Health Benefits

MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

MMS Side Effects

22 User Reviews
1 star (4) 

Posted by Peter (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 02/16/2009

MMS results in tremendous headache:

I have been taking MMS now for 4 weeks, starting very low on 3 drops and slowly going higher. One day I went with a big leap to 13 drops, but that gave the well known strong!! nausea with diarrhea.

The reason for taking it is that I have Lyme Disease in third stage. When you have that you are willing to take anything that comes allong. I read on Lyme Patients websides that MMS had helped a little for some.

After my to big a jump I went more slowly again and am now on 9 drops 3 times a day.
Today however I woke up with a tremendous headache, raally nausiating, painfull, paralizing headache. Never felt something like this in my life. So I take it it is a side-effect of the MMS, maybe from detoxifying, but maybe from the toxicity of the substance and the accumulation of Chloride in the last 4 weeks in the body.

Really don't have a clue, but am quite shocked and will stop for a few days probably.


Ps Good initiative "earthclinic", compliments

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hello Peter, Sorry you are having the problems, and I agree that these darned tick borne infections will almost make you take anything. I started taking MMS when my hands got so bad I couldn't open a jar. I have been taking it now for about 4-6 months. My hands have improved enough that I can now open a jar again. So far I have had 2 Herkiemer's reactions (feels like sudden onset of flu with all the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) that the body goes into when overkill causes a lot of toxins and debris. Thank God the reaction is usually gone 2-4 hours after it hits. The first time was the same problem you had, I decided to take it twice a day instead of once. After that third dose every l2 hours, the reaction hit and laid me low for about 3-4 hours. I quickly returned to once a day and as long as I hold it down to the 2 drops/25 lbs. of body weight, no problems except for the yucky taste, which got so bad that I left it off for a week or two
and started taking it again without problems, except for the foul taste. Jim Humble, in his book says that Lyme's disease is one of the hardest to kill and may take up to a year to do it. Like you a round of expensive antibiotics changed nothing except I had less money after paying for it.. I may have to pause every few months to get over the taste, but I still have hopes that it will kill it, so I will hang in there.

Replied by Ralph
(Boston, MA)

Apple juice (organic) bought from supermarket here has "0%" Vitamin-C so it is good solution to mix with MMS to flush down. No bad taste.

Replied by Bob
(Seminole, Tx)

Good Grief.... Do you guys read any of Humbles websites?

You don't go from 3 to 13 hello. Some of the new info actually says maybe 1 to 3 per hour for 8 hours is better than heavier doses per day.

Whether you take 3 or 13 it goes out of your body about the same. So if you are ill lower doses more regularly will keep more working and hopefully provide a milder reaction.

Take a little, Simply Apple Juice ( no significant vitimin C) no bad taste problem.

I take about 8 drops every day unless I need to kill something then I take it twice a day.

Good luck keep looking for what works for you.

MMS seems to work for me.

Replied by Select
(Toronto, Canada)

I've tried MMS for 2 weeks before I stopped, here are my findings that will help you shine some light on many of the issues you're seeing..

Some background: I have been studying herbal supplements for over 10 years, and have tested over 300 different supplements personally. So I'm very in tune on how something effects my body.

1) I would not recommend taking MMS unless it's for a serious condition, just taking it as a "cleanse" is overkill, it's very strong stuff. From my experience, it feels like a light chemotherapy, I don't think it'll do long term damage in most cases, but you do need to have a good reason for taking it.

2) The biggest problem with MMS is dosage, the suggested dosage is extremely off. Even 1 drop a day is way too much for most people. Start off with 1/10 - 1/20th of a drop, once per day, see how you react.

How do you take 1/10th of a drop? Put 1 drop in a glass/bottle, mix well, then only drink 1/10th of the glass/bottle. Pour out the rest as it's no good after it sits.

Sure, it's possible I'm too sensitive to MMS, but if you notice a reaction from 1/10th of a drop, then it's a significant dosage. If you don't notice any type of reaction, increase dosage slowly. 1/5th of a drop, 1/4rd of a drop, etc. This stuff is extremely powerful. Don't let the small "drop" size fool you.

Dosing this way may take a bit longer to cure something, but I believe slow and steady is the safer way with MMS. Whether its a toxin cleansing reaction, or something caused directly by MMS, intense intestinal pain cannot be healthy for you.

