Urine Therapy
Health Benefits

Urine Therapy: Your Own Natural Remedy!

| Modified on Jan 29, 2023
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While drinking one's own urine (the core practice of urine therapy) understandably has a squirm-inducing factor for some people, the practice is ages old and has very enthusiastic proponents. What is certain is that urine is antiseptic -- capable of killing micro-organisms -- and for that reason was in fact used to keep surgical instruments free of disease causing germs during the American Civil War and into the 20th century.

Urine therapy is said to be good for acne, general skin health, and in fighting fungal infections. Generally, the first urine one passes each morning is said to offer the greatest benefits.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Acid Reflux

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Posted by Devid (Manc, Uk) on 07/04/2013

Drinking own urine twice a day, cured my chronic Acid Reflux. But you need to drink enough water to get clear stream of urine.

Replied by Noumenal

How bad was your acid reflux?!?

Replied by Prasaddudhalkar

How many month require to cure it?

Auto Immune Diseases

Posted by Tony (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 07/21/2011

Hello, I was wondering if urine therapy can help in autoimmunine diseases either internal take or external use on affected skin disorder.

One important question that I couldn't find the answer for:

Is it safe and more effective to use a healthy, athletic guy mid-stream morning urine who is not using any drug or meds, for urine therapy?

Replied by Agnieszka
(Dublin, Ireland)

No, it is not. You need to drink your own urine because only your own urine contains nutrients and antibodies specific to your own body. So if you're looking to treat an auto-immune disease, introduce your own antibodies from urine and not somebody else's - this way you're treating YOUR illness. Best of luck!

Replied by Bachcole
(Colorado Springs)

What Agnieszka from Dublin said. Only, I believe that it is "homeopathic" or energetic, and the other guy's energy is different from yours.

Replied by Brenda

So if you're looking to treat an auto-immune disease, introduce your own antibodies from urine and not somebody else's - this way you're treating YOUR illness.

Balances Hormones

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Posted by Anon (Usa) on 10/24/2017

Caution about urine therapy:

Remember that the body removes toxic metals like mercury and fluoride, as well as salt through the urine. That said there are days where I just feel off, and drinking my urin does make me feel more relaxed. I'm guessing it's from hormones in the urine. It is usually the week before my menses that I find it helpful.

Broad Benefits

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Posted by Sun Bun (Ogun State, Nigeria) on 03/15/2018

Urine therapy is a magic, I am 50 years of age, I have symposium of prostate I change all my intake to raw fruit and with natural water and coconut water, I drink all my urine all days and night, I keep some for aged urine. Before three months the prostate is cure. I Bath with my aged urine my skin look like snake skin, I used to to cure cough, and it make my eyes seeing more better, it cure heart disease, urine is magic.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lucy (Sydney) on 12/29/2015

I just thought I would add, have you also tried 'Urine Therapy'. I was doing the coffee enemas for a year without doing the juicing. So, whilst I was taking from my body the toxins that were causing headaches etc., I wasn't necessarily eating right, drinking tea with sugar throughout the day was definitely not any good for me. A few weeks back I discovered urine therapy, the second day I started it I AF arrived and there was NO PAIN, obviously I continued this and the following month no pain what so ever. I know I still have some repairing to do, so I have started taking urine enemas. My skin feels amazingly soft, its like my eyes are new like a baby. I am 40 and my vision is excellent, and I want to keep it that way. The Monk's say 7 day old urine will remove cataracts, and to keep applying it for 7 days, that is you pee today, than apply that in 7 days, and tomorrow's pee you apply on day 8, etc. You would not apply day 8 pee to your eyes as it my do more harm than good, I do not know. I know I apply day 3 pee it's fine stings a bit, I am working it up a bit to day 7. The other thing I found really interesting is that it is very important for men to clean out their anus to prevent colon cancers like prostate. It is said it is caused from a bowel that does not fully empty itself, and than sits in the wrong position so it can't. So, I would think if you do a coffee enema, I found them very drying to my skin, the added urine enema just perfects the work of the coffee, compliments it and supplies all the nutrients required. I just love them. I want to start injecting it, it was said I had two fibroids on my uterus and these injections heal the body in remarkable times, that a little trickier said than done as you need needles and buying them from the chemist is quiet a challenge as they look at you as though you are a junkie, but well what do you say "I'm doing urine therapy". By the way injecting urine without being a license practitioner is illegal, and it is said to be illegal for a doctor, dentist or optometrist to advise anyone on urine therapy since 1940. I spent 16 years visiting doctors for anxiety where I could not breath 'panic attacks'...they gave me drugs which DID NOT WORK, in fact I just loved taking the xanax so much so that it was in fact adding to my adrenaline issues (the underlying cause of panic attacks) which was how I discovered Coffee Enema's... they completely helped my liver so I have not had one attack in years :) Thank you Coffee Enema! I really don't even get anxiety for that matter. NO conventional doctor cured me of my anxiety 'panic attacks' NO! They told me there is nothing they could do. All that training and they didn't even tell me it was my adrenaline that was causing the attacks due to an overloaded liver, all you have to do is detoxify it and you'll won't ever have another attack. Thus I do not trust them and I HATE the way they rule the world. Especially making Urine therapy illegal to the point that if they suggest it they can go to jail... so sick so those poor 'puppet' doctors just have to go on making people all sick. Since doing the UT the pain that I had in my right risk has gone, I wasn't able to open up glass jars etc., without it hurting, clearly it was some kind of arthritis.... = pain = rotting = death! No more pain means my body parts are no longer rotting, they are alive:)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Francis (Medford, Oregon U.S.A.) on 12/30/2009

