula
I have annoying varicose and spider veins and feel very self-conscious about this. Will this alkalinising formula have an effect on my veins, and is there a specific way I should be going about this in order to target the varicose and spider veins??? Thanks, Ted!!
(Kansas City, Mo)
Lemon Formula
Lemon Formula
(Ottawa, Canada)
Answer to Camara about Alkalizing Formulas
From "Alkalizing Formulas"
4. The Lemon Bicarbonate Formula
This simple formula will normalized many biological parameters, pH, ORP, phosphates, bicarbonates and antioxidants of vitamin C. A potential miracle water. One whole lemon freshly squeezed. Keep adding baking soda slowly bit by bit until the fizz stops. Then you will add water to one half glass. This is often taken twice a day. To be taken once in the morning and once before bedtime on an empty stomach.
The intent is to have a pH neutral beverage where where the alkaline neutralize the acid. As the text said, just add bit by bit the sodium bicarbonate until no fizz, indicating that the alkaline neutralized the acid. The amount of BS to add just depend on the amount of acid from the juice.