My body didn't react well even to the extreme low dosages. There wasn't any serious reactions at the low dose, but ongoing tireless and strong allergic reactions persisted. I'm pretty healthy, so after 2 weeks, if it was the herx reaction, it should have long been gone, or at least getting better, but it wasn't.

So dosage is the key, and obviously it effects everyone very differently, some very badly, so only take MMS if you're positive you need it. After all, a bit of stomache pain and naseau is much better than some diseases out there. Just remember it's not as safe as taking vitamins.

Hope this helps.

(West Orange, Nj)

It does seem as though people here are not up to date. Some people do take one drop divided into eight doses, one an hour, for eight hours a day, and then perhaps go up to two drops divided into eight doses, one an hour. People use glass baby bottles for this. They have one ounce markings all the way up. Take one drop, activate it, fill with 8 ounces of water or whatever you are using, and drink one ounce every hour for eight hours. The thing is it only sticks around in your body for about an hour. So a huge dose once a day really won't do much for you. It is apparently good for malaria.

And there is the new CDS thing Andreas Kalcker came up with, which doesn't taste bad. And the addition of DMSO.

For the fellow who was still getting sick after two weeks, are you using citric acid to activate it? If so, that could be your problem. And this stuff is not toxic. It does not leave anything at all toxic behind. It produces a lot of oxygen in your body, and we all need more of that because oxygen kills pathogens and cancer cells on contact. If you had enough oxygen all the time, you would not get sick most likely. And the oxygen in our atmosphere has been declining for years and years and years. And, by the way, you've probably been drinking it for at least some part of your life since it is used by municipalities for purifying the water that comes through your tap.

(United States)

There is a thing as too much oxygen, it's called O2 toxicity. Look up oxygen free radicals/ oxygen toxicity.

Replied by Robert Henry
(Ten Mile, Tn Usa)


MMS is chlorine dioxide, of which I have manufactured and used for 40 years in bleaching pulp in the paper industry. I am now retired but can still get it. How would I use the straight stuff and for what reason? It is the most powerful bleach there is and is explosive. What can it do for your health? It can kill you if you breath enough of it.


Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Usa)
2042 posts

One of the biggest drawbacks of MMS is the destruction of the body's natural glutathione levels. Humble recomends sick people begin with 2 drop dose and work their way up to 15 if needed. I am seeing only slight help with chronic infection at 5 drop levels. Am wanting to try the bath protocol. Does anyone here on E.C. have the dosage for MMS bath?

Replied by Mweather
(Riverside, Ca)

Milk thistle and ALA both help with the production of glutathione.

Replied by Pamela

I have read several directions for using the MMS 1000 protocol. My understanding is that the maximum dose is 3 drops. The protocol I have reviewed is that you take it every hour for 8 hours. Not to take it all at once or and one or two doses throughout the day. Perhaps if you do it this way it will be easier than to try and take so much in one dose. It's meant to be diluted similar to homeopathy starting with a quarter of a drop and then working your way up to three drops over a period of a week. Unfortunately as with many things there is not consistency in the use of protocol. But I do believe strongly in Homeopathy and used it to treat my lyme disease. I am now starting the protocol and following the quarter of a drop dose every hour for 8 hours and then working my way up slowly.

(New Mexico)

I was premixing mine with distilled water first thing in the morning and sealing in a kerr quart jar. I would build upon the mixture every day I was tolerating it without any side effects, and luckily for me I seem to tolerate it very well, with no side effects, which is great because I'm trying to kill fungus and candida and immobilize heavy metals like mercury and lead. I would sip the mixture 4 different times from morning until early evening. I've managed to work up to 11 drops, but were I to take 3 drops every hour that would take me well beyond the 12 drops I'm @ now. I do however like the idea of taking 3 drops either every hour or every few hours in order to build up to one's daily maximum dose. I'm not too sure if it is potent enough to store the mixture like I've been doing, but is sure as heck convenient for being on the road. Thanks!

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Paul (Wellington, New Zealand) on 02/03/2009


MMS: be cautious

I started using MMS about a week ago, with small dosages 1-2 drops a day. I had a sense of well-being and clarity that was unlike other treatments i have used.