Basically, urine works for everything. I have been drinking my own urine for three years and I havent been sick once except for two colds. It has cured my gout which I thought was chronic. I suffered all the time from it. No more. My energy level is three times higher then it was and people are asking me where I get my energy from. I dont tell them because I know what their reaction will be. Well, Ive told three or four people I trust but even they think Ive gone nuts.Too bad for them. I have more energy now than when I was twenty five. I am over twice that age now. I have found out that most people would rather remain sick and infirm than drink thier own urine. The benefits of urine are for those that reach out and take it. It is not for the cowardly and nor should it be. I look forward to a long life and with great health.

Replied by Fra-fra
(Mineral Wells, Texas)
9 posts

Francis, how much urine did you start with and how much do you consume now. Did you ever try the homopathic method of using drops of urine in water and shaking it numerous times and then diluting it again and repeating this method again. What ailments do you attribute this therapy having helped. Thanks, will be looking for your reply

Replied by Francis
(Medford, Oregon)

Fra Fra. I just said bottoms up. I started with a cup of morning urine. I drink one or two cups a day now and I basically have no health problems whatsover. I think it is best just to drink urine without the mixing of water because it is much more powerful and the benefits are immediate. It is better of course, to not eat meat or milk products because it makes the urine have a pretty bad taste although the benefits are the same. Most people may be turned off by the taste of it because of what they eat. The taste of urine is not at all unpleasant if you eat fruits and vegetables and of course drink a lot of water. If you cant stop eating meat then just mix a half a cup of urine with a half a cup of water or natural juice. But I would definitely start off with at least a half of cup of urine and not go the drop route. The effects are much more powerful.

Replied by Ophelie
(Montreal, Canada)

Just want to mention I did this therapy a few years back - I started slowly, mixing the "2nd shot" of the morning with apple juice. I remember it used to fix any beginning of cold - Also my skin looked healthier - Also it forced me to have a more healthy food, otherwise it would taste awful - And when I was eating a lot of veggies, it would have a very light leek taste

Replied by Denise
(Snellville, Ga)

I tried drinking my urine for a month now. Then, my right big toe began to have pain, so I went to see my MD and he told me that I have the beginning stages of gout because I have too much urea in my blood system which came from drinking one cup of my morning urine for thirty days. So maybe it work for some and not for others.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I am curious about it but I haven't tried. I was intending to read a book about the subject first! Another concern I have is that if you have an illness, like bladder infection, it shows in your urine and they can test it so if you drink it aren't you drinking bad bacteria and so? I have read a bit about it on the Internet but this problem is never mentioned.

Replied by Carlos
(Barcelona, Spain)

Hello I had wrote yesterday to report the beautifying properties of urine had on my skin. Ok after few more days now my skin is so even that I'm 29 years old but look like 16. I think the worst thing about this remedy is not be able to tell your loved ones. I've heard that old urine 4 days old is better on the skin but Ive found no way to hide it from my family yet. After tasting it and gargling yesterday morning today I was able to swallow urine. My advice to begginers is just that. Dont try to drink it the first day cause you won't. You will have nausea or feel bad about it afterwards from your closeminded education. Star by getting familiar with it, taste your finger. The use it as a mouthwash. And one day you will be ready to drink it. I've read the Indian text from 5000years before christ. I believe the benefits from this are not stricly nutritional. I fell a well being feeling right after drinking it. Sense improvement specially ears. Stress releive. I did meditate for about 10min afterwards. Its goign to be my daily morning routine and I advice it to everyone. Just drink it sit in your sofa and give yourself 10 min of relax before starting your day focusing in your breathing. As Im writing this I feel competly de-stressed, in a good mood and sensorial enhacement. Im definately drinking it tomorrow morning. I feel my digestive system cleaner in some way. After drinking it I exhale some flatulence but it felt more like a cleaning efffect than disconfort. I ate a piece of fruit after meditation and I've never felt food in my system that clear. I mean I could literally feel the fruit moving in my stomach. I dont know how to explain it but it has definately clean my stomach. Hope this helps anyone. I just feel so peaceful that I had to share it. Please do yourself a favor and try it. We drink many other poison drinks like alcohol sodas etc. This is all natural water and nutrients you are the one producing it, its not gonna go against you

