While I had always used vinegar on my foods, it increases absorption/bioavailability of calcium so I figured the two would be a good combo in my case. Within two weeks I was walking on that foot again in the mornings whereas before it took quite a while for me to be able to put weight on it. It has now been about 33 days and I can move about normally when I get out of bed, take walks and now instead of shooting pain in my foot when I get up and walk on it, there is just a mild discomfort. Thank you earthclinic and all the contributors! This is the third or fourth time something has worked for me!
Re the calcium sup. Includ. Vit D.. If i take it for a month.. Could it hurt me in that short a time? Bill I know in 50 years I will be slender.. But to save my legs.. maybe lose a little weight now.
I am planning on seeing Ted next week..And get his opinion. That HA is good stuff.
Thanks for your suggestions,
Weight Loss
Concerning your increased intake of calcium by supplement, I would be very wary of taking this mineral alone, in the amounts you state, without further supplementing with magnesium at least in equal amounts -- because magnesium helps to regulate calcium in your body.
Although I have no doubt that Calcium would help you lose weight, excess calcium can also lead to cellular acidosis, which can then lead to other more serious problems -- including problems with the heart(eg tachycardia or arrythmia or worse). Magnesium helps to regulate both calcium and potassium in the body, and is every bit as important as calcium. Last year, I had episodes of racing heart with leg cramps at night and taking magnesium completely cured these problems.
Since you know Ted, perhaps it would be best (if you don't believe me) to ask him about the dangers of excess calcium.
If you want to lose weight safely, why not consider just taking virgin coconut oil(VCO) as a supplement? As part of my successful protocol to get rid of my candida problem, I took two tablespoons of VCO throughout the day with my coffee(a tspn at a time). As a by-product, I lost close on 20 lbs doing this over a year period with little physical exercise.
Although VCO is a saturated fat, this oil is metabolised completely differently when compared to regular vegetable oils. Natural VCO is a medium chain triglyceride and no excess is stored in the body as fat(it is directly excreted by the liver), whereas vegetable oils are long chain triglycerides -- they are always stored as fats in the body.
I'm over 60 and I cook everything in VCO now -- I steer clear of all veg oils -- which are all chemically altered and heavily processed these days. Veg oils also oxidize quickly because they contain polyunsaturated fats whereas VCO is a saturated fat -- very stable -- so oxidizes slowly.
I cook everything in VCO now and my weight has stayed off, no aches and pains, never been healthier.
Weight Loss
I read something yesterday, that gave me a Spark.I thought of calcium for the bone.. I purchased calcium for my wife, for her bones.
Yesterday I read that 1000 to 1200 mg of calcium per day will burn your fat.. Not necessary to exercise. I exercise about 30 min per day..Not 1 hour. ALSO will give you energy.. kill two birds with one stone.
So here goes.. this morning I took 600mg of calcium.. and the same this afternoon.. i am feeling things happening inside of my system.. I will up date you every so often.. about my progress. Got my fingers and toes crossed.
Stay well my friends
I've also started to take Magnesium Sulphate crystals -- 1/4 tspn in a half glass of water several times a day and nowhere near meals.
But the Mag bicarbonate is equally important for the bicarbonates it provides for your body.
General Feedback
General Feedback
As a general rule, you shouldn't really take mag supplements with food as they may not be absorbed well in the presence of other minerals like Iron, Calcium and Zinc which all compete for the same receptors for absorbtion into your body from the intestines. Which is why I always prefer creating my own Mag water to drink one hour before or two hours after eating a meal, to allow the magnesium supplementation in solution to be fully absorbed properly and completely.
General Feedback
According to Ted, there are three reasons to take magnesium:
* As a laxative in the form Philips Milk of Magnesia(no alumnium). Here you take a fairly large concentration of Magnesium Hydroxide in solution, and due to the high pH, this draws out salts and water from your blood and creates looser stools and/or diarrhea. Used for constipation problems.
* As a supplement, Magnesium is used to replace your mineral electrolytic balance in your body and is an important mineral -- because it is used in over 300 enzyme processes within your body.
* Magnesium, in low concentrations and small amounts, can also be taken with food. This slows the passage of the food through the intestines, and therefore ensures greater absorbtion of nutrients from the food.
The best forms of Magnesium supplement are:
Mag Chloride
Mag Sulphate
Mag Citrate
Mag Bicarbonate
Mag Gluconate
The worst and most insoluble and unabsorbable forms of magnesium to take as a supplement are Magnesium Hydroxide and Magnesium Oxide -- these are only ever used as laxatives. Never buy this form as a supplement -- useless.
Further reading here:
General Feedback
I've been taking both Magnesium Bicarbonate internally as well as Magnesium Sulphate (or Epsom Salts) externally for some time now.
According to Ted, we all eat too much Calcium anyway, so once you are over 18 -- and once your bones have grown and formed, you should not need extra calcium in your diet because everything is fortified with calcium these days and too much unregulated calcium can be harmful. Magnesium, as well as trace boron and iodine are also necessary for healthy bones and proper regulation of calcium both within the bones and within tissues.