I followed the prescribed building up to 10 drops of MMS, offset with 50 drops of citric acid and had a bout of vomiting, hot and cold sweats, and eventually diarrhea. I managed to hold down some food and liquid when i was able to crawl of out bed, but i felt like i had been poisoned.

I would like to thank everyone for reporting their experiences and the information present on this site. Its given me a chance to see that I need to be cautious with this product. Is it true that Chlorine Dioxide was used as a weapon in the World Wars? If this is so, then it would appear that even in smaller doses we are poisoning ourselves?

Well if today is anything to go by, I will be extremely cautious and continue to research this product EXTENSIVELY!

Replied by Maya
(Brooklyn, Ny)

Everyone will experience cramping, diarrhea, and perhaps fatigue as you increase the dosage of MMS. I went through the same pain for a week and DID NOT STOP MMS because after intensive research I learned that the side effect were cleaning process in your body. Oh yes I know how painful the cramping part but it does go away after 12 hours or 2 hours after eating an apple. The pain in the stomach follows Diarrhea as a result of breaking out years of feces on the walls of your stomach...the toxic removed causes gas, cramps, nausea and you'll feel better as you release it by going to the bathroom....I will never forget what i went through even vomiting all week...but guess what? No more HPV! I wasn't only curing my body but was also cleaning my body from years of toxic. Be patient.

Yesterday I started with a very bad sore infection and by the night my throats were swollen. So last night I took 6 drops, in the morning i took 7 drops 8 drops afternoon. The infection is gone at least 95%, this is remarkable. Did i feel nauseous, yes. Did i feel cramps? Yes. Diarrhea? Yes. I bear with it. And eat less.

I hope this was helpful

Replied by Merryanne
(Orange City, Florida, USA)
113 posts

To Maya in NY,,, Great work for hanging with it,, do not stay on such a strong prgram if you feel like you have accomplished what you needed to. Give your system abreak for 2 or 3 weeks at a time and take Vitamins and mineral suplements and good fruits and veges and whole wheat bread. Merryanne

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Veronique (Zoetermeer, The Netherlands) on 02/02/2009

I started 4 days ago with 2 drups MMS x 3 and I am now at 4 drups x2. I am feeling a bit "foggy"but for the rest it is ok. I gave also my daughter of 9 years old 2 drups x 2 a day for 3 days because she has herpes on her lip very frequently. Everything was alright until today she started to have pimples in her face and on her arms. Some of them are very painful she said.

The question is: what is this reaction and should I keep giving her MMS? I am a bit worried about it. Thanks for the answer

EC: As you might have imagined, "drups" is Dutch for "drops"!

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Dave (East Peoria, il) on 12/23/2008

Power of Positive Thinking

I did a lot of research on MMS before I ordered a bottle. I worked my way up to 15 drops and began feeling the brief nausea that the website describes.

Other than the nausea, there was no effect of any kind during the week I took it.

Common sense dictates that the "nausea" one experiences isn't an indication that the product is working, but an indication that chlorine is a poisonous substance and the body will try to expel the stuff to protect itself.

I don't deny the positive experiences others have had, but I would associate these with the power of positive thinking - after all, the basis for the whole process is that "the body heals itself".

But if taking MMS gives you the proper mindset to jumpstart your immune system, by all means, do whatever works.

Just be careful.

Replied by Rob
(Taunton, Somerset UK)

I am a great beliver in positive thinking, but I can tell you after being on mms for 14 days I had bad cramps and diahorrea and passed loads of intestinal flukes. I don't think that had anything to do with positive thinking but more like positive chemistry.

Replied by Migual
(Hull, Uk)

@ Ron Hamer and Dave mms (Chlorine Dioxide) is not Chlorine. Sodium Chlorite activated 5 to 1 with citric acid of 10% strengh, creating Chlorine Dioxide.

The voltage it works at is said to be 0.93v (aprox) as opposed to oxygen at 1.20v and ozone at 2.03v (aprox)

Now common sence to me says if oxygen dose not damage healthy cells, chlorine dioxide will not.

If anything, high blood pressure should be looked for whilst at high doses or even low i guess just to be on the safe side whilst more is confirmed. Watching salt intake would help.

It cannot choose between healthy and unhealthy cells.

It leaves residuals in your body making you smell like chlorox bottle.

Theses are the only potential areas i have found for problems both phyisically and in "debates" for and against.