Replied by Carlos
(Barcelona, Spain)

Hi Im in the 3rd day of drinking urine. I still feel embarrased to say I dont dislike the taste that much. Think of it as water and salt, thats pretty much what it is. Well I'll keep reporting but today.. I've started seeing some results not only immediate as I stated above. The thing is I had a glass early in the morning. I had finished my regular breakfast and I had to do some stuff out so I decided to have breakfast in a cafe or sumthing. The thing is I went to do the stuff I had to do post office and stuff and just forgot I didnt had breakfast. BUT I realized that I was walking and my legs felt lighter not heavy, I mean like when I was 16. I was back home aorund 13:30 after lot shopping and walking around town and thats when I realized I didnt have breakfast at all! I was full of energy not tired, not dissyness or anything.

Im also less lazy about doing things. Usually it takes me a lot of thinking and planning to just go outside and buy whatever. I always home lazy. Now its not a big deal for me to get out the sofa if you know what I mean.. I got that positive feeling about doing anything. Another thing I realize is the effects on mind and mood definately. Anybody with depression should try this. I feel kinda younger, less stressed. Another thing that I share in case it can help someone with an addiction. We all have one or another. I dont consume drugs or play casinos but I have an addiction that doesnt hurt anybody but I dont think is healthy at all. excesive masturbation. One or twice a day minimum. Since I started UT I dont feel the urge to do it. I dont know the reason why I was doing it that much, some hormone imbalance I believe. But Ive been off from it for 4 days and I really dont feel like doing it dont have that urge or crave if you want. And Im so happy with that cause lately I felt like a slave of it. I really could not control avoid it even for a day, morning or night. Right now im in front the computer and im going to go to bed and I dont need to do it, still cant believe it but looks like I had a problem and its solved

So.. I look beautiful, less tired, less stressed, less lazy, and it looks Im getting rid of the only addiction I had. Give it a try give it 3 or 4 days. Sometimes I drink not only morning but another shot during the day. I truly think what is said in ancient india is true. Just seeing the benefits of this in just a few days I can believe you can get extremelly healthy and strong phisically and mentally if you folow a UT morning routine for months. Thats all for now I'll keep updating.

Replied by Steve

Hi, interesting read. I too have drank my own urine in the past and felt better. I am a great believer in this type of therapy and am starting it again to help lower my blood pressure.

I found it very useful also to remove skin tags and one word of advise when drinking urine you should rub it in to your face, neck, hands and feet to stop palpitations. The book Urine Therapy is a excellent book and a must for anyone contemplating urine therapy and can be downloaded free on google.

Replied by Rlene
(Silver City New Mexico)

Nothing has helped my terrible case of mrsa more than urin therapy..I treat myself inside and out with it .I use other natural cures as well like garlic probiotic vitamin c essential oils h2o2 ect..but nothing I have found has made the anxiety and depression go away but urine and also it stops mrsa pain instantly and nothing kills a mrsa boil faster than urine..I drink it, I bathe in it, I soak my infection in it nothing has helped me more..I find raw living garlic in tangent with urine works best I pee in an old glass pickle jar let it sit all day sometimes several days then crushed raw garlic added to it to soak and clean infection it works better than anything else I've tried..if you are fighting mrsa I highly recommend it.

Bug Bite

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Natural in NY (Upstate New york) on 08/13/2022

I had been reading a lot about urine therapy recently.. I was still struggling with the ick factor, but was so intrigued by all the things that it could supposedly help.

When I woke up this morning I felt the need to scratch my back. When I did, I realized their was a raised lump in the area that was itchy. I was immediately discouraged, as I had experienced this numerous times.

Upon inspection, there was a welt about the size of a dime and red skin surrounding the welt for about an inch in every direction. It was another mystery bite. I've never been certain of the source of these bites. This one seemed like it could have been from a mosquito.

In the past when I have found similar bites on me, it would mean several days of fairly annoying itching, before it would fully resolve. I had tried essential oils and clay packs on the bites in the past. Sometimes I would get temporary relief. Sometimes it seemed that the itching would come back and be as bad or worse than before the treatment.

