Urine Therapy
Health Benefits

Natural Cures Using Urine

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.


1 User Review
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Posted by Charles (Sacramento, CA) on 04/19/2007

Now most people react like I did when I first heard about this. I remember I heard it on the radio one morning and I thought, I am open minded but I could never imagine doing that. So then a few years later I came across it again, starting doing some research. Read about 15 books on it and thought, hmm maybe I should try this. What was/is it. Urine therapy. Now if you are now quite ready to ingest it there are still many ways to use it. I always put a drop in my eyes in the AM, I have never worn glasses and feel it does good. But sometimes when my eyes get dry or sore it is really amazing the relief from this.

NOw the other use is for shaving, my face. Yes I heard this and thought, I can't imagine this working on my face, I have a somewhat heavy beard and sensitive skin. Well I thought instead of spending $10 on Shaving cream, I buy the good stuff from Whole Foods, I would try it. Well it was truly amazing, I thought my face would be really red and scratchy afterwards becuase it is so light but it works amazingly well. Here is how I do it. I use my AM pee and try to use it while still warm, if not I keep it and reheat it in a cup in hot or warm water. Then I have a glass of Warm Pee, and a glass of hot water. I get my face wet with warm water and then sometimes splash my face with Pee/ or not, and then I dip my razor in the glass of Pee and make one or two strokes. Then I rinse it off in the hot water. I do this so my sink doesn't get smelly.It typically takes me 7 minutes to shave. I have to be careful not to let the urine run down my chest because once it gets in your hair, it really stays and well I don't really want to smell like Pee all day. Hey that's just me. The most convenient way is when I use it in the shower and then it usually gets washed down the sink and there is no smell.

I will also just use it as splash on my face.

Hope this doesn't freak ya'll out too much. I have many more stories and experience with it. Contact me if you like.

Skin Care

7 User Reviews
5 star (7) 

Posted by Shelly (Zanesville, Ohio) on 05/23/2012

I have been rubbing urine on my face for about two weeks and my skin is glowing and looks bright and beautiful, but my wrinkles are the same. Just wondering if anyone knows if urine will help with wrinkles.

Skin Care
Posted by Mom (Apopka, Fl, Usa) on 11/04/2010

I stumbled over UT today.. I have been doing allot of reading... My elbow was dry from sitting at the computer day after day, I put some UT on it and Ta Da- It's soft again after the 2nd application today!! (I had tried really expensive lotions for months and they didn't work! )

I started having dark circles under my eyes, so I put some there, that helped too, after 2x it already seems a little better. I'm going to try it a few days and I'll let you know. Than I finally got brave and brushed my teeth with it. I will do this every day for a week and I'll let you know how it goes. My sister was just tested and she found out she has NO calcium left in her bones and her teeth are breaking, I know she would freak out if I told her about this so I am going to order her a book and mail it to her about this anonymously. What do you think?

OK, I drank some.. To be honest I have asthma and have had brochettes for over 2 months. I went to my local pharmacy and he told me to use "onion juice and honey" overnight in a container leave it in the re-fridge overnight, and it seems to be working. But now that I have done this too, I am REALLY hoping to get better soon. Oh and one more thing... Try it on your arthritis, I have it in my elbow, wrist and knuckles, (same arm as dry skin on elbow) and guess what - yup, it doesn't hurt anymore! I will be applying that everyday! I may try the lavender oil drop trick I read about here to cover any odor, however I don't smell any. Good health to all!

Replied by V. Z.
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

I have a hormonal imbalance, melasma due to the hormonal imbalance and arthritis in remission. Would my urine be ok to use? Doesn't an excess of impurities and hormones washed out in the urine? Please let me know if that makes sense and if anyone knows anything in this regard.

Skin Care
Posted by Kumar (Mumbai-india, Mahashtra) on 10/11/2010

Have been using for facial application, regularly. Also oral intake about half glass-very beneficial.

Skin Care
Posted by Shirty (Beverly, MA, USA) on 04/22/2009

Re the comments about urine for the complexion: A Russian nurse told me about a middle aged woman who had the most beautiful, clear ski. Apparently, she applied her own urine to her skin. When you think of it, it is not that strange. The most expensive facial creams contain uremia, basically urine. So, why not give it a try.

Replied by Paul
(Melbourne, Australia)

I sometimes massage my skin with urine, leaving it in/on my skin a few minutes before opening the shower water.

Older urine leaves the skin cleaner and much more velvety than fresh urine. You can massage the scalp too.