If anyone has any other valid points for or against please post.

Replied by Ibeta
(Aalborg, Denmark)

I do think that H202 will not harm normal cells because they have a protective enzyme. This would make sense, since the body uses HP to kill pathogens.

I am not qualified in any way, but would think it much wiser to try HP first, before MMS. HP does not cause a 'poison' reaction at theraputic doses. HP is very very cheap - no one is making vast profits here.

The Pharmaceutical industry makes vast mind-boggling profit. Jim Humble is still making a lot of profit.

Replied by Greystone

On a site I was on a comment made by a pharmaceutical chemist, was why would you ever use MMS when Food Grade Hydrogen peroxide was so much safer, and very effective at oxygenation. Then he went to compare the chemical make up of the two, it was all chemistry talk, and now I wish I could recall what he said. Anyhow, after reading all these comments I think FGHP is the way to go. Since we all know that no pathogens can survive in an oxygen rich environment. In fact there is company in the U.S. that makes very strong oxygen drops for human consumption I think that is really worth people attention. I have taken MMS and had some lower back pain afterwards. Then I tried it again after the oral surgeon used a membrane for bone grafts that I was allergic to, my face swelled up like a balloon, so I was on antibiotics . Decided to do a double whammy, I made up MMS and sipped it slowly over the course of one sip an hour. I was fine and I believe it did help kill the infection completely

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Andrew (Edmonton, Canada) on 08/05/2008

Chlorine dioxide (MMS) info:

Drink it but don't breathe it or touch it. Although it cleared up my sinuses, it has caused me some terrible stomache problems.

Replied by Rare1walking
(Vernonia, Oregon, Usa)

I'm wondering if the stomach problems could be more detailed here. I know when parasites let go, they can leave bloody painful places where they were attached, sucking out nutrients. I've read that marshmallow tea helps to coat the stomach and eliminate pain.

Someone wrote about problems with old citric acid solution. I also wonder about the purity of manufacturing, and how secure the facilities are.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Ahmet (Mersin, Turkey) on 04/18/2008


i have began to use MMS 26 days ago. i have raised drops so rapidly. i used 30 drops after first week end. then i wanted to use 45 drops day. i took 23 drops once. after this dose it has been very very bad herx. my fatigue, anxiety depression increased so bad. i discontinued it for 8 days.i have began it again with small dose after 10 days with bad herx. i am on 20 drops a day at this moment. my brain fog have lifted per cent 20-30.but it is so early to say something. herx subsided partially.MMS users says it take 2-4 month to partially improvement regards.ahmet

Replied by Musician
(Auckland, New Zealand)

If you take crazy high doses like that, expect to get some sort of negative reaction. You are one of many people who have gone off the rails with dosage using MMS. You should always start on 2 drops, and gradually use it to kill pathogens. This is powerful stuff, not bloody drinking water mate. Use it in moderation and carefully.

Replied by Muddyleopard
(Bodrum, Turkey)

ahmet, how do i find mms in turkey? contact me eldnepal at hotmail please, urgent, imdaat...

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Jean (Salina, Kansas) on 02/06/2008

My mother, age 61, has been taking MMS, morning and evening, for one week. She had started with one drop, and had worked up to six drops per dosage, when she developed severe chest pain, the worst she ever had. The pain lasted one day, but she did not seek medical help. It got better after she took baby aspirin. She doesn't know if it was the MMS, or just coincidence. She stopped the MMS for now, but will continue on a lower dosage (3 drops twice a day).

Replied by Richard
(Closter, NJ)

Jean, your mother must be seeing the effect of MMS cleaning or stripping her arteries in her heart. Make sure see takes Vit. C. Because when the plaque gets striped there is no resilience in the arteries. So keep them flexible and going keep taking vit. C. And tell her not to give up on mms go slowly but keep on going. My wife did it and her reports are wonderful.. She did this after the procedure of angioplasty.

Replied by Gary
(Groveland, Florida)

I thought that you were not supposed to take vitamin C with MMS?

Replied by Bill
(Ithaca, Ny)

Gary, Richard's advice was unclear. But what he meant to say is while you're not dosing with MMS and you want to keep your artery walls flexible and strong, supplement with vitamin C.