This morning I decided to try urine therapy to see if it would actually work. I caught my first morning urine and put 10 drops under my tongue. The itching seemed to stop within seconds. I used some additional urine to massage over the area of the bite. I probably could have stopped there, but I really wanted to be sure this would continue to work. I repeated the process several times and then just continued the massage with urine until the red area around the welt faded away.

The welt is still visible, but I have had zero itching and it has now been eight hours since I discovered the bite and applied the therapy. I have never had such immediate and long-lasting relief from one of these mystery bites.

People may think this is too icky to try, but it worked so well for me. I would definitely do it again without hesitation.

I hope this helps someone else.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Annette C. (Medina, Oh ) on 02/27/2009

I am searching for a doctor who does urine therapy to treat Cancer

Replied by Mary Frances
(Mineral Wells, Texas)

This is for Annette C. from Medina,Oh, who wanted a name of a Dr.that used urine therapy for cancer.You might try looking up Dr.Stanislaw Burzynski, Houston, Tx.Good Luck & God Bless

Replied by Mirandagk
(San Antonio, Texas)

what type of cancer does it cure/help with???

Replied by Bachcole
(Colorado Springs)

Urine therapy heals EVERYTHING because it does not attack the disease directly. It strengthens the body's own healing energy/system.

Replied by Lorica

If you will search Google and Youtube you will see where a Japanese doctor, and his colleagues, tested the effectiveness of urine therapy. He said that it has no curative effect, but is helpful in letting the body know how to heal itself. He recommends gargling it and drinking just a little. Why? Because in the research they found that people who got the urine through tubes in their stomach got no benefits. People who rinsed out their mouths after drinking the urine got no benefits. The idea, per him, is to let the back of the throat sense what is in the urine, and that makes the body know what needs to be corrected.


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Posted by Su (Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 02/18/2010


I had read that urine therapy will cure candida. I was pretty sure that candida was a large part of my health problems, but to be sure, I did the test - I spit into a glass of water first thing in the morning and waited 30 minutes. Sure enough, there were lots of strings going from the saliva down to the bottom of the glass, starting about 5 minutes after the saliva hit the water.

I'm REALLY tired of my health problems so I wanted to have quick results. I drank about 2 oz. of urine every time I used the bathroom, for a whole day. The next day, today, as I sit here beside another glass of water with my saliva in it, I notice no strings whatsoever and it has been about an hour. I am so excited!

However, as a caution to those who take medication: I take thyroid medication, and in my haste to get rid of candida, I forgot that it might have the effect of increasing the effects of the medication, esp. with the amount I drank. Very early this morning I awoke to a VERY fast heartbeat and pounding head. I will have to reconsider whether this protocol is for me. I do NOT want to end up in the hospital with a thyroid storm! Has anyone else dealt with this? I did read where one person was able to discontinue her thyroid medication altogether while on urine therapy. Another great benefit, if possible. I will perhaps need to consult my doctor on this.

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Apparently it is important to massage face hands and neck when ingesting a lot of urine to prevent racing heartbeat. This is even more important if on a urine and water fast.

Replied by Ub2664951
(Mebourne, Victoria)

Hi! I just wanted to know if u fasted on urine or had foods in between? plz let me know cause I m desperate! Thanx!

Replied by Jen
(Hahira, Ga)

I'm on thyroid medication, Nature-throid, and so far I've not had a racing heart. I've only been doing UT for about 3 weeks.

Replied by Ron

How would the hypothyroidism condition/disease be monitored while on UT? This must be done correctly. Thyroid conditions are awful and frightening if left unchecked. So how are we good to go? What do we do now?

Replied by Wingedlady1111
(South, Fl)

In response to inquiry about side effects from using UT while on thyroid medications, the books all say not to use ANY allopathic medications while doing UT. The unneeded medication will be filtered through your kidneys and into your urine, and when you recycle your urine, you will be double dosing on your medication.

I see your question was from 2010, and it is now 7 years later. I hope you got it figured out. Thought that this response may help others who are reading. Blessings!

Replied by Margaret

I read several conflicting opinions on taking meds with UT and finally decided to try it anyway. I did not find any adverse effects from doing so. From what I read, the amount of meds coming through is so minuscule that the benefits outweigh the draw backs. Just my experience.

Replied by Louise

I had the same experience when taking UT. I was told that I should not take it if on prescribed medicine. I took UT along with my meds and did not encounter any adverse effects. In fact, I learnt that the UT actually helps to alleviate the side effects of the meds. This is how it worked for me.

