Urine Therapy: Your Own Natural Remedy!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Rlene (Silver City New Mexico ) on 02/09/2017

Nothing has helped my terrible case of mrsa more than urin therapy..I treat myself inside and out with it .I use other natural cures as well like garlic probiotic vitamin c essential oils h2o2 ect..but nothing I have found has made the anxiety and depression go away but urine and also it stops mrsa pain instantly and nothing kills a mrsa boil faster than urine..I drink it, I bathe in it, I soak my infection in it nothing has helped me more..I find raw living garlic in tangent with urine works best I pee in an old glass pickle jar let it sit all day sometimes several days then crushed raw garlic added to it to soak and clean infection it works better than anything else I've tried..if you are fighting mrsa I highly recommend it.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Lucy (Sydney) on 12/29/2015

I just thought I would add, have you also tried 'Urine Therapy'. I was doing the coffee enemas for a year without doing the juicing. So, whilst I was taking from my body the toxins that were causing headaches etc., I wasn't necessarily eating right, drinking tea with sugar throughout the day was definitely not any good for me. A few weeks back I discovered urine therapy, the second day I started it I AF arrived and there was NO PAIN, obviously I continued this and the following month no pain what so ever. I know I still have some repairing to do, so I have started taking urine enemas. My skin feels amazingly soft, its like my eyes are new like a baby. I am 40 and my vision is excellent, and I want to keep it that way. The Monk's say 7 day old urine will remove cataracts, and to keep applying it for 7 days, that is you pee today, than apply that in 7 days, and tomorrow's pee you apply on day 8, etc. You would not apply day 8 pee to your eyes as it my do more harm than good, I do not know. I know I apply day 3 pee it's fine stings a bit, I am working it up a bit to day 7. The other thing I found really interesting is that it is very important for men to clean out their anus to prevent colon cancers like prostate. It is said it is caused from a bowel that does not fully empty itself, and than sits in the wrong position so it can't. So, I would think if you do a coffee enema, I found them very drying to my skin, the added urine enema just perfects the work of the coffee, compliments it and supplies all the nutrients required. I just love them. I want to start injecting it, it was said I had two fibroids on my uterus and these injections heal the body in remarkable times, that a little trickier said than done as you need needles and buying them from the chemist is quiet a challenge as they look at you as though you are a junkie, but well what do you say "I'm doing urine therapy". By the way injecting urine without being a license practitioner is illegal, and it is said to be illegal for a doctor, dentist or optometrist to advise anyone on urine therapy since 1940. I spent 16 years visiting doctors for anxiety where I could not breath 'panic attacks'...they gave me drugs which DID NOT WORK, in fact I just loved taking the xanax so much so that it was in fact adding to my adrenaline issues (the underlying cause of panic attacks) which was how I discovered Coffee Enema's... they completely helped my liver so I have not had one attack in years :) Thank you Coffee Enema! I really don't even get anxiety for that matter. NO conventional doctor cured me of my anxiety 'panic attacks' NO! They told me there is nothing they could do. All that training and they didn't even tell me it was my adrenaline that was causing the attacks due to an overloaded liver, all you have to do is detoxify it and you'll won't ever have another attack. Thus I do not trust them and I HATE the way they rule the world. Especially making Urine therapy illegal to the point that if they suggest it they can go to jail... so sick so those poor 'puppet' doctors just have to go on making people all sick. Since doing the UT the pain that I had in my right risk has gone, I wasn't able to open up glass jars etc., without it hurting, clearly it was some kind of arthritis.... = pain = rotting = death! No more pain means my body parts are no longer rotting, they are alive:)

Broad Benefits
Posted by Carlos (Barcelona, Spain) on 09/17/2010

Hi Im in the 3rd day of drinking urine. I still feel embarrased to say I dont dislike the taste that much. Think of it as water and salt, thats pretty much what it is. Well I'll keep reporting but today.. I've started seeing some results not only immediate as I stated above. The thing is I had a glass early in the morning. I had finished my regular breakfast and I had to do some stuff out so I decided to have breakfast in a cafe or sumthing. The thing is I went to do the stuff I had to do post office and stuff and just forgot I didnt had breakfast. BUT I realized that I was walking and my legs felt lighter not heavy, I mean like when I was 16. I was back home aorund 13:30 after lot shopping and walking around town and thats when I realized I didnt have breakfast at all! I was full of energy not tired, not dissyness or anything.

Im also less lazy about doing things. Usually it takes me a lot of thinking and planning to just go outside and buy whatever. I always home lazy. Now its not a big deal for me to get out the sofa if you know what I mean.. I got that positive feeling about doing anything. Another thing I realize is the effects on mind and mood definately. Anybody with depression should try this. I feel kinda younger, less stressed. Another thing that I share in case it can help someone with an addiction. We all have one or another. I dont consume drugs or play casinos but I have an addiction that doesnt hurt anybody but I dont think is healthy at all. excesive masturbation. One or twice a day minimum. Since I started UT I dont feel the urge to do it. I dont know the reason why I was doing it that much, some hormone imbalance I believe. But Ive been off from it for 4 days and I really dont feel like doing it dont have that urge or crave if you want. And Im so happy with that cause lately I felt like a slave of it. I really could not control avoid it even for a day, morning or night. Right now im in front the computer and im going to go to bed and I dont need to do it, still cant believe it but looks like I had a problem and its solved

So.. I look beautiful, less tired, less stressed, less lazy, and it looks Im getting rid of the only addiction I had. Give it a try give it 3 or 4 days. Sometimes I drink not only morning but another shot during the day. I truly think what is said in ancient india is true. Just seeing the benefits of this in just a few days I can believe you can get extremelly healthy and strong phisically and mentally if you folow a UT morning routine for months. Thats all for now I'll keep updating.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ophelie (Montreal, Canada) on 01/07/2010

Just want to mention I did this therapy a few years back - I started slowly, mixing the "2nd shot" of the morning with apple juice. I remember it used to fix any beginning of cold - Also my skin looked healthier - Also it forced me to have a more healthy food, otherwise it would taste awful - And when I was eating a lot of veggies, it would have a very light leek taste

Broad Benefits
Posted by Francis (Medford, Oregon U.S.A.) on 12/30/2009

Basically, urine works for everything. I have been drinking my own urine for three years and I havent been sick once except for two colds. It has cured my gout which I thought was chronic. I suffered all the time from it. No more. My energy level is three times higher then it was and people are asking me where I get my energy from. I dont tell them because I know what their reaction will be. Well, Ive told three or four people I trust but even they think Ive gone nuts.Too bad for them. I have more energy now than when I was twenty five. I am over twice that age now. I have found out that most people would rather remain sick and infirm than drink thier own urine. The benefits of urine are for those that reach out and take it. It is not for the cowardly and nor should it be. I look forward to a long life and with great health.

See our page at http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/urine.html for other remedies using urine as a topical treatment.