While your dosing with MMS you should avoid taking vitamin C for 2hrs before and after the dose. Use vitamin C OR bicarbonated soda (1 tablet Alka-Seltzer) for overdose of MMS, but not both.

As of this writing, the most common protocols for using MMS are in small doses only and except for malaria NEVER MORE THAN 15 drops per dose. Your doing more than self medicating; you're doctoring yourself and some are sharing what they know.

Replied by Timh
(Louisville, Ky, Usa)
2042 posts

My experience w/ MMS is kinda mixed. With such a variety of health problems the MMS alone doesn't seem feasible, but it is effective. Biggest setback is it's a very powerful antibiotic. I experience nausea at about 7 or 8 drop dose. Lately I simply add about 5 drops to a cup of lemonade (minimal vit-c) and drink casually as normal; the chlorine taste is there but not too bad overall and it cuts the abrasive, acidic edge off the lemon drink.

MMS or Chlorine Dioxide, much like Ozone is definitely a savior for our toxic world and our diseased bodies, but it must be used properly.

Replied by Annie
(Canberra, Act, Australia)

I'm taking MMS at the moment for Blastocystis Im using the updated version no more than 3 drops, but dose every hour on the hour x 8 times a day, which is supposed to be more effective than one dose morning and night. I take it with water only, sure its not the best but not too bad! :)

Replied by Paul
(Sunshine Coast, AU)

I'm also using for blasto which keeps reoccuring I've used 4 courses of antibiotics and now I'm using MMS, , , today made me very ill with severe stomach cramps and sharp pain, , , gas and diarrhea...on 4 drop I usually have 1 or 2...have you found it helpful in killing off blasto...???? how can you tell if you have blasto...and not lymes??

Replied by Jerry

I have the dreaded Blastocystis also, but do Not want to take the poisons from the PIC (pharmaceutical industrial complex).

Did MMS work for you? or anyone else reading this post?

Replied by Yolanda
(United States)

I have started using MMs for 17 days from 1drop to 6 drops an hrs for 8 hrs. can I stay at 6 drops at night only n 7days n if so will it still heal my immune system?

Replied by Angel
(By, NY)

MMS is supposed to be diluted at least 2000x the amount of mms! (And diluted with water). Buy Jim's book to find out exactly how to use it. You should never drink this straight. There are no side effects when you follow the directions- here's a link to his book.

MMS vs. Antibiotics

Posted by Ruth (San Diego, California) on 02/07/2015

How is MMS different from antibiotics... ie kill the bad bacteria and suppress disease ... it has good short term effects -- but what about long-term? Does it kill anything good together with the bad?

Just to ease my mind... starting MMS1-2 next week!!


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 12/11/2008

A friend (in her 40's) was very ill for a couple of weeks, and was even hospitalized for a few days. Dr.didn't know what she had. They sent her home, but after another week, was not getting any better, but could only sit in the chair for 15 min., otherwise lie in bed. Then results came back for Mono. She took MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, 1-2 drops every hour the first day for a few hours. By the next morning she was feeling better. After a couple of days she dropped down to twice a day. A week later she is in town shopping. Doesn't have to lie down at all during the day, just sit and rest occasionally. She is up to 8 drops twice a day and plans to increase to 15 three times a day for one week. She is also taking Acidophilus, 8 billion a couple times a day.


2 User Reviews
3 star (1) 
1 star (1) 

Posted by Lleae (Columbus, Ohio) on 09/07/2018


I used MMS 24 drops a day. (I am a twenty year old female weighing 115 lbs.) I think my situation with the disease was not too bad to start with, had a couple large boils and one was drained in ER. I started getting large blisters that lasted over a week maybe even two. At that point is been dealing with it for 3 months. I bought the product and started using it. It did seem to clear up one blister very quickly. But the results seemed to kind of plateau. I kept using it because I didn't know of any other options. By the end of the three months I was so disgusted by it I hated drinking it and would gag non-stop. My acne had cleared up considerably but I still got some suspicious bumps and such that were pimples but maybe not. I stopped taking it because I ran out and was going on vacation for a week. I stopped taking it for a month and just recently I've got another blister. So I'm buying another bottle as much as I dislike it. My next bet is phage therapy. For the record I've also tried Manuka honey, essential oil, vitamin b3, d3, garlic, turmeric, possibly some others. They definitely helped I think but didn't cute it yet.