Posted by Kavita Ballah (Port Louis, Mauritius) on 06/04/2009

Hi my name is Kavita Ballah. i am a Mauritian, married and mother of two kids 22 & 18 yrs. i am now 43 yrs old. i had surffered from candida since 24 yrs now. i have never known what it's like not to suffer & not take medicines. All my life i have struggled and fought for my health. i tried so many things but there has never been a cure. i was very sick. For a very long time.

i tried all kinds of herbs and chemicals that exist on the market home and abroad. i spent all my saving going around the world ( US, UK, India, malaysia, Indonesia, Reunion island) in search of relief. In 2001, i had hysterectomy followed by adhesion on the left which nearly killed me.

3 months back, i was told i had Pelvic inflammatory disease, adhesion on the left again, left ovarian cyst 5.8 cm for the 4th time(had ablation done once), vaginal yeast infection, chronic cystitis, sinus infections and chemical allergies.

i knew about Urine Therapy some 10 yrs back. a friend insisted i should do it. Did not trust it that much then until one night i was on my knees crying becuase of pain in my lower abdomen. i just remembere UT. Next Morning i started on it and immediately my pain reduced to 20%. That day i did it whole day and the next dat my pain was down.i was suppose to go for surgery on the 3rd day. i postponed it and for following week. i gave myself one more week to decide. within 5 days my cyst shrunk and all my pain reduced to 60%. i started beleiving in it and from that day till now i am continuously drinking urine in the morning.

My chronic cystitis and yeast infections has disappeared . After one months, i was a new person. Today it's nearly 3 months and i am happy to confirm that i don't suffer anymore. my sexual life is so beautiful and i see life full of values.

This is a message to all women who are suffering from Candida. Urine therapy is the answer girls.

Replied by Ub2664951
(Melbourne, Vic)

did u fast on urine or did u just take the morning urine. How much urine did u consume? plz let me know as I am desperate!!!

Replied by Vidya
(Pune, India)

Hi dear Su and Kavita. I suffer from serious vaginal infections that look somewhat like the athlete's foot. The entire vulva looks whitish and have watery discharge often. Doctors diagnosed it to be a yeast infection. But I am not getting relief from the allopathic or homeopathic meds.

After reading your replies I want to start the urine therapy. Would you please please let me know how you guys did it, did you fast the first day? how much of it did you take? Do you need to dilute it with water (I read it in a few articles)?

Please reply guys. Thanks.

Replied by Manoj
(Nakur, Rift Valley)

Dear Vidya, All you have to do collect the first urine in the morning, drink it half and with remaining half you wash the area several times, do not take bath for atleast 1 hour, let it dry itself. Your problem will be solved within one month for sure. All the best

Replied by Saliu
(Lagos, Nigeria)

Please can someone with a yeast infection drink her urine. While urinate some particle like milk colour will be coming out

Replied by Prioris
(Fl, Usa)

People in general who are successful in drinking their own urine tend to be on a vegetarian based diet. This is the secret.

Meat eaters who drink their urine will tend to have an extremely briny or salty taste. Many years ago I tried and could not tolerate the taste. The salt overwhelmed me.

Replied by Naniam

You must drink ONE GALLON DISTILLED WATER DAILY~or as close as you can manage--try to eat mostly fruits n veggies etc---BATH in urine you have collected for a few days~~you can mix it with ORANGE JUICE (organic or fresh squeezed) if you can~~or drops under the tongue every morning n every night~you can eye wash--neti pot with it also~~

Replied by Raj

Hi Manoj,

I have IBD and started taking 1 cup mid stream urine in the morning. Please let us know if I can continue using pharma medicines daily or you want me to stop.

Replied by Sivaramakrishnan
8 posts

Can you please tell me how you maintained with the food while doing urine therapy whether it is normal food or with some restrictions?

Replied by Jessie

Hi. Did you fast during your UT healing or just drank your urine without fasting?

I'm trying to get rid of candida and a urine infection...did you get worse before you got better?
Thank you

Cold Sores

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Michelle (Toronto, ON) on 09/07/2008

I've suffered from cold sores my entire life. I hate when I feel that tingle coming on. I tried everything, and some things will help and shorten the duration, but I finally found what will stop if from even developing. My step-dad said he heard of people using their own urine. Just pass a q-tip through your own stream of urine, then dab it on the spot where a coldsore is developing. I was VERY reluctant to try this, but one day I felt one coming on and I was desperate. I tried it, and it worked!! Nothing came of it! I've tested this 2 or 3 times since, and can happily report its still working! I'm so happy to have found something that works.