I "age" the urine in a bottle, and close it with a twist cap to prevent smell and potential spillage in the room. As it "ages" it has more of an Ammonia smell to it. Some people have said aging in the open air is better, but I share a house with other people that would be freaked out about urine therapy. Aging in a "sealed" bottle becomes a practical way for my situation. Because of this secrecy and having to conceal a bottle of urine going to the shower/ bathroom, I dont do it regularly.

In addition, I prefer the urine from periods of eating quality whole foods, but urine from other periods can still have a positive effect on the skin.

Skin Care
Posted by Emma (Melbourne, VIC Australia) on 01/14/2009

I know there's some stigma over using this-but quite a lot of skin creams contain urea-one of the major components of urine. I can tell you that getting a small amount of fresh urine on a cotton wool ball and applying it to styes, works a treat-your stye will be gone in a few hours-may need a couple of applications though.

Skin Care
Posted by Dianna (Austin, TX) on 08/25/2008

hello! i wanted to write that when i read about urine therapy someone it made sense to me and i tried it. at first i just tried putting morning pee on my hands and face and i could really tell the difference - my skin looks way younger when i do this and i do not get pimples unless i stop! i am 48 and just starting menopause and was having terrible acne for the first time in years and this really helped. then i got a sore throat and decided to try the universal remedy after other remedies didn't seem to be helping. well, when i put 4 drops of the universal remedy under my tongue - within a few minutes my throat felt better! also i found that if i sniffed a couple of drops of fresh urine in my nose that my stuffed up nose would clear up almost immediately! this works folks! i am amazed!
i even have my boyfriend peeing on his feet when he has foot fungus now. he was skeptical - but it worked for him too!
also i put a drop in my eyes when they are red and/or itchy and get relief.
try it! it is free and it won't hurt you - it is yours.

Replied by Mayra

I agree, I have been using my own urine first in the morning in my face for dark spots for 2 months and now my face is way better. and no more acne.

Skin Care
Posted by Linda (Brooklyn , NY) on 03/21/2008

No, I just cannot drink my own urine but will happily pee on my feet and use it on my face! I take a blood pressure medication so do not think it wise to drink the output.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Phil (Portland, Oregon) on 09/01/2008

To relieve pressure from a sty within a short time (less than 4 hours). Place a small amount of your first urine discharged of the day into a small glass. Drip a Q-tip in the urine and place Q-tip on the sty. You will feel relief in 3o minutes and decrease of sty swelling with in 4 hours. Label glass and cover with Saran wrap and reapply in the afternoon if swelling and pain continues. Done this trick with great sucess through out my 56 years on planet earth.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Lena (Queens, USA) on 10/22/2007

Two of my kids had thrush before turning 4 months old. My grandmother told me to use a cotton ball or clean white cloth, wet with bit of babies urine from first morning diaper change and wipe on the white patches on tongue and mouth. Cleared in 1-2 weeks.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Deb B (Layton, UT) on 08/02/2008

Urine therapy cured my warts. All 3 times that I have gotton pregnant I get warts. The past 2 times I have had them frozen off in my ob/gyn office. This past time I got a lot of them and they spread into my nailbeds were they were no longer able to be frozen. My gyno sent me to a dermatologist and they attempted to remove them with chemo injections. I got about 10 shots in my nail beds with hurt like crazy yet nothing happened to the warts. I went back a month later to the dr. as advised and he decided that they were stubborn enough to not continue with the shots but to rather try a topical treatment called DNCB. Some sort of chemical that is suppose to induce an allergic reaction and have my immune system fight off the warts. Well, it back-fired. I applied the treatment as prescribed and I ended up with huge puss blisters which they said were normal but it developed into a bad strep infection. I got really sick: fever, chills, achy, and fingers that were disabled (which was really difficult with a newborn baby). I was put on an antibiotic for the strep infection and started feeling better slowly. About a month last I developed some bowel problems and started to feel sick with bloody stools for about a week. I went to the dr. again and it was decided after a ton of testing that I had "Antibiotic enduced Colitis". I couldn't believe it. All this just in hopes of taking away a few warts. I of course was fed up so I got online. This is when I found urine therapy. It sounded easy enough, cheap enough, and it couldn't seem to hurt. I wasn't brave enough to actually drink it but I read that by just putting the urine on the warts would do the trick. I figured I could handle that so I did it and IT WORKED!! I can't believe it. What a miracle. After all that trouble, money, pain, and all I had to do was pee on my hands. The warts that were once "stubborn" and huge, cracked, bleeding are now a problem of the past. I don't know why or how it works but I am glad I know this cheap and painless cure.

Replied by Mayra

Can you please tell me how many times did you apply urine to your wart and it was night or morning? First urine?


Posted by Gary (Philadelphia, PA) on 03/07/2007

My mother swore by use of the first urine in the morning would remove warts. Have you ever heard of this and if so is it effective?

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