Posted by Juan (Ny) on 01/05/2015

MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution) Did NOT Work For Me. I am on week three of using MMS (protocol 1000) to treat staph infection (MRSA) and it hasn't helped even slightly.

Replied by Thia

It should work for a MRSA infection - make sure you are not taking vitamin C near when you are taking the mms - I saw it work first hand - a friend had a severe MRSA infection burrowing a hole in his stomach just above his belly button - a bug bite turned bad. It was about 5 inches in diameter and beet red and in the center a 1 -2 inch round ball of horrible pussy infection and the flesh concave into his stomach - it was a sight! His Dr.said it would take 6 months of drugs to heal followed by plastic surgery to fill in the flesh that was being eaten by the mrsa - 5 weeks later using mms daily - no infection and the flesh is filled right in and cant even tell that there was an infection there - so it does work for mrsa - also make sure it isn't left in sunlight as it will neutralize it within 10 minutes.

Replied by Diana

I knew someone who Dr. told to take baths in very diluted bleach water for mrsa. (sorry I dont know ratio) Also to use hibiclens topically which is chlorhexidine gluconate solution 4%, skin cleanser.

If you can't find solution otc at store, ask your druggist.

You may try this in addition to that great suggested supplement. Hope this helps!

Replied by Donald
(Menominee, Michigan)

Dear Juan; Staph infection is usually caused be poor bowel function but more likely by a zinc deficiency. You can check this out by having a hair sample run. Most all health problems are a result of imbalanced minerals in the body. They have helped me on more than one occasion. Hope this helps.

Sincerely Donald

Nail Fungus

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Connie (Gold Coast, Qld) on 02/05/2010

I've been using MMS for about 3 weeks to get rid of a fungus in one toenail that has been there for about three years, and has not responded to treatment. I started with 1 drop and built up gradually to about 8 drops three times a day for a week, and then reduced to 5-6 drops once per day.

I noticed a little nausea in the first week, which was negligible and passed quickly. Other than that have had no side effects at all. The toenail has already improved and the new growth shows no sign of infection.

I am a vegetarian and make sure that I am nutritionally well supported by having a spirulina/avocado smoothie daily and selenium supplements. So far am very impressed with the results of MMS, and plan to continue using it as a maintenance dose.

I am in my 60's,have exceptionally good health, and still work full time. I am also a nurse, and unsurprisingly, reluctant to use the medical system. I am convinced that taking care of our nutritional needs carefully and thoroughly can make a huge difference to our health.

Replied by Mweather
(Riverside, Ca, Usa)

I went about the nail fungus problem from different direction. Namely - the outside. A few drops mixed properly, applied right on the affected nails. I'd rinse it off after about 5 mins. And reapply later if I did it again. As it was I left it on - no rinsing. Result: fungus gone in 24 hours. Was a bit surprised. It did not come back.

Replied by Judy

How should I mix it? Use just MMS on the nails? Thanks

Replied by Ely

Does anyone know how to use MMS on nail fungus?

Nail Fungus, Severe Pain

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Forestnfama (Rio De Janerio, Brazil) on 12/25/2009

MMS cured fungus from my toe nails after twenty years of trying everything the doctors precribed. Just recently my wife had severe pain in here mid section that seemed to be traveling around her body. It got so bad that she went to the doctor convinced that she was dying of cancer or something. For two weeks we went from doctor to doctor elliminating one thing after another. She continued to get worse by the hour until she was almost debilitated. We were both very worried that something was extremely wrong with her but no one could tell us what. Finally I convinced my wife to take a dose of ten drops of mms two times a day. After the first day, the next morning she felt much better and the severe pain that had been constantly with her for the last two months started lightening up. After the second day, almost all of the symptoms disappeared and after the third day she was completely without pain. We never did find out what was wrong with her but I am convinced that if she was not treated for this problem she would have died. Thank God for MMS. It absolutely works. Maybe some people can not tolerate it for one reason or another but for sure it is very potent and needs to be understood before using. Also, I am very skeptical about the story that a women died after taking one drop of mms. I don't believe it..... If it were true the authorties would have used it to shut down the distributors. The truth is industries have been using it for over 70 years with great success. The US army used it to fight infection and malaria during the first world war. Some time after that the pharmecueticals were able to replace it with their patented expensive drugs. And even if someone did die it does not negate the fact that so many other people were able to treat themselves successfully.