Replied by Dr Rakshak
(Jodhpur, Rajasthan / India)

We have to drink fresh urine through nostrils more and more at a time and do it 3 times daily and after that we have to blow out our nose properly and in addition we have to blow our nose an and when we keep water in out mouth while taking shower & Bath then there are less chances of cold. we have to massage our head with olive oil but use less oil and do more massage.


Posted by Laura (Edmonton, Alberta Canada) on 11/22/2010

Does anyone who has researched and studied the benefits of Urine Therapy know whether a person could inject their urine via a syringe? I would like to have my daughter try this, she is a juvenile diabetic but will not drink it. I've read here and there bits and pieces of this way mentioned but no instructions, or clues as to whether it was done by a professional who filtered it or anything. Could I try it on myself first and inject some urine into my muscle? I read that an injection is better for curing anything because it by passes the immune system. This would be a way to get it into her. She won't drink it even if I mix it in something else. Anyone know about this? Laura

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

Try making up a homeopathic mixture for her. Trick a urine sample out of her and make it up on the quiet. Maybe she could be persuaded that a homeopathic remedy will work if she doesn't know how it was made. Instructions for making are in the UT books and also on the web. Good luck

Replied by Catherine
(Wellington, New Zealand)

I forgot to say, injections of urine are supposed to be quite painful with a burning sensation.

Replied by Granny Laura
(Waco, Tx Usa)

The urine injections really burn if you don't have novacaine to go along w/it! The people that operated the clinic where I took urine injections from are now across the border in Mexico. They basically got run out of TX because they were advertising in the TV Guide in Houston that they would keep AIDS patients alive for $100 a week. Their AIDS clinic was 2 stories up from their allergy/immunology clinic where I went. The FDA got involved since they were owned by big pharma even back then, late 80s, and shut both clinics down.

You must know how to give the injections in the hip w/o hitting a blood vein. If you don't know how get help from your friend that is a nurse!! We all know one.

I was able to find out from clinic personnel that: you must not do urine therapy if you have a UTI. You would be injecting a bacteria back into your body.

Limit liquid intake the day before so that urine will be concentrated. I then had to eat a very small mixture of the foods I was allergic to the moring before my injection and eat them again before bedtime. Next morning I washed good and collected a urine sample in a tall glass container that had contained olives, it's about 6 in tall but only 1 in wide. It should, of course be washed really well. Duct tape it to the inside wall of the washing machine and run the machine on a spin cycle. lol It's a centrifuge! The protein solids will be white particles in the bottom of the bottle when it's done.

I then remove the 1 in needle from the syringe and draw the urine on the top of the bottle into the syringe. The clinic started w/1 cc the first week and worked up to 10 cc. Then I used 2 filters like the ones used at the clinic. The filters are made by Millipore and are fairly expensive as they come in boxes of 50. The larger filter, Millex-ha. 45 um filter goes first, then the Millex-gs. 22 um is the last before attaching the needle. The filters screw on like the needle does. The injection goes into the hip and if you don't know how to give that you might want to look it up! As I said, it burns like fire, and for what its worth the novacaine isn't all that much help.

I knew the injections were helping me but I had no idea how much until I went in for my injection w/a sick migraine one day for my treatment. The nurse put me in a bed until it was time for my treatment. 15 minutes from my injection the migraine was gone! I felt really good and ready to go and get something to eat! As it turns out, you body pumps a LOT of antibodies into your urine when you have a migraine. What a waste!

I found something else out about the treatment, inadvertantly. During the course of my treatment I managed to get bitten by "fire ants" and chiggers. Chiggers had always made me ill for a couple of weeks. My body made antibodies to these 2 insects that evidently got into the urine for my injections because I no longer react to fire ants except w/the initial pain of the bite. They had left itchy sores before. Chiggers are still chiggers, how can something that small make an adult woman run a fever, feel ill and make big sores on a grown woman?! I still itch when I get the bites but I can get the bite sites gone in a few days w/some cortizone ointment.

When I started at the clinic my IGE was 4. It only got up to 19 during the prolonged course of my treatment. But, I felt great. Normal IGE levels run up to nearly 600.

This treatment isn't for self administering by the novice or faint hearted. Lol I got help from the clinic after they moved to a different location and name. The personnel there told me of AIDS patients backwashing their filters w/alcohol and reusing them.

I am thin so I have no problem twisting around to give myself injections in my hip. Some people might not be able to do that.

If you decide to try this on yourself just be aware that I don't know what the consequences of getting the injection into a vein might be. You must always pull up on the syringe when giving any injection to see if you get blood back, and ONLY give the injection if you don't.