Magnesium is also essential for women approaching or at menopause, magnesium helps to prevent bone erosion and shrinkage, osteoporosis etc. that can happen at this stage in a woman's life.
Here is my internal regimen:
I mix up a solution that consists of 1 litre of plain soda water(no additives) 3 tablespoons of Philips Milk of Magnesia(no aluminium) according to the recipe given at this website:
Thus the Magnesium Hydroxide in the Milk of Magnesia is fully converted to Magnesium Bicarbonate, a very useful and healing form of Magnesium. As well, a large amount of bicarbonate ions is taken into your body which fortifies and gently alkalizes the intestines, as well as making cellular respiration throughout the body more efficient.
To this 1 litre MagWater mix I also add 3 teaspoons of natural seasalt 1/4(for male) or 1/8(for female) tspn borax(20 Mule Team Borax brand). To drink this mix, I pour out 1/10 of a glass with the Mag/Seasalt water, and fill it to the top of the glass with ordinary water. I drink this all slowly and take 2 glasses a day or every other day, depending on how I feel.
My external protocol using Magnesium Sulfate (organic Epsom Salts), consists of soaking my feet in a small amount of warm water in a bowl -- just enough to cover my toes so that the soles and heels of my feet are completely underwater. To this soak, I add 3 large tbspns of Mag Sulfate (Epsom salts), stir it in and soak my feet, absorbing the Mag sulphate thru the skin, for half an hour (You can also use 3 cups of Epsom Salts in your bath -- but this seems wasteful to me). This is a very quick way to increase your Magnesium levels, much quicker than smaller ingested doses. The first time I used this soak was at 9:00 at night. By 10 o'clock that night I was feeling tired and very relaxed (I never go to sleep before 12 at night), so I went to bed and had the best sleep I've had in years and I was up, wide awake and smiling at 6 am the next morning. I do this soak protocol religiously once a week now or if I have any aches and pains in my body, always works.
I also have an ordinary garden plant sprayer, with an 8 oz container that contains water, 1 tblsp Epsom salts, 1 teaspoon borax (20 Mule Team Borax). After I've had a shower and dried myself, I lightly spray most areas of my body, rub it all around and let it dry and be absorbed into my body. Oh, this also seems to stop or remove excessive body odours completely as well.
I also take kelp tablets for the minerals and iodine, to keep those pesky microbes at bay and to maintain a healthy immune system. As well, I regularly use Ted's alkalizing remedies -- Baking Soda 1 X lemon/lime (or 2 X tbspns ACV) -- which can be found on this website here:
I've never felt better.
General Feedback
Also I seem to get really confused on what type to buy. I remember reading not to get magnesium stearate or something but that always seems to be in the ingredients? So I would be awesome if someone could tell me which is which and which is best to use. Thank you.
There is a tribe in Kenya (the name escapes me!!), on whom they did some research on Calcium. They found that the Calcium intake of this tribe was only 300mg per day. The normal daily RDA for Calcium is about 1000mg as recommended in the West. The results of this research showed that this tribe had virtually no heart disease and no arthritis. Another important fact here, the research team also found that the tribe had a very high intake of Calcium from their grain diets.
A research team also found that the incident of heart disease(HD) in Egypt was 10% of what it was in the West because, they concluded, the soil in Egypt was very high in magnesium salts. The Egyptian Fellahin peasant agricultural worker also had much lower incidents of HD than the population within the more westernized Egyptian cities, where more processed, western food is eaten.
If you have insufficient Calcium, you will always feel tired and run down. There is an important relationship between the calcium in your cells and calcium in your blood or plasma. The ratio should be be 1/10000 in this cell/plasma gradient relationship. Magnesium governs and regulates this ratio. If there is insufficient Magnesium to regulate the calcium in your body, then the concentrations of calcium within cells will be much higher, and the cells will have to continuously pump out the excess cell calcium to maintain proper gradient and balance. From research, a cell uses 30% of its total energy when pumping out calcium. Which is why your body feels so tired all the time if you have this lack of magnesium problem. Magnesium, in the proper amounts, should help to correct this.
If your calcium intake is not regulated with magnesium over the long term -- many years -- then deposits will form in outside tissues. Calcium deposits form significantly within the soft tissue cells like muscles and cartiledge -- particularly on the cell mitichondria which also become dangerously calcified. Magnesium has also been shown to correct this problem over time.
EC: This feedback is a cross-post from a thread on our calcium deposits page: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/calcium-deposits.html#RN_25222
also, a site called bone builder lists calcium-rich foods at:
Hope this helps.
Calcium Content in Food
Somewhere, I can't find the page, Ted said that potatoes have as much calcium as milk. What I am finding is that potatoes have about a tenth the calcium of milk. See Harvard University's site: https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsweek/Calcium_content_of_selected_foods.htm
Naturally I would like to know who is correct. Does Ted have access to high calcium potatoes? Is this another instance of soil depletion in the USA?
EC: The post you are referring to is here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/weight_gain.html#TED
Ted writes, ... "Since our food already has plenty of calcium, usually from vegetables, then magnesium is something we need more of. Very few people in fact know that an ordinary potatoes same serving has a lot more calcium then that of milk..."