1 User Review
1 star (1) 

Posted by Diane (Dalhousie, New Brunswick Canada) on 04/07/2009


I have tired the mms but stopped because I find my osteoperosis seems to have returned with a vengence.Does anyone have any info on using mms.and results with the osteo. I have stopped taking the mms because I think it may have started the osteo .in motion . I have done ok before taking the mms. It seems that my bones were not sore before taking the mms. does ANYONE have any info for this please write me back.thanks Diane

Replied by Margo
(Petersburg, Tn)

I've been reading about mms and if it depletes magnesium that's why your bones hurt. Try adding a magnesium supplement to your diet.

Replied by Bob
(Seminole, Tx)

OK call me crazy.....

magnasium is hard for the body to absorb internally.

Buy some Nigari Flakes online for about $7 a pound after shipping. I use Emperors King I think. Magnasium is easily asorbed through the skin. The pound will run you for a year or 6 months if the arthritus is bad. It is Sea salt after table salt is removed. Mostly Magnasium and trace minerals. It is sold to thicken Tofu in Asian food products.

Mix it 1 oz to 2 or 3 oz of water in a spray bottle and change your life. Like MMS keep it in the dark if you want it to keep working other than when you are spraying it on. I use the medicine cabinet.

Muscle cramps take about 30 seconds to go away when you spray it on the muscle.

Arthritis and Osteo.... Will take up to a minute for relief. My sister uses it 3 or 5 times a day whenever the pain shows up.

I take the MMS daily and have for a year or two. It suprises me on the people that have posted that have used it for 2 days. Wait until it is 2 years.

Good luck it works for me.


1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Roslyn (Millbank, NSW, Australia) on 10/28/2008

Miracle Mineral Supplement. My partner and I use it ourselves and last week our 12 month old golden retreiver x red setter had 4 paralysis ticks found on her over a couple of days. Her back legs were rapidly paralysing so we gave her 2 drops MMS activated with lemon juice and water added ater 3 minutes. That night (Friday) we gave her 3 drops, Sat 2 drops every hour for 4 doses. She could not walk at all and breathing becoming laboured. Sunday 3 drops morning & again afternoon, Mon same, Tues 3 drops x 3. None since.

5 days later (Wed) she is fantastic. 98% her old self. Walking well - occasionaly still a bit of lung congestion but not bad. Hopefully she will have a bit of immunity built up through this experience. I thoroughly recommend MMS. We also could not find anywhere a recommended dose. Just use intuition - however you do it it will work.

Replied by Joyce
(Joelton, Tn)
490 posts

Hi Rosalyn, The dosage for MMS is 2 drops per 25 lbs of body weight.

Replied by Lets Beats Ms...
(Lebanon, Beirut)

Hi my name is saeed I just want to know if anyone tried the MMS on MS I knew about this medicine yesterday. Now I'm still taking relief and trying some homeopathy so is there anyone have the same experience can help ? :)

Replied by Rsw
(Uniontown, Oh)

The best thing to take to halt the progression of MS is low dose naltrexone. It will stop the progression in 85 - 99% of MS cases. Please see for more information. From there you will see how to join the Yahoo LDN group that has over 11,000 members, many of whom have MS and they are very helpful in answering your questions from personal experience. LDN helps many autoimmune diseases by modulating the immune system. It is an FDA approved drug, is inexpensive and can be taken with anything but opiate drugs. Best wishes!

Replied by Debbie
(Melbourne, Australia)

For MS go to youtube and search Dr. Terry Wahls. She cured her MS by changing to a paleo diet. No meat and no dairy. She eats a huge amount of raw vegetables every day. I think you could get a quicker response by taking (organic) raw vegetables in juices every day. Diet is the key. MS is caused by a nutritional deficiency as are most diseases. She went from a inclined wheelchair to riding in a bike marathon in a very short period of time.

Replied by Tamara
(Bellevue, Washington)

Actually, you will see that a paleo diet, and Terry Wahl's diet, does include meat, but very little grains. The key, she discovered, was to "feed the mitochondria" with lots and lots of a variety of plant matter. About 9 cups a day! Impressive, but her videos show how easy it can be. Food for thought for those with MS!

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