Administering this treatment to a child might get you in a lot of trouble with Children's Protective Service. And, I have to assume that it might also be considered practicing medicine w/o a license if done to another person. Since it really works, and costs nothing except for the materials for injections the FDA is going to be really angry! Big Pharma can't patent your urine, and you can get it for free!

Knowing the personnel at the clinic let me in on the info that a big Hollywood star was being treated in a local hospital for AIDS under an assumed name. He is still alive today!

I'm wondering why we gave Africa billions for AIDS treatment and drugs when Bush was president. Its like giving Big Pharma a giant donation. But, there I go getting political! Besides being a Health Nut, I'm also a Political Junkie! Good luck! I understand the desperation some of us feel. I'm still trying to live over the beta blocker I got off of 14 mos ago. And since I have these filters here..... I had to dig out the boxes to tell you the info on them. My only problem is the needles and syringes, I need to talk to a pharmacist about what I want to do w/them. You are supposed to be able to buy drug paraphenalia like that w/o question, to prevent the spread of AIDS. In real life, just getting little insulin syringes is a real hassle unless you have a script for them!

Oh yes, this procedure has been standard in the medical field for allergy treatment for a very long time. But, Big Pharma wants you to take allergy shots as long as you live, and your allergist buys them from Big Pharma!

Replied by Aravin
(Banglore, Karnataka, India)

It is always best to take it with plain. If so hard, please mix it with some juice and drink it. Probably cranberry juice should help.

Replied by Jack
(Junction City, Or)

Urine therapy does not have to be complicated. In treating both myself and others I have found that it can usually be self administered. I have found that 0.1cc works quite well. Using an insulin or allergy syringe and injecting on the lateral aspect of the thigh. For hayfever type conditions I would recommend a shot a day until the symptoms stop - usually within a week and thenonce or twice a week. I have found that you can even use the same syringe repeatedly for maybe 8 - 10 injections. I think it is also possible to stop acute allergic reactions with urine shots - as a precaution call the doctor or ambulance first and while waiting for the response give a small shot of urine.

The Armstrong book demonstrates the wide variety of conditions that have responded. Christy's book Your Own Perfect Medicine is another good one to help you deal with skeptics.

Replied by Susan
(London, UK)

I am a huge advocate of not just natural remedies, but also the human body's extraordinary ability to heal itself. Our bodies are continuously seeking a perfect balanced state called homeostasis (it can be argued this is true for our minds too).

I have personally found, in my humble and not-so-perfect way, that looking to the basics of health, especially nutrition, and also that rarified thing called life balance ... allows the body to recover and deal with a vaste amount of ailments.

What I'm saying is, I have found the least interference is often the best. Very often our diets and lifestyles have upset the balance in the first place. Drastic measures are sometimes not needed, as they instead tip the balance out even further.

When I read the above post, I was alarmed. Don't get me wrong here ... I think urine therapy can and does work in certain circumstances. But, injecting into muscle (as opposed to just below the skin like with insulin ) is a skill. This is something healthcare professionals have to learn.

Please be aware that intramuscular injections into the hip is NOT just about avoiding blood vessels. It is also about avoiding nerves - in particular the sciatic nerve. Damage to this, or any other nerve, could be lifelong ... and may profoundly affect mobility.

If a blood vessel is hit, then the injection is no longer intramuscular but now an intravenous injection. This carries the greatest risk of infection - and an intravenous infection has the potential to spread throughout the body - a condition known as septicemia, which is lifethreatening. In every instance.

Sterile techniques are also needed, to prevent other pathogens (such as from the skin) entering the body. Abcesses are common where injections have introduced unwanted pathogens. Abcesses can be extremely unpleasant and have the potential to reach bone.

By way of a comparison, I wouldn't wake up tomorrow thinking I was an olympian swimmer - any more than I would think I was a concert pianist. These are skills learned and practiced and honed over years. Please people, be VERY careful about experimenting with things (like intramuscular injections) which others take years of training to practice.

I speak from a sincere wish that people don't harm themselves, let alone others. May God bless you all.

Replied by Gail

It does not take years to learn how to do intramuscular injections. We learned to take venous blood samples in a matter of hours ( in school). It is more difficult to do these types of injections than it is to do intramuscular injections. Of course sterile techniques should always be used ( cleansing the skin etc)... before any injection.

Food Allergies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Katnco (Denver, Co, Usa) on 02/18/2011

I started using UT when I was diagnosed with MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity). I was very reluctant to try it, but I was desparate to regain my health. At the time I was severely food allergic. I was on a strict rotation diet and had only 12 foods to rotate over a 4 day period. I read three books on UT before I started. I followed these directions to ease my food allergies and it worked like a miracle cure! I drank fresh UT 15 minutes before eating a food I was allergic too, I ate a little of the food and then 15 minutes after eating I drank more fresh UT. I did not get sick. I was able to incorporate all my foods back into my diet; with the exception of peas? But I didn't mind because I could eat again with out a rotation diet. I was FREE!

I've used it topically on my skin and received TONS of compliments.

However as time went by and my health improved I stopped using it. Now I have candida and was on EC reading for remedy's and ran across UT. Ah ha! Of course! Why didn't I think of that!

I am going to drink to the God's as soon as I finish this post. THANK YOU TED, Bill and all the posters on here taking responsibility for their own health! Yeah to all of us for our courage and good will to live a better life!

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

I have to believe you if you say you got better but I am always left with one question no one has ever answered so far! There are quite a few health problems that show by doing a urine test, like a bladder infection. The bacteria is found in the urine. Won't you be drinking the exact same thing that is making you sick? I would really like to have an answer to that question....

Replied by Silvia
(Toronto, Canada)

Francisca, urine also acts as homeopathics, the bacteria, toxins, parasites etc. Which are in minimal amount in urine, once re-ingested trigger a powerful immune response. UT is safe, try to get Armstron's book even though there are many out there with a lot of scientific explanation.

Replied by Francisca
(Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France)

Thanks Sylvia, you are the very first person who gave me an explanation! If you know of any good books please post a review on the book section with your thoughts. I would like to learn more about UT.

Replied by Silvia
(Toronto, Canada)

Sorry for the delay, I'm really busy right now. The best book that I read is "The Water of Life" by John W. Armstrong. Armstrong was not a medical doctor but treated hundreds of patients with terminal illnesses. I enjoy reading it, it reads like a novel. In this books he describes the urine fast and how the people recovered. Is the best book on the subject.

For the skeptics, ther is "Your Own Perfect Medicine" by Martha M Christy. Ms Cristy was very sick and tried numerous treatments with no avail. She recovered with urine therapy and than apparently hired someone to research all the medical literature and research that was done ion urine. She published all these research results in her book with references.

There is also 'Urine Therapy Nature's Elixir for Good Health' by Flora Peschek_Bohmer, PH. D. who describes how she treat her patients with urine in her practice in Hamburg Germany.

I read another book on the subject and many blogs and posts on different sites. Is worthed a try mainly for the very ill. Fast works best iven for few days. I hope this help.

Replied by Om
(Hope, Canada, Bc)

I drank my own medicine for fifteen years. As a result, I had more hair on my head than ever in my life. My ayurvedic doctor, holding my pulse, mentioned I had no toxins in the body.

Then I was diagnosed with diabetes, I stopped. But now I will start again because on researching, it is perfectly alright when using the middle portion only which is anyway the way to take it. The problem is only in the mind. One day I had stepped onto a big nail. Well, I found an interesting book to read, peed into a bowl, placed it into the bathtub and kept my foot in there. I had to teach Yoga the next day with standing poses : there was not any pain and the wound was clean and not really noticeable. I could do all my yoga poses and had no sensation of a previous injury. To your health, along with Armstrong and friends. Om


Did the Big nail go through your foot???

And urine healed you so quick you could do yoga the next day?

pls tell me more, I'm intereseted.

EC: Sorry to tell you this, but dear Om passed on a few years ago.

Replied by Anon

All together, everybody: "Ommmmmmm! "

Food Cravings

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 06/05/2016

I gathered all my bravery and tried urine therapy. It wasn't nearly as horrible as I expected it to be. I was surprised to discover that my cravings for food diminished greatly. The foods I did crave were raw vegetables. I actually felt like there was something missing from my diet that the urine supplied. Perhaps B vitamins, or something. I stopped because I was concerned that I may be ingesting toxins that my body had already had to detox, I was concerned that I was simply re-polluting my system. I felt very relaxed and optimistic while doing it though. I would do it again. I want to read more, first.

Replied by Kennywally
46 posts

Anon: I'm thinking it's not the vitamins in the urine, I think it's some kind of auto correction mechanism, that triggers your desire for other foods from what is missing in the urine. I wish I knew the true origin of this original urine therapy, it most certainly has to be way older than modern science. But since it works, who cares, right? Perhaps I may try that to "fix" my candida issue and toss all the concoctions away......I wish...


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Edwardo (Mexico City, Mexico) on 06/17/2007

I read Kevin's urine therapy for nail fungus. I was doubtful but we are poor and I had no choices. So I try it and amazing results! I drink more each day and not only fungus but other skin rash problem go away. I now drink it with milk and also put it inside my shoes before work. Thank you